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WINTER 2009/2010 • NUMBER 44<br />

www.ina.hr • FREE ISSUE<br />



<strong>DOBAR</strong><br />

<strong>POSAO</strong><br />

U <strong>SIRIJI</strong><br />

Jihar Stage 2: novo<br />

Inino postrojenje<br />


Jihar Stage 2:<br />

INA's new plant<br />











CEO OF INA<br />




U V O D N I K<br />

[ EDITORIAL]<br />





Već 12 godina za redom INA Časopis ima svoje mjesto među čitateljima<br />

pružajući informacije o svim važnim događajima u području energetike<br />

uzimajući pritom u obzir i domaću i međunarodnu scenu. Čitavo<br />

ovo razdoblje INA Časopis je proizvod najvećim dijelom Ininih<br />

radnika te nekolicine vanjskih suradnika koji su posebice ove godine<br />

nesebično odlučili pružiti podršku našem timu u stvaranju sadržaja<br />

namijenjenog, osim zaposlenicima INA-e, i brojnim poslovnim partnerima<br />

u zemlji i regiji.<br />

Ove godine, međutim, krećemo drugačiji, noviji i, nadamo se, time svježiji<br />

i dinamičniji. U tom nam smislu pristaje i novo ime - INA Energija. Vjerujem<br />

da će ova promjena naziva doprinijeti prepoznatljivosti naše tiskovine<br />

ne samo u Hrvatskoj, već i šire. Također, primijetit ćete da je, prilagođena<br />

široj publici, INA Energija tiskana je na hrvatskom i engleskom jeziku.<br />

Novo ime, novo ruho, zadaća stalna – svim zainteresiranim čitateljima dati<br />

uvid u dosadašnja iskustva te daljnje pravce razvoja iz područja energetike,<br />

gospodarstva, ekologije i drugih povezanih područja te na taj način doprinijeti<br />

širenju korisnih informacija i potrebnih znanja.<br />

Na stranicama ovog broja INA Energije pronaći ćete više od 15 raznih čla -<br />

naka, nekoliko kolumni, portreta te razmišljanja i gledišta stručnjaka, a sve<br />

iz područja energetike, gospodarstva, tržišta, novih tehnologija, ekologije,<br />

zatim kulture te društvene odgovornosti. Bili smo na 2. plinskoj konferenciji<br />

u Splitu u organizaciji Ministarstva gospodarstva, ra da i poduzetništva<br />

od kuda smo donijeli poruke o daljnjim pravcima raz voja<br />

hrvatskog plinskog gospodarstva. Također smo posjetili 5. me đunarodni<br />

simpozij o naftnom gospodarstvu u Šibeniku i zabilježili mišljenja stručnjaka<br />

o strateškoj ulozi nafte i plina u ovom stoljeću. Ne zaboravimo ni 42.<br />

stručno-znanstveni simpozij „Maziva 2009.“ u organizaciji Hrvatskog<br />

društva za goriva i maziva ili 34. hrvatski salon inovacija i novih<br />

tehnologija INOVA 2009. na kojoj su i ove godine sve inovacije iz INE dobile<br />

medalje.Tu je i portret prof.dr. Miljenka Šunića, istaknutog hrvatskog<br />

stručnjaka za plin, te kolumna dekanice RNG fa kulteta koja potvrđuje dobru<br />

suradnju naše kompanije sa stručnim-aka dems kim krugovima Fakulteta.<br />

Svakako uhvatite dašak egzotike kroz priču o Siriji gdje smo bili na<br />

otvaranju novog Ininog postrojenja za ob radu nafte i plina i ne zaboravite<br />

pročitati intervju s glavnim izvršnim di rektorom INE g. Bojanom<br />

Milkovićem s kojim smo razgovarali o izazovima koji kompaniju očekuju<br />

u uvjetima ekonomske krize.<br />

Ovim smo opsežnim sadržajem predstavljenim u redizajniranom izdanju<br />

nastojali poslovnoj zajednici ponuditi veću vrijednost. Ovo je trenutni<br />

odgovor naše redakcije na zahtjevno doba promjena. Voljeli bismo da nam<br />

vašim komentarima date do znanja jesmo li za sada krenuli pravim putem.<br />

Naime, potrebe za promjenama su stalne, a samo prihvaćanjem promjena<br />

i uspješnom prilagodbom novim okolnostima organizacije su u<br />

mogućnosti steći garanciju dugotrajnog opstanka.<br />

Vjerujem da ćete u okviru INA Energije pronaći odgovore na određena<br />

pitanja koja vas zanimaju te da će vam ove osvježene stranice biti dodatan<br />

poticaj da postanete stalni čitatelj, ako to već niste.<br />

Ugodne i sretne predstojeće blagdane u svoje osobno ime i u ime cijele<br />

redakcije INA Energije,<br />

For 12 years INA Magazine has had its place among the readers giving information<br />

on all important events in the area of energy and taking into consideration<br />

local and international scene. All this time, INA Magazine has been<br />

the product of INA`s employees and several external associates that have<br />

(especially this year) decided to give their unselfish support to our team in<br />

creating the material intended for INA employees, as well as numerous<br />

business partners in Croatia and the region.<br />

This year, however, we start different and newer, and, we hope so, fresher and<br />

more dynamic. In that sense, the new name suits us- INA Energija (Energy).<br />

We believe that this name change will contribute to the recognisability of our<br />

Magazine, not only in Croatia, but in other countries too. Namely, you will notice<br />

that the new magazine is printed in the Croatian and English languages.<br />

New name, new “dress”, permanent task- to give an insight to all the interested<br />

readers into the directions of development and experiences in the area of energy,<br />

economy, ecology and other related areas and thus contribute to the<br />

spreading of necessary knowledge and skills.<br />

On the pages of this issue of INA Energija you can find more than 15 articles,<br />

several columns, portraits and opinions of experts, all from the area of energy,<br />

business, market, new technologies, environment protection, then culture and<br />

social responsibility. We were at the 2nd gas conference in Split organized by<br />

Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship from where we brought<br />

messages about further development directions of Croatian gas economy. We<br />

have also visited the 5th international symposium on oil economy in Šibenik<br />

and noted the experts` opinions on the strategic role of oil and gas in this century.<br />

Let us not forget the 42nd expert-science symposium “Lubricants 2009”<br />

organized by Croatian Society for fuels and lubricants or 34th innovation and<br />

new technologies fair INOVA 2009 where all innovations from INA received<br />

medals this year. There is also a portrait of Proffesor Miljenko Šunić, PhD, distinguished<br />

Croation gas expert and a column written by Proffesor Biljana Kovačević<br />

Zelić, PhD, the Dean of the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum<br />

Engineering. In the column she confirms the good cooperation between our<br />

company and the Faculty`s expert and academic circles.<br />

Be sure to catch a flair of exotics through the story about Syria where we were<br />

present at the opening ceremony of INA`s new oil and gas processing plant<br />

and do not forget to read the interview with INA`s CEO Mr. Bojan Milković with<br />

whom we talked about the challanges that await the company in the economic<br />

crisis.<br />

With this extensive content in a redesigned edition we tried to offer more<br />

value to the business community. This is a current reply of our editorial board<br />

to the demanding time of changes. We would like you to give us your comments<br />

if we are going into the right direction. Namely, needs for changes are<br />

permanent and only with accepting them successfully and adjusting to the new<br />

circumstances in the organization they can earn a guarantee of a long-term survival.<br />

I believe you will find answers to some of the questions you are interested in<br />

be tween these freshened pages and that the redesign would be an additional<br />

sti mulation for you to become a regular reader, unless you already are one.<br />

On behalf of the entire INA Energija editorial board and may own, I wish you ple -<br />

asant and happy holidays.<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09<br />



[ ]<br />

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Godina za nama 4<br />

Intervju: Bojan Milković 14<br />

5. međunarodni znanstveno-stručni<br />

skup o naftnom gospodarstvu 20<br />

Split domaćin 2. plinske<br />

energetske konferencije 24<br />

Gost kolumnist:<br />

Zoran Dojčinović, dipl. ing., Proplin d.o.o. 30<br />

Predstavljamo<br />

Sektor podrške u maloprodaji 32<br />

Jihar stage-2:<br />

Novo Inino postrojenje 36<br />

Nissan Khouchaba –<br />

Nekoliko pitanja, nekoliko odgovora 42<br />

Platforma Annamaria puštena u probni rad 44<br />

Modernizacija rafinerije<br />

kao uvjet opstanka na tržištu 46<br />

Energetska predviđanja 52<br />

Rovinj, „Maziva 2009“ 54<br />

Miljenko Šunić:<br />

Vizionar plinske budućnosti 58<br />

34. hrvatski salon inovacija<br />

i novih tehnologija INOVA 2009. 61<br />

Kopenhagen: Konferencija o<br />

klimatskim promjenama 64<br />

Wieslaw Borys: Čakavština u srcu 70<br />

Kulturni veleposlanici Ine 73<br />

Proplinove kompozitne boce 76<br />

Pripremite automobil za zimske<br />

uvjete vožnje 78<br />

Gost kolumnist:<br />

prof. Dr. Sc. Biljana Kovačević Zelić 82<br />


→ U Zagrebu, između Vlade Republike Hrvatske i MOL-a, potpisan<br />

Glavni ugovor o poslovanju prirodnim plinom (okvirni ugovor kojim<br />

se uređuju neka od osnovnih pitanja glede budućnosti tržišta i<br />

opskrbe prirodnim plinom u Hrvatskoj)<br />

→ INA d.d. i Plinacro d.o.o potpisali Ugovor o kupoprodaji 100- postotnog<br />

poslovnog udjela u društvu Podzemno skladište plina d.o.o.<br />

Tim ugovorom definirano je da tvrtka Plinacro d.o.o. postaje 100-<br />

postotni vlasnik PSP Okoli. Potpisani Ugovor dio je Glavnog ugovora<br />

o poslovanju prirodnim plinom<br />

→ Svečano pušten u rad plinski sustav ukapljenog naftnog plina za<br />

opskrbu franjevačkog samostana na otočiću Visovcu. INA osigurala<br />

financijska sredstva za projekt, a tehnički ga realizirale njezine<br />

tvrtke-kćeri PROplin d.o.o. i STSI d.o.o.<br />

→ Uspješan audit na Urinju i Mlaki prema zahtjevima norme ISO<br />

9001:2000, ISO 14001:2004 i specifikacija OHSAS-a 18001:2007.<br />


→ U mađarskom mjestu Zalakomár, četrdesetak kilometara od<br />

hrvatsko-mađarske granice, na autocesti koja spaja Zagreb i<br />

Budimpeštu, MOL otvorio dvije benzinske postaje pod Ininim zaštitnim<br />

znakom.<br />

→ U sklopu prve faze modernizacije Rafinerije nafte Sisak započeli<br />

radovi na izgradnji Postrojenja za izomerizaciju.<br />

→ Rafinerija nafte Rijeka proširila asortiman mazivaških proizvoda<br />

novim motornim uljem INA Super 2009.<br />

→ Recertificiran sustav kvalitete prema normi ISO 9001:2000 u SD Istraživanje<br />

i proizvodnja nafte i plina<br />

→ U akciji unapređenja prodaje proizvoda Maziva – Zagreb, d.o.o.<br />

nagrađene su benzinske postaje u Gospiću i Belom Manastiru<br />

OŽUJAK<br />

→ Njemačka kompanija SAP AG Ini dodijelila certifikat kojim je<br />

INA- Industrija nafte, d.d. postala SAP Competence Center.<br />

→ U istraživanju internetskog portala „Moj Posao“ o najpoželjnijim<br />

poslodavcima, INA se plasirala na 4. mjesto, iza T-HT-a, Agrokora<br />

i VIPneta.<br />

→ U Varaždinskim Toplicama održan 8. plinarski forum<br />



INA - Industrija nafte, d.d., Avenija V. Holjevca 10, Zagreb<br />


centrala: +385 1 64-50-000; redakcija: +385 164-51-104,<br />

fax: +385 1 64-52-452<br />


TISAK: Grafički zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb, Radnička c. 210<br />


Svoje komentare i prijedloge šaljite na: INAenergija@ina.hr<br />

8. plinarski<br />

forum<br />

8th Gas<br />

Forum<br />

4 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

Otok Visovac<br />

Visovac island<br />

→ <strong>Ina</strong> nastupila na međunarodnoj<br />

konferenciji o nafti i plinu u Ravenni.<br />

Konferencija je održana pod nazivom:<br />

„Mediteran – Centar energetske<br />

međuovisnosti: Referentni scenarij<br />

partnerstva“<br />

→ Inini inovatori polučili veliki uspjeh na<br />

12. izložbi „Arhimed“ međunarodnom<br />

salonu industrijskog vlasništva održanom<br />

u Moskvi ( 15 diploma i pet odličja<br />

Laureat Arhimeda te 14 posebnih<br />

nagrada )<br />

→ Održana 14. godišnja skupština nacionalnog<br />

komiteta Svjetskog vijeća za<br />

naftu i plin u duhu pripremu za nastup<br />

hrvatske delegacije na dvadesetom kongresu<br />

u Dohi /Katar/<br />

→ <strong>Ina</strong> Osijek Petrol proglašena<br />

najboljom tvrtkom u Osječko-baranjskoj<br />

županiji<br />

→ U Zagrebu je održana Prva regionalna<br />

konferencija zemalja jugoistočne Europe<br />

o energetici<br />


→ Održana uskršnja humanitarna akcija<br />

„INA za 45 obitelji“, u sklopu koje je, u<br />

suradnji s devet Centara za socijalnu skrb,<br />

darivano 45 obitelji slabijeg imovinskog<br />

stanja.<br />

→ INA se uspješno predstavila na 12. međunarodnom<br />

sajmu gospodarstva u<br />

Mostaru, osvojivši za ukupan nastup<br />

Kristalni globus.<br />

→ Na Ininim benzinskim postajama započela<br />

prodaja ENC paketa za elektroničku<br />

naplatu cestarine.<br />

→ Održan okrugli stol u HAZU pod<br />

naslovom „Energetska sigurnost i jugoistočna<br />

Europa“ uz veliku ulogu Ininih<br />

stručnjaka<br />


• In Zagreb, the Government of the Republic of<br />

Croatia and MOL have signed the Gas Master<br />

Agreement (frame agreement regulating certain<br />

fundamental issues concerning the future of<br />

natural gas market and supply to Croatia).<br />

• INA, d.d. and Plinacro d.o.o. have signed the<br />

Sales Contract for 100% Business Share in<br />

Podzemno skladište plina d.o.o. (Underground<br />

Gas Storage). This Agreement defines that<br />

Plinacro d.o.o. shall acquire 100%-ownership<br />

over PSP Okoli (UGS). The Agreement signed is<br />

the part of the Master Gas Agreement.<br />

• Ceremony on the start-up of liquefied petroleum<br />

gas system for supplying the Franciscan mo -<br />

nastery of Our Lady of Mercy on the isle of Visovac.<br />

INA ensured financial resources for the project,<br />

and its subsidiaries PROplin d.o.o. and S.T.S.I.<br />

d.o.o. were in charge of its technical realisation.<br />

• Successful audit conducted at Urinj and Mlaka,<br />

according to requirements of ISO 9001:2000,<br />

ISO 14001:2004 standards and to OHSAS<br />

18001:2007 specification<br />


• Some forty kilometres away from the Croatian-<br />

Hungarian border on the highway connecting<br />

Zagreb and Budapest, MOL has opened two<br />

petrol stations under <strong>Ina</strong> trademark in a town<br />

called Zalakomar.<br />

• As part of the first phase of the Sisak Oil Refinery<br />

modernisation process, operations referring<br />

to construction of the Isomerisation Plant commenced.<br />

• Rijeka Oil Refinery expanded its assortment of<br />

lubricant products with the new motor oil INA<br />

Super 2009.<br />

• The Quality System has been recertified pursuant<br />

to ISO 9001:2000 standard at Oil and Gas<br />

Exploration and Production Division.<br />

• Within the action aimed at improving sales of<br />

Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. products, petrol stations in<br />

Gospić and Beli Manastir were rewarded.<br />

MARCH<br />

• German company SAP AG awarded INA-Industrija<br />

nafte, d.d. with the SAP Competence Centre<br />

certificate.<br />

• In a survey conducted by ‘’Moj Posao’’ internet<br />

portal on most desired employers, INA was<br />

placed fourth, behind T-HT, Agrokor and VIPnet.<br />

• The 8th Gas Forum was held at Varaždinske<br />

Toplice.<br />

• <strong>Ina</strong> appeared at the International Oil and Gas<br />

Conference under the title ‘’The Mediterranean-<br />

Centre of Energy Independence: Reference<br />

partnership scenario’’ held in Ravenna.<br />

• <strong>Ina</strong>’s innovators achieved great success<br />

at the 12th Moscow International Salon of Industrial<br />

Property "Archimedes" (15 diplomas<br />

and 5 Laureta Arhimed medals and 14 special<br />

awards).<br />

• 14th Annual Assembly of the World Oil and Gas<br />

Council was held in the spirit of preparations for<br />

appearance of Croatian delegation at the twentieth<br />

congress in Doha /Qatar .<br />

• <strong>Ina</strong> Osijek Petrol declared the best company in<br />

Osijek-Baranja County.<br />

• First Regional Conference on Energy for Southeast<br />

Europe held in Zagreb.<br />

APRIL<br />

• Easter Humanitarian Action ‘’INA za<br />

45 obitelji’’ (‘’INA for 45 Families’’) initiated. 45<br />

families in need were presented with gifts, in<br />

cooperation with nine Centres for Social<br />

Welfare.<br />

• INA was successfully presented at the 12th International<br />

Economic Fair 2009 in Mostar, wining<br />

a Crystal Globe for overall appearance.<br />

• Sale of ENC packages for electronic toll collection<br />

started at <strong>Ina</strong> petrol stations<br />

• Round table under the title ‘’Energy Safety and<br />

South-east Europe’’ held at the Croatian Academy<br />

of Sciences and Arts, attended by numerous<br />

experts form <strong>Ina</strong>.<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09<br />



[ ]<br />

[ ]<br />



Year behind us 4<br />

Interview:<br />

Bojan Milković, INA CEO 14<br />

The 5th International Oil and Gas Conference 20<br />

Split - Second Gas Energy Conference 24<br />

A Guest Columnist:<br />

Zoran Dojčinović. B. Sc. Proplin d.o.o. 30<br />

We present:<br />

Retail Sales Support Sector 32<br />

Jihar Stage 2: INA`s new plant 36<br />

Nissan Khouchaba –<br />

several questions, several answers 42<br />

Annamaria offshore Oil rig starts trial run 44<br />

Refinery modernization –<br />

Conditio sine qua non of market survival 46<br />

Forecasts 52<br />

Rovinj, Maziva 2009 54<br />

Miljenko Šunić:<br />

A gas business visionary 58<br />

All innovations from INA receive medals 61<br />

Kopenhagen:<br />

Climate Change Conference 64<br />

Wieslaw Borys:<br />

Chakavian dialect in my heart 70<br />

INA`s Cultural Ambassadors 73<br />

Proplin`s composite cylinders 76<br />

Get your car ready for winter driving 78<br />

Guest columnist<br />

prof. Dr. Sc. Biljana Kovačević Zelić 82<br />


→ Na Urinj dopremljeni reaktori u sklopu modernizacije Rafinerije<br />

nafte Rijeka<br />

→ Završen šesti natječaj Ine za izbor najbolje sportske fotografije, pod<br />

nazivom „INA u sportu“. Ukupnim pobjednikom proglašen Marko<br />

Lukunić, fotoreporter „Večernjeg lista“ .<br />

→ Obilježeno 12 godina rada Inina besplatnog telefona (0800 1112)<br />

→ Kao finale niza događanja u sklopu obilježavanja Svibnja- mjeseca<br />

zaštite od požara, u Molvama održana Inina završna pokazna vatrogasna<br />

vježba.<br />

→ Za najviše zasluge u promicanju gospodarstva, INA- Industrija<br />

nafte, SD Istraživanje i proizvodnja nafte i plina, nagrađena Zlatnim<br />

grbom općine Ferdinandovac.<br />

→ Recertificiran sustav upravljanja zaštitom zdravlja i sigurnosti<br />

prema normi OHSAS 18001:2007. u Rafineriji nafte Rijeka.<br />

→ INA i njezin partner RWE Dea iz Njemačke objavile su drugo<br />

otkriće nafte na koncesiji East Yidma na području Zapadne<br />

pustinje u Egiptu<br />

→ Održani 13. sportski susreti Udruge dragovoljaca i veterana Domovinskog<br />

rata ZAK Ine<br />

→ Održan 24. međunarodni znanstveno-stručni susret stručnjaka za<br />

plin u Opatiji pod Ininim pokroviteljstvom<br />

→ U riječkoj rafineriji u punom su tijeku radovi na izgradnji postrojenja<br />

Hidrokreking<br />

→ Promjena Pravilnika o utvrđivanju cijena ukapljenog naftnog plina<br />

kojeg je propisalo Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva.<br />

Cijena UNP-a mijenja se svakog 1. u mjesecu<br />

LIPANJ<br />

→ Održana Glavna skupština INA-Industrije nafte, d.d. na kojoj je ustanovljena<br />

