Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - Seylan Bank

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - Seylan Bank

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements - Seylan Bank


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North Bound > <strong>Seylan</strong> <strong>Bank</strong> Annual Report 2011<br />

319<br />

* Defined Benefit Obligation (Gratuity Provision)<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> has a separate Gratuity Trust Fund which was approved by <strong>the</strong> Commissioner General of Inland Revenue. As per <strong>the</strong><br />

approval, <strong>Bank</strong> could transfer Gratuity Provision of 62.5% of <strong>the</strong> last month’s salary of <strong>the</strong> year and deduct from <strong>the</strong> tax computation.<br />

Therefore, temporary differences have not arisen.<br />

** General Provision<br />

Recognition of deferred tax assets arising from General Provision at Balance Sheet date was limited <strong>to</strong> non-performing ratio of <strong>the</strong><br />

temporary difference. In management’s view <strong>the</strong> <strong>Bank</strong>’s NPA Ratio as at Balance Sheet date is an indica<strong>to</strong>r of deferred tax assets<br />

which could be recovered in <strong>the</strong> future periods.<br />

The <strong>Bank</strong> has recognised deferred tax assets on <strong>the</strong> General Provision of Rs. 54,545,624/- (Amount not recognised -<br />

Rs. 327,694,208/-).<br />

<strong>Seylan</strong> Developments PLC<br />

No provision has been made in respect of deferred taxation as <strong>the</strong> Company has incurred tax losses and <strong>the</strong><br />

temporary differences are not expected <strong>to</strong> reverse due <strong>to</strong> <strong>the</strong> effect of tax losses and it is not probable that<br />

future taxable profits will be available against which <strong>the</strong> Company can utilise <strong>the</strong> benefits <strong>the</strong>refrom. The<br />

amount of taxable temporary differences and <strong>the</strong> resultant tax effects are as follows:<br />

2011 2010<br />

Rs. ‘000 Rs. ‘000<br />

Unrecognised Deferred Tax Assets<br />

Tax Losses Carried Forward 827,681 777,827<br />

Total Taxable Temporary Difference 827,681 777,827<br />

Unrecognised Deferred Tax Assets 231,751 272,239<br />

Unrecognised Deferred Tax Liability<br />

Property, Plant & Equipment and Investment Property (433,164) (362,290)<br />

Total Taxable Temporary Difference (433,164) (362,290)<br />

Unrecognised Deferred Tax Liability (121,286) (126,801)<br />

Unrecognised Deferred Tax Assets 110,465 145,438

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