12-13 MBMS Student Handbook - Oconee County Schools

12-13 MBMS Student Handbook - Oconee County Schools

12-13 MBMS Student Handbook - Oconee County Schools


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Key Factors for Classroom Success<br />

1. Be prepared for class daily. 7. Manage and budget time wisely.<br />

2. Keep an organized notebook. 8. Keep up with your assignments.<br />

3. Keep an assignment notebook/sheet. 9. Plan review sessions 1-2 weeks before a test.<br />

4. Ask questions. 10. Spend one hour or more on homework each night.<br />

5. Seek extra help. 11. Keep a neat and organized locker.<br />

6. Develop good note-taking skills.<br />


Alternative Education (sometimes called ISS) is a classroom away from the regular school setting, in which the student will<br />

be permitted to continue his/her classroom assignments under the supervision of a certified teacher. An AE classroom is<br />

located at each middle school. AE suspension shall mean the denial to a student of the right to attend regular classes and take<br />

part in any school functions for a specified period of time not to exceed ten days. The principal or assistant principal shall<br />

have the discretionary power to affect a short-term suspension where a student is assigned to the AE class. Each student’s<br />

parents shall be notified when their son or daughter is assigned AE, the reason for the action, and the expectations for the<br />

student and parents.<br />


Arrival procedure will be announced on the first day of school and is subject to change after evaluation at the beginning of<br />

the school year. School begins promptly at 8:15 AM. STUDENTS WHO ARRIVE TO SCHOOL AFTER 8:15 AM ARE<br />

TARDY TO SCHOOL AND MUST SIGN-IN AT THE FRONT OFFICE! <strong>Student</strong>s that are tardy to school more than<br />

4 times will receive detention.<br />


Football - Interscholastic sport that takes place from August to October.<br />

Basketball- Interscholastic sport for boys and girls that takes place from late October to early February.<br />

Cheerleading- Tryouts usually take place in March. The activity ranges from August to March. It entails spirit support<br />

in cheering for football and basketball.<br />

Softball- Interscholastic sport for girls that takes place from early August to the end of September. Tryouts take place<br />

each year in May.<br />

Track- For Boys and Girls. Begins in March and concludes in late April.<br />

Cross Country – For Boys and Girls. It begins in late August and ends in early October.<br />

Boys and Girls Soccer- This is an interscholastic sport that takes place in the spring.<br />

Volleyball- This is an interscholastic sport for girls that takes place from August to late September.<br />


<strong>Student</strong> Eligibility<br />

<strong>Student</strong>s must be in the 7 th or 8 th grade to participate in athletics at the middle school. For determining student eligibility, the<br />

grading period shall be a semester. A period of one semester shall also be the minimum length of the ineligibility.<br />

<strong>Student</strong> shall be eligible if he/she passes five (5) subjects that carry credit toward grade promotion the prior semester.<br />

Connection courses taken in the same semester shall be averaged together and counted as one course grade towards<br />

eligibility.<br />

Physical Examinations<br />

<strong>Student</strong> must have a certificate of an annual physical examination on file at the school prior to participating in any athletic<br />

try-outs, practices, or games that indicates the student is physically approved to participate. Physical examinations will be<br />

good for twelve (<strong>12</strong>) months from the date of exam. Forms are available in the main office.<br />



Football, Girls and Boys Basketball, Girls Softball, Girls Volleyball, Boys and Girls Soccer, Boys and Girls Track, and Cross<br />

Country are possible interscholastic offerings at the middle school level. Practices are intended for participation by those<br />

students playing those respective sports. <strong>Student</strong>s who are not participants with those teams are not allowed to stay after<br />

school to attend the team practices. Golf and Tennis are considered clubs where 6 th grade students are eligible to participate.<br />

All other requirements for athletics must be met.<br />


The attendance protocol is found elsewhere in this agenda and will require the signature of both the parent/guardian and the<br />

student (if age 10 years or older).<br />



<strong>Student</strong>s will eat lunch at the time that is appointed for their particular class.<br />