nova vlasnička struktura INA d.d. Za predsjednika Uprave<br />

imenovan László Geszti, a za članove Uprave Lajos Alács,<br />

Tomislav Dragičević, Atilla Holoda, Josip Petrović i Dubravko<br />

Tkalčić. Osnovan je Odbor izvršnih direktora, zadužen za operativno<br />

upravljanje kompanijom, u sastavu: Bojan Milković, (glavni<br />

izvršni direktor), Zalán Bács, László Bartha, Peter Chmurčiak,<br />

Darko Markotić i Tomislav Thür.<br />

→ INA zaprimila je Rješenje Agencije za zaštitu tržišnog natjecanja o<br />



INA - Industrija nafte, d.d., Avenija V. Holjevca 10, Zagreb<br />


+385 1 64-50-000; +385 164-51-104,<br />

fax: +385 1 64-52-452<br />

CHIEF EDITOR: Žana Goić<br />

PRINT: Grafički zavod Hrvatske, Zagreb, Radnička c. 210<br />


Send your comments and suggestions to: INAenergija@ina.hr<br />

Rafinerija nafte Sisak<br />

Sisak Oil Refinery<br />

6 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

Glavna skupština<br />

INA-Industrije nafte, d.d.<br />

General Assembly of<br />

INA-Industrija nafte, d.d.<br />

ocjeni dopuštenosti koncentracije MOL<br />

Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc. i INA-Industrija<br />

nafte d.d. Koncentracija je ocijenjena<br />

uvjetno dopuštenom.<br />

→ Sudionici koncentracije dužni su prodati<br />

Crobenz d.d. dioničko društvo za trgovinu<br />

naftom<br />

→ U organizaciji Rudarsko-geološko-naft -<br />

nog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, a pod<br />

Ininim pokroviteljstvom, održana Ljetna<br />

škola naftnog rudarstva u Dubrovniku.<br />

→ Predstavljena je knjiga dr. sc. Tomislava<br />

Malvića, djelatnika Ine, „Primjena<br />

geostatistike u analizi geoloških<br />

podataka“.<br />

SRPANJ<br />

→ INA dobila nagradu „Zlatna bilanca“ za<br />

najveći ukupni prihod u 2008. godini. Nagradu<br />

joj je dodijelila Financijska agencija<br />

(FINA)<br />

→ U Tivtu (Crna Gora) svečano otvorena<br />

nova Inina benzinska postaja te punionica<br />

plina i skladište UNP-a<br />

→ U Rafineriji nafte Sisak postavljene<br />

tri kolone za izomerizaciju, što predstavlja<br />

daljnji nastavak modernizacije rafinerije<br />

→ HTZ dodijelila benzinskoj postaji<br />

Kra pinske Toplice „Zeleni cvijet“ za<br />

unapređivanje turističkog okružja i<br />

zaštitu okoliša<br />

→ Konzultantska tvrtka Brand Finance proglasila<br />

Inu navrjednijim korporativnim<br />

brendom u Hrvatskoj<br />

→ Po treći put zaredom hrvatski<br />

čitatelji revije Reader's Digest izabrali<br />

Inu kao najbolju u kategoriji<br />

benzinskih servisa<br />

INA u sportu<br />

INA in Sport<br />

MAY<br />

• Reactors delivered to Urinj within the Rijeka Oil<br />

Refinery modernisation process.<br />

• Sixth contest for best sports photography under<br />

the title ‘’INA in Sport’’ ended. Overall winner was<br />

Marko Lukunić, photographer for Večernji list.<br />

• 12 years of <strong>Ina</strong> toll-free number (0800 1112)<br />

marked.<br />

• The final event of marking May the Month of Fire<br />

Protection was a fire-fighting drill organised at<br />

Molve by <strong>Ina</strong><br />

• INA-Industrija nafte, d.d., Oil and Gas Exploration<br />

and Production Division awarded with ‘’Zlatni grb’’<br />

by Ferdinandovec Municipality, for promotion of<br />

economy.<br />

• Health Care and Security Management System<br />

recertified at Rijeka Oil Refinery pursuant to<br />

OHSAS 18001-2007 standard.<br />

• INA and its partner RWE Dea from Germany have<br />

announced their discovery of oil on East Yidma<br />

concession, West Desert, Egypt.<br />

• 13th sport meeting organised by the <strong>Ina</strong> Homeland<br />

War Veterans Association.<br />

• 24th International Meeting of Gas Experts held<br />

in Opatija, under the auspices of <strong>Ina</strong><br />

• Construction of the hydro-cracking plant in Rijeka<br />

Oil Refinery is in full swing<br />

• Changes introduced to the Rulebook for Establishing<br />

Liquefied Petroleum Gas Prices prescribed<br />

by the Ministry of Economy, Labour and<br />

Entrepreneurship. LPG price shall be modified<br />

every 1st day of each month.<br />

JUNE<br />

• General Assembly of INA-Industrija nafte, d.d.<br />

held, when new ownership structure was established.<br />

László Geszti, was appointed President<br />

of the Management Board, Lajos Alács, Attila<br />

Holoda, Tomislav Dragičević, Josip Petrović and<br />

Dubravko Tkalčić members of the Management<br />

Board. Executive Board was also formed; Bojan<br />

Milković was appointed Chief Executive Officer,<br />

and Zalán Bács, László Bartha, Peter<br />

Chmurčiak, Darko Markotić and Tomislav<br />

Thür members.<br />

• INA received a Decision of the Croatian<br />

Competition Agency on their assessment of<br />

allowed concentration of MOL Hungarian Oil<br />

and Gas Plc and <strong>Ina</strong>- Industrija nafte, d.d. The<br />

concentration was evaluated as conditionally<br />

allowed.<br />

• Members of the concentration shall be obligated<br />

to sell Crobenz d.d., a company for petroleum<br />

trade.<br />

• Organised by the Faculty of Mining, Geology,<br />

and Petroleum Engineering, University in Zagreb,<br />

and under the auspices of <strong>Ina</strong>, the Summer<br />

School of Petroleum Engineering was held in<br />

Dubrovnik.<br />

• Promotion of the book of Tomislav Malvić, D.Sc.,<br />

<strong>Ina</strong>'s employee, ‘’’Applying Geo-Statistics in<br />

Analysing Geological Data’’.<br />

JULY<br />

• <strong>Ina</strong> won the ‘’Zlatna bilanca’’ (‘’Gold Balance’’)<br />

Award for best aggregated turnover in 2008,<br />

awarded by the Financial Agency (FINA).<br />

• Ceremony of opening new <strong>Ina</strong> petrol station, gas<br />

filling station and LPG storage held in Tivat<br />

(Montenegro) .<br />

• Three colons for isomerisation installed at the<br />

Sisak Oil Refinery, representing further progress<br />

in the modernisation process.<br />

• The Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ)<br />

awarded <strong>Ina</strong>’s petrol station in Krapinske Toplice<br />

the ‘’’Zeleni cvijet’’ (‘’Green Flower’’) Award for upgrading<br />

tourist environment and environmental<br />

protection.<br />

• Brand Finance Independent Consultancy declared<br />

<strong>Ina</strong> the most valuable corporative brand in<br />

Croatia.<br />

• For the third consecutive time, Croatian<br />

readers of Reader's Digest magazine<br />

selected <strong>Ina</strong> as the best in the category of<br />

gasoline services<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09<br />


[ ]<br />




→ INA objavila konsolidirane financijske rezultate za prvo polugodiše<br />

2009.<br />

RUJAN<br />

→ Ministarstvo gospodarstva, rada i poduzetništva donijelo novi Pra -<br />

vilnik o utvrđivanju cijena naftnih derivata prema kojem se maloprodajne<br />

cijene naftnih derivata mijenjaju svakih sedam dana<br />

→ U analizi Bonitetne kuće Coface Central Europe iz Beča, INA u<br />

konkurenciji 500 najvećih kompanija srednje i istočne Europe zauzela<br />

19. mjesto, plasiravši se najbolje od svih hrvatskih kompanija<br />

→ Prema istraživanju konzultantsko- revizorske tvrtke Deloitte, INA<br />

27. na rang-listi 500 najvećih tvrtki srednje Europe.<br />

→ Svečanom dodjelom stipendija završena ovogodišnja akcija „TOP<br />

stipendija za TOP studente“. INA je jedan od najistaknutijih donatora<br />

akcije.<br />

→ INA je uvela bodove vjernosti na svojim benzinskim postajama.<br />

Akcija vjernosti provodi se na svim Ininim maloprodajnim mjestima<br />

od 14. rujna 2009. do 24. siječnja 2010., dok se bodovi mogu<br />

zamijeniti do 7. veljače 2010. Namijenjena je svim potrošačima i<br />

korisnicima Ininih usluga, a odnosi se na kupnju goriva, cjelo -<br />

kupnog asortimana roba široke potrošnje i korištenje usluga.<br />

→ Obavljeni godišnji remonti na CPS Molve i Etanskom postrojenju<br />

u Ivanić Gradu, dvama najvećim tehnološkim objektima unutar<br />

SD Istraživanja i proizvodnje nafte i plina.<br />


→ U Šibeniku od 29. rujna do 1. listopada održan 5. međunarodni<br />

znanstveno-stručni skup o naftnom gospodarstvu pod naslovom:<br />

“Imaju li nafta i plin energetsku zamjenu u ovom stoljeću?”<br />

→ Hrvatsko društvo za goriva i maziva organiziralo je 42.<br />

stručno-znanstveni simpozij «Maziva 2009» koji je trajao od<br />

21. - 23. listopada u Rovinju<br />

→ Dodijeljena Nagrada Ine za promicanje hrvatske kulture u svijetu,<br />

petnaestu godinu za redom. Dobitnik prof. dr. sc. Wieslaw Borys iz<br />

Krakowa (Poljska)<br />

→ Proplin d.o.o po prvi put na hrvatskom tržištu u upotrebu uveo<br />

nove kompozitne plinske boce<br />

→ Inina benzinska postaja Đakovo – Nazorova, dobitnik Nagrade<br />

HTZ-a „Zeleni cvijet“<br />

→ Platforma Annamaria podmorskim je spojnim plinovodom<br />

povezana s postojećom platformom IKA A<br />


→ Platforma Annamaria na sjevernom Jadranu puštena u probni rad.<br />

→ INA osnovala Povjerenstvo za koordinaciju aktivnosti za pripremu<br />

ogrjevne sezone 2009/2010 čiji je zadatak kontinuirano praćenje<br />

svih događaja vezanih uz opskrbu plinom ove ogrjevne sezone te<br />

izvještavanje Uprave o svim važnijim pitanjima, a kako bi se na vrijeme<br />

poduzeli potrebni koraci u eventualnim kriznim situacijama.<br />

→ Održana druga Plinska energetska konferencija u Splitu s Inom<br />

kao jednim od organizacijskih partnera<br />

→ Održana javna rasprava u Kostreni o Studiji utjecaja na okoliš<br />

postrojenja za obradu teških ostataka u Rafineriji nafte Rijeka u<br />

sklopu II. faze modernizacije Rafinerije nafte Rijeka<br />

TOP stipendija<br />

za TOP studente<br />

Top Scholarship<br />

for Top Students<br />

→ U pogon pušteno novo postrojenje za obradu nafte i plina Jihar<br />

Stage 2 u Siriji<br />

→ INA – INDUSTRIJA NAFTE, d.d. Zagreb objavila početak postupka<br />

prodaje društva Crobenz d.d.<br />

→ INA prva po ukupnom prihodu u energetskom sektoru u Adria<br />

regiji<br />

→ Generalna Skupština AEGPL-a , krovna institucija Europskih<br />

udruga za ukapljeni naftni plin, jednoglasno je izglasala prijam<br />

Hrvatskog društva za UNP (HDUNP) za punopravnog člana.<br />


→ Nagradna igra Ine "Blagdansko iznenađenje"- od 1. do 31. prosinca<br />

2009.<br />

→ Svečano obilježena sv. Barbara (04. prosinca), koja se tradicionalno<br />

slavi kao Dan rudara.<br />

→ Izvanredna Glavna skupština dioničara INA – Industrije<br />

nafte d.d. 28. prosinca 2009.<br />

8 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

AUGUST<br />

• INA announced consilidated financial statements for first half<br />

of 2009.<br />


• The Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship passed the new<br />

Rulebook on Establishing Prices of Petroleum Products, according to which<br />

retail prices are modified every 7 days.<br />

• Analysis of Coface Central Europe from Vienna rated <strong>Ina</strong> among the 500<br />

biggest companies in Central and East Europe, taking 19th place and thus<br />

being the best-rated Croatian company.<br />

• According to the survey conducted by Deloitte, company for audits and<br />

consultancy, <strong>Ina</strong> was rated 27th among the 500 biggest companies in Central<br />

Europe<br />

• The scholarship giving ceremony ended this year’s action ‘’TOP stipendija za<br />

TOP studente’’ (‘’Top Scholarship for Top Students’’); INA is one of the most<br />

prominent donor.<br />

Benzinska postaja<br />

Đakovo - Nazorova<br />

Petrol station<br />

Đakovo-Nazorova<br />

• INA introduced loyalty points at petrol stations. The loyalty action is implemented<br />

at all <strong>Ina</strong>’s retail points from September 14, 2009 up to January 24,<br />

2010. Points can be substituted before February 7, 2010. It is aimed at all<br />

consumers and users of <strong>Ina</strong> services and refers to purchasing fuel, the<br />

overall assortment of consumer goods and services.<br />

• Annual overhaul carried out at two biggest technological facilities of Oil and<br />

Gas Exploration and Production Divison - CGS Molve and Ethane Plant in<br />

Ivanić Grad.<br />


• The 5th International Oil and Gas Conference under the title IS THERE AN EN-<br />


29 till October 1, 2009 in Šibenik<br />

• Croatian Society for Fuels and Lubricants organised the 42nd<br />

symposium ‘’Maziva 2009’’ (‘’Lubricants 2009’’) from October 21 – October<br />

23, 2009 in Rovinj<br />

• Continuing the 15-year long tradition, INA Awarded Professor Wieslaw Borys<br />

from Krakow, Poland, the Award for Promotion of Croatian Culture Worldwide<br />

• As a novelty, Proplin d.o.o. introduced new composite cylinders to Croatian<br />

market.<br />

• <strong>Ina</strong> petrol station Đakovo-Nazorova won the ‘’Zeleni cvijet’’ Award presented<br />

by the Croatian National Tourist Board (HTZ).<br />

• Annamaria platform connected with existing platform Ika A by sub sea connecting<br />

pipeline.<br />


• Annamaria platform in North Adriatic in test run.<br />

• INA formed a Commission for Coordination of Activities on Preparation of<br />

2009/2010 Heating Season with a task to continuously monitor all events<br />

related to gas supply during this heating season, and to report to the Management<br />

Board about all important issues to enable taking required steps<br />

in possible crisis situations.<br />

• Second Gas Energy Conference held in Split, with <strong>Ina</strong> as one the partners in<br />

organisation.<br />

• Public Discussion on Study on Environmental Impact at Rijeka<br />

Oil Refinery regarding the technology for processing heavy residues technology,<br />

as part of the second phase of Rijeka Oil Refinery modernisation<br />

process.<br />

• Jihar Stage 2 in Syria, the new plant for processing oil and gas, was put on<br />

stream.<br />

• INA-Industrija nafte, d.d. Zagreb announced the beginning of Crobenz d.d.<br />

selling procedure.<br />

• INA took first place in the energy sector of the Adria region in terms of aggregated<br />

turnover.<br />

• General Assembly of AEGPL – the umbrella institution of European associations<br />

for liquefied petroleum gas - has unanimously voted for the Croatian<br />

Society for LPG (CSPLG) accession to full membership.<br />


• <strong>Ina</strong> prize-winning game ‘’Blagdansko iznenađenje’’ (‘’Holiday surprise’’) organised<br />

from December 1 till December 31, 2009.<br />

• The Miner's Day - traditionally marked on the holiday of their patron saint St<br />

Barbara, commemorated this year on Friday, December 4<br />

• Extraordinary General Shareholder’s Assembly of INA-Industrija nafte, d.d.<br />

on december 28th 2009<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09<br />


[ ]<br />



Pregled događaja u<br />

naftnom i plinskom svijetu<br />

*Overview of events in the<br />

world of petroleum and gas<br />


vjetsko gospodarstvo je u<br />

IN THE SECOND QUARTER of 2009, the world<br />

drugom tromjesečju 2009. economy hit rock bottom, but is evidently<br />

bilo dotaklo dno, no očito regaining its strength. However, global<br />

ponovo jača. No globalni rast i growth continues to be slow and there are<br />

dalje je spor uz znatne regionalne razlike u considerable differences in the speed of recovery<br />

depending on the region. Primarily,<br />

brzini oporavka. Prvenstveni problem je<br />

oporavak potrošnje zbog visokih stopa the problem lies in the revival of consumption,<br />

because of high unemployment rates<br />

nezaposlenosti koje se ne smanjuju nego još<br />

i rastu (9,7% u SAD, 9,6% u Eurozoni, 5,7% that continue to grow instead of fall (9.7 % in<br />

u Japanu u III. tromjesečju 2009). U the USA, 9.6% in the Euro zone, 5.7% in Japan<br />

mnogim naprednim gospodarstvima in the 3rd quarter of 2009).<br />

potrošačko suzdržavanje od zaduživanja će Consumers refraining from getting into debt<br />

imati sličan učinak na rast potrošnje. will have a similar effect on the growth of<br />

Svjetska trgovina također nije dosad consumption in many advanced economies.<br />

pokazala znake vidljiva poboljšanja, što bi Likewise, world trade has not displayed visible<br />

signs of improvement yet; this could limit<br />

moglo ograničiti mogućnosti rasta u<br />

zemljama koje su velike izvoznice, napose the opportunities for growth in countries that<br />

kad se gospodarski poticaji postupno are large exporters, particularly after economic<br />

incentives being to gradually be abol-<br />

ukinu.<br />

Globalna ekonomska kriza i recesija ished. The global economic crisis and<br />

uzrokovala je i pad potrošnje nafte za 1,9% recession have also caused a downfall in petroleum<br />

consumption of 1.9% or 1.7 million<br />

ili 1,7 milijuna barela na dan, dok su cijene<br />

nafte tijekom trećeg tromjesečja 2009. ostale<br />

relativno stabilne na oko 70 USD/bbl third quarter of 2009 remained relatively<br />

barrels per day, whereas oil prices in the<br />

krećući se u rasponu od 61,9 USD/bbl stable, at approximately 70 USD/bbl, ranging<br />

sredinom srpnja do najviše USD 76,55 from 61.9 USD/bbl in mid July to the maximum<br />

of 76.55 USD/bbl at the beginning of<br />

USD/bbl početkom kolovoza.<br />

August.<br />


Ta relativna stabilnost bila je posljedica<br />

relativne ravnoteže dviju suprotnih sila<br />

tijekom cijelog tromjesečja. S jedne strane,<br />

kratkoročni kvantitativni podaci i dalje su<br />

slabi, pa pritišću cijene nadolje. Osim u<br />

SAD, potražnja u zemljama OECD-a i dalje<br />

je slaba, što je glavnim dijelom bilo razlog<br />

smanjenja ukupne svjetske potražnje za<br />

naftom.<br />

Krajem kolovoza komercijalne zalihe u<br />

zemljama OECD-a pokrivale su potražnju<br />

60,7 dana, što je nešto manje nego tijekom<br />

prethodnog tromjesečja, no još uvijek 3,7<br />


This relative stability has been a consequence<br />

of the relative balance between two<br />

contrary forces during the entire quarter. On<br />

one hand, short-term quantitative data are<br />

still weak and are pushing the prices downward.<br />

Apart from the USA, demand in OECD<br />

countries continues to be sluggish, in most<br />

part causing a reduction in the overall world<br />

demand for petroleum. Late in August, commercial<br />

reserves in OECD countries covered<br />

the demand in 60.7 days, somewhat less<br />

than in the previous quarter, but still 3.7<br />

+<br />




• u tijeku proces modernizacije<br />

rafinerija INE<br />

• širenje maloprodajne mreže Lukoila<br />

uz ugovoreno skladištenje proizvoda<br />

u Omišlju<br />

BIH<br />

• u tijeku je nastavak remonta velike<br />

linije u Rafineriji nafte Bosanski Brod<br />

uz njezinu modernizaciju i povećanje<br />

ukupnog kapaciteta prerade rafinerije<br />

na 4,2 mil t/god<br />

• Rafinerija Modriča počela proizvodnju<br />

hidrokrekiranih baznih ulja i parafina<br />


• priprema se natječaj za offshore<br />

istraživanje nafte i plina u južnom<br />

dijelu primorja (Ulcinj) –<br />

zainteresirano dvadesetak kompanija<br />


• imenovana nova uprava Petrola<br />

• Geoplin i Gazprom ugovorili isporuku<br />

ruskog plina Sloveniji do 2025.godine<br />

SRBIJA<br />

• NIS odabrao CB&I-Lummus kao<br />

izvođača projekta „Izgradnja<br />

postrojenja za meki hidrokreking<br />

vakuum gasoil i uklanjanje sumpora u<br />

srednjim destilatima po licenci<br />

Chevron-Lummus u RN Pančevo"<br />

• počinju pripreme za izgradnju nove<br />

rafinerije nafte u Smederevu ni zo zem -<br />

sko-američke tvrtke Comico Overseas<br />

10 zima ‘09 (winter 09)





Ukupni prihod (mil €)* ‘08 1Q’09 2Q’09 3Q’09<br />

OMV 25543 4291 4113 4719<br />

PKN ORLEN 22531 4375 3769 4440<br />

MOL 14066 2147 2442 3397<br />

HELLENIC 10131 1593 1567 1729<br />

INA 3758 608 665 678<br />

PETROL 2900 555 549 614<br />

Neto dobit (mil €)** ‘08 1Q’09 2Q’09 3Q’09<br />

OMV 1374 40 144 283<br />

PKN ORLEN - 179 - 245 263 224<br />

MOL 563 - 390 624 48<br />

INA 49 - 77 148 - 94<br />

HELLENIC - 108 35 107 62<br />

PETROL - 54,8 11 14 10<br />

* Aggregate turnover (mil Eur)<br />

** Net income (mil Eur)<br />

Izvor podataka su izvješća kompanija<br />

Source: company reports<br />

+<br />




• Modernisation process of INA refineries is<br />

under way<br />

• Expansion of Lukoil’s retail network<br />

due to negotiated product storage in<br />

Omišalj<br />

B&H<br />

• Big line overhaul is under way at Bosanski<br />

brod Oil Refinery, in addition to its<br />

modernisation and increase in overall<br />

petroleum refining capacity to 4.2 mil<br />

t/year<br />

• Production start-up of hydro-cracked base<br />

oils and paraffin initiated at Modriča<br />

Refinery<br />


• Preparation of tender for offshore<br />

exploration of petroleum and gas in south<br />

part of the littoral (Ulcinj)- approximately<br />

twenty companies have expressed interest<br />


• New Petrol Management Board nominated<br />

• Geoplin and Gazprom negotiated delivery<br />

of Russian gas to Slovenia until 2025<br />

SERBIA<br />

• NIS selected CB&I-Lummus as contractor<br />

for the “Construction of plant for soft<br />

hydro-cracking vacuum gas oil and<br />

removal of sulphur in medium distillates<br />

through the licence of Chevron-Lummus<br />

at Pančevo Oil Refinery’’<br />

• Preparations for construction of the new<br />

Comic Overseas (Dutch-American<br />

company) oil refinery in Smederevo<br />

dana više nego pred godinu dana i znatno<br />

više od petogodišnjeg prosjeka. Ukupna<br />

proizvodnja nafte je u padu. U članicama<br />

OPEC-a proizvodnja nafte je pala za 2,6<br />

milijuna b/d, dok je pak proizvodnja nafte<br />

u zemljama članicama izvan OPEC-a<br />

porasla za 1 milijun b/d.<br />


Slobodni kapaciteti u zemljama OPEC-a još<br />

su se povećali u odnosu na prethodno<br />

tromjesečje i u rujnu su bili 5,47 mb/d, a<br />

dogovorena količina proizvodnje je krajem<br />

trećeg tromjesečja 2009. pala na 66%.<br />

Rafinerijske marže i dalje su ispod petogodišnjeg<br />

prosjeka. Zbog sporosti gospodarskog<br />

oporavka potražnja za srednjim<br />

destilatima koji se koriste u prijevozu te<br />

avionskim gorivom i dalje je vrlo mala, dok<br />

je potražnja za manje cikličkim benzinom<br />

uvelike odskočila u vrijeme znatno manje<br />

iskorištenosti rafinerija. Zbog toga su<br />

rafinerijske marže za dizel i avionsko gorivo<br />

ostale na povijesno niskim razinama iz drugog<br />

tromjesečja, dok se rafinerijska marža<br />

za benzin kretala nešto iznad petogodišnjeg<br />

prosjeka.<br />

Pad rafinerijskih marži uzrok su prvim<br />

privremenim zatvaranjima rafinerija u sjevernoj<br />

Europi kao što je Total.<br />

Izvor: The New York Times i Financijski<br />

rezultati Ine za razdoblje I-IX.2009.<br />

days more than one year before, and considerably<br />

more than the five-year standard.<br />

Total petroleum production is falling. In OPEC<br />

member states production of petroleum fell<br />

by as much as 2.6 million b/d, whereas petroleum<br />

production in member states that<br />

are not part of OPEC grew by 1 million b/d.<br />


Free capacities in OPEC states have additionally<br />

increased in comparison with the previous<br />

quarter and amounted 5.47 mb/d in<br />

September, while agreed production volumes<br />

fell to 66% late in the third quarter of<br />

2009. Refinery margins still remain below<br />

the five-year average. Due to slow<br />

economic recovery, the demand for medium<br />

distillates used in transport and for aviation<br />

fuel remains poor, whereas demand for less<br />

cyclic petrol has greatly bounced back to<br />

times when there was a significantly lower<br />

use of refineries. Therefore, refinery margins<br />

for diesel and aviation fuel have remained<br />

stable at historically low levels since the second<br />

quarter, whereas refinery margins for<br />

petrol were slightly above the five-year average.<br />

Decreased refinery margins have caused the<br />

first temporary shut-down of refineries in<br />

North Europe, such as at Total.<br />

Source: The New York Times and INA Financial<br />

Results for January – September 2009<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 11

[ ]<br />



Croatia: Aspects of Art,<br />

Architecture and<br />

Cultural Heritage<br />







Početkom studenoga u Londonu je<br />

preds tavljena jedna od najznačaj nijih<br />

knjiga o hrvatskoj umjetnosti, ar -<br />

hitekturi i kulturnoj baštini. U po -<br />

sljednjih, gotovo 150 godina, na ovu je te mu u<br />

Velikoj Britaniji objavljeno svega nekoli ko<br />

naslova i to parcijalnog karaktera. Zato su djela<br />

koja smjeraju prema što cjelovitijem pri kazu<br />

ove tematike, a napose u zemljama u ko jima je<br />

naša kulturna baština još uvijek velika nepoznanica,<br />

više nego dobrodošla. Naj ve ću zaslugu<br />

za nastanak knjige ima profesori ca Jadranka<br />

Njerš Beresford Peirse, dobitni ca Nagrade Ine<br />

za promicanje hrvatske kultu re u svijetu za<br />

1999., koja je uz veliku pot poru supruga Sir<br />

Hen ryja utemeljila dobrotvornu Međunarodnu<br />

za kladu za hrva ts ke spomenike kulture, kako bi<br />

pomogla ob novi ugrožene hrvatske baštine i usavršava<br />

nju hrvatskih restauratora u specijali zi -<br />

ra nim britanskim ustanovama.<br />

Njenim tekstom zahvale svima onima koji su<br />

su d jelovali u ovom iznimno vrijednom projek -<br />

tu i ulozi Zaklade otvaraju se stranice knjige ko -<br />

ju predstavljamo našim čita teljima. U tekstu<br />

po sebno naglašava da je neposredan po ticaj za<br />

upuš tanje u dugoročan i zahtjevan pot hvat<br />

pred stavljanja hrvatske baštine, umjet nosti i ar -<br />

hitekture bio susret s djelom Johna Hallea: „The<br />

Civilization of Europe in the Re nai ssance“ u ko -<br />

je autor nije uključio prinos hr vatske umjetnosti<br />

eu ropskoj renesansi. U po moć je priskočila <strong>Ina</strong><br />

koja je financijski pot pomogla ostvarivanje ovog<br />

vrijednog projek ta. (Mijo Ivurek) ◀<br />


art, architecture and cultural heritage was presented<br />

in London at the beginning of Novem ber.<br />

Only a few books have been published on the topic<br />

over the last 150 years in Great Bri tain, and those<br />

that were published only partia l ly covered the topic.<br />

That is why works that aim to give an all-encom -<br />

passing overview of the topic are more than welcome,<br />

especially if they are published in countrie s<br />

whose cultural heri tage is still not widely known.<br />

Credit for the publication of the book must be given<br />

to Ms Jadranka Njerš Beresford Peirse, BA, laureate<br />

of the 1999 INA Award for the promotion of Croatian<br />

culture in the world. She has founded, with a lot<br />

of support by her husband, Sir Henry, the International<br />

Foundation for Croatia n Cultural Monuments,<br />

in order to help the proc ess of restoring endangered<br />

Croa tian heritage and to provide training for Croatian<br />

restoration professionals in specialised British<br />

ins ti tutions. Her words of thanks to all the participants<br />

on the project, and regarding the role of the<br />

Fou ndation, are published at the beginning of the<br />

bo ok. There, she also says that the impetus to embark<br />

on this long and demanding project came from<br />

her reading the book by John Halle, “The Civilization<br />

of Europe in the Renaissance,” where the author fai -<br />

led to mention the contribution of Croatian art to the<br />

Re naissance in Europe. Financial support given by<br />

INA contributed to the completion of this demanding<br />

and valuable project. ◁<br />


+<br />





Sredinom godine literatura iz područja<br />

geologije obogaćena je novitetom- knji -<br />

gom „Primjena geostatistike u analizi<br />

geoloških podataka“, autora dr.sc. To -<br />

mislava Malvića, djelatnika Ine. Riječ je<br />

o znanstveno-stručnom djelu koje se<br />

bavi primjenom geostatistike u<br />

geologiji, no može pos lu žiti za analize i<br />

u drugim geoznanostima.<br />

Pridržavajući se temeljne podjele geo -<br />

sta tističkih metoda u tri osnovne sku -<br />

pine, autor kroz devet poglavlja nudi os -<br />

novnu teoriju i primjere primjene (nekih<br />

od) alata geostatistike- variograma, kri -<br />

ginga, kokriginga i stohastičkih simu la -<br />

cija. Knjiga je prvenstveno namijenjena<br />

studentima i znanstvenicima Rudarskogeološko-naftnoga<br />

fakulteta i drugih<br />

visokoškolskih ustanova na kojima se<br />

predaje geostatistika.<br />






“Application of Geostatistics in Geological<br />

Data Analysis” is a book authored by Mr<br />

Tomislav Malvić, PhD, an INA employee<br />

published in the summer of 2009. It is a<br />

professional and scientific text that deals<br />

with the appli ca ti on of geostatistics in<br />

geology, but can also be applied to other<br />

areas of geoscience.<br />

The author adopts the usual division of<br />

geostatistical methods into three groups<br />

and describes the basic theory in nine<br />

chapters, and he also provides examples of<br />

the practical application of (some of) the<br />

tools of geostatistics - variograms, kriging,<br />

co-kriging and stohastic simulations. The<br />

book has primarily been written for<br />

students and scientists at the Faculty of<br />

Mining, Geology and Petroleum<br />

Engineering, as well as other institutions<br />

that teach geostatistics.<br />

12 zima ‘09 (winter 09)





