12-13 MBMS Student Handbook - Oconee County Schools

12-13 MBMS Student Handbook - Oconee County Schools

12-13 MBMS Student Handbook - Oconee County Schools


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<strong>Student</strong>s who violate school rules may be assigned a teacher or school-wide detention. Detention may be held before/after<br />

school hours each week (Times & Day to be determined). Parents are responsible for providing transportation home after<br />

detention. <strong>Student</strong>s who do not attend detention (unexcused absence) could be assigned to Saturday Morning Detention or<br />

Alternative Education (ISS). Twenty-four hour notice is required. An instructional assignment will be provided to all<br />

students as needed.<br />


Saturday morning detention may be held for students with excessive tardies to school/classes and unexcused absences from<br />

weekday detentions and for other misbehaviors. Detention time is 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (3 hours) Assigned students will<br />

be given an instructional assignment if needed . Parents are responsible for providing transportation to and from<br />

detention. Any student who is removed from this detention due to behavior problems or has an unexcused absence, will be<br />

suspended at home one day from school.<br />

Disclaimer<br />

Any policy or procedural changes that take place after the publishing of the student handbook will be sent home with the<br />

student. Such changes will supersede what may be listed in the student handbook. A complete system wide Code of Conduct<br />

is provided in this system handbook pages.<br />


Each student requesting early dismissal should have a note containing the date and time of requested dismissal, the reason for<br />

requesting early dismissal and the signature of a parent or guardian. The student should give the note to his or her homeroom<br />

teacher and request that it be forwarded to the office. The student should pick up the note by 2:00 p.m. on that same day.<br />

When it is time to leave, the student should show the note to the classroom teacher, and then take the note by the office where<br />

the parents can sign their child out of school. The student may also be called from class. Only parents/legal guardians/or<br />

designated people on the student’s information card or enrollment papers can sign a student out of school. <strong>Student</strong>s who<br />

return to school that same day are to sign in at the office to let the office personnel know that they have returned.<br />

If a student becomes sick while at school, the student must report to the office. Permission for dismissal can be granted only<br />

when the student’s parent/legal guardian can be contacted by phone and the dismissal procedure is approved.<br />


Detailed emergency management plans are in place at <strong>MBMS</strong>/OCMS and are designed to provide guidelines in response to a<br />

variety of emergency situations. They are reviewed several times during the year and drills are conducted periodically.<br />


Fire drills are conducted on a monthly basis so that you will be familiar in leaving the building quickly and safely in case of<br />

fire. In each room, directions for leaving the room are posted to be easily seen. You are to follow the specific instructions of<br />

your teacher or the person in charge and exit the room or building quickly and quietly and in an orderly manner.<br />

Tornado drills will be held periodically so that you will become familiar with the rules for safety. Whenever a tornado alert<br />

is sounded, students will follow the teacher’s instructions and assemble in the school hallways with backs to wall/lockers, and<br />

hands or a book over the head.<br />


A field trip is designed to enrich, extend, and reinforce curriculum by allowing students to engage in educational pursuits<br />

ordinarily not available to them in the classroom. Trips are announced early and require written parental permission.<br />

However, it must be noted that students with consistent behavioral violations may not be allowed to participate in this<br />

enrichment and will be notified.<br />


<strong>Student</strong>s will receive numerical grades in all classes every nine weeks with a semester and yearly grade. The current grading<br />

scale is:<br />

A = 100-90 B = 89-80 C = 79-70 F = below 70<br />


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