<strong>Student</strong>s may either buy lunch in the cafeteria or bring their own lunch from home. <strong>Student</strong>s can purchase a<br />

beverage in the cafeteria if they bring their lunch.<br />

<strong>Student</strong>s should not have commercial lunches delivered to the school by a parent other than standard “sack” lunches<br />

prepared at home.<br />

<strong>MBMS</strong>/OCMS do have microwaves in the cafeteria for students to heat various lunches such as Lean Cuisine,<br />

Weight Watchers, or leftovers from home.<br />

Parents who drive students to school are asked to drop students off no sooner than 7:30 a.m. and pick them up by 3:45 p.m.<br />

Parents are also asked to pick up their children in the car rider line and not the bus loading area. This will ensure safety of<br />

all.<br />


<strong>MBMS</strong>/OCMS is a well-equipped building of which each student can be proud. <strong>Student</strong>s are urged to take pride in the<br />

appearance of their school; the building, furniture, buses, and surroundings. <strong>Student</strong>s will be required to pay for any damage<br />

they cause to the property of their school.<br />


The school makes every attempt to help students safeguard their valuables. We suggest placing name labels on personal<br />

articles and wearing apparel and using lockers to safeguard them. All lost articles, including textbooks, will be placed in the<br />

lost and found area of the office. The school will not be responsible for personal items lost at school. <strong>Student</strong>s should not<br />

bring large amounts of money to school.<br />


Connections courses are taught at the sixth, seventh, and eighth grade levels. <strong>Student</strong>s are rotated through these courses<br />

during the year. These courses meet daily. Examples of these are: Art, Family and Consumer Science, Foreign Language,<br />

Band, Music/Chorus, Agriculture/Technology, Computers, Health and Physical Education. We also have Extended Learning<br />

Time for students who need additional assistance with Reading and Math. Courses may change from year to year according<br />

to the needs and interests of students as well as staff availability. It must be noted that all students who enroll in band will be<br />

scheduled to participate in health and physical education.<br />

DANCES<br />

Dances are scheduled during the school year at each middle school. Only middle school students at the school are allowed<br />

to attend and the admission price, if any, is announced beforehand. Special student activities such as dances require good<br />

behavior from all students. Appropriate dress is to be worn by students to these activities and will be announced beforehand.<br />

Any student who is in In-School Suspension or Out-of-School Suspension is prohibited from attending school dances.<br />



<strong>Student</strong>s who violate school rules may be assigned a teacher or school-wide detention. Detention may be held before/after<br />

school hours each week (Times & Day to be determined). Parents are responsible for providing transportation home after<br />

detention. <strong>Student</strong>s who do not attend detention (unexcused absence) could be assigned to Saturday Morning Detention or<br />

Alternative Education (ISS). Twenty-four hour notice is required. An instructional assignment will be provided to all<br />

students as needed.<br />


Saturday morning detention may be held for students with excessive tardies to school/classes and unexcused absences from<br />

weekday detentions and for other misbehaviors. Detention time is 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. (3 hours) Assigned students will<br />

be given an instructional assignment if needed . Parents are responsible for providing transportation to and from<br />

detention. Any student who is removed from this detention due to behavior problems or has an unexcused absence, will be<br />

suspended at home one day from school.<br />

Disclaimer<br />

Any policy or procedural changes that take place after the publishing of the student handbook will be sent home with the<br />

student. Such changes will supersede what may be listed in the student handbook. A complete system wide Code of Conduct<br />

is provided in this system handbook pages.<br />


Each student requesting early dismissal should have a note containing the date and time of requested dismissal, the reason for<br />

requesting early dismissal and the signature of a parent or guardian. The student should give the note to his or her homeroom<br />

teacher and request that it be forwarded to the office. The student should pick up the note by 2:00 p.m. on that same day.<br />

When it is time to leave, the student should show the note to the classroom teacher, and then take the note by the office where<br />

the parents can sign their child out of school. The student may also be called from class. Only parents/legal guardians/or<br />

designated people on the student’s information card or enrollment papers can sign a student out of school. <strong>Student</strong>s who<br />

return to school that same day are to sign in at the office to let the office personnel know that they have returned.<br />