U konkurenciji više od 230 korporacija iz industrije nafte i<br />

plina MOL je osvojio prvo mjesto u Europi i 38. mjesto u svijetu<br />

na ljestvici naj bo ljih naftnih kompanija po rezultatima u<br />

istraživanju i proizvodnji. Stu diju su po 42. put proveli John S.<br />

Herold Inc i Harrison Lovegro ve&Company s obzirom na<br />

rezultate prema ekvivalentnoj vrijednosti jed nog barela. U<br />

kompletnoj studiji analizirani su rezultati raznih kor poracija<br />

prema regijama, čime je dobivena sveukupna slika o kapitalnim<br />

ulaganjima, rezultatima i dostignućima korporacija iz<br />

naftne in dustrije. MOL se na čelo ljestvice popeo prvi puta<br />

2003. godine, a od tada je nekoliko puta biran za najučinkovitiju<br />

korporaciju u Europi.<br />


Pakistan - Sredinom studenoga MOL je otvorio Središnji<br />

pogon za ob ra du u mjestu Manzalai, čime je u nacionalni sustav<br />

prijenosa službeno uk ljučena opskrba prirodnim plinom<br />

od 250 milijuna kubičnih stopa dnevno.<br />



Globalno istraživanje pod nazivom Top tvrtke za lidere za<br />

2009. godi nu obuhvatilo je 537 kompanija iz cijeloga svijeta.<br />

Studija je istraživala ka ko pojedine kompanije odabiru i razvijaju<br />

svoje vođe te je prou čavala odnos između poslovanja vodstva<br />

i poslovnih rezultata. Na europskoj listi globalnog<br />

istraživanja našlo se 87 euro pskih tvrtki. Od mađarskih kompanija,<br />

MOL je primio posebno pri znanje među naj boljim regionalnim<br />

kompanijama za pre no še nje prakse vodstva na<br />

glo balnoj razini kroz MOL Grupu u cjelini.<br />



In the global survey of over 230 gas and oil corporations,<br />

MOL has been ranked first in Europe and 38th in the world in<br />

terms of exploration and production results. For the 42nd consecutive<br />

time, the performance review was conducted by John S.<br />

Herold Inc and Harrison Lovegrove and Company based on the<br />

value equivalents of one barrel. The entire review analyzed the<br />

performance of various corporations across different regions,<br />

and the overall results provided a complete picture of capital<br />

investment, the performance and achievements of oil and gas<br />

companies. MOL first made it to the top of the list in 2003.<br />

Since then, it has been repeatedly voted the most efficient<br />

European corporation.<br />


Pakistan – In mid-November, MOL opened a central processing<br />

plant in Manzalai. This means that the 250 million cubic feet processing<br />

capacity of natural gas has been officially included into<br />

the national transmission system.<br />



A global survey entitled Top Companies for Leaders 2009 surveyed<br />

a total of 537 companies worldwide. The survey analyzed<br />

how companies selected and developed their leaders and studied<br />

the relationship between management performances and<br />

business results. A total of 87 European companies found their<br />

places on the global survey list. Among the Hungarian companies,<br />

MOL received special recognition as one of the regional<br />

leaders in terms of sharing the management practices at the<br />

global level through the MOL group as a whole.<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 13

interview<br />

BOJAN<br />




O<br />


Ininoj sadašnjosti i budućnosti, o projektima<br />

koji su u tijeku i izazovima koji kompaniju tek<br />

očekuju u uvjetima ekonomske krize, razgovarali<br />

smo Glavnim izvršnim direktorom Ine g. Bojanom<br />

Milkovićem.<br />

Kao glavni izvršni direktor Ine operativno<br />

vodite jednu od najvećih hrvatskih kompanija,<br />

u vremenu kada ona prolazi kroz vrlo teško i<br />

izazovno razdoblje. Kakvim smatrate<br />

sadašnje stanje u Ini ?<br />

Istina je da je INA u teškoj situaciji. Tim više što<br />

to nije samo posljedica globalne ekonomske<br />

krize, nego i činjenice da je kriza „pogodila“ svijet<br />

i Hrvatsku upravo u vrijeme kada se INA<br />

suočavala s važnom tranzicijom i dok je bila<br />

usred ambicioznog investicijskog programa. To<br />

je još više otežalo situaciju.<br />

No, treba biti optimističan i gledati na to na izazov.<br />

Naporima koje je uložio Inin menadžment u<br />

proteklih nekoliko mjeseci pokušali smo ovu ▶<br />


WE TALKED WITH THE Chief Executive Officer of <strong>Ina</strong>,<br />

Mr. Bojan Milkovic, about <strong>Ina</strong>’s present and future,<br />

projects that are underway and the challenges that<br />

await the company in the economic crisis.<br />

As the Chairman of INA’s Board of Executive<br />

Directors you operatively lead one of the largest<br />

Croatian companies, in a time when it is going<br />

through a very difficult and challenging time. What<br />

do you think of the current situation in INA?<br />

It is true that INA is in a difficult situation. Moreover<br />

because this is not only a consequence of the global<br />

economic crisis, but also the fact that the crisis ‘hit’<br />

the world and Croatia at a time when INA was facing<br />

an important transition and while it was in the middle<br />

of an ambitious investment program. This made the<br />

situation more difficult.<br />

But one has to be optimistic and look at this as a<br />

challenge. Through the efforts <strong>Ina</strong>’s management has<br />

invested in the past couple of months we have tried<br />

to protect the company to the maximum from the ▷<br />

*I see the crisis as an opportunity to<br />

revise and improve business operations<br />

Krizu gledam kao<br />

i unaprjeđenje po<br />

14 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

priliku za reviziju<br />

slovanja<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 15

interview<br />

kompaniju maksimalno poštedjeti vanjskih utjecaja<br />

krize. No, nijedna kompanija koja posluje na<br />

tržištu ne može se u potpunosti oduprijeti takvim<br />

utjecajima.<br />

Međutim, kvaliteta uspješnih kompanija i uspješnih<br />

timova je u sposobnosti stalne prilagodbe<br />

danim okolnostima. Da budem precizniji, mi<br />

smo usred generalnog optimizacijskog programa.<br />

To nije samo rezanje troškova, već generalno unaprjeđenje<br />

učinkovitosti.<br />

Kako vidite sljedeću godinu?<br />

Ni iduća godina neće biti laka. Osim krize, smanjenje<br />

potrošnje vidljivo je u svim segmentima, a<br />

tu je i niz drugih okolnosti koje utječu na poslovanje<br />

naftnih kompanija.<br />

Kako bi ovu kompaniju pretvorili u zdravu organizaciju,<br />

moramo joj dati lijek, odnosno ojačati<br />

njenu konkurentnost, ali konkurentnost u svojim<br />

uslugama, proizvodima i cijenama. Stoga, iduću<br />

godinu moramo gledati kao izazov za Inu, a<br />

sadašnju krizu kao priliku za reviziju i unaprjeđenje<br />

poslovanja.<br />

Što je s investicijama? Zbog krize, većina<br />

projekata modernizacije rafinerija u Europi su<br />

zaustavljeni, ali INA je u ovom pogledu<br />

iznimka?<br />

Sretan sam što mogu potvrditi da se i u ovom<br />

teškom razdoblju nastavljamo s kapitalnim investicijama.<br />

Time posebno mislim na modernizaciju<br />

rafinerija u Rijeci i Sisku.<br />

Nije jednostavno, ali moramo misliti na<br />

budućnost. <strong>Ina</strong> tu budućnost, kao integrirana<br />

naftna kompanija, ne bi imala bez modernizacije,<br />

jer ne bi imala proizvode s kojima može biti<br />

konkurentna na tržištu. Ovo je preduvjet opstanka<br />

na tržištu. Kada bismo ga zaustavili, slobodno<br />

bismo mogli staviti ključ u bravu.<br />

Očekujem da ćemo završiti do kraja 2012. godine,<br />

kada će hrvatske rafinerije u potpunosti<br />

moći konkurirati europskim rafinerijama.<br />

Međutim, za nastavak ovog projekta iznimno<br />

nam je važna kontinuirana suradnja s bitnim<br />

dionicima. Ulažemo maksimalne napore kako<br />

bi sagradili kvalitetan odnos s lokalnom ▶<br />

external effects of the crisis. But no company that is<br />

doing business on the market can fully counter such<br />

effects.<br />

However, the quality of successful companies and<br />

successful teams lies in the ability to continuously<br />

adapt to given circumstances. To be more precise,<br />

we are in the middle of a general optimization<br />

program. This is not only cost-cutting, but a general<br />

efficiency improvement.<br />

How do you see the next year?<br />

Next year will not be easy either. Apart from the<br />

crisis, a drop in spending is evident in all segments<br />

and there are also a range of other circumstances<br />

that impact the business operations of petroleum<br />

companies.<br />

In order to turn this company into a healthy<br />

organization, we have to give it medicine, i.e.<br />

strengthen its competitiveness, but competitiveness<br />

in its services, products and prices. Therefore we<br />

have to see next year as a challenge for INA and the<br />

current crisis as an opportunity to revise and<br />

improve business operations.<br />

What about investments? Because of the crisis,<br />

most modernization projects in refineries in Europe<br />

have been halted, but INA is an exception in this<br />

respect?<br />

I am happy to confirm that we are continuing with<br />

capital investments even in this difficult time. I have<br />

in mind particularly the modernization of the<br />

refineries in Rijeka and Sisak. It is not easy, but we<br />

have to think about the future. As an integrated<br />

petroleum company <strong>Ina</strong> would not have this future<br />

without modernization, because it would not have<br />

products with which it could be competitive on the<br />

market. This is a pre-condition for survival on the<br />

market. If we would halt them, we could just close<br />

down. I expect that we will be finished by the end of<br />

2012, when Croatian refineries will be able to fully<br />

compete with European refineries. However,<br />

continuous cooperation with important stakeholders<br />

is extremely important for the continuation of this<br />

project. We are investing maximum efforts in order to<br />

build a quality relation with the local community in<br />

these two regions. ▷<br />

{ }<br />

Očekujem da će INA biti vrijedna i važna kompanija,<br />

regionalni igrač. To nije nešto što će se dogoditi preko<br />

noći i zahtijevati će mnogo napornog rada - ali to će se dogoditi.<br />

16 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

(winter 09) zima ‘09 17

interview<br />

zajednicom u ove dvije regije. Kao što su i koristi<br />

uzajamne, uzajamni trebaju biti i podrška i razumijevanje.<br />

A daljnje istraživačke aktivnosti?<br />

Istraživanje i proizvodnja su Inine temeljne djelatnosti<br />

i važan dio naše budućnosti. Projekti<br />

poput onog u Siriji ili Egiptu, te u Sjevernom Jadranu<br />

su od strateškog interesa za Inu i s njima<br />

nastavljamo kako je i planirano.<br />

Gledajući dalje u budućnost, gdje vidite Ininu<br />

poziciju?<br />

Očekujem da će INA biti vrijedna i važna kompanija,<br />

regionalni igrač. To nije nešto što će se<br />

dogoditi preko noći i zahtijevati će mnogo napornog<br />

rada-ali to će se dogoditi. Ako me pitate<br />

zašto sam tako siguran, reći ću vam. <strong>Ina</strong> ima<br />

mnogo vrijednih, odgovornih ljudi koji su<br />

spremni dati svoj maksimum. <strong>Ina</strong> ima brojne<br />

stručnjake i dobre menadžere na koje se možemo<br />

osloniti. INA ima i pouzdanog partnera-MOL.<br />

Kao što znate, MOL je nedavno dobio i posebno<br />

priznanje kao najbolja europska tvrtka za lidere i<br />

to nije jedina nagrada koju su dobili za uspješno<br />

vodstvo. S naše strane, to je dobra prilika za<br />

razmjenu iskustava i sinergiju na mnogim područjima.<br />

Kada gledate iz ove perspektive, mi<br />

imamo i ljude i strategiju, prema tome imamo i<br />

budućnost!<br />

Na kraju godine, što možete poručiti<br />

zaposlenicima, poslovnim partnerima i drugim<br />

dionicima ?<br />

INA grupa ima oko 16 tisuća ljudi. Svi koji su<br />

predani i motivirani bit će dio uspješne kompanije<br />

i imat će priliku dalje razvijati svoje vještine<br />

ne samo ovdje, nego u međunarodnom<br />

okruženju. Poslovnim partnerima i drugim dionicima,<br />

ova kompanija bit će pouzdan partner koji<br />

će u budućnosti jačati svoju razvojnu perspektivu<br />

u regiji maloprodajnom mrežom, kvalitetnom uslugom<br />

i dobrom odnosima s zajednicom u kojoj<br />

djeluje. Konačno, svima njima želim sve najbolje<br />

za nadolazeće blagdane i veselim se uspješnoj<br />

suradnji u 2010. ◀<br />

Just as benefits are mutual, both support and<br />

understanding have to be mutual as well.<br />

What about further exploration activities?<br />

Exploration and production is INA’s core business<br />

and an important part of our future. Projects like<br />

those in Syria or Egypt and in the Northern Adriatic<br />

are of strategic interest for INA and we will continue<br />

with them as planned.<br />

Looking further into the future, where do you see<br />

INA’s position?<br />

I expect that INA will be a valuable and important<br />

company, a regional player. This is not something<br />

that will happen overnight and it will require a lot of<br />

strenuous work, but it will happen. If you ask me why<br />

I am this certain, I will tell you. <strong>Ina</strong> has a lot of<br />

diligent, responsible people who are willing to give<br />

their maximum. <strong>Ina</strong> has numerous experts and good<br />

managers which we can rely on. <strong>Ina</strong> also has a<br />

reliable partner: MOL. As you know, MOL has recently<br />

received a special acknowledgment as the best<br />

European company for leaders and this is not the<br />

only award it has received for successful leadership.<br />

From our side, this is a good opportunity for the<br />

exchange of experiences and synergy in many<br />

areas. When you look at it from this perspective, we<br />

have both the people and the strategy, thus we also<br />

have a future!<br />

At the end of the year, what is your message to<br />

employees, business partners and other<br />

stakeholders?<br />

INA group has around 16,000 people. All those who<br />

are dedicated and motivated will be part of a<br />

successful company and will have the opportunity to<br />

further develop their skills not only here, but in an<br />

international environment. To business partners and<br />

other stakeholders this company will be a reliable<br />

partner who will strengthen its development<br />

perspective in the region in the future through its<br />

retail network, quality service and good relations with<br />

the community it does business in. In the end, I wish<br />

all of them the best for the upcoming holidays and<br />

am looking forward to successful cooperation in<br />

2010. ◁<br />

{ }<br />

I expect that INA will be a valuable and important company,<br />

a regional player. This is not something that will happen overnight<br />

and it will require a lot of strenuous work, but it will happen.<br />

18 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

(winter 09) zima ‘09 19


Sve veća potrošnja energenata<br />

Pod visokim pokroviteljstvom Vlade Republike Hrvatske<br />

u Šibeniku je održan 5. međunarodni znanstvenostručni<br />

skup o naftnom gospodarstvu. Organizatori<br />

sku pa su bili: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti<br />

– Znanstveno vijeće za naftu, Rudarsko-geološkonaf<br />

tni fakultet, Hrvatska udruga naftnih inženjera i<br />

geologa – HUNIG, INA-Industrija nafte, d.d., Crosco, Naftni servisi<br />

d.o.o., Plinacro d.o.o., STSI – Integrirani tehnički servisi d.o.o, PROplin<br />

d.o.o i JANAF d.d.<br />

Tema ovogodišnjeg skupa bila je: Imaju li nafta i plin energetsku zamje -<br />

nu u ovom stoljeću? Doista, ima li težeg i neizvjesnijeg pitanja čak i unatoč<br />

znanstvenim istraživanjima, munjevitom razvoju tehnologija istra -<br />

živanja i pridobivanja nafte i plina, gospodarskim planovima razvoja,<br />

iz gradnji novih pravaca distribucije i dobave energenata te sve veće skr -<br />

bi za postojeće otkrivene i potencijalne nove izvore energenata. Kriza s<br />

energentima, sve jasnije političko i geopolitičko, vojno i strateško pozicio<br />

niranje energetske politike, stavljaju energetiku – naftu i plin napose<br />

- u samo središte interesa znanosti, gospodarstva, domaćinstava, na-<br />



*Growing Consumption of Energy-Generating Products<br />

Kako stoji u poruci sudionicima Međunarodnog znanstvenog-stručnog skupa o naftnom gospodarstvu zadaća<br />

mu je promovirati stručna i profesionalna znanja<br />

As the message to attendees says, the task of the International<br />

Oil and Gas Conference is promoting expert<br />

and professional know-how<br />

UNDER HIGH AUSPICES of the Government of the Republic of Croatia,<br />

the 5th International Oil and Gas Conference was held in Šibenik. Organisers<br />

of the conference were: Croatian Academy of Sciences and<br />

Arts (CASA), the Faculty of Mining, Geology, and Petroleum Engineering,<br />

the Croatian Association of Petroleum Engineers and Geologists,<br />

INA-Industrija nafte, d.d., Crosco naftni servisi d.o.o., Plinacro d.o.o., STSIintegrated<br />

technical services d.o.o., PROplin d.o.o. and Janaf d.d.<br />

Title of the Conference was: Is There an Energy Alternative for Oil and<br />

Gas in This Century? And indeed, is there an issue that is more complicated<br />

or uncertain, even in spite of scientific research, wildfire development<br />

of technology in oil exploration and recovery, economic<br />

development plans, construction of new distribution routes and energy<br />

supply, as well as growing care for existing discovered and potentially<br />

20 zima ‘09 (winter 09)


{ BUSINESS}<br />

Akademik Mirko Zelić otvara<br />

Međunarodni znanstveni skup<br />

Fellow of the academy<br />

Mirko Zeilć opened the<br />

international scientific conference<br />

“ PROMJENE<br />



TRŽIŠTU, U<br />


GODINE,<br />






cionalnih država, posebice onih ovisnih o uvozu energenata. Tome valja<br />

pridodati nove velike potrošače koji su sami u najvećoj mjeri ovisnici o<br />

uvozu, a zadnje desetljeće bilježe visoke stope gospodarskog razvoja. Prije<br />

svega to se odnosi na Kinu, Indiju i ostale brojne azijske zemlje. Na ta i<br />

slična pitanja za Skup je pripremljeno preko stotinu radova auto ra iz<br />

zemlje i inozemstva, predstavnika kompanija i znanstveno struč nih ustanova,<br />

a Skupu je nazočilo preko 250 sudionika. Posebno va lja istaknuti<br />

veliki broj stručnjaka iz Ine, Mola, domaćih i svjetskih kom panija, predstavnika<br />

HAZU i nekoliko fakulteta: RGN-a, Ekonomskog fakulteta,<br />

Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva i Agronomskog fakulteta.<br />

Izlaganja na Skupu analizirala su uzroke nepredvidljivih promjena cijena<br />

nafte i plina na svjetskom tržištu, uvođenje sofisticirane opreme i<br />

teh nologije naftnog rudarenja koje su omogućile rentabilno istraživanje<br />

du bokih kopnenih i morskih sedimenata, širenje istraživačkih prostora<br />

u kojima su akumulirane velike zalihe ugljikovodika, sve veći udjel obno<br />

vljivih izvora energije, aktualni procesi plinofikacije u nas i svijetu,<br />

novi transportni sustavi cjevovoda, utjecaj ugljikovodika na ekosustav<br />

i mnoge druge teme.<br />


Sudionicima skupa obratio se akademik Mirko Zelić koji je u svom izlaga<br />

nju iznio trenutačnu sliku naftno-plinske problematike u svijetu s<br />

tendencijama do sredine našega stoljeća. Prema njegovom izlaganju<br />

fosilna goriva (nafta, plin, ugljen) pokrivaju oko 80 posto potreba za<br />

pri marnom energijom u svijetu. Do 2050. predviđa se rast stanovništva<br />

na 11 milijardi, s time da već danas više od dvije milijarde nema pri s -<br />

tup modernim oblicima energije. Procjenjuje se da će potražnja za primar<br />

nom energijom do 2030. porasti za čak 55 posto. Najveće povećanje<br />

oče kuje se u tzv. „brik“ grupi – Brazil, Rusija, Indija i Kina, za čak 80<br />

posto.<br />

Potrošnja naftnih derivata će rasti napose zbog porasta broja vo zila, sa<br />

sadašnjih 900 milijuna na preko dvije milijarde, i to većinom u ▶<br />

new energy sources. The energy crisis, clearer political, geo-political<br />

and strategic positioning of the energy policy, have placed energy –<br />

especially oil and gas – in the very centre of the interest of science,<br />

economy, households, national countries, especially those dependent<br />

of importing energy-generating products.<br />

Large consumers should also be added to this list, since they are<br />

mostly depending on import and are recording high rates in economy<br />

growth in the last decade. This primarily refers to China, India and<br />

many other Asian countries. As answers to this and other similar<br />

questions, the Conference gave over one hundred papers prepared<br />

by authors from the country and abroad, by company representatives<br />

and representatives of scientific and expert institutions; the Conference<br />

was attended by more than 250 participants. Special emphasis<br />

should be given to experts from <strong>Ina</strong>, Mol, domestic and world companies,<br />

CASA representatives and several faculties: the Faculty of Mining,<br />

Geology, and Petroleum Engineering, the Faculty of Economics,<br />

the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing and the Faculty<br />

of Agriculture.<br />

Presentations gave analysis of causes for unpredictable changes in oil<br />

and gas prices in world market, then the introduction of sophisticate<br />

equipment and technology in petroleum engineering which enabled<br />

profitable exploration of deep onshore and offshore sediments, expanding<br />

exploration areas where significant reserves of hydrocarbons<br />

have accumulated, growing share of renewable energy sources, current<br />

gas supply system installation processes in the Country and<br />

abroad, new pipeline transport system, influence of hydrocarbons to<br />

the eco-system and many other topics.<br />


Attendees were addressed by Mirko Zelić, Fellow of the Academy, who<br />

gave the current illustration of oil-gas issues in the world with tendencies<br />

up to mid 21st century. According to his presentation, fossil fuels ▷<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 21

Sudionike Skupa pozdravio je<br />

predsjednik HAZU akademik Milan Moguš<br />

The president of the Croatian academy of<br />

sciences and arts, MIlan Moguš adresses<br />

the attendees<br />

azijs kim zemljama. Globalna potražnja za prirodnim plinom će do<br />

2030. dosegnuti porast za 43 posto. U tom smislu u području energetske<br />

sigurnosti jasne su sljedeće tendencije: diverzifikacija dobavnih<br />

pra vaca i izvora energenata; jačanje sigurnosti cje vovodnog transporta<br />

nafte i plina te osiguranje morskih tjesnaca za sigur nost transporta nafte<br />

i ukapljenog naftnog plina. U cijeloj toj priči i ma la Hrvatska, koja svoje<br />

potrebe za naftom iz domaćih izvora pokriva s 20, a prirodnim plinom<br />

sa 60 posto, također mora voditi računa o diver zifikaciji izvora i<br />

dobavnih pravaca.<br />


Drugi izlagač u plenarnom dijelu bio je prof.dr. Krešimir Čosić, koji je<br />

go vorio o aspektu energetske sigurnosti u kontekstu globalnih politič -<br />

kih kretanja s posebnim akcentom na ulogu NATO saveza u osiguranju<br />

si gurnosti izvora energenata i dobavnih pravaca.<br />

Izvršni direktor za Istraživanje i proizvodnju MOL Grupe Zoltán Áldott<br />

i glavni izvršni direktor Ine Bo jan Milković zaokružili su plenarna<br />

izlaganja temom: Sinergijska stra tegija i partnerstvo Ine i Mola u istraživanju<br />

i proizvodnji nafte i plina. Autori su pošli od činjenice da sin-<br />

(petroleum, gas, coal) cover approximately 80 per cent of global needs for<br />

primary energy. Up to 2050, it is estimated that the population will grow<br />

to 11 billion, and already today more than 2 billion have no access to<br />

modern forms of energy.<br />

It is estimated that demand for primary energy will increase by as much<br />

as 55 per cent before 2030. Biggest increase is expected in the so<br />

called ‘’bric’’ group – Brazil, Russia, India and China by as much as 80<br />

per cent.<br />

Petroleum products’ consumption will grow optimality due to bigger<br />

number of vehicles, from today’s 900 million to over two billion, mostly<br />

in Asian countries. Global demand for natural gas will reach 43 per cent<br />

growth by 2030. To this effect, the following tendencies in the field of<br />

energy security are clear: diversification of supply routes and energy<br />

sources; strengthening safety of the pipeline transport of oil and gas,<br />

and assurance of straits for safe transport of oil and liquefied petroleum<br />

gas.<br />

A small piece of this story is Croatia; we cover our petroleum needs with<br />

20 per cent and for natural gas with 60 per cent from domestic sources,<br />

and should also take into account the diversification of sources and<br />

supply routes.<br />


Second speaker in the plenary part of the conference was Krešimir Čosić<br />

who spoke about the energy security aspect in the context of global<br />

political movements, with special emphasis given to the role of NATO in<br />

ensuring the security of energy generating products’ sources and supply<br />

routes.<br />

MOL Group Executive vice president for Exploration and Production<br />

Zoltán Áldott and Chief Executive Officer Bojan Milković gave closure to<br />

plenary presentation with the topic; Mol and <strong>Ina</strong> Synergic Strategy and<br />

Partnership in Oil and Gas Exploration and Production. Their starting<br />

point was the fact that the synergy activity which exploits all advantages<br />

of both sides should bring harmony in joint business activity, in<br />

reduction of unit cots of exploration and production of hydrocarbons<br />

22 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

Bojan Milković i Zoltán Áldott<br />

pojašnjavaju sinergiju Ine i Mola u<br />

istraživanju nafte i plina (lijevo);<br />

Krešimir Čosić govori o energetici i<br />

nacionalnoj sigurnosti (gore)<br />

Bojan Milković and Zoltán Áldott<br />

explaining <strong>Ina</strong>-Mol synergy in oil and<br />

gas exploration (left)<br />

Krešimir Čosić speaking about energy<br />

and national security (above)<br />

er gijsko djelovanje u kojemu se iskorištavaju sve prednosti jedne i<br />

druge strane treba doprinijeti harmo nizaciji u zajedničkom poslu,<br />

smanjivanju jediničnih troškova u istraživanju i proizvodnji ug lji ko vo -<br />

dika te ostvarivanju dobiti kao bitnog čimbenika poslovanja.<br />

Nakon navedenih izlaganja Skup su pozdravili: akademik Milan Mo -<br />

guš, predsjednik HAZU te dr. Ante Županović, gradonačelnik Šibenika<br />

kao izaslanik predsjednika Republike.<br />

Među brojnim izlaganjima posebnu su pažnju izazvale sljedeće teme:<br />

„Mo gu li se primjenom metoda povećanja iscrpka nafte i poboljšanja<br />

metoda iskorištavanja naftnih ležišta zadovoljiti svjetske potrebe za naf -<br />

tom?“, prof.dr. Josipa Sečena; „Globalni energetski trendovi u XXI. stoljeću<br />

prof.dr. Igora Dekanića i suradnica Lidije Hrnčević i Darije Ka ra -<br />

salihović Sedlar; „Projekt za opskrbu plinom Jugoistočne Europe“<br />

dr.sc. Steve Kolundžića; „Energija sunca i vjetra“ akademika Božidara<br />

Liš čića; potom izlaganja o alternativnim izvorima energije „Utjecaj<br />

ci jena na supstituciju nafte“ prof. dr. Mate Babić, „Plinsko gospodar -<br />

stvo i buduće globalne energetske promjene“ prof.dr. Miljenka Šunića<br />

kao i brojni radovi koji su za predmet imali tehnička i tehnološka is -<br />

kustva i znanja u proizvodnji nafte i plina.<br />


Završetkom Skupa započele su nužne analize koje će pokazati što je<br />

Skup donio novoga u odgovoru na početno postavljeno pitanje: „Imaju<br />

li nafta i plin energetsku zamjenu u ovom stoljeću?“ Svi pokazatelji govore<br />

da će do prve polovice našega stoljeća nafta i plin imati nezaobilaz -<br />

nu energetsku ulogu sa svim gospodarskim, razvojnim, geopolitičkim,<br />

voj nim, strateškim, sigurnosnim i inim posljedicama. Naravno, težim<br />

i opsežnijim za one koji su siromašniji izvorima energije, odnosno one<br />

ko ji su nespremni za hitne promjene u svojim nacionalnim strateškim<br />

pla novima, ove dominantne grane svjetskog gospodarstva. Napose je<br />

ilu strativan podatak kako će sljedećih 30 godina svjetska potrošnja ener<br />

gije porasti za čak 50 posto i to s najbržim rastom u nerazvijenim i<br />

zem ljama u razvoju. To nafti i plinu, kao i dosad, pridaje stratešku, ne<br />

samo energetsku ulogu. ◀<br />

and achieve profit as important factor of doing business.<br />

After the afore-mentioned presentations, the Conference was addressed<br />

by: Milan Moguš, fellow of the Academy and president of Croatian<br />

Academy of Sciences and Arts, and by Ante Županović, D.Sc., the<br />

Mayor of Šibenik as the emissary of the President of the Republic of<br />

Croatia.<br />

Among numerous presentations, special attention was given to the following<br />

topics: “Can the application of EOR and IOR methods satisfy the<br />

world demand for oil?” by Josip Sečen Ph.D.; “Global energy trends in<br />

the 21st century” by Igor Dekanić Ph.D. and his associates Lidija Hrnčević<br />

and Darija Karasalihović Sedlar; “Gas supply projects for SE Europe”<br />

by Stevo Kolundžić Ph.D.; “Solar and wind energy” by Božidar Lišćić (fellow<br />

of the Academy); then presentations on alternative energy sources<br />

“Affect of price on the supstitution of oil” by Mate Babić, “Gas industry<br />

and future global energy changes” by Miljenko Šunić, and many papers<br />

on technical and technological experience and knowledge in oil and gas<br />

production.<br />


The Conference ended in analyzing new answers offered at the Conference,<br />

to the initially raised question: Is There an Energy Alternative for<br />

Oil and Gas in This Century?’’. All indicators speak that before first half<br />

of this century, oil and gas shall play a crucial energy role with all economy,<br />

developmental, geo-political, military, strategic, safety and other<br />

consequences.<br />

Of course, countries poor in energy sources, that is, those countries<br />

unprepared for urgent changes in their national strategic plans of this<br />

dominant branch of world economy will suffer great and more extensive<br />

consequences. Information that world energy consumption in the<br />

next thirty years will grow by as much as 50 per cent, with biggest<br />

growth in undeveloped and developing countries, is particularly illustrating.<br />

As before, this assigns oil and gas not only the energy-related role, but<br />

also the strategic role. ◁<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 23


{ BUSINESS }<br />



Novi pravci<br />

razvoja<br />



*New directions of development<br />

Hrvatska je za pet godina u europskom vrhu po plinofikaciji a glavne pretpostavke su<br />

novi transportni kapaciteti, podzemno skladište plina, povećana proizvodnja i uvoz<br />

24 zima ‘09 (winter 09)<br />

In five years, Croatia is projected to be among top European countries in terms of gas distribution<br />

network, and the principal prerequisites for this are transport facilities, underground<br />

gas storage, and increased production and import

Predstavnici<br />

organizatora i vodećih<br />

hrvatskih energetskih tvrtki<br />

Representatives of<br />

organizers and leading<br />

Croatian energy companies<br />


Za budućnost hrvatskog plin skog gospodarstva, diverzifikacija<br />

i nova dobava postaju ključne toč ke što je ujedno<br />

bio i naziv središnje teme okruglog stola 2. Plinske energet<br />

ske konferencije održane 12. i 13. studenog u Splitu.<br />

Skup je okupio pred stav nike hr vatskog gospodarstva, energetskih<br />

tvrtki, hrvatske regulator ne agencije, distributera i svih<br />

drugih tvrtki koje se bave opskrbom hr vatskog tržišta plinom.<br />

Osim Inine predstavnice Davorke Tancer, direktorice tvrtke Prirodni<br />

plin d.o.o., skupu su nazočili i Jerko Jelić Bal ta, predsjednik Uprave<br />

Pli nacroa, Dario Karlovčan, predsjednik Up rave Proplina, Goran Slipac<br />

direktor HEP- obnovljivi izvori, Tomo Ga lić predsjednik Uprav -<br />

nog vijeća HERA-e, Bran ko Radošević, direktor Crodux plina, Mic -<br />

hael Mertl direktor Adria LNG-a, te mnogi drugi sudionici.<br />

Dva vrlo intenzivna dana konferencije u Splitu na kojoj su sudjelovali<br />

INA, HEP, Plinacro, Adria LNG i Proplin predstavila su stanje<br />

u plinskom gos podarstvu i pravce njegova razvoja.<br />

Od novih mogućnosti za opskrbu Hrvatske plinom istaknut je projekt<br />

LNG s rokom završetka 2014., te drugi pravci dobave poput Juž -<br />

nog toka sa završetkom 2015., za tim ukapljeni naftni plin i mješavina<br />

plina kao rješenja za pokrivanje vršne potrošnje i opskrbe<br />

jad ranskih otoka, izgradnja novog podzemnog skladišta plina ▶<br />

FOR THE FUTURE OF THE CROATIAN GAS ECONOMY, diversification and new<br />

supply become crucial points, which was the title of the central topic of the<br />

roundtable discussion at the 2nd Gas Energy Conference, held on November<br />

12 and 13 in Split. The conference brought together the representatives<br />

of the Croatian economy, energy companies, the Croatian Regulatory Agency<br />

and other companies involved in the supply of gas to the Croatian market.<br />

In addition to INA’s representative Davorka Tan cer, director of the company<br />

Prirodni plin d.o.o., the conference was attended by Jerko Jelić Balta, president<br />

of the Plinacro Management Board, Dario Kar lovčan, president of the<br />

Proplin Management Board, Goran Slipac, director of HEP - Renewable Resources,<br />

Tomo Galić, Head of the Croatian Ener gy Regulatory Agency (HERA),<br />

Branko Radošević, director of Crodux plin, Mic hael Mertl, director of Adria LNG,<br />

and many other participants.<br />

Two very intense days of the conference in Split in which INA, HEP, Plinacro,<br />

Adria LNG and Proplin participated, presented the situation in gas econo my<br />

and directions of its development. Among new possibilities for gas supply to<br />

Croatia, the LNG project was emphasized, which is to be completed in 2014,<br />

and other supply lines, like the South Stream, which is to be comple ted in<br />

2015, followed by liquefied petroleum gas and gas mixture, as soluti o ns for<br />

covering peak consumption and supply to the Adriatic islands, the co nstruction<br />

of the new underground gas storage in Grubišno polje in 2013, ▷<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 25

Sudionici skupa<br />

pred novim<br />

energetskim izazovima<br />

Participants of the<br />

conference facing new<br />

energy-related<br />

challenges<br />

+<br />





Uprava INA – Industrije nafte d.d.<br />

osnovala je privremeno povjerenstvo za<br />

koordinaciju aktivnosti za pripremu<br />

ogrjevne sezone 2009/10. Povjerenstvo<br />

će djelovati do kraja ogrjevne sezone, a<br />

primarni zadatak mu je kontinuirano<br />

praćenje svih događaja vezanih uz<br />

opskrbu plinom ove ogrjevne sezone te<br />

izvještavanje Uprave o svim važnijim<br />

pitanjima, a kako bi se na vrijeme<br />

poduzeli potrebni koraci u eventualnim<br />

kriznim situacijama.<br />

The Management Board of INA – Industrija<br />

nafte d.d. established the Interim<br />

Committee for Coordination of Activities<br />

for Preparing the 2009/2010 Heating<br />

Season. The Committee will be active until<br />

the end of the heating season, and its<br />

primary task is continuous monitoring of<br />

all events related to gas supply during this<br />

heating season, and reporting to the<br />

Management Board on all important<br />

issues, in order to undertake important<br />

steps in crises, should they arise.<br />

u Grubišnom polju 2013. te uopće dom aći resursi i znanje u cilju optimizacije i racionalnosti<br />

u domaćem plinskom gospodarstvu.<br />

Sve su to moguća rješenja no ona imaju svoju cijenu i vremensku komponentu izgradnje i<br />

korištenja.<br />

Stanje u plinskom gospodarstvu Hrvatske, kako je pokazao ovaj skup, obilježeno je ponajprije<br />

pitanjem kako osigurati dovoljne količine plina kako bi se ostvarila pouzdana opskrba.<br />

Plinska polja Sjevernog Jadrana spojena su na hrvatski plinski sustav i izgrađen je plinovod<br />

Pula-Karlovac, a započela je uspješno i odvija se gradnja magistralnog plinovoda prema Dalmaciji.<br />

Prirodni plin tako je stigao u Istru prije nekoliko godina i upravo je tamo u tijeku izgradnja<br />

magistralnih plinovoda koji će omogućiti priključivanje distribucijskih sustava a time<br />

i krajnjih potrošača.<br />

Isto tako plin će za godinu-dvije stići do Dalmacije i neke su županije već odabrale koncesionare<br />

za izgradnju distribucijske mreže i dsitribucije prirodnog plina.<br />


Kada je riječ o osiguranju dovoljnih količina plina LNG projekt na samom je vrhu prioriteta.<br />

S obzirom da je jedan takav konkretan projekt u bližem susjedstvu već ostvaren a još ih se<br />

nekoliko najavljuje tu je svakako potrebno ubrzati postupak. Ostvarenjem ovog projekta<br />

Hrvatska ne bi samo dobila veće mogućnosti za dobavu prirodnog plina već bi postala i<br />

značajno energetsko čvorište ovog dijela Europe.<br />

Domaći energetičari drže da na tržištu postoji niz provjerenih tehničkih i tehnoloških te<br />

komercijalnih rješenja a jedno od njih je utiskivanje mješavine plinova propana butana i zraka<br />

u plinski sustav. Na taj način, poznato je, započela je plinofikacija nekih gradova, ali su s<br />

dolaskom prirodnog plina postrojenja za miješani plin napuštena ponajprije zbog komercijalnih<br />

razloga.<br />

Međutim zahvaljujući novoj organizaciji tržišta plina i tržišnom pristupu formiranja cijena<br />

te uzevši u obzir potrebno vrijeme izgradnje, vrijednost investicije i cijene zakupa velikih infrastrukturnih<br />

kapaciteta ta rješenja i danas nalaze svoju primjenu.<br />

Ukapljeni naftni plin (UNP) na samom je vrhu novih mogućnosti za opskrbu Hrvatske<br />

plinom. Razvoj potrošnje ukapljenog naftnog plina na hrvatskom i okolnim tržištima distributerima<br />

nameće potrebu za pokrivanjem sve većih potreba za dodatnim količinama plina<br />

i stabilnost opskrbe. Hrvatska kao jedna od rijetkih zemalja u Europi vlastitom proizvodnjom<br />

iz INE u pot punosti zadovoljava potrošnju tog energenta, dok se ostatak izvozi na okolna ▶<br />

26 zima ‘09 (winter 09)


{ BUSINESS}<br />

and generally the domestic resources and know-how, with the purpose of optimization and rational<br />

spending in domestic gas economy.<br />

All these are possible solutions, but they have their price and time factor for construction and use.<br />

As this conference has shown, the situation in the Croatian gas economy is primarily determined by<br />

the issue of securing sufficient quantities of gas, in order to ensure reliable supply.<br />

Gas fields of the Northern Adriatic are connected to the Croatian gas distribution system, and the<br />

Pula-Karlovac pipeline has been constructed, while the construction of the main pipeline to Dalmatia<br />

has started and proceeds successfully. Thus, natural gas reached Istria a few years ago, and the<br />

construction of main pipelines which will allow the connection of distribution systems, as well as ultimate<br />

consumers, is underway in this region.<br />

In a year or two, gas will also reach Dalmatia, and some counties have already chosen concessionaires<br />

for the construction of the distribution network and natural gas distribution.<br />


Regarding the supply of sufficient quantities of gas, the LNG project is a top priority. Considering that<br />

one such concrete project has already been completed in close neighborhood, and several others ha -<br />

ve been announced, it is necessary to speed up the procedure. With the realization of this project,<br />

Croa tia would gain not only greater possibilities for the supply of natural gas, but would also become<br />

a significant energy hub in this part of Europe.<br />

Croatian energy producers believe that there is a number of tried and true technical and technological,<br />

as well as commercial solutions, and one of them is inserting the mixture of propane, butane and<br />

air into the gas system. As it is known, gas supply to some cities started in this way, but with the arri<br />

val of natural gas, mixed gas plants were abandoned, primarily for commercial reasons. However,<br />

o wing to a new organization of the gas market and the market approach to price formulation, and taking<br />

into the account the time needed for construction, the value of investment and the prices of leasing<br />

large infrastructure facilities, these solutions are still applicable today.<br />

Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is at the top of the list of new possibilities for gas supply in Croatia. The<br />

de velopment of the consumption of LNG on the Croatian and neighboring markets faces the distribu<br />

tors with the need to cover increasing demand for additional quantities of gas and ensure stable supply.<br />

Croatia, as one of rare countries in Europe with its own production from INA, fully meets the<br />

d emand for this energy source, while the rest is exported to neighboring markets. Proplin’s officials<br />

be lieve that, based on the projection for modernizing the refineries, production capacities should be<br />

dou bled, which presents a great commercial and technical challenge in the future, in maximizing ▷<br />

“<br />





UVOZU<br />








Predstavnici plinskog gospodarstva,<br />

trošila i opreme<br />

Representatives of the gas economy,<br />

energy users and equipment<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 27


{ BUSINESS }<br />

“<br />







transport capacities and business efficiency, in which the quality of LNG<br />

imposed by the new application technologies will be of extreme importance<br />

for producers, as well as distributors, as they shape their profiles.<br />

tržišta. Na osnovi projekcije modernizacije rafinerija, pro izvodni kapaciteti<br />

bi se trebali gotovo udvostručiti što znači velik ko mercijalni<br />

i tehnički izazov u budućnosti pri maksimiranju transportnih kapaciteta<br />

i učinkovitosti poslovanja pri čemu će kvaliteta UNP-a koju<br />

nameću nove tehnologije primjene biti od iznimnog značenja za profiliranje<br />

proizvođača, ali i distributera, smatraju u Proplinu.<br />


Premda je LNG projekt u središtu pozornosti domaćih i vladinih<br />

stručnjaka kao jedan od novih dobavnih pravaca za uvozni plin prvenstvo<br />

Južnog toka čini se neupitnim. Prof.dr. Igor Dekanić, redovni<br />

profesor na RGN fakultetu u Zagrebu ocijenio je da će se Hrvatska<br />

uključiti u sve međunarodne projekte koji su od nacionalnog interesa,<br />

a takvi su Nabucco i Južni tok.<br />

Rasprave o tome traju već nekoliko godina, a sada je čini se bliže realizaciji<br />

samo jedan od njih tj. Južni tok. U Moskvi se očekuje potpisivanje<br />

dokumenta o sudjelovanju Hrvatske u Južnom toku, no to<br />

još neće biti sporazum već svojevrstan memorandum kojim bi<br />

Hrvatska, koja je zanimanje za Južni tok dosad iskazivala samo usmeno<br />

sada to učinila i pismeno.<br />

Drugi dokument koji je u odmakloj fazi jest odluka o produženju<br />

sporazuma s Gazpromom o dugoročnoj opskrbi Hrvatske plinom,<br />

a on bi trebao zamijeniti postojeći koji ističe u prosincu 2010. Tim<br />

je sporazumom dogovoreno da Rusija opskrbljuje Hrvatsku s 1,2<br />

milijarde prostornih metara plina godišnje.<br />

Naime, kako je to na jednom drugom energetskom skupu, u Zagre -<br />

bu, re kao Boris Medvedev, ministar-savjetnik u Veleposlanstvu<br />

Rus ke Fe de racije na javnom predavanju „Ruska energetska politika<br />

na Bal kanu“ koje je okupilo niz stručnjaka za energetiku među koji<br />

ma su bili Bojan Milković, glavni izvršni direktor INE, Stevo Kol-<br />


Although the LNG project is the focus of attention of Croatian and governmen<br />

tal experts as one of the new supply lines for imported gas, the priority<br />

status of the South Stream seems unquestionable. Igor Dekanić, Ph.D.,<br />

pro fessor at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum in Zagreb, belie -<br />

ves that Croatia will get involved in all international projects of national interest,<br />

such as Nabucco and the South Stream.<br />

Discussions regarding these issues have been underway for several years,<br />

and it seems now that only one of them, i.e. the South Stream, is getting clo -<br />

ser to realization. In Moscow, the signing of the document on Croatia’s parti<br />

cipation in the South Stream is expected, but this will not yet be an<br />

ag reement, but a memorandum, through which Croatia, which has so far<br />

on ly expressed verbal interest in the South Stream, will state this interest<br />

in writing. Another document which is in its advanced stage is the decision<br />

on the extension of the agreement with Gazprom on long-term supply of<br />

gas to Croatia, and it should replace the existing one, which will expire in December<br />

2010. Under this agreement, Russia supplies Croatia with 1.2 billion<br />

cubic meters of gas per year.<br />

As Boris Medvedev, the advisor-minister at the Embassy of the Russian<br />

Fe deration said in his public lecture “The Russian Energy Policy in the Bal -<br />

kans”, given at another energy-related conference in Zagreb, which brought<br />

together a number of energy management experts, including Bojan<br />

Milković, CEO of INA, Stevo Kolundžić, advisor to the Management Board of<br />

28 zima ‘09 (winter 09)<br />

Nova organizacija tržišta plina postavlja<br />

odgovornost energetskih subjekata<br />

The new organization of the gas market faces the<br />

energy economic agents with a responsibility

un džić, savjetnik Uprave INE, Miljenko Šunić, predsjednik HSUPa<br />

i drugi ugledni energetski stručnjaci, rokovi gradnje Južnog toka<br />

za sad ne ovise o Hrvatskoj. U slučaju Hrvatske gradio bi se samo dodatni<br />

krak koji bi se odvajao na jednom od dva mjesta u Mađarskoj<br />

ili u Srbiji, a za koji treba imati suglasnost.<br />

Aktivnost na pripremi plinovoda Južni tok, jednog od najvećih ener<br />

getskih projekata u Europi ulaze u završnu fazu, a sama gradnja<br />

trajat će tri do četiri godine.<br />

Ni Michael Mertl, direktor Adria LNG-a nove mogućnosti za opskrbu<br />

Hrvatske plinom iz LNG projekta ne vidi prije 2011. Naime,<br />

do tada treba donijeti tzv. konačnu odluku o gradnji LNG terminala<br />

na Krku, a morat će je donijeti osim hrvatskih članica u projektu<br />

(INE, HEP-a i Plinacra) i preostale članice, energetske kompanije<br />

Kon zorcija francuski Total, njemački E.ON Ruhrgas, austrijski OMV<br />

i slovenski Geoplin.<br />

Otuda je i tvrdnja Davorke Tancer, direktorice tvrtke Prirodni plin<br />

zvu ča la kao jedina realnost aktualnog stanja u plinskom gospodar -<br />

st vu, a to je da je domaća proizvodnja najvažniji element sigurnosti<br />

opskrbe. ◀<br />

INA, Miljenko Šunić, president of the Croatian Gas Expert Association and<br />

other prominent energy experts, the deadlines for the construction of the<br />

South Stream currently do not depend on Croatia. In Croatian case, only an<br />

additional extension would be built, which would branch off at one of two<br />

locations in Hungary or in Serbia, for which approval must be obtained. The<br />

activities regarding the preparation of the South Stream pipeline, one of<br />

the greatest energy projects in Europe are approaching the final stage, and<br />

the construction is to take three to four years.<br />

Michael Mertl, director of Adria LNG also sees no new possibilities for supplying<br />

gas to Croatia from the LNG project before 2011. By then, the socalled<br />

final decision regarding the construction of the LNG terminal on the<br />

island of Krk should be made by, in addition to the eight Croatian participants<br />

in the project (INA, HEP and Plinacro), other members, energy companies<br />

of the Consortium – the French company Total, the German E.On<br />

Ruhrgas, the Austrian OMV and the Slovenian Geoplin.<br />

Therefore, the statement made by Davorka Tancer, the director of the company<br />