If a student becomes sick while at school, the student must report to the office. Permission for dismissal can be granted only<br />

when the student’s parent/legal guardian can be contacted by phone and the dismissal procedure is approved.<br />


Detailed emergency management plans are in place at <strong>MBMS</strong>/OCMS and are designed to provide guidelines in response to a<br />

variety of emergency situations. They are reviewed several times during the year and drills are conducted periodically.<br />


Fire drills are conducted on a monthly basis so that you will be familiar in leaving the building quickly and safely in case of<br />

fire. In each room, directions for leaving the room are posted to be easily seen. You are to follow the specific instructions of<br />

your teacher or the person in charge and exit the room or building quickly and quietly and in an orderly manner.<br />

Tornado drills will be held periodically so that you will become familiar with the rules for safety. Whenever a tornado alert<br />

is sounded, students will follow the teacher’s instructions and assemble in the school hallways with backs to wall/lockers, and<br />

hands or a book over the head.<br />


A field trip is designed to enrich, extend, and reinforce curriculum by allowing students to engage in educational pursuits<br />

ordinarily not available to them in the classroom. Trips are announced early and require written parental permission.<br />

However, it must be noted that students with consistent behavioral violations may not be allowed to participate in this<br />

enrichment and will be notified.<br />


<strong>Student</strong>s will receive numerical grades in all classes every nine weeks with a semester and yearly grade. The current grading<br />

scale is:<br />

A = 100-90 B = 89-80 C = 79-70 F = below 70<br />


At the end of each academic year, students who have made satisfactory progress in their subjects and in system criteria (IHE-<br />

E (2) are promoted to the next grade level. In cases where promotion is questionable, parents are notified by the school in<br />

advance and a cooperative effort is made by all involved personnel to ensure the student’s successful completion of the grade.<br />


Guidance services are available to every student in the school. These services include assistance with interpersonal<br />

relationships; educational planning; interpretation of test scores; career planning; study skills; and help with home, school<br />

and personal concerns. Guidance services are provided through classroom guidance, small group sessions, and on an<br />

individual basis. Appointments can be made with the counselor for individuals/groups as requested. <strong>Student</strong>s must have<br />

written permission from his/her teacher before entering the guidance office. If guidance counselors are not available,<br />

students should return to class.<br />


Homeroom for students may be held at the beginning of a school day. The first order of business in homeroom is to check<br />

attendance and get a lunch count. At the end of this activity, using the public address system, morning announcements are<br />

made. At a designated time, students will then proceed to their first class.<br />


Homework will be given on occasions as an extension of a student’s school work. It should not be so excessive as to<br />

interfere with normal activities at home. If a student has an extended absence for more than three days in a row, assignments<br />

may be requested by contacting the main office. Please give twenty-four hours notice for homework and other assignments<br />

to be gathered. For absences of less than three days, students are asked to call friends for assignments. <strong>Student</strong>s may also get<br />

their assignments from the teachers Moodle site.<br />


In accordance with Board of Education policy, Malcom Bridge Middle School and <strong>Oconee</strong> <strong>County</strong> Middle School recognizes<br />

students who qualify for Honor Roll. <strong>Student</strong>s qualify for Honor Roll for first and second semesters. These are students who<br />

possess a 90.0 semester average in six areas. This average consists of the following: a) 4 subject averages for the semester<br />

and b) 1 exploratory average from all exploratory grades for the semester. The semester average is the average of those five<br />

semester grades.<br />


This is the basic academic time during the school day. Teams develop schedules within this block of time based on need.<br />

The core curriculum taught during this time includes mathematics, language arts, social studies, and science. Special services<br />

may also be provided during this time. Curriculum for classes in middle school covers the Georgia Performance Standards<br />

(GPS). The Georgia Performance Standards are located at www.georgiastandards.org. Course syllabi also have additional<br />

information about the standards that are addressed in each class.<br />


Distributing personal invitations to parties is not allowed at school. These types of activities are usually instructionally<br />

disruptive and result in conflicts and hurtful feelings.<br />


For the protection of student’s property and to maintain good order in the school, items that cause disruption or can cause<br />

harm to another individual are PROHIBITED from school grounds. Items such as candy, chewing gum, and plastic drinking<br />

bottles may be permitted at times; however, if they become a source of disruption, the disruption will be addressed. Items<br />

causing disruption that are in a student’s possession will be confiscated and returned at administrator discretion. In addition,<br />

students are not to wear attire that advertises alcoholic beverages, drugs, tobacco products, or which displays racial<br />

connotations, profane or inappropriate slogans or language. Repeated violations could result in consequences.<br />