Prirodni plin, sounded as the only reality of the gas economy, namely<br />

that the domestic production is the most important element for achieving<br />

reliable supply. ◁<br />

Državni energetski prioriteti<br />



Razvoj hrvatskog plinskog gospo dar -<br />

st va prema izlaganju Kristine Čelić<br />

ovisi o postojećim parametrima<br />

plinskog sustava poput raspoložive<br />

ko ličine plina, razine potrošnje i zims -<br />

kih temperaturnih uvjeta. Buduće pro -<br />

cje ne potrošnje upućuju da će potroš -<br />

nja plina sa sadašnjih tri milijarde<br />

pro stornih metara rasti, pa će već<br />

2010. i 2011. bit potrebno sve više<br />

plina iz uvoza. Nakon<br />

osuvremenjivanja Ininih rafinerija<br />

proi zvodnja UNP- u Hrvatskoj, prema ocjeni Čelićeve mogla bi<br />

doseći i do 770 tisuća prostornih metara godišnje što je više<br />

nego dovoljno za njegovo fleksibilno korištenje u zimskim<br />

uvijetima i u industriji. LNG projekt vladin je prioritet bez obzira<br />

što će se drugo događati jer je drugi izvor opskrbe i jer sve ostalo<br />

vodi iz jednog dobavnog pravca, zaključila je Čelić.<br />

State’s energy priorities<br />



According to the presentation by Kristina Čelić, the development of the<br />

Croatian gas economy depends on the existing parameters of the gas<br />

system, such as the available quantity of gas, consumption level and<br />

winter temperatures. Future consumption estimates indicate that gas<br />

consumption will grow from the current three billion cubic meters, and<br />

increasing quantities of gas will be necessary already in 2010 and 2011.<br />

After modernization of INA’s refineries, the LNG production in Cro atia,<br />

according to Čelić, could reach as much as 770,000 cubic meters per<br />

year, which is more than sufficient for flexible use in winter conditions<br />

and in industry. The LNG project is the Government’s prio rity, regardless<br />

of other events, because it is the second supply source and because<br />

everything else is run from a single supply line, Čelić concluded.<br />

Primarno novo skladište plina<br />



Plinacro, hrvatski operater plinskog transportnog<br />

sustava, 2011. godine isporučit će prve količine plina<br />

za srednjejadranske županije, kaže predsjednik<br />

Uprave Jerko Jelić Balta. Dovršetkom LNG terminala<br />

u Omišlju i Južnog toka opskrbljivat će hrvatsko<br />

tržište sa 6,5 milijardi prostornih metara plina<br />

godišnje. Potrebno je izgraditi novo skladište plina te<br />

povećati kapacitet PSP Okoli. Gradnja novog<br />

skladišta određena je u Grubišnom polju do 2015.<br />

New gas storage is a priority<br />



Plinacro, the Croatian gas transport system operater will<br />

deliver the first quantities of gas for Central Adriatic coun -<br />

ties in 2011, says the president of the Management Board<br />

Jerko Jelić Balta. After the completion of the LNG terminal<br />

in Omišalj and the South Stream, it will supply the Croatian<br />

market with 6.5 billion of cubic meters of gas per year. It is<br />

nece ssary to build a new gas storage and in cre a se the ca pa -<br />

city of the Okoli Underground Gas Sto rage. The cons truc tion<br />

of the new storage is projected in Grubišno polje by 2015.<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09<br />





Podzemno skladište ukapljenog na<br />


*LPG Underground Storage<br />

Ukapljeni naftni plin se u režimu rafinerija proizvodi u<br />

razmjerno konstantnim količinama tijekom godine, dok<br />

je potraž nja za njim promjenjiva, naročito raste u sezoni<br />

grijanja za hladnog vremena, a u vrijeme zatopljenja naglo<br />

pada. Kako je tehnološki i transportno zahtjevno uskladiti<br />

proizvodnju i potražnju za UNP-om, potrebno je imati odgovarajući<br />

skladišni prostor. Isti mora omo gućiti prihvat UNP-a iz tekuće<br />

proizvodnje i operativnih razloga kao što su poremećaji na tržištu,<br />

vremenske neprilike, ograničena otprema, “pri vidno smanjenje”<br />

skladišnog prostora zbog specifikacija određenih ku paca, ali i zbog<br />

sprečavanja prekida njegove proizvodnje i spaljivanja na baklji u<br />

takvim slučajevima. Kao jedno od poznatih rješenja izgrađuje se<br />

PSP UNP-a.<br />

Prvo podzemno skladište za ukapljeno naftni plin u<br />

podzemnim kavernama izvela je još 1948., tvrtka Warren<br />

Petroleum u SAD-u za postrojenja u Teksasu. Do danas je u svijetu<br />

izgrađeno oko 80 podzemnih skladišta za UNP u kavrenama ispod<br />

razine tla, a u Europi je najpoznatije skladište Lavera u<br />

Francuskoj.<br />


Geološke strukture odnosno podzemne kaverne za skladištenje<br />

UNP-a moraju biti građene od dovoljno jakih stijena zbog stabilnosti<br />

sustava. Us kla dištenom UNP-u je onemogućena migracija (tj.<br />

istjecanje u matične sti jene) prema osnovnom načelu hidraulike.<br />

Naime, kaverne se nalaze ta ko duboko da voda koja prirodno<br />

okružuje stijene stvara protutlak koji je viši od tlaka para<br />

uskladištenog UNP-a, čime se sprječava njegova migra cija. Ako se<br />

pak ispitivanjem stijena pokaže da je hidraulički tlak nedovoljan,<br />

sustavom vodoravnih bušotina iznad kaverne ostvaruje se balans<br />

tzv. “vodenom zavjesom”. Raspon dubine izgradnje kaverne ug -<br />

lavnom iznosi od 60 - 400 metara ispod razine tla. Sustav<br />

podzemnog skla dišta za UNP sastoji se od nekoliko osnovnih podsustava:<br />

okna, ope rativnog odnosno radnog tunela, pristupnog<br />

tunela, eventualno vodene zavjese, same kaverne za skladištenje<br />

UNP-a.<br />

Za utvrđivanje izvedivosti podzemnog skladišta za UNP u kaverni<br />

pro vo di se opsežno geološko, geofizičko i hidrogeološko ispitivanje.<br />


Nekoliko je osnovnih prednosti podzemnih u odnosu na nadzemna<br />

skladišta za UNP. Na prvome su mjestu, svakako sigurnosni čim-<br />


liquefied petroleum gas is produ -<br />

ced in relatively constant quanti -<br />

ties throughout the year, whe reas<br />

the LPG demand is flu c tuating,<br />

growing particularly du ring the<br />

heating season in the cold<br />

weather and dropping shar ply in<br />

the warm weather. Since it is a<br />

technological and a transporting<br />

challenge to synchronise the LPG<br />

production with its demand, the<br />

LPG requires adequate storage<br />

space. The storage should be able<br />

to accept the LPG from the current<br />

production and for operational reasons,<br />

e.g. market fluctuations, unfavourable<br />

weather conditions,<br />

shipping restrictions, “fictitious<br />

storage space reduction” due to<br />

specific requirements of some<br />

customers, but also to prevent the<br />

LPG production discontinuation<br />

and consequently, its flare incineration.<br />

One of the famous solutions<br />

is the construction of the LPG<br />

underground storage.<br />

The first LPG underground storage<br />

in underground caverns was carried<br />

out as early as 1948 by Warren<br />

Petroleum Co. in the USA for<br />

the Texas facilities. To date approximately<br />

80 LPG underground<br />

storages have been built worldwide<br />

in caverns under the ground<br />

level, whereas the most wellknown<br />

European storage is the<br />

Lavera storage in France.<br />



The geological structures, i.e. the<br />

underground LPG storage caverns<br />

need to be built from rocks of sufficient<br />

strength due to system stability.<br />

In compliance with the basic<br />

principle of hydraulics, the migration<br />

(i.e. leaking into underlying<br />

rocks) of the stored LPG is rendered<br />

impossible. Specifically, the<br />

caverns are built so deep underground<br />

that the water in the natural<br />

surroundings of the rocks produces<br />

the counter pressure higher<br />

than the stored LPG steam pressure,<br />

which prevents its migration.<br />

If the rock testing indicates the insufficiency<br />

of the hydraulic pressure,<br />

a system of horizontal wells<br />

above the caverns establishes the<br />

balance with the so-called “water<br />

curtain”. The cavern construction<br />

depth range amounts largely to<br />

60-400 meters under the ground<br />

level. The LPG underground storage<br />

system consists of a number<br />

of basic subsystems: shaft, operation<br />

tunnel, access tunnel, perhaps<br />

water curtain and the LPG<br />

storage cavern. To identify the feasibility<br />

of the LPG underground<br />

storage construction the cavern<br />

requires comprehensive geological,<br />

geophysical and hydrogeological<br />

testing.<br />



There are a number of fundamental<br />

advantages of the LPG underground<br />

storage in comparison with<br />

the aboveground storage: first of<br />

all, the safety factors, i.e. the protection<br />

against external accidents,<br />

30 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

ftnog plina<br />

benici, odnosno zaštita od vanjskih akcidenata, smanjena izloženost<br />

oštećenju, prirodnim nepogodama i zaštita okoliša.<br />

Zbog odsutnosti kisika u pod zem nom skladištu onemogućena je<br />

pojava eksplozije. U obzir treba uzeti i ekonomske čimbenike,<br />

odnosno isplativost jer su kod podzemnih skla dišta niži troškovi<br />

ulaganja za isti kapacitet od nadzemnih spremnika (refe rentnost<br />

50.000 m 3 i više), niže su i premije osiguranja te pogonski i<br />

troškovi održavanja, bolja radna frekventnost, lakša zamjena<br />

opreme, a radni vijek dulji od konvencionalnih čeličnih<br />

spremnika.<br />

U osnovne instalacije podzemnog skladišta i prihvatnog terminala<br />

za utovar i istovar UNP-a s tankera ubrajaju se: pumpna pretvorna<br />

stanica, po stro jenja za grijanje plina, podzemno skladište, postrojenje<br />

za odvajanje vo de, postrojenja za sušenje plina, pretovarne instalacije<br />

za željezničke i kamionske cisterne, sustav upravljanja i<br />

kontrole, sustav sigurnosnih i zaštitnih mjera<br />


INA je kroz povijest razmatrala i takvu mogućnost izgradnje PSP<br />

UNP-a. U kavernama bi se mogao skladištiti propan po kapacitetu<br />

kao prioritetni UNP, UNP kao sirovina za petrokemijsku industriju,<br />

bogata olefinima, butan ili standardna smjesa.<br />

Prema kriterijima struke i iskustva utvrđena je perspektivnost<br />

lokacije na Urinju, u blizini INA Rafinerije nafte Rijeka. Za ostvarivanje<br />

projekta takvog podzemnog skladišta najprije bi trebalo<br />

provesti marketinšku studiju za zemlje Jugoistočne Europe i gravitirajućih<br />

tržišta Srednje Europe, studiju izvedivosti za pod zemno<br />

skladište plina u obliku kaverne najmanjeg kapaciteta 100 tisuća m 3<br />

(45 000 tona), istražne radove radi geološkog profiliranja PSP-a i<br />

njego ve funkcionalnosti na predviđenoj lokaciji, studiju izvedivosti<br />

potrebne rekonstrukcije postojeće infrastrukture te studija utjecaja<br />

na okoliš.<br />

Ulaganje u PSP UNP-a obuhvaća radove u podzemlju te ugradnju<br />

instalacija, geološku determinantu, nadzemne instalacije za UNP,<br />

prateću sigurnosnu i zaštitnu opremu, cestovnu, željezničku, brodsku,<br />

odnosno operativno-transportnu infrastrukturu i faktor vremena<br />

izgradnje.<br />

Visina ula ganja ovisi o geološkoj strukturi i svojstvu stijena, hidrogeološkim<br />

uv je tima ( potreba za izgradnjom vodene zavjese, uvjetima<br />

na terenu, uda-ljenosti infrastrukture, veličini i obliku skladišta<br />

itd). Za kaverne UNP-a tipičnog obujma 100 tisuća do 150 tisuća<br />

m 3 , ulaganja se kreću u ras ponu 50 do 100 milijuna eura. ◀<br />

limited exposure to damage and<br />

natural disasters, and environmental<br />

protection.<br />

A lack of oxygen eliminates the<br />

possibility of explosions in the underground<br />

storage. There are also<br />

economic factors, i.e. cost-effectiveness<br />

as the investment costs<br />

for underground storages are<br />

lower in comparison with the same<br />

aboveground storage capacities<br />

(reference of 50.000 m 3 and<br />

above); insurance premium, operating<br />

and maintenance costs are<br />

lower; working frequency is better,<br />

equipment replacement is<br />

easier and the operating life longer<br />

than the conventional steel tanks.<br />

The basic installations of the underground<br />

storage and the LPG<br />

loading/unloading tanker terminal<br />

consist of: pump station converter,<br />

gas heating facilities, underground<br />

storage, water separation unit, gas<br />

drying unit, reloading installations<br />

for railway and lorry tanks, management<br />

and control system,<br />

safety and protection system.<br />



FOR INA<br />

Throughout the history INA has<br />

considered the possibility of the<br />

LPG underground storage construction.<br />

The cavern could be<br />

used to store propane as a priority<br />

LPG according to its capacity, LPG<br />

as an olephine-rich raw material<br />

for petrochemical industry, butane<br />

or a standard compound. The longterm<br />

prospects of the Urinj location<br />

nearby INA Oil Refinery in Rijeka<br />

have been identified in compliance<br />

with the professional criteria<br />

and experiences. The<br />

implementation of the underground<br />

storage project of this type<br />

requires a preliminary<br />

marketing study for the South-<br />

East Europe and the gravitating<br />

Central European markets, the feasibility<br />

study for the underground<br />

gas storage cavern with minimum<br />

capacity of 100 000 m 3 (45 000<br />

tons), geological profiling research<br />

of the underground gas storage<br />

and its functionality at the site<br />

foreseen, the feasibility study of<br />

the required current infrastructure<br />

reconstruction and the environmental<br />

impact assessment.<br />

The investment in the LPG underground<br />

storage is comprised of<br />

the underground works, installations,<br />

geological determinant,<br />

aboveground LPG installations,<br />

supporting safety and protection<br />

equipment, road, railway, marine,<br />

that is, operating and transport infrastructure<br />

and the construction<br />

timeline.<br />

The amount of the investment depends<br />

on the geological structure<br />

and characteristics of rocks, hydrogeological<br />

conditions (necessary<br />

water curtain construction,<br />

field conditions, infrastructure distance,<br />

storage size and shape,<br />

etc.). The LPG caverns with the typical<br />

volume of 100 000 m 3 to 150<br />

000 m 3 require the investments<br />

in the range from EUR 50 million to<br />

100 million. ◁<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 31


{ BUSINESS }<br />


Zadovoljstvo kupca<br />

na prvom mjestu<br />


*Putting customer<br />

satisfaction first<br />


adovoljan kupac najbolja je rek la -<br />

ma za kompaniju. U skladu s tim<br />

upravo je zadovoljavanje potreba<br />

svih kupaca na Ininim maloprodaj<br />

nim mjestima glavna zadaća Inina Sektora<br />

podrške u maloprodaji.<br />

Opera tivno gledajući ambicije ovog Sektora<br />

protežu se u dva osnovna smjera.<br />

S jedne strane, pre ma kreiranju učinkovite i<br />

optimalne podrške po slovanju Inine maloprodajne<br />

mreže te s dru ge strane, održavanju<br />

vodeće pozicije INE na maloprodajnom tr žiš -<br />

tu u regiji.<br />

Osoba na kojoj leži najveća odgovornost i ko -<br />

ja „drži sve konce u rukama“ svakako je Magdol<br />

na Tokai, direktorica Sektora podrške u<br />

ma loprodaji. Iako je u Ini prije radila kao savjetnik<br />

iz vršnog direktora za financije, a sada je<br />

u ma loprodaji, napominje da se radi o dva različita<br />

poslovna segmenta, ali oba predstav -<br />

ljaju veliki izazov.<br />

„Svaki dan je drug ačiji, ponekad se radi od jutra<br />

do sutra. U tri ri ječi; zanimljivo, kreativno<br />

i dinamično, no uz dobar tim sve se može. Prio<br />

ritet poslovanja nam je maksimizacija po -<br />

slovnih rezultata na razini poslovanja Inine<br />

ma loprodajne mreže, popraćeno adekvatnom<br />

ko mercijalnom i marketinškom potporom “,<br />

naglašava Tokai.<br />


Magdolna Tokai vodi tim od 69 djelatnika<br />

po dijeljen u tri službe – Službu marketinga,<br />

Služ bu upravljanja kategorijama i Poslovnu<br />

jedinicu za cijene.<br />

A HAPPY CUSTOMER is the best advertisement<br />

for any company. Therefore, meeting the<br />

needs of retail customers is the main mission<br />

of INA’s Retail Sales Support Sector.<br />

In terms of its operations, the Department’s<br />

ambitions move along two main directions.<br />

On the one hand, there is a need for the effective<br />

and optimum support of INA’s retail network<br />

business operations, and on the other<br />

hand, there is a need to maintain INA’s leading<br />

position in the regional retail market.<br />

The most responsible person, who definitely<br />

has everything under control, is Magdolna<br />

Tokai, the Director of the Retail Sales Support<br />

Sector.<br />

She previously worked as an advisor to INA’s<br />

chief financial officer and now she works in retail.<br />

The challenge is still the same although,<br />

admittedly, the business areas are quite different.<br />

“Every day is different; sometimes we work<br />

around the clock. The following three words<br />

sum up our work very well: interesting, creative<br />

and dynamic. However, a good team<br />

makes everything possible. Our business priority<br />

is to maximize INA’s retail network business<br />

performance, and in trying to achieve<br />

that, we rely heavily on adequate commercial<br />

and marketing support,” says Ms.Tokai.<br />


Magdolna Tokai is the leader of a 69-strong<br />

team that is divided into three different services<br />

– Marketing, Category Management and<br />

Pricing Department.<br />

+<br />




Na Ininim benzinskim postajama u<br />

tijeku je nagradna igra “INA<br />

blagdansko iznenađenje!”<br />

Za sudjelovanje u nagradnoj igri<br />

potrebno je kupiti bilo koji proizvod<br />

u vrijednosti 50 kn i više te poslati<br />

SMS sa svim potrebnim podacima<br />

na 61760 ili se prijaviti putem webaplikacije.<br />

Informacije o nagradnoj<br />

igri potražite na www.ina.hr<br />

INAs petrol stations have prepaird a<br />

prize wining game for their cus to -<br />

mers. To participate, send an SMS<br />

with all the necessary information to<br />

61760 or register on-line after every<br />

purchase of 50 Kuna or more worth of<br />

goods at any of INA’s petrol stations.<br />

To learn more about the prize game,<br />

go to www.ina.hr<br />

32 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

Marjana Bertol,<br />

Mirjana Granić i<br />

Damir Vlajčević<br />

Marjana Bertol,<br />

Mirjana Granić and<br />

Damir Vlajčević<br />

Služba marketinga zadužena je za definiranje marketinške strategije,<br />

pri premanje i osmišljavanje marketinških aktivnosti, upravljanje promo<br />

cijama na maloprodajnim mjestima, koordinaciju oglašavanja, za<br />

una pređenje prodaje, razvoj odnosa s dobavljačima, category i space<br />

ma nagement, provođenje programa vjernosti, te za razne analize i istra<br />

živanja tržišta. Rješavanje operativnih zadataka, sastanci, izrade<br />

pla nograma, razne promocije i pripreme nagradnih igara samo su dio<br />

sva kodnevnih obveza. Usko povezana sa Službom marketinga je i<br />

Služ ba upravljanja kategorijama. Neki od njihovih zadataka su maksimal<br />

no optimiranje nabave robe široke potrošnje, odnosi s dobavlja či -<br />

ma, praćenje trendova prodaje i sukladno tome usklađivanje asortima -<br />

na i cijena, praćenje zahtjeva kupaca i slično. Ukratko, svi noviteti<br />

ko je uočite na Ininim benzinskim postajama, rezultat su djelovanja ovih<br />

dviju službi.<br />


U sklopu Sektora postoji i Poslovna jedinica za cijene. „Cijene“ djeluju<br />

kao mala, ali složna ekipa od petero djelatnika s dugogodišnjim is ku -<br />

s tvom. Ekipa čiji je zadatak praćenje zakonskih propisa iz područja tr -<br />

žiš ta, cijena i poreza kao što su zakoni, uredbe, odluke, naredbe, pravilnici,<br />

stručna mišljenja i tumačenja, te izračun krajnjih maloprodajnih<br />

cijena za sav asortiman roba koje se prodaju na našim benzinskim<br />

postajama i autobarovima. ▶<br />

Marketing Service is in charge of defining the company’s marketing stra -<br />

tegy, preparing and designing marketing activities, managing promotio<br />

nal activities at points of sale, coordinating advertising efforts,<br />

en hancing sales, developing relations with suppliers, category and spa -<br />

ce management, implementing loyalty programs, as well as performing<br />

market surveys and analyses. The Marketing Service cooperates clo -<br />

sely with the Category Management Service. Its tasks are to optimize<br />

the procurement of consumer goods, maintain relationships with suppliers,<br />

monitor sales trends and adjust product assortments and prices<br />

accordingly, keep abreast of client requirements, and so on. In a nutshell,<br />

any novelties you notice at INA’s petrol stations are a result of the<br />

work of these two services.<br />


The third part of the Sector is the Pricing Department. ‘Prices’ as they<br />

are popularly called, act as a small but compact five-member team with<br />

years of experience between them.<br />

The team’s task is to follow regulations governing the market, prices and<br />

taxes, including laws, decrees, decisions, ordinances, rules, expert opi -<br />

nions and interpretations, in order to be able to calculate retail prices for<br />

the entire assortment of goods on sale at our petrol stations and ca fes.<br />

Introducing new rules of the game, namely loyal ty programs or signing<br />

standard forms of agreement is quite a challenge, but with good ▷<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 33

34 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

“<br />

Sektor podrške u maloprodaji ima 69<br />

djelatnika podijeljenih u tri službe - Služ -<br />

bu marketinga, Službu upravljanja kate -<br />

gorijama i Poslovnu jedinicu za cijene.<br />

Retail Support Department is a team of 69<br />

people that is divided into three services:<br />

Marketing, Category Management and<br />

Pricing Policy services<br />



Uvođenje novih „pravila igre“, kao što su uvođenje pro grama vjernosti<br />

ili sklapanje tipskih ugovora, zahtjevan je posao, no uz dobru komunikaciju<br />

i timski rad svi zadaci uspješno rješavaju zajed ničkim naporima.<br />

Brojni projekti koji su proizašli iz ovog Sektora svj e doče o zajedničkom<br />

trudu svih djelatnika. „Nema određene osobe ko ja je zadužena<br />

za osmišljavanje nagradnih igara ili nekog projekta. Tru dim se da naš<br />

Sektor funkcionira kao tim te potičem sve kolege da za jedno doprinesemo<br />

Ininom poslovnom rezultatu. I naravno, svaka ide ja je dobrodošla“,<br />

naglašava Tokai.<br />


Kako bismo bili ukorak sa zahtjevima tržišta, potrebno je imati jasnu<br />

strategiju i viziju poslovanja. S obzirom da je kupac uvijek na prvom<br />

mjestu, Sektor podrške u maloprodaji organizirao je već nekoliko nagradnih<br />

igara od kojih je trenutačno aktualna „INA blagdansko iznena<br />

đenje!“. Također, uveden je projekt, odnosno akcija vjernosti koja<br />

prepoznaje i nagrađuje vjernost Ininih potrošača, uvedena su dodatna<br />

poboljšanja na samim maloprodajnim mjestima. Svojevrsna konstanta,<br />

odnosno trajna zadaća jest podizanje kvalitete ponude robe široke po -<br />

troš nje i usluga na benzinskim postajama koje <strong>Ina</strong> pruža svojim po tro -<br />

šačima.<br />

U kojoj mjeri je implementirana praksa koju je u ovoj djelatnosti afirmirao<br />

MOL na svojim tržištima te koji su noviteti u Sektoru, objaš njava<br />

direktorica Magdolna Tokai: „MOL kao svjetski uspješna kompanija<br />

daje nam svakako kvalitetnu osnovu i smjernice poslovanja, know-how<br />

i ciljana benchmark praksa pritom su nam izuzetno vrijedni. S druge<br />

strane, svako tržište posjeduje vlastita obilježja koja se moraju uzeti u<br />

obzir. <strong>Ina</strong> je kvalitetna i prepoznatljiva tvrtka s nacionalnom rasprostranjenošću.<br />

Osnovne promjene dosad odnosile su se na efikasnu imple mentaciju<br />

profitabilnih projekata i aktivnosti. Dodatno smo se ok renuli zahtjevima<br />

naših kupaca, prepoznali njihove potrebe i pokrenuli in terne<br />

promjene koje će pratiti zahtjeve tržišta.“<br />

Iz Sektora podrške u maloprodaji ističu da su zadovoljni dosadaš njim<br />

postignućima, ali i da uvijek ima prostora da budu još bolji. Su de ći<br />

prema povratnim informacijama koje su primili s maloprodajnih mjes -<br />

ta, a i reakcijama kupaca, vidljivo je da su kupci sa zadovoljstvom prihvatili<br />

novosti koje im je <strong>Ina</strong> ponudila u posljednje vrijeme. ◀<br />

communication and team work, all tasks are successfully completed.<br />

Numerous projects which have originated from this department testify<br />

to the joint efforts of all team members. “There is no specific person<br />

handling the prize promotions or any other particular project. I want our<br />

Sector to function as a team and I encourage all my colleagues to do<br />

their bit for INA’s successful performance. Needless to say, every idea<br />

is very welcome,” says Ms.Tokai.<br />


A clear business strategy and vision are a must for any company that<br />

strives to be in step with market demands. Since our customers are our<br />

number one priority, the Retail Support Department has organized several<br />

prize games.<br />

The currently running one is promoted under the name “INA’s holiday<br />

surprise”. We have also launched a project, or rather a loyalty program,<br />

to recognize and award the loyalty of INA’s customers. We have also introduced<br />

some additional improvements at our points of sale as well<br />

as some new products. Our ongoing task is to continue improving the<br />

range of consumer goods sold at our petrol stations and enhancing the<br />

quality of services offered to INA’s customers.<br />

Director Magdolna Tokai speaks about novelties in her Sectort and the<br />

extent to which INA has implemented the practices previously tested by<br />

MOL in its other markets: “MOL is a globally successful company which<br />

certainly provides a quality basis and directions for our business; in<br />

that, its know-how and targeted benchmark practice are of extreme<br />

value.<br />

However, every market has its own characteristics which need to be<br />

taken into account and addressed. INA is an outstanding and recognizable<br />

company with a nation-wide presence.<br />

So far, the main changes we have introduced concern efficient implementation<br />

of profitable projects and activities. Our customers’ requirements<br />

are the main focus of our Sector´s increased efforts: we have<br />

recognized their needs and initiated some internal changes which will<br />

proceed in line with the changing market demand.”<br />

Although there is reason for satisfaction in the Retail Sales Support Sector,<br />

the team admits that there is always room for improvement. Judging<br />

by the feedback from their points of sale, INA’s novelties have met<br />

with their customers’ demand. ◁<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 35


[ TECHNOLOGY ]<br />


<strong>DOBAR</strong> <strong>POSAO</strong><br />

*A good job in Syria<br />

36 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

Čitavo postrojenje izgrađeno je za 17 mjeseci, a svemu je prethodila izrada baznog projekta<br />

koji je izrađen u roku tri mjeseca... U Ini su posebno ponosni na brojnost hrvatskih izvođača koji su<br />

bili uključeni u izradu opreme<br />


The entire plant was built in 17 months, preceded by a feasibility study<br />

completed within three months. INA takes special pride in the numerous Croatian<br />

developers included in equipment manufacturing<br />

Gledajući Damask i pustinjski krajolik koji se proteže dokle<br />

pogled seže, čovjek ima snažan osjećaj da je stigao negdje<br />

mnogo dalje od samo tri sata leta koliko traje putovanje od<br />

Beča do glavnog sirijskog grada. Ubrzo nakon slijetanja<br />

moć nim terencima krećemo prema gradu, a miris okol -<br />

nog zraka i sumrak koji se uskoro počeo spuštati, zavodio nas je kako<br />

to samo Orijent umije. Letimični prizori ulica, prometa i svakodnev -<br />

nog života koji ubrzano prolaze pokraj nas samo potvrđuju podatak da<br />

je Sirija oduvijek bila mjesto na dodira Istoka i Zapada, koje dijeli oku<br />

ne vidljiva tanka granica. ▶<br />

WATCHING DAMASCUS and the desert landscape stretching into the<br />

horizon, one gets a feeling of being way farther than just a three-hoursflight<br />

away, which is how much it takes to get from Vienna to the Syrian<br />

capital. Soon after the landing, powerful SUVs took us to the city,<br />

enchanted by the surrounding air and dusk coming down in the exceptional<br />

Oriental manner.<br />

Sights of streets, traffic and everyday life gliding next to us only confirm<br />

what we have already been aware of: that Syria is a contact point<br />

between East and West, separated by a thin borderline, invisible to the<br />

eye. ▷<br />

U <strong>SIRIJI</strong><br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 37

Sirijski ministar za naftu Sufian al-Allaw u<br />

društvu izvršnog direktora Ine Bojana<br />

Milkovića u obilasku Jihar stage-2 postrojenja<br />

Sirian Minister of petroleum and mineral<br />

resources, Suffian Al-Allaw in the company<br />

of INA CEO Bojan Milković, durring the tour<br />

of Jihar stage 2 plant<br />

+<br />

SIRIJA<br />


▶ Sirijska Arapska Republika zbog svog je<br />

geopolitičkog položaja trusno područje,<br />

što je najbolje vidljivo kad nabrojimo<br />

zemlje u okruženju: Libanon, Irak,<br />

Izrael, Jordan i Turska. Navedene zemlje<br />

nisu baš visoko na popisu najpoželjnijih<br />

susjeda a s Izraelom i Turskom Sirija<br />

nema riješeno granično pitanje.<br />

▶ S više od 185 tisuća četvornih kilo me -<br />

tara (nešto veća od površine Italije) i s<br />

gotovo 18 milijuna stanovnika (od kojih<br />

polovica živi u gradovima) Sirija je zem -<br />

lja koja se razvija vlastitim snagama. Ne<br />

pritišću je inozemna dugovanja , pro -<br />

sječ na plaća (u državnoj upravi) iznosi<br />

oko 400 dolara, što na prvi pogled iz -<br />

gle da skromno, no kupovna moć gra -<br />

đana je zato velika (primjerice, za jedan<br />

dolar može se kupiti gotovo tri kilo gra -<br />

ma šećera ili tri litre dizelskog goriva).<br />

▶ Sirijski BDP iznosi gotovo 3800 dolara,<br />

industrija se temelji na nafti, tekstilu i<br />

prehrambenoj proizvodnji te manji dio<br />

na duhanu i vađenju fosfata. Kako se<br />

gotovo trećina radno sposobnog<br />

stanovništva bavi poljodjelstvom zemlja<br />

u cijelosti zadovoljava proizvodnju<br />

hrane za vlastite potrebe a na policama<br />

većine trgovina nalazi se sirijska roba.<br />

Sirija nije članica OPEC-a jer joj<br />

proizvodnja nafte nije toliko velika, ali<br />

od ukupne proizvodnje oko 20 posto<br />

ostaje za izvoz.<br />

Slijedeće jutro krećemo prema novom postrojenju Jihar stage 2, smještenom u sirijskoj pustinji<br />

koja je samo mali dio velike Arapske pustinje. Sirijska pustinja ili Badijat aš Šam kako se zove na<br />

arapskom, prostire se između plodnih obala Mediterana na zapadu i doline Eufrata na istoku i zahvaća<br />

područje Sirije, Jordana, Saudijske Arabije i Iraka.. Rijeke Eufrat i Tigris istočna su granica<br />

pustinje. Na golemom prostranstvu od 2,5 milijuna četvornih kilometara raslinje se pojavljuje<br />

jedino u hladnijem razdoblju a uvijek ga se može naći na rubnim područjima koja se još nazivaju<br />

i polupustinjom. Udobnim autobusom brzo prolazimo cestom koja usred ovog prostranstva kao<br />

da je izvučena ravnalom, te na kraju, nakon gotovo 250 kilometara od Damaska, dolazimo do Jihar<br />

stage 2, novog Ininog postrojenja za obradu nafte i plina .<br />


Čitavo postrojenje izgrađeno je za 17 mjeseci, a svemu je prethodila izrada baznog projekta koji<br />

je izrađen u roku tri mjeseca. Umješnost stručnjaka u ovoj je fazi došla do izražaja budući da su<br />

rokovi nabave glavne opreme izuzetno dugi, pa se istovremeno radilo na projektiranju i naručivanju<br />

opreme kako bi se pratio kratak rok izgradnje. U Ini su posebno ponosni na brojnost<br />

hrvatskih izvođača koji su bili uključeni u izradu opreme (Đuro Đaković, TPK- Orometal; Pireko,<br />

Duwar, Končar...)<br />

Krajem studenoga 2008. počinje obavljanje građevinskih radova i zahvata na izgradnji postrojenja,<br />

da bi već tijekom veljače na red došlo izvođenje podzemnih instalacija. Jihar stage 2 svoje prepoznatljive<br />

konture dobiva nakon montiranja čelične konstrukcije. Glavna oprema kao što su separatori,<br />

posude pod tlakom, dozirni uređaji, kotao, crpke, transformatori, kompresori i regeneracijska<br />

jedinica na lokaciju stižu tijekom travnja, svibnja i lipnja, te su odmah nakon toga i<br />

montirani.<br />

Nakon obavljanja svih ovih zadataka radovi na Jiharu su intenzivirani kako bi se ostvarila<br />

mehanička kompletiranost postrojenja u planiranom roku. Stoga se istovremeno izvode radovi<br />

na montaži cjevovoda, elektro-opreme u kontrolnom objektu i na postrojenju, te u sklopu instrumentacijskih<br />

radova montaža DCS sustava. Tijekom tih radova gradilište je sličilo na dobro<br />

organizirani mravinjak jer je svoje zadatke precizno obavljalo oko 250 izvođača radova. Pred sam<br />

kraj izgradnje izvode se aktivnosti na kontroli mehaničke kompletiranosti postrojenja, start-up<br />

te nakon svega obuka kadrova. Potom je uslijedio možda i najzanimljiviji dio- puštanje u probni<br />

rad, testiranje i dokazivanje radnih performansi.<br />

Sirijski mediji najavili su dovršenje investicije i puštanje u rad postrojenja Jihar stage 2, pa se na<br />

svečanom otvorenju 14. studenog, uz glavnog izvršnog direktora Ine Bojana Milkovića, sirijskog ministra<br />

za naftu Sufian al-Allaw sa izaslanstvom, Zoltána Áldotta, podpredsjednika MOL grupe za Upstream,<br />

Attile Holode, člana Inine Uprave te još nekih članova MOL-ovog Upstreama, okupio ▶<br />

38 zima ‘09 (winter 09)



The next morning we began our journey to the new Jihar stage 2 plant, located in the Syrian<br />

Desert, comprising only a tiny bit of the Arabian Desert. The Syrian Desert, or Badiat Ash-Sham<br />

in Arabic, expands between the fertile Mediterranean shores in the west and Euphrates valley in<br />

the east. It covers Syria, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Iraq. Rivers Euphrates and Tigris represent the<br />

desert’s eastern border. In this vast landscape of 2.5 million square meters, vegetation appears<br />

only in colder seasons and can always be found in borderline areas, sometimes called semidesert.<br />

A comfortable bus quickly takes us along a road, drawn as though with a ruler in this vastness,<br />

and finally, 250 kilometres off Damascus, we reached Jihar stage 2, INA’s new oil and gas<br />

processing plant.<br />


The entire plant was built in 17 months, preceded by a feasibility study completed within three<br />

months, underlining INA’s expertise, given the fact that main equipment supply deadlines were<br />

extremely long. Due to that, designing and equipment ordering were performed simultaneously<br />

in order to keep the pace with the construction’s short time schedule. INA takes special pride in<br />

the numerous Croatian developers included in equipment manufacturing (Đuro Đaković, TPK-<br />

Orometal, Pireko, Duwar, Končar...)<br />

Construction began late in November 2008, as well as developments in plant building. Underground<br />

installations were laid down in February. After the steel construction was mounted, Jihar<br />

stage 2 got its recognisable frame.<br />

Main equipment, such as separators, pressurised vessels, dosing machines, boiler, pumps,<br />

transformers, compressors and regeneration unit arrived throughout April, May and June, and<br />

were soon afterwards mounted.<br />

After all these tasks were successfully performed, work on Jihar was intensified in order to complete<br />

the mechanical part of the plant in due course. Works on pipelines, power equipment in<br />

the control facility and in the plant were thus performed simultaneously and within DCS system<br />

establishment. During these works, the construction site seemed like a well organised anthill –<br />

250 workers were performing their duties with utmost precision.<br />

Towards the end, mechanical completeness of the plant was assessed, start-up procedures got<br />

under way and the personnel were trained. The most interesting part ensued – testing and controlling<br />

working results.<br />

The Syrian media announced investment completion and Jihar stage 2 launching; the opening<br />

on 14th November was attended by Bojan Milković, CEO of INA, Sufian al-Allaw, Syrian oil ▷<br />

+<br />

SYRIA<br />


▶ The Syrian Arab Republic is<br />

geopolitically an unsafe area, best<br />

depicted by the fact that it borders with<br />

Lebanon, Iraq, Israel, Jordan and Turkey.<br />

The listed countries do not rank very<br />

high on the neighbour popularity list,<br />

while there are still some border issues<br />

unresolved with Israel and Turkey.<br />

▶ With more than 185 thousand square<br />

kilometres (somewhat larger than Italy)<br />

and almost 18 million inhabitants (half<br />

of them urban population), Syria is a<br />

country developing by itself. It is not<br />

burdened by foreign debt. The average<br />

salary (in the public sector) amounts to<br />

USD400, which seems modest, but the<br />

purchasing power is great (for example,<br />

one dollar can buy almost three kilos of<br />

sugar or three litres of diesel fuel).<br />

▶ The Syrian GDB amounts to almost<br />

USD3,800. Industry is based on oil,<br />

textile and food production, as well as<br />

tobacco and phosphates. As almost one<br />

third of manpower works in agriculture,<br />

the country wholly fulfils internal food<br />

production amounts. Most shops and<br />

supermarkets contain exclusively Syrian<br />

goods. Syria is not a member of OPEC<br />

because its oil production is not that<br />

extensive, however it exports around 20<br />

per cent of the production.<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 39


[ TECHNOLOGY ]<br />

+<br />




BRIDE” - ILICA<br />

Koliko je INA tijekom nešto više od de set -<br />

lje ća prisutnosti ušla u svakodnevni život<br />

lokalnog sta nov ništva Palmire lako se uv je -<br />

riti tije kom šetnje ulicama ovog pustinjskog<br />

grada. Glavna ulica u Pal mi ri puna je<br />

trgovina i raznih obrta, a Inini djelatnici su<br />

je baš zbog te uloge i zna ča ja po pu larno<br />

nazvali - Ilica. Ionako nis ke sirijske cijene<br />

strelovito padaju kada trgovac uvidi da<br />

„posluje“ s doš lj akom iz „Kroatije“. Samo<br />

neupu ćene iz nenađuje što hrvatski jezik svi<br />

pre poz na ju, od običnog pro laznika do<br />

sobarice u nekom od hotela. Većina<br />

tamošnjih Sirijaca Hrvate poz dravljaju sa<br />

“Bok, kak' si!?”, a nekoliko izloga i prozora<br />

vidjeli smo kao suvenir istaknute hr vat s ke<br />

kune, pa čak i jednu Dinamovu naljepnicu.<br />

The influence of INA’s decade-long<br />

presence in the everyday life of the<br />

Palmyra locals is visible all around this<br />

desert city. Palmyra’s high street is full of<br />

shops and various crafts, and thus dubbed<br />

Ilica because of its role and character. Low<br />

Syrian prices are dropping even further<br />

when a merchant realises he is dealing<br />

with someone from “Kroatia”. Only<br />

strangers are stunned by the fact that<br />

everyone understands Croatian, from<br />

regular passers-by to hotel chamber<br />

maids. Most Syrians greet Croatians with<br />

“Bok, kak’ si?” Several windows and shops<br />

are decorated with Croatian kunas as a<br />

souvenir, while one proudly bears a<br />

Dinamo football club sticker.<br />

velik broj novinara, djelatnika Hayan Petroleum Company-a (HPC), kooperanata te brojnih<br />

predstavnika raznih naftnih kompanija koje djeluju na ovom području. Nakon svečane ceremonije<br />

simboličnog puštanja u rad rezanjem vrpce, sirijski ministar naglasak je stavio na kratko razdoblje<br />

izgradnje čitavog objekta te se posebno zahvalio predstavnicima Ine na angažiranju lokalnih tvrtki<br />

i djelatnika te uloženoj investiciji vrijednoj 30 milijuna eura. Ministar Sufian al-Allaw tada se osvrnuo<br />

i na sirijske nemale rezerve prirodnog plina, koje su procijenjene na oko 284 milijardi prostornih<br />

metara, a ta brojka raste svakim otkrićem novih ležišta. Domaća proizvodnja nafte, naglasio<br />

je sirijski ministar, kreće se oko 380,000 barela dnevno, a tamošnji stručnjaci najavljuju i skorašnje<br />

povećanje, sukladno pozitivnim izvješćima Syrian Petroleum Company, ali i ostalih inozemnih<br />

naftnih kompanija, među kojima se nalazi i INA.<br />


Glavni izvršni direktor Ine Bojan Milković u uvodnom je dijelu svog govora, nakon upućenih pozdrava<br />

sirijskom ministru za naftu te predstavnicima GPC (Gulfsands Petroleum Company), SPC<br />

(Syrian Petroleum Company) i SGC (Syrian Gas Company), prisutne podsjetio na dugogodišnju<br />

prisutnost Ine u Siriji, koja je svoje poslovne aktivnosti na ovom području počela potpisivanjem<br />

Ugovora s Vladom Sirijske Arapske Republike i državnom kompanijom Syrian Petroleum Company-a.<br />

Milković se osvrnuo na proteklih desetak godina tijekom kojih je INA izradila 17 istražnih<br />

bušotina od kojih je 10 proizvodnih, a kroz šest komercijalnih nalazišta na koncesiji Hayan<br />

potvrdila je svoje napore u istraživačkim aktivnostima. Do sad je INA u proizvodnju pustila četiri<br />

polja- Jihar s početkom proizvodnje u kolovozu 2005. godine, Palmiru u prosincu 2006., Jazal<br />

krajem 2007., te plinsko-kondezatno polje Mustadira u veljači 2008. godine. Okupljeni su tom prilikom<br />

saznali podatke o ostvarenoj razradi polja kroz tri faze: rana proizvodnja nafte preko<br />

privremenih instalacija na polju Jihar te proizvodnja plina preko postojećeg sirijskog sustava (polja<br />

Palmira i Mustadira).<br />

Druga faza podrazumijevala je izgradnju naftno-plinske stanice na polju Jihar, a zbog koje je tog<br />

dana, 14. studenog, i upriličena svečanost puštanja u proizvodnju. Tom je prilikom istaknuo završetak<br />

i treće faze koja se očekuje krajem slijedeće godine, što podrazumijeva izgradnju centralne<br />

plinske stanice na polju Jihar.<br />

U završnom dijelu obraćanja Milković je rekao da je upravo ovaj projekt najuspješniji Inin inozemni<br />

projekt:postotak uspješnosti istraživanja u visokim je svjetskim razmjerima. Završnim riječima<br />

zahvalio se sirijskim „gostima“ ali i svim djelatnicima, kako hrvatskim tako i inozemnim,<br />

na naporu i trudu koji je uložen proteklih godina. ◀<br />

40 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

Djelatnici Hayan<br />

Petroleum<br />

Company (HPC)<br />

na postrojenju<br />

Jihar stage-2<br />

The employees of<br />

Hayan petroleum<br />

company (HPC)<br />

at Jihar stage 2<br />

plant<br />

minister and his delegation, Zoltán Áldott, executive vice president for MOL group E&P, Attila<br />

Holoda, member of INA’s board and several other MOL Upstream members. A large number of reporters<br />

were also present, as well as officials of Hayan Petroleum Company (HPC), developers<br />

and numerous representatives of different oil companies active in the area. After the official ceremony<br />

and symbolical ribbon cutting, the Syrian minister specially underlined the brief construction<br />

period and thanked INA representatives for hiring local companies and manpower, as<br />

well as for the €30 million worth of investment. Minister Sufian al-Allaw also mentioned the rich<br />

Syrian natural gas reserves, estimated at 284 billion square meters and counting, given the continuous<br />

discovery of new fields. Domestic oil production, said the minister, roughly amounts to<br />

380,000 barrels a day, while the local experts announce its increase according to the positive<br />

reports by Syrian Petroleum Company and other international oil companies, including INA.<br />

10 SMART WELLS OUT OF 17<br />

After greeting the Syrian oil minister and the representatives of GPC (Gulfsands Petroleum Company),<br />

SPC (Syrian Petroulem Company) and SGC (Syrian Gas Company), in the introductory address<br />

INA’s CEO Bojan Milković reminded the guests of the many years of INA’s presence in Syria,<br />

begun by signing the contract with the Syrian government and Syrian Petroleum Company.<br />

Milković remembered the period of last ten years when INA built 17 exploratory wells, 10 out of<br />

which being smart wells.<br />

Six commercial locations in Hayan confirmed the efforts in research activities. INA has so far<br />

launched only four wells – Jihar in August 2005, Palmyra in December 2006, Jazal late in 2007<br />

and Mustadira gas-condensate field in February 2008. The audience also heard the information<br />

about the three-staged field classification: early oil production by means of temporary installations<br />

on Jihar field and gas production through the existing Syrian system (Palmyra and Mustadira<br />

fields).<br />

The second stage refers to the construction of oil and gas station in the Jihar field, inaugurated<br />

officially the same day, 14th November. He also mentioned the third stage completion, expected<br />

by the end of next year, including central gas station construction in the Jihar field.<br />

In the final part of his address, Milković said that this project is the most successful INA’s international<br />

project: the percentage of successful research is complies with the world average. Finally,<br />

he thanked the Syrian “guests”, as well as all officials, Croatian and international, for their<br />

effort and work invested in the previous years. ◁<br />

+<br />





Usred pustinje, na 135. kilometru ceste<br />

koja iz Damaska vodi u Palmiru smjestio<br />

se nadaleko poznati Bagdad cafe. Izgra -<br />

đeno još u davno doba na sjecištu broj -<br />

nih putova ovo je odmorište omi ljeno i<br />

današnjim ''pustinjskim putn i cima''<br />

Izvana Bagdad cafe izgleda skrom no no<br />

iznutra prostor odjednom oživi bojama i<br />

orijentalnim mirisima, rukotvorinama i<br />

šarenim tepisima. Po dolasku u Damask<br />

Inine radnike put do radilišta vodi baš<br />

pored Bagdad cafea pa je to mjesto<br />

postalo omiljeno kod naših ljudi. Njihovi<br />

učestali posjeti rezultirali su stvaranjem<br />

prijateljstva s vlasnicima, koji su u znak<br />

prijateljstva iznad ulaza izvjesili malu<br />

hrvatsku zastavu.<br />

In the middle of the desert, on the 135th<br />

kilometre of the road from Damascus to<br />

Palmyra, the famous Baghdad cafe is<br />

situated. Built in the early days at the<br />

crossroads of numerous directions, this rest<br />

area became the darling of the “desert<br />

passengers” of today. Baghdad cafe looks<br />

modest from the outside, but the interior is<br />

very much alive in rich colours and oriental<br />

smells, craftworks and colourful carpets. The<br />

road from Damascus to the well location<br />

leads INA’s workers directly to Baghdad<br />

cafe, making it become the favourite<br />

Croatian meeting place. Their frequent<br />

visits resulted in friendly relations with the<br />

owners, who flew a small Croatian flag<br />

above the entrance as a sign of friendship.<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 41