Lockers are provided for students and will be assigned at the beginning of the year. <strong>Student</strong>s are not permitted to change<br />

lockers after they have been assigned without authorization. <strong>Student</strong>s are expected to furnish their own locks<br />

(combination type) in areas such as physical education and in some cases, their hall lockers. Combinations are to be given to<br />

the Physical Education teacher. Lockers are school property and should not be abused. <strong>Student</strong>s who are found to be<br />

abusing lockers may lose the privilege of having a locker. This includes writing on a locker or placing stickers on a locker.<br />

<strong>Student</strong>s are responsible for everything in their lockers. Lockers are school property and students will make lockers<br />

available at any time for inspection.<br />


The Media Center contains books, magazines, pamphlets and audiovisual materials which may be used for reference, class<br />

work, and personal enjoyment. A schedule of open times will be posted at the beginning of the school year. During lunch or<br />

class a library pass from a teacher or administrator is required.<br />

Courteous and quiet conduct is expected of students in the Media Center. Failure to maintain appropriate behavior in the<br />

Media Center by students may result in this privilege being removed.<br />

MOVING<br />

It is important that families keep the office informed of any change of address or telephone number, both home and work.<br />

Before a student transfers to another school from <strong>MBMS</strong>/OCMS, the parent must come to school to formally withdraw that<br />

student to process a transfer of records, turn in textbooks and settle any charges. This process does take a certain amount of<br />

time.<br />

If your family has changed residence or jobs, please send to the main office this updated information. This will be helpful for<br />

mailings and emergencies.<br />


We make every effort to schedule physical education for all middle school students. <strong>Student</strong>s who are to be excused from<br />

physical education participation must provide a note written by a parent. If the request is for more than three days, a written<br />

medical doctor’s note is required. All students are expected to dress out with their class for physical education each day.<br />

Alternative assignments will be given to those students who are properly excused.<br />

PTO<br />

Middle School PTO is one organization of parents and teachers whose primary goal is supporting the school in a variety of<br />

ways. Its whole interest centers on the welfare and education of children, parents, and citizens of the school community. We<br />

encourage all parents to become members of the PTO. The following activities are examples of PTO Support Services:<br />

-Assistance with health screenings.<br />

-Assistance with VIP cafeteria supervision.<br />

-Assistance with supervision of dances and field trips.<br />

-Assistance in fund raising<br />

-Coordination and operation of PTO activities.<br />

-Voluntary tutoring of students.<br />

- Periodic clerical assistance in the main office and other areas of the school.<br />


Report cards are distributed to students approximately one week after each grading period ends. <strong>Student</strong>s are to have the<br />

report card jacket signed by a parent and return them to their homeroom teacher. If a student’s work is not satisfactory<br />

between the issuance of report cards, parent conferences may be arranged by teachers or parents as time is available.<br />

Progress reports are sent home midway through each grading period.<br />


The middle school operates what is known as a modular, flexible schedule, consisting of three major blocks: Homeroom,<br />

Interdisciplinary Studies, and Connections Courses (which include Physical Education). The major components of the day<br />

are large blocks of time known as “inter-disciplinary studies”. In most cases the team teachers are responsible for instruction<br />


in the core academic subjects and basic skills. Each team arranges has a schedule of time and subjects within this block, and<br />

this arrangement is flexible enough to allow for changes when needed.<br />


The <strong>Oconee</strong> <strong>County</strong> <strong>Schools</strong> will consider independent evaluations; however, the school system reserves the right to conduct<br />

further evaluations for placement decisions and/or to establish eligibility for special programs according to state and federal<br />

regulations.<br />


<strong>Student</strong>s are expected to dress neatly and appropriately for school. <strong>Student</strong>s who come to school improperly dressed will be<br />

asked to go home, change, have suitable clothes delivered to school, or as a last resort, change into alternative clothing<br />

provided by the school. Alternative clothing will be returned to the school washed on the next school day. All repeat<br />

offenders will be documented by discipline referral and subject to consequences.<br />