[ TECHNOLOGY ]<br />


Nissan<br />

Khouchaba<br />

Trenutno je INA treća naftna kompanija po veličini u Siriji, odmah iza<br />

Canadian Petrola i Shella, i usprkos svemu, ili baš zato, s dobrom<br />

poslovnom perspektivom ispred sebe<br />

INA is currently the third biggest oil company in Syria, the first two<br />

being Canadian Petrol and Shell, and despite everything, or precisely<br />

for that reason, boasting great business perspective<br />


Sudbina Ine u Siriji čvrsto je isprepletena<br />

sa životom direktora INA<br />

Brench office-a Nissana Khouchabe,<br />

koji je u ovom poslu od samog<br />

po četka. Nissan i INA imaju svoju dodirnu<br />

točku još u vrijeme njegova djetinjstva<br />

sedamdesetih godina, a to su dvije Inine<br />

naftne garniture na sjeveru Sirije, pokraj<br />

mjesta rođenja danas prvog čovjeka Ine u toj<br />

bliskoistočnoj zemlji.<br />

Nakon završetka školovanja u Siriji, Nissan<br />

kreće na zagrebački RGN, da bi ubrzo nakon<br />

diplome počeo raditi u Ini. U međuvremenu<br />

je oženio Hrvaticu, postao "lički zet", i nije ni<br />

slutio da će zahtjevi i potrebe posla nekoliko<br />

go dina kasnije povezati njegove dvije domo -<br />

vine. Nakon izvjesnog vremena, tijekom kojeg<br />

je Nissan stjecao dragocjeno iskustvo kao<br />

marketing menadžer u Libiji, pružila mu se<br />

rijetka pri lika, svojevrsna prekretnica karijere-<br />

INA po kreće posao u Siriji! Nissanu se,<br />

kao uo s ta lom i svima koji su sudjelovali na<br />

ovom projek tu, ovaj poslovni zadatak činio<br />

kao veliki izazov i odličan ispit vlastitog<br />

znanja i mogućnosti.<br />

Prvih stotinu dana INA je u nedostatku adekvatnog<br />

prostora poslovne obaveze obavljala u<br />

hotelu. Per aspera ad astra, znajući tu poticajnu<br />

izreku <strong>Ina</strong>ši u Siriji strpljivo rade da bi<br />

svojedobno preselili u nevelik unajmljeni stan<br />

koji je već nakon nekoliko dana bio pristojno<br />

"okupiran" različitim geodetskim kartama.<br />

Od "1001 priče", koje opisuju toliko raznoliko,<br />

ponekad neizvjesno ali uvijek zanimljivo<br />

Inino 11-godišnje prisustvo u Siriji, Nissan<br />

Khouchaba izdvaja onu koja priča o događaju<br />

iz 1998. godine kada je Inu "pogladila"<br />

(ne)očekivana sreća. Uz neumoljivu statistiku<br />

koja pokazuje da se od 12 testiranja tek<br />

jednom nalazi bušotina, na Ininoj strani tada<br />

nisu bile ni negativna izvješća Amerikanaca<br />

koji su naposljetku tu koncesiju označili kao<br />

neprofitabilno područje bez nafte i plina.<br />

Ipak, na opće iznenađenje Inina prva tri<br />

mjerenja označila su i tri komercijalna<br />

otkrića nafte nakon čega, sve do današnjih<br />

dana, počinje sadržajnih jedanaest godina<br />

Ine u Siriji.<br />

Trenutno je INA treća naftna kompanija po<br />

veličini u Siriji, odmah iza Canadian Petrola<br />

i Shella, i usprkos svemu, ili baš zato, s dobrom<br />

poslovnom perspektivom ispred sebe.<br />

Što za Inu znači puštanje u rad novog<br />

postrojenja Jihar Stage 2?<br />

U poslu kojim se bavimo najvažnija stavka je<br />

"broj"odnosno količina proizvedenih energe<br />

na ta. Unatoč nekim očekivanim<br />

poteškoćama či tav projekt odrađen je u planiranom<br />

razdob lju, pa nam novo postrojenje<br />

sada omogućuje, u odnosu na prijašnje stanje<br />

gotovo dvostruko vi še nafte i plina, jer se<br />

procesuira i kaptažni plin što dosad nije bio<br />

slučaj.<br />

Što Inu očekuje u nadolazećem<br />

razdoblju?<br />

Sukladno odredbama ugovora "Hayan Contract"<br />

INA će u Siriji biti "radno" prisutna do<br />

2035. godine. Ispred nas je radni angažman<br />

na razrad šest otkrivenih polja s istovremenom<br />

daljnjom proizvodnjom plina, nafte<br />

i LPG-a. INA također ima još jedan ugovor<br />

"Aphamia Contract" uz pravo za istraživanje<br />

do 2013 g.<br />

Tko je sve bio uključen u organizaciju<br />

rada i djelatnosti na Jihar stage-2?<br />

Prvi od jednakih je STSI, nakon kojeg na<br />

popisu imamo i određeni broj hrvatskih<br />

kompanija kao što su Đuro Đaković, TPK,<br />

Končar i mnogi drugi. Uz naše tvrtke surađujemo<br />

i sa lokalnim partnerima, primjerice<br />

Owais Constructing Co koja je bila zadužena<br />

za građevinske radove i zahvate.<br />

Koliko Ininih djelatnika trenutno radi u<br />

Siriji?<br />

Na ovo pitanje često čujem ljude kako govore<br />

"oko tri stotine", no bit ću precizniji pa reći da<br />

"Ininih Sirijaca" ima +/- 266. Gledano po segmentima<br />

INA Upstream broji 60, CROSCO<br />

200 i STSI 6 djelatnika. ◀<br />

42 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

THE FATE OF INA in Syria is massively intertwined<br />

with the life of its branch office director<br />

Nissan Kouchaba, who has been present from<br />

the very beginning. Nissan and INA have had<br />

one thing in common ever since his childhood<br />

in the 1970s – two oil plants in the north of<br />

Syria, right next to the place where INA’s Syrian<br />

leader was born.<br />

After graduating from high school in Syria, Nissan<br />

enrolled in the Faculty of Mining, Geology<br />

and Petroleum Engineering in Zagreb. Soon<br />

afterwards he got a job at INA. In the meantime<br />

he married a Croatian, becoming a “son in law<br />

from Lika”, not even dreaming that business<br />

requirements and duties would several years<br />

later connect his two homelands. After a certain<br />

period of gathering experience as a marketing<br />

manager in Libya, he was given a rare<br />

opportunity which turned out to be a turning<br />

point in his career – INA started up its Syrian<br />

business!<br />

To Nissan, as well as other members of the<br />

project team, this task seemed like a great<br />

challenge and an excellent test of knowledge<br />

and capabilities.<br />

For the first 100 days, INA did its business in<br />

hotels, due to the lack of adequate space. Per<br />

aspera ad astra. Knowing that motivating saying,<br />

INA’s people in Syria worked patiently and<br />

eventually moved into a small rented apartment,<br />

which was after a few days cluttered<br />

with geodetic charts.<br />

From “1001 stories”, which depict diverse,<br />

sometimes uncertain, but always interesting<br />

11 years of INA’s presence in Syria, Nissan<br />

Kouchaba particularly remembers an event<br />

from 1998, when INA got unexpectedly lucky.<br />

Inexorable statistics showed that only one<br />

out of 12 tested areas contained a well, while<br />

American negative reports finally assessed<br />

the location as unprofitable, without oil and<br />

gas.<br />

However, to a general surprise, INA’s first three<br />

measurements yielded three commercial<br />

findings, which marked the beginning of 11<br />

rich years of INA’s presence in Syria. INA is<br />

currently the third biggest oil company in<br />

Syria, the first two being Canadian Petrol and<br />

Shell, and despite everything, or precisely for<br />

that reason, boasting great business perspective.<br />

What is the significance of the launching of<br />

the new Jihar Stage 2 plant?<br />

The most important thing in our business is<br />

“the number”, or the quantity of produced energy.<br />

Despite some expectations, the project<br />

was completed according to the schedule.<br />

The new plant now enables us twice as much<br />

oil and gas, given the fact that be process petroleum<br />

associated - dissolved gas, which had<br />

not been the case so far.<br />

What can INA expect in the period to come?<br />

According to the provisions of the Hayan Contract,<br />

INA will be present and active in Syria until<br />

2035.<br />

We are facing work on six discovered fields<br />

and continuous production of gas, oil and LPG.<br />

INA is also bound by the Aphamia Contract,<br />

which provides it the right to explore until<br />

2013.<br />

Who was included in work organisation and<br />

activities on Jihar stage 2?<br />

One of the first was STSI, followed by a certain<br />

nu mber of Croatian companies, such as Đuro<br />

Đa ković, TPK, Končar and many others. In addi<br />

tion to our companies, we collaborate with<br />

local partners, such as Owais Constructing<br />

Co, in charge of construction work and developments.<br />

How many INA’s employees currently work<br />

in Syria?<br />

I often hear people referring to this question<br />

with “around 300”, but I will try to be more<br />

precise.<br />

More or less, we have 266 INA’s Syrians. By<br />

segment, INA Upstream has 60 workers,<br />

CROSCO 200 and STSI 6 workers. ◁<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 43


[ TECHNOLOGY ]<br />

Platforma Annamaria<br />

puštena u probni rad<br />

*Annamaria offshore oil<br />

rig starts trial run<br />

Plinsko polje Annnamaria, uz ostala plinska polja s Jadrana, znatno će<br />

pridonijeti sigurnosti opskrbe tržišta plina u Hrvatskoj<br />


Pored Panonskog bazena i The Annamaria gas field will contribute,<br />

together with other Adriatic<br />

Dinarida, podmorje Jadrana<br />

je jedno od triju glavnih gas fields, to guaranteed gas supply<br />

istraživačkih prostora u<br />

to Croatian market<br />

Republici Hrvatskoj. Razrada<br />

sjevernojadranskih plinskih polja<br />

započela je 1996., kad je <strong>Ina</strong> sklopila<br />


sporazum o poslovnoj suradnji i<br />

and the Dinarides, the Adriatic sea bed is<br />

zajedničkom ulaganju s talijanskim ENIjem,<br />

osnovavši operativnu kompaniju exploration areas in the Republic of Croatia.<br />

one of the three most important gas<br />

INAgip, koja za račun svojih osnivača i The development of North Adriatic gas fields<br />

provodi navedene aktivnosti.<br />

started in 1996, when INA entered a<br />

Jedno od plinskih polja na sjevernom business cooperation agreement with Italian<br />

Jadranu je, ovih dana često spominjano, company ENI and they set up the INAgip<br />

plinsko polje Annamaria.<br />

operating company to carry out the<br />

Specifično je po tome što se prostire activities agreed on. Among the gas fields in<br />

unutar epikontinentalnog pojasa<br />

the North Adriatic currently often mentioned<br />

Hrvatske i Italije, a dijeli ga međudržavna one is Annamaria gas field.<br />

linija razgraničenja. <strong>Ina</strong> je u studenom It is located within the epicontinental shelf<br />

započela s probnom/testnom<br />

of Croatia and Italy, and is divided by the<br />

proizvodnjom plina s plinskog polja interstate border line dividing it between the<br />

Annamaria u eksploatacijskom polju two countries. In November INA started trial<br />

Sjeverni Jadran, puštajući u probni/testni produ ction of gas on the Annamaria gas field<br />

rad šest bušotina i plinsku platformu in the exploitation field North Adriatic, with<br />

Annamaria A.<br />

six wells and the Annamaria A gas rig<br />

starting test operations.<br />



Kad spominjemo platformu Annamaria<br />

A, treba reći da se nalazi u hrvatskim<br />

epikontinentalnim vodama Jadranskog<br />

mora te da je najveća platforma u<br />

sjevernom Jadranu, a pored Ivane A i<br />

jedina sa stalnom ljudskom posadom.<br />

„Puštanjem u rad plinskog polja<br />

Annamaria naša proizvodnja plina<br />

povećati će se za oko 400.000 m3/dan<br />

plina te će uz ostala plinska polja s<br />

Jadrana, znatno pridonijeti sigurnosti<br />


Talking about Annamaria A, it has to be said<br />

that it is located in Croatian epicontinental<br />

waters of the Adriatic, it is the largest<br />

offshore rig in Northern Adriatic and is,<br />

together with Ivana A, the only one with<br />

permanent team on the rig.<br />

According to Mr Bojan Milković, Chief<br />

Executive Officer of INA,“ the start of<br />

operations at Annamaria gas field will<br />

increase our gas production by 400 000 m3<br />

per day and will, together with ot her gas<br />

44 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

INA je u 2008. godini 14,58 milijuna<br />

boe/d prirodnog plina dok je godišnja<br />

potrošnja prirodnog plina u Hrvatskoj u<br />

2008. godini iznosila 3,1 milijardi kubnih<br />

metara plina.<br />

In 2008, INA produced 14.58 million<br />

boe/d of natural gas while Croatian<br />

yearly natural gas consumption in 2008<br />

was 3.1 billion m3.<br />

Otkriće plinskih polja u Jadranu datira iz<br />

1970-ih godina, no, njihova je razrada<br />

započela 1996., kada je potpisan<br />

sporazum o zajedničkom ulaganju<br />

između Ine i Agip Croatia B.V., danas<br />

ENI Croatia B.V., iz Italije.<br />

The Adriatic gas fields were discovered in<br />

the 1970s, but their development started in<br />

1996, when a joint venture agreement was<br />

signed between INA and Agip Croatia B.V.,<br />

today ENI Croatia B.V., from Italy.<br />

?<br />

opskrbe tržišta plina u Hrvatskoj“ naglasio je g. Bojan Milković,<br />

glavni izvršni direktor Ine.<br />

Puštanje u rad zajedničkog hrvatsko – talijanskog plinskog polja<br />

Annamaria predstavlja veliki poslovni uspjeh Ine i ENI-ja, za<br />

koji je, kao preduvjet bilo neophodno postići i dogovor na razini<br />

dviju država o podjeli proizvodnje i rezervama plina. <strong>Ina</strong> i ENI<br />

zajednički su pristupili planiranju zajedničke razrade i izgradnje<br />

potrebnih rudarskih/pomorskih objekata, a što je regulirano<br />

Ugovorom o integriranoj razradi i proizvodnji plina s plinskog<br />

polja Annamaria, a koji su odobrila i nadležna ministarstva<br />

obiju država.<br />

Partnerstvo s ENI-jem za Inu nije predstavljalo samo značajno<br />

smanjenje financijskih rizika, već i otvorilo značajne mogućnosti<br />

razmjene znanja i tehnologije,<br />

posebice imajući u vidu dugogodišnje ENI-jevo iskustvo s offshore<br />

proizvodnjom.<br />

Puštanjem u probni/ testni rad platforme Annamaria,<br />

proslavljena je 10. godišnjica proizvodnje plina iz podmorja<br />

Jadrana. Naime, proizvodnja na Jadranu u Hrvatskoj započela je<br />

1999. i to na plinskom polju Ivana. ◀<br />

fields in the Adriatic, contribute considerably to make gas supply to<br />

Croatian market safer“.<br />

The start of production on the joint Croatian-Italian gas<br />

field Annamaria is an important business achievement for<br />

both INA and ENI, and the prerequisite was that the two countries<br />

should agree on the production sharing and on gas reserves.<br />

INA and ENI have jointly worked on the development and<br />

construction of the required mining and marine equipment, and<br />

these activities were covered by the Agreement on integrated<br />

development and production of gas on the Annamaria gas field, with<br />

the agreement being approved by the relevant ministries of the two<br />

countries.<br />

Partnership with ENI meant not only that <strong>Ina</strong> had reduced its<br />

financial exposure but also opened to INA possibilities to<br />

exchange knowledge and technology, especially having in<br />

mind the experience ENI had over the years collected on off shore<br />

activities.<br />

The trial production start at the Annamaria rig marks the tenth<br />

anniversary of the gas production from the Adriatic sea bed, as<br />

production started in 1999 on the Ivana gas field. ◁<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 45


[ TECHNOLOGY ]<br />

+<br />





Valja jasno reći da tehnologija obrade teških osta ta -<br />

ka komornim koksiranjem koju INA predlaže u sklo -<br />

pu rafinerije NIJE koksara kakvu su Bakrani ima li<br />

izgrađenu 70-tih godina. Nitko danas, ako ni zbog<br />

čega drugog, onda već zbog postojećeg is kus tva ne<br />

bi čak ni razmišljao o nečemu sličnom. Sre ćom,<br />

danas takvo nešto više nije niti moguće jer je i<br />

zakonodavni okvir, a i svijest gospodarskih sub je ka -<br />

ta i građana o nužnosti maksimalne zaštite oko liša<br />

znatno porasla. Pri odabiru tehnologije za ob ra du<br />

teških ostataka u Rafineriji nafte Rijeka u ob zir su<br />

uzeti zahtjevi u skladu s preporukama za pri mje nu<br />

najboljih raspoloživih tehnika (BAT-Best Ava ilable<br />

Techniques) u zaštiti okoliša i kontroli one čišćenja i<br />

zakonodavstva Republike Hrvatske i EU.<br />

It has to be clearly said that the technology of<br />

processing heavy residues by delayed coking<br />

proposed by INA as part of the refinery IS NOT the<br />

coking plant the people of Bakar knew in the 1970s.<br />

Such a solution would not even be considered today, if<br />

for no other reason than for the experience there.<br />

Luckily, this is today simply impossible, since the<br />

legislative framework has changed and the awareness<br />

of companies and citizens on the need to protect the<br />

environment has increased as well. When selecting<br />

the technology, requirements were respected that are<br />

in accordance with the recommendations on<br />

implementation of the best available techniques – BAT<br />

in environment protection, control of pollution and<br />

legislation of the Republic of Croatia and EU.<br />

Modernizacija rafine<br />

opstanka na tržištu<br />

46 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

Razlozi za pokretanje modernizacije rafinerija u Rijeci i<br />

Sisku su ekonomske i ekološke prirode<br />

The reasons for the start of the Rijeka and Sisak refineries<br />

modernization are economy and ecology related<br />


PPrije nekoliko godina Inin menadžment<br />

pokrenuo je projekt modernizacije<br />

rafinerija u Sisku i Rijeci. Vrijednost ovog<br />

strateški važnog projekta procjenjuje se<br />

na više od milijardu dolara, a dosad je<br />

uložen višemilijunski iznos. Iako je vrijeme kada sve<br />

kompanije u svijetu revidiraju svoje investicije, INA<br />

nastavlja s ovim projektom koji ima visoki prioritet<br />

od početka. Naime, upravo u ovim trenucima u obje<br />

rafinerije završavaju se projekti iz prve faze, dok se istovremeno<br />

priprema dokumentacija za projekte iz<br />

druge faze.<br />


Razlozi za pokretanje projekta su ekonomske i<br />

ekološke prirode. S jedne strane tržište zahtjeva<br />

poboljšanje kvalitete proizvoda i povećanje dubine<br />

prerade nafte, dok je s druge strane potrebno osigurati<br />

smanjenje emisija tvari koje mogu imati utjecaj na<br />

okoliš na području rafinerije i šire, sukladno propisima<br />

Republike Hrvatske i Europske unije. ▶<br />

A FEW YEARS AGO INA management started the project<br />

of the Rijeka and Sisak refinery modernization. The value<br />

of the strategic project is estimated to be more than a<br />

billion dollars, and several hundred million have already<br />

been invested. Although most global companies are currently<br />

revising their investment plans, INA is going on<br />

with the project that has been given proirity status from<br />

the very beginning. It is at this time that projects of the<br />

first phase of modernizations are being finished at both<br />

refineries, while documents are prepared for the projects<br />

of the second phase.<br />


Reasons for the modernization project start are both<br />

economy and ecology related. On the one hand, the<br />

market asks for better quality products and an increase<br />

in the depth of oil processing, while on the other hand it<br />

is necessary to lower emissions of substances that can<br />

be harmful to the environment in the vicinity of the refinery<br />

and in the wider region, in accordance with the<br />

regulations of the Republic of Croatia and the EU. ▷<br />

rija kao uvjet<br />

*Refinery modernization – a conditio<br />

sine qua non of market survival<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 47

+<br />





Lokacija budućeg priveza za prekrcaj naftnog<br />

kok sa nalazila bi se na neizgrađenom dijelu obale<br />

Bakarskog zaljeva. Privez bi se izgradio u cilju<br />

prihvata brodova za prijevoz rasutih tereta<br />

nosivosti do 40 000 dwt (''Handysize'' brodovi)<br />

dužine 195 m i gaza 11,5 m. Godišnje bi u Bakarski<br />

zaljev uplovljavalo 10 brodova za otpremu<br />

naftnog koksa, nosivosti do 40.000 dwt ili<br />

dvadesetak manjih. Udjel brodova za otpremu<br />

naftnog koksa u odnosu na ukupni brodski<br />

promet iz rafinerije (otprema i doprema) bio bi 2<br />

posto.<br />

The location of the future mooring for the<br />

transhipment of petroleum coke would be on the<br />

undeveloped part of the Bay of Bakar coast.<br />

Mooring would be contructed to suit bulk cargo<br />

ships of up to 40,000 dwt (''Handysize'' ships), 195<br />

m long and with 11.5 m draught. Up to ten such<br />

ships would enter the port of Bakar a year or 20<br />

smaller ones, representing a share of 2% of all the<br />

sea traffic from the refinery.<br />

+<br />



Tehnologija komornog koksiranja (Delayed<br />

Coking) za obradu teških ostataka koju je<br />

odabrala i INA, uspješno je implementirana<br />

u nekoliko rafinerija. Valja spomenuti one<br />

koje se nalaze na moru, a udovoljavaju naj vi -<br />

šim međunarodnim ekološkim standardima.<br />

Primjerice, rafinerija u Španjolskoj<br />

smještena je 8 km od Castellona, a mnogo<br />

manje od turističkog mjesta Grao. Rafinerija<br />

u Španjolskoj izgrađena je 1967., današnji<br />

kapacitet je 5.500.000 t/g sirove nafte, a<br />

broji 440 zaposlenih. Rafinerija posjeduje<br />

okolišnu dozvolu, kao i dozvolu za dopušteno<br />

ispuštanje CO 2 . Kontinuirano provodi<br />

mjerenje i izvještavanje o emisijama iz svih<br />

stacionarnih izvora iz rafinerije. Rafinerija je<br />

potpuno prihvatljivo postrojenje s gledišta<br />

zaštite okoliša.<br />

The technology of Delayed Coking to<br />

process heavy residues selected by INA has<br />

been successfully implemented in a<br />

number of refineries. Let's mention those<br />

located on the coast that meet all the<br />

strictest international ecology standards.<br />

For example, a refinery in Spain is located<br />

8 km away from Castellone, and much less<br />

from the tourist resort of Grao. The refinery<br />

was built in 1967, its current capacity is<br />

5,500,000 t/y of crude, and it employs 440<br />

persons. The refinery has been granted an<br />

ecological permit, as well as a permit to<br />

emit permitted quantities of CO 2 .<br />

Continued measuring and reporting on<br />

emissions from all the stationary sources<br />

of the refinery is organized, and the<br />

refinery is a fully acceptable plant from the<br />

point of view of the ecology.<br />

U riječkoj rafineriji cilj je prve faze modernizacije proizvodnja bez-sumpornih motornih goriva,<br />

benzina i dizela, u skladu sa zahtjevima kvalitete tih proizvoda prema europskim normama EN<br />

228 i EN 590.<br />

Tako je izgradnja postrojenja i pratećih jedinica koje zajednički čine Hidrokreking kompleks već<br />

u poodmakloj fazi, a njegov završetak se predviđa u 2010.<br />

Programom modernizacije Nelsonov indeks kompleksnosti rafinerije povećat će se sa sadašnjih<br />

5.6 na 8.5 poslije prve faze, tj. na 9.5, poslije II. faze modernizacije, čime će Rafinerija nafte Rijeka<br />

postati jedna od tehnološki najnaprednijih rafinerija u Europi i osigurati dugoročnu<br />

konkurentnost na tržištu.<br />


Cilj druge faze modernizacije je rješavanje problema kvalitete i količine loživih ulja, kao i daljnje<br />

smanjenje emisija tvari u okoliš. S obzirom na to, INA je predložila tehnologiju komornog koksiranja<br />

(Delayed Coking) za obradu teških ostataka.<br />

Odabir ove tehnologije osigurava poštivanje europskih ekoloških standarda, koji su ušli u zakonodavstvo<br />

Republike Hrvatske, jer u obzir uzima zahtjeve u skladu s preporukama za primjenu<br />

naj boljih raspoloživih tehnika (BAT-Best Available Techniques) u zaštiti okoliša i kontroli<br />

onečišćenja te međunarodne IPPC direktive.<br />

Prvi korak u pripremi izgradnje ovog postrojenja bila je izrada Studije o utjecaju na okoliš za<br />

postrojenje za proizvodnju i preradu nafte – koking kompleksa u RNR.<br />



Komorno koksiranje je proces toplinske razgradnje (termičkog krekiranja) koji se koristi u<br />

rafinerijama za pretvorbu atmosferskog i vakuumskog ostatka u kapljevinu i plin, pored čvrsto koncentri<br />

ranog ugljičnog materijala, tzv. naftnog koksa. Novo Koking postrojenje bilo bi projektirano<br />

za rad uz niski tlak (2-5 bara), visoku temperaturu (>500°C) i nisku recirkulaciju, što su i najvažnije<br />

varijable koking procesa.<br />

Maksimalni projektni kapacitet novog koking postrojenja bio bi 1.000.000 t/g. Ovaj kapacitet je<br />

rezultat izračuna na osnovu raspoloživih sirovina u RNR uz preradu nafte od 4.500.000 t/g<br />

odnosno 13.235 t/dan.<br />

Kapacitet skladišta predviđen je za 45.000 tona koksa, što je s obzirom na dnevnu proizvodnju<br />

koksa od oko 715 tona, dovoljan volumen skladištenja za šezdesetak radnih dana. Od skladišta<br />

koksa, postojale bi dvije zatvorene transportne trase za prijevoz koksa prema zapadnoj obali<br />

Bakarskog zaljeva za brodski prijevoz i drugi prema utovaru u željezničke vagone. ▶<br />

48 zima ‘09 (winter 09)