The following are some general guidelines:<br />

1. Halters, tank tops, back-less tops or any other top that reveals parts of the body, are prohibited. A student may<br />

wear sleeve-less garments which are non-revealing and have straps across the shoulder of at least three<br />

inches. All tops must not reveal the student’s waistline when standing or sitting. Garments such as boxer<br />

shorts, or any designed undergarment, may not be worn in an exposed manner.<br />

2. Form or overly-tight clothing shall not be worn.<br />

3. Clothing and accessories displaying profanity, obscene, violence, discriminatory or sexually suggestive phrases are<br />

not allowed. Clothing displaying alcohol, tobacco, drugs, or any other item which are inconsistent with the school<br />

atmosphere, as determined by the school administration, shall not be worn. Pants or jeans with holes above the<br />

knees are also not allowed.<br />

4. Head coverings, (Hats, Caps, Bandannas, Headbands, Stockings, Hair Curlers, Combs, Sun Glasses ), are not to<br />

be worn in the building unless authorized by school administration. These items are to be left at home or in your<br />

lockers during school hours.<br />

5. The waistband of pants, shorts, slacks, and similar garments, SHALL NOT be worn below the middle of the hip<br />

bone/waistline.<br />

6. Any articles of clothing or jewelry that may cause injury to one’s self or other students are not allowed. This<br />

includes wallet and/or pocket chains.<br />

7. Pajamas are prohibited clothing at school.<br />

8. <strong>Student</strong>s are permitted to wear walking/dress shorts that are reasonable and non-revealing. A good frame of<br />

reference is for a dress/skirt is that it be no more than three (3) inches above the kneecap. For shorts, they<br />

should be no more than five (5) inches above the kneecap. An easy way to measure for shorts is to use a 3x5<br />

index card.<br />


Our most important form of communication is the parent-teacher conference. Conferences may be held during planning time<br />

or after school during the school year. If you would like to have a conference with any staff member, please contact the<br />

school to set up an appointment. You can call during the school day and speak with main office staff for possible conference<br />

times. The counselors are also available for conferences regarding test scores, placement, and personal situations.<br />

We ask that prior notification be given to a teacher when coming to the school to speak with them. Last minute visits may<br />

create a scheduling conflict for the teacher and result in the parent visiting the school without having an opportunity to speak<br />

with the teacher.<br />

Middle School students will be using Premier School Agendas this year. The planners are issued to each student free of<br />

charge. However, donations are accepted to off-set the cost of the agendas. We will focus on organizational skills, time<br />

management, goal setting skills, study skills, and will continue emphasis on parental communication with the classroom<br />

teacher. Our goal is to help students improve their academic performance.<br />


School insurance is offered to each student on an optional basis. It covers all school functions and is available in different<br />

types of policies. Information is given out by homeroom teachers the first days of school. All students participating in<br />


athletics must be covered by either a school policy or a policy through parents. <strong>Student</strong>s entitled to an insurance claim should<br />

contact the principal’s office for instructions.<br />

TEAMS<br />

Each student in Middle School is assigned to a team. A team is a group of teachers and students working together toward a<br />

common goal through cooperative effort in planning and instruction.<br />


<strong>Student</strong>s may not be called from class to talk on the telephone during school hours, nor are they allowed to make outgoing<br />

calls except in the most urgent circumstances. <strong>Student</strong>s will not be allowed to call for items left at home that morning<br />

(homework, P.E. clothes). Calling for necessary medicines will be allowed. The phones are for school business. The office<br />

personnel may not take messages for delivery to students except, in an urgent situation. Calls of an emergency nature may be<br />

directed to the principal or assistant principal.<br />

We ask that parents refrain from calling or texting your child during school hours. Cell phones are not be used during the<br />

school day and a call or text could result in disciplinary consequences for the student receiving the call or text.<br />


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