The goal of the first phase of the Rijeka refinery modernization is to produce sulphur-free motor<br />

fuels, petrol and diesel, meeting the quality requirements of the European standards EN 228<br />

and EN 590. Construction of the plant and other units within the hydrocracking complex is fairly<br />

advanced and completion is expected in 2010.<br />

The modernization programme will increase the Nelson complexity index of the refinery from<br />

the current 5.6 to 8.5 after the first phase and to 9.5 after the second phase, which will put Rijeka<br />

refinery among the technologically most advanced refineries in Europe and ensure its longterm<br />

competitiveness on the market.<br />


The goal of the second phase of the refinery modernization is to resolve the issue of quality and<br />

quantity of heating oils and to further reduce emissions of harmful substances. That is why INA<br />

has proposed the technology of Delayed Coking for the heavy residue processing.<br />

Selection of this technology will enable us to meet the EU ecology standards, that have been<br />

transposed into Croatian legislation, as it takes into account the requirements aligned with the<br />

recommendations on the use of the best available techniques (BAT) in environment protection<br />

and control of pollution of the international IPPC directive.<br />

The first step was to prepare the Environmental Impact Study for the oil production and processing<br />

plant – the coking complex at the Rijeka Refinery.<br />


Delayed coking is a process of thermal decomposition (thermal cracking) used in refineries to<br />

transform atmospheric and vacuum residue into liquid and gas, in addition to solid concentrate<br />

of carbon material, the so called petroleum coke. The new coking plant would be designed to<br />

work at low pressure (2-5 Bar), high temperature (>500°C) and low recirculation, and these are<br />

the most important variables of the coking process.<br />

Maximum project capacity of the new coking plant would be 1,000,000 t/y. The capacity is<br />

based on raw materials available at the Rijeka Refinery which processes 4,500,000 t/y of oil, or<br />

13,235 t/day.<br />

The warehousing capacity has been planned for 45,000 tons of coke, which provides adequate<br />

storing volume for approx 60 working days with daily production of 715 tons of coke. Two closed<br />

transport routes would be linking the warehousing unit and the western part of the bay of Bakar,<br />

one for transport of coke by sea and the other for shipment by rail. ▷<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 49


[ TECHNOLOGY ]<br />

Korištenjem zatvorenih sustava transporta i skladištenja naftnog koksa,<br />

onemogućuje se izlaženje koksne prašine ili koksnih čestica u atmosferu.<br />


Svugdje u svijetu tehnologija odloženog ili komornog koksiranja ostaje vo -<br />

deći izbor za pretvaranje teškog, vakuumskog ostatka u vrjednije ra finerijske<br />

pro izvode. Tehnologija je od početka 1940-ih doživjela značaj nih<br />

poboljšanja u pogledu sigurnosti, smanjujući emisije u okoliš, po ve ća vajući<br />

pouzdanost i fleksibilnost, time i ekonomičnost. Najveće po boljšanje sigur<br />

nosti je razvoj kontrole rada koksnih komora i sustava za njihovo otva -<br />

ranje, zatvorenog sustava prihvata i povrata para i linija dreniranja.<br />

Dosad je u svijetu izgrađeno stotinjak postrojenja za obradu teških ost -<br />

ataka komornim koksiranjem, a u izgradnji ih je više od 20. Najviše po -<br />

stro jenja izgrađeno je u SAD-u, a u Europi ih je izgrađeno 15, i većinom<br />

u državama Europske unije – Španjolskoj, Italiji, Njemačkoj, Norveškoj,<br />

Ve likoj Britaniji, Nizozemskoj, Rumunjskoj i drugdje.<br />


Nadzor kvalitete zraka oko koking procesa se prati kroz emisije koking<br />

peći, mogućeg ispusta prema baklji iz ispusnog, blowdown sustava, te kao<br />

fugitivne emisije prašine iz sustava ispuštanja koksa. Emisije iz peći<br />

smanjuju se ugradnjom sustava za predgrijavanje zraka, ugradnjom<br />

plamenika koji stvaraju niske, čak ultraniske, emisije dušičnog oksida. Ispusta<br />

prema baklji zapravo nema, jer blowdown sustav sav ugljikovodični<br />

materijal vraća u proces, a voda se ponovo koristi za hlađenje i rezanje<br />

koksa.<br />

Sve vode opterećene sumpornim spojevima iz sustava obrađuju se u<br />

striperu kiselih voda i vraćaju u proces. Ispust vode iz dreniranja koksnih<br />

komora i postupka odvodnjavanja je potpuno eliminiran, jer se sva<br />

voda nakon uklanjanja sitnih čestica koksa rekuperira i vraća u proces<br />

hlađenja i bušenja. Svi procesni ostaci, slopovi, talozi i muljevi s dna<br />

spremnika, desaltera, mogu se zbrinuti u koking procesu dodavanjem u<br />

sirovinu. Uljni dio se iskoristi u procesu, kruti dio se ugrađuje u ostatak<br />

– naftni koks, dok se prisutna voda rekuperira. ◀<br />

Use of closed coke transport and warehousing systems prevents coke<br />

dust or coke particles from getting into the atmosphere.<br />


Delayed coking has been the first choice of technology everywhere in the<br />

world when it is necessary to transform heavy, vacuum residue into more<br />

valuable refining products. The same technology has been refined and improved<br />

since early 1940s in terms of security, reduced emissions, increasing<br />

reliability and flexibility, giving better economic effects. The most<br />

important advancement in terms of safety is the development of control of<br />

coke chamber operations and their opening systems, closed system of<br />

vapour circulation and draining lines. Up to now there are approx. 100 such<br />

plants in operation globally, and more than 20 are under construction. Most<br />

of the plants are located in the USA, and there are 15 of them in Europe,<br />

mostly in EU member countries – Spain, Italy, Germany, Norway, Great<br />

Britain, Netherlands, Romania and others.<br />


Supervision of air quality around the coking plant is done by monitoring coking<br />

furnace emissions, possible releases towards the flare from the exhaust,<br />

blowdown system, and in the form of fugitive emissions of dust from the<br />

coke release system. Emissions from furnaces are reduced by adding the<br />

system of air preheating, installation of burners creating low, even ultralow,<br />

emissions of nitrogen oxide. There are actually no releases towards the flare,<br />

as blowdown system sends all the hydrocarbon material back into the<br />

process, and water is used again for coke cooling and cutting.<br />

All water with sulphur compounds in the system is processed in the acid<br />

water stripper and is reused in the process. There is no release of water<br />

from draining coke chambers as all water is reused in the process of cooling<br />

and drilling, once small coke particles have been removed. All process<br />

residues, sludge from container, i.e., desalter floor, can be reused in the<br />

coking process by being added to raw materials. Oily segment is used in<br />

the process, solid segment in built in the residue – petroleum coke, while<br />

water is reused. ◁<br />

50 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

INA organizirala<br />

posjet mađarskoj rafineriji<br />



S ciljem da se šira javnost dodatno upozna s tehnologijom za<br />

obradu teških ostataka komornim koksiranjem, predloženu u<br />

sklopu druge faze modernizacije Rafinerije nafte Rijeka, INA<br />

je 9. i 10. prosinca organizirala posjet MOL-ovoj rafineriji u<br />

mjestu Szazhalombatta nedaleko od Budimpešte Postrojenje<br />

za obradu teških ostataka u mađarskoj rafineriji Danube u<br />

radu je od 2001. godine. U izgradnji, kao i u daljnjem radu,<br />

poštivali su se najstroži međunarodni ekološki zahtjevi.<br />

Ininom pozivu odazvali su se predstavnici lokalne vlasti,<br />

ekološke udruge, zatim lokalni mediji te stanovnici Grada<br />

Rijeke, Kostrene, Bakra i Kraljevice. Tijekom posjeta imali su<br />

priliku upoznati i gradonačelnika Szazhalombatte, g. Mihalyja<br />

Vezera te predstavnike lokalne hrvatske zajednice iz tog<br />

mjesta.<br />

U rafineriji Danube u devedesetim godinama prošlog stoljeća<br />

počelo se s poboljšanjima vezanima uz kvalitetu proizvoda i<br />

zaštitu okoliša, uzimajući u obzir buduće EU regulative.<br />

Najvažnija od tih poboljšanja bila je ona vezana uz<br />

tehnologiju za rješavanje teških ostataka. U sklopu ovog<br />

svojevrsnog modernizacijskog programa, do 2005. godine<br />

također su uvedeni novi sistemi za rješavanje otpadnih voda,<br />

kao i rješenje za peći za spaljivanje otpada. Kroz ove<br />

aktivnosti MOL je pridao pozornost poboljšanjima operativne<br />

učinkovitosti, što je bio veliki izazov, pogotovo kada se uzmu<br />

u obzir sve strože regulative u zaštiti okoliša i zahtjevi za<br />

kvalitetom proizvoda.<br />

Projekt rješavanja teških ostataka pokrenut je 1998. godine, a<br />

postrojenje za obradu teških ostataka, kao najvažniji dio<br />

ovoga projekta, završeno je 2001. Od 2000. godine u radu su i<br />

povezana postrojenja koja uključuju postrojenje za<br />

proizvodnju vodika nužno za proces desulfurizacije te<br />

postrojenje Claus-5, koja su neophodna za preradu plinova<br />

bogatih sumporovodikom. Također, bilo je potrebno<br />

rekonstruirati HDS postrojenje.<br />

Iako se lokalna samouprava grada Bakra, Kraljevice i općine<br />

Kostrena sa svojim čelnicima nije odazvala pozivu, važno je<br />

da su upravo građani podržali ovakav pristup Ine, a koji<br />

doprinosi boljoj komunikaciji između gospodarskog subjekta i<br />

lokalne zajednice u kojoj djeluje. (Ivana Đulović)<br />

INA organized a visit<br />

to a Hungarian refinery<br />



With a view to inform the general public about the technology<br />

for processing heavy ressidue by delayed coking, as proposed for<br />

the second phase of the Rijeka Refinery modernization, INA<br />

organized on 9 and 10 December a visit to the MOL refinery at<br />

Szazhalombatta not far from Budapest. The plant for heavy<br />

residue processing in the Hungarian refinery Danube has worked<br />

since 2001. Its construction and operations follow the strictest<br />

international ecological requirements.<br />

INA's invitation was accepoted by local government<br />

representatives, environment protection associations, local<br />

media and inhabitants of the City of Rijeka, of Kostrena, Bakar<br />

and Kraljevica. During their visit they met the mayor of<br />

Szazhalombatte, Mr Mihaly Vezer as well as the representatives<br />

oft he local Croatian community.<br />

In the 1990s, the Danube refinery launched product quality and<br />

environmental protection improvements, bearing in mind the<br />

future EU regulations. The most important improvements were<br />

related to technology for processing heavy residues. Within this<br />

modernization program, by 2005 new wastewater treatment<br />

systems were introduced, as well as waste incinerators. Through<br />

these activities, MOL emphasized operative efficiency<br />

improvements, which was a great challenge, especially bearing<br />

in mind the strict regulations regarding environmetal protection<br />

and product quality requirements.<br />

The heavy residues project was launched in 1998, while the<br />

plant, as the most important part, was completed in 2001. Since<br />

2000, several plants were conected: hydrogen production plant,<br />

necessary for desulphurization process, and Claus-5 plant,<br />

necessary for hydrogen sulphide-rich gases. Also, the HDS plant<br />

needed reconstruction.<br />

Although the local government of the towns of Bakar, Kraljevica<br />

and Kostrena municipality and their leaders did not respond to<br />

the invitation, it is important that citizens supported INA's<br />

approach,contributing to better communication between a<br />

business entity and the local community it operates in. (Ivana<br />

Đulović)<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 51


( FORECASTS )<br />


Što nosi budućnost?<br />


What is the future going to be like?<br />

Cijena nafte, dakako, ovisit će o potražnji za njom, a rast potražnje za<br />

energentima potiče i rast njihovih cijena - iz sve više razvijenih država<br />

stižu vijesti o konačnom izlasku iz recesije, pa će i cijena nafte rasti<br />

The price of oil will of course depend on the demand, and increasing demand<br />

for energy sources results in their higher prices – as more developed countries<br />

report on the end of the recession, the price of oil continues to go up<br />


Naftni stručnjaci i analitičari kretanja na svjetskim tržištima<br />

očekuju da bi cijene nafte - kao i svekoliki gospodarski<br />

razvoj - ponovno mogle imati uzlazni trend, što će<br />

mnogima, poglavito nerazvijenim i srednje razvijenim<br />

državama, stvoriti dodatne glavobolje i možda ih potaknuti na<br />

razmišljanje kako sve skuplju energiju trošiti što učinkovitije.<br />

Teško je predvidjeti kakva će sljedeće godine - u svijetu i u nas - biti<br />

gospodarska situacija, pa se ne može predviđati ni budućnost<br />

naftnog i plinskog biznisa, to više što kompanije koje se bave tim<br />

poslovanjem uvelike ovise o geopolitičkim i gospodarskim čimbenicima<br />

na koje u velikoj mjeri nemaju utjecaja. Neuralgične točke<br />

ovog biznisa i u 2010. bit će strah od nestašice sirove nafte, cijene<br />

energenata te opskrba velikog dijela europskog tržišta prirodnim<br />

plinom.<br />



Svjetski analitičari drže da nestašice energenata ne bi smjelo biti,<br />

pogotovo ne nestašice nafte, koje bi, drže mnogi, trebalo biti barem<br />

sljedećih tridesetak godina. Potrošnja nafte u svijetu raste, ali se<br />

stalno otkrivaju i nova ležišta - u Brazilu, Rusiji, Venezueli i drugim<br />

državama - a s razvojem tehnologija i rastom cijena tih energenata<br />

OIL INDUSTRY EXPERTS and analysts of global markets expect<br />

the oil prices to start going up – in parallel with the overall<br />

economic situation, which is going to cause a headache for<br />

many, especially the poor and developing countries and encourage<br />

them maybe to use the costly energy in more efficient<br />

ways. It is hard to predict what the economic situation in<br />

Croatia and elsewhere will be like, and it is therefore impossible<br />

to forecast the future of oil and gas business, since companies<br />

in the industry depend to a large extent on geopolitical<br />

and economic factors that are beyond their control. The risk<br />

factors will again in 2010 include the fear of crude oil shortages,<br />

the prices of energy sources, and the supply of European<br />

market with natural gas.<br />



Global analysts see no reason for energy sources shortages,<br />

oil included, as its reserves are estimated to last for another<br />

thirty years. While global consumption has been growing, new<br />

oil deposits are being discovered – in Brasil, Russia,<br />

Venezuela, and in other countries – and new technologies and<br />

higher prices increase global reserves of energy sources. In<br />

52 zima ‘09 (winter 09)



USD/bbl Datum objave<br />

Date of publication<br />

Morgan Stanley 76 18.8.2009.<br />

Goldman & Sachs 90 4.6.2009.<br />

Merrill Lynch 75 7.7.2009.<br />

JP Morgan 68,7 30.9.2009.<br />

Deutsche Bank 65 5.10.2009.<br />

Reuters poll* 75,4 25.11.2009.<br />

EIA 78,1 11.11.2009.<br />

* Royal Bank of Scotland, Petromatrix i dr.<br />




88<br />

87<br />

86<br />

85<br />

84<br />

83<br />

82<br />

1Q2008 1Q2009 1Q2010<br />


2010 - projekcija / projection<br />


Nekoliko je ključnih čimbenika na temelju kojih ana li ti -<br />

čari u budućnosti očekuju sve veću važnost plinskoga<br />

segmenta energetike: diversifikacija dugoročne opskrbe<br />

nastavit će se, uključujući pristup novim izvorima ops kr -<br />

be. Važnosti plina doprinijet će izgradnja novih plin ov -<br />

oda (poput Nabucca, izgradnja nekoliko LNG terminala –<br />

Gate LNG u Rotterdamu, Adria LNG u Hrvatskoj. Važni<br />

čimbenici su i izgradnja elektrana na plin, što je nova<br />

pojava u naftno-plinskom sektoru, nastavak produ ža va -<br />

nja postojećih plinovoda radi povećanja transportnih<br />

kapaciteta te projekt Nabucco koji jamči bolju di ver si -<br />

fikaciju plina, pa i smanjenu ovisnost tržišta o Rusiji.<br />


Analysts' predictions that gas as a source of energy will<br />

become more important in the future are based on the<br />

following facts: continued diversification of long-term<br />

supply, including access to new energy sources,<br />

construction of new pipelines, such as Nabucco, cons truc -<br />

tion of a number of new LNG terminals, such as Gate LNG<br />

in Rotterdam and Adria LNG in Croatia. Contruction of gas<br />

power plans is also an important new development in the<br />

oil and gas industry, as is the extension of existing gas<br />

pipelines to increase transport capacity as well as the Na -<br />

bu cco project that guarantees better diversification of gas<br />

supply and reduces market dependency on Russian gas.<br />

povećavaju se i njihove svjetske zalihe. Osim toga, tehnologije će i<br />

dalje napredovati, a postojeća cijena nafte između 75 i 85 dolara za<br />

barel, kakva će vjerojatno biti u 2010., drže stručnjaci, isplativa je<br />

svima i omogućuje ulaganja u istraživanje i proizvodnju. Računa se<br />

da će se i u neposrednoj budućnosti zadržati godišnja proizvodnja i<br />

potrošnja nešto manju od četiri milijarde tona nafte i nešto manje<br />

od tri bilijuna kubika plina, koliko je otprilike proizvedeno i<br />

potrošeno i u 2009.<br />

Približavanjem zime i padom temperatura u cijelom svijetu, pa tako<br />

i u Hrvatskoj, opskrba plinom postaje najvažnija tema pri čemu je<br />

važan čimbenik odnos Rusije i Ukrajine.<br />

“Postoje naznake da bismo u predstojećoj sezoni grijanja mogli<br />

izbjeći prekid isporuka tog energenta iz Rusije”, kazao je Andris<br />

Piebalgs, povjerenik za energetiku Europske komisije.<br />

Potrošače diljem svijeta sve više zabrinjava rast cijena energenata.<br />

To je posebice izraženo kod sirove nafte jer se cijene barela u<br />

posljednje doba kreću oko 80 dolara, što je najviša razina u posljednjih<br />

godinu dana. Doduše, daleko je to od rekordnih razina iz srpnja<br />

2008. kad su dosegle gotovo 150 dolara, ali, nažalost, i od cijene<br />

od tridesetak dolara za barel s kraja 2008.<br />

Cijena nafte, dakako, ovisit će o potražnji za njom, a rast potražnje<br />

za energentima potiče i rast njihovih cijena.◀<br />

addition to this, technologies will continue to advance, and the<br />

price forecast for 2010 of between 75 and 78 dollars per barrel<br />

allows everyone to make a profit and to invest in development<br />

and production. It is expected that yearly production and consumption<br />

will remain at the level of almost four billion tons and<br />

almost three trillion cubic meters of gas, which is roughly the<br />

quantity produced and consumed in 2009.<br />

Winter and lower temperatures mean that both globally and in<br />

Croatia problems of gas supply becomes the most important issue,<br />

where the relations between Russia and Ukraine play also<br />

an important role.<br />

„There are some indications that we may be able to avoid discontinuations<br />

of gas supply from Russia during the heating season“,<br />

says Andris Piebalgs, European commissioner for energy.<br />

Consumers all over the world are worried by rising energy prices.<br />

This is especially true of crude oil, where the current price of a<br />

barrel is around 80 dollars, the highest price level this year. Although<br />

this is far from the level in July 2008, when the price was<br />

150 dollars, it is also far from the price of 30 dollars at the end of<br />

2008.<br />

The price of oil will of course depend on the demand for oil, and<br />

increasing demand will result in higher prices. ◁<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 53


[ TECHNOLOGY ]<br />

ROVINJ, “MAZIVA 2009”<br />

S REACHom do EUrope<br />

*With REACH into Europe<br />

Tijekom trodnevnog rada stručnjaci iz četrnaest zemalja predstavili su 38<br />

znanstvenih radova iz područja razvoja maziva, razvoja aditiva i baznih ulja,<br />

primjene maziva, metoda ispitivanja te utjecaja maziva na okoliš<br />

38 scientific papers were presented by experts coming from 13 European<br />

countries during the three days of the conference. The papers dealt with lubricants,<br />

additives and base oils developments, application of lubricants,<br />

testing methods and impact of lubricants on the environment.<br />




Hrvatsko društvo za goriva i maziva uz potporu Ministarstva<br />

zna nosti, obrazovanja i športa Republike Hrvatske organi -<br />

zi ralo je 21/23. listopada u Rovinju 42. stručno-znanstveni<br />

simpozij «Maziva 2009». Skup je dugogodišnjim održava -<br />

njem iz regionalnog prerastao u međunarodni, stoga je razumljivo što<br />

su potporu svojim prilozima pomogle brojne inozemne kompanije te<br />

INA i Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o.<br />

Tijekom trodnevnog rada predstavljeno je 38 znanstvenih radova<br />

struč njaka iz 13 europskih država iz područja razvoja maziva, razvoja<br />

adit iva i baznih ulja, primjene maziva, metoda ispitivanja te utjecaja<br />

ma ziva na okoliš.<br />


Sveobuhvatni ekološki trendovi trošila nameću razvoj novih tehnologija<br />

pro izvodnje maziva, aditiva i baznih ulja s novim prilagođenim specifikacijama.<br />

Sve to otvara široko polje istraživanja i razmjenu informacija na sku -<br />

po vima kakav je bio i ovaj.<br />

To nam je potvrdio i Marijan Podobnik, predsjednik stručno-znan st -<br />

ve nog odbora Maziva 2009, inače Inin rukovoditelj u Odsjeku razvoja<br />

teh nologije i sredstava u Rijeci.<br />

- Za ovogodišnji simpozij osigurali smo radove stručnjaka najvećih svjet<br />

skih kompanija koji su na izvoru informacija i koji definiraju trendo<br />

ve razvoja maziva, a čuli smo i istraživače s poznatih univerziteta koji<br />

su predstavili rezultate svojih fundamentalnih istraživanja, rekao je Po -<br />

dobnik.<br />

Trendovi zaštite okoliša i maksimalna ušteda goriva koji utječu na<br />

razvoj motora vozila, u posljednje vrijeme nameću ubrzanu i stalnu<br />

pro mjenu specifikacija maziva. Nekad se specifikacije nisu mijenjale i<br />

po desetljeće pa se više bavilo optimizacijom formulacija ulja i primjeni<br />

maziva.<br />

Ubrzani razvoj trošila i stroga legislativa zahtijevaju od pro iz vođača ma -<br />

zi va stalno praćenje novih specifikacija maziva.<br />

MAZIVA 2009, THE 42ndgathering of professionals and scientists was organized<br />

by the Croatian Society for Fuels and Lubricants, with support of<br />

the Ministry of Science, Education and Sports of the Republic of Croatia, in<br />

Rovinj from 21 to 23 October 2009. The gathering has over many years<br />

outgrown its regional character and has become an international event, so<br />

support was given by a number of international companies as well as by<br />

INA and Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o.<br />

38 scientific papers were presented by experts coming from 13 European<br />

countries during the three days of the conference. The papers dealt with lubricants,<br />

additives and base oils developments, application of lubricants,<br />

testing methods and impact of lubricants on the environment.<br />


Overall ecology developments and trends in devices using the products<br />

require the developments of new technologies in lubricant, additive and<br />

base oil production, including new modified specifications.<br />

Recent developments have opened a wide range of issues for research<br />

and exchange of information at gatherings such as this one.<br />

This has been confirmed by Mr Marijan Podobnik, president of the Science<br />

and expert committee of the Maziva 2009 conference, who is also a manager<br />

in the Department for technology and sources development in Rijeka.<br />

He said: „This year's conference presents papers written by experts coming<br />

from the largest global companies that are at the source of information<br />

and can define trends in lubricants development. We also have experts<br />

from well-known universities presenting results of their fundamental research.“<br />

Trends present in ecology and maximum fuel saving requirements have<br />

had an impact on the car engine development but have lately also been imposing<br />

accelerated and constant change in lubricant specifications. In earlier<br />

times, specifications would not change for a decade so the focus was<br />

on optimization of oil formulations and lubricant application.<br />

Accelerated changes in devices using lubricants and strict legislation force<br />

manufacturers to apply new specifications for lubricants all the time.<br />

54 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

Za govornicom<br />

Ákos Nemesnyik -<br />

MOL_LUP, Omer<br />

Kovač - Rafinerija<br />

Modriča, Tatjana<br />

Benko - Maziva<br />

Zagreb<br />

At the lectern :<br />

Ákos Nemesnyik,<br />

MOL LUP, Omer<br />

Kovač – Modriča<br />

Refinery, Tatjana<br />

Benko – Maziva<br />

Zagreb<br />

Trendovi su uvođenje sve više sintetičkih i djelomično sintetičnih<br />

maziva. O mogućnosti dobivanja baznih ulja novim GTL, CTL i BTL<br />

tehnologijama bilo je govora na simpoziju. Međutim, treba naglasiti da<br />

je važno odabrati odgovarajuću kvalitetu maziva u odnosu na zahtjeve<br />

trošila i uvjete eksploatacije.<br />

Zbog kompatibilnosti s novim sustavima obrade ispušnih plinova<br />

proizvođači aditiva bili su prisiljeni razviti potpuno novu generaciju<br />

aditiva s niskim sadržajem sumpora, fosfora i sulfatnog pepela. Motorna<br />

ulja proizvedena s takvim aditivima poznata su pod zajedničkim<br />

nazivom „low SAPS“ ulja. ▶<br />

The trend is to introduce more and more synthetic and partly synthetic lubricants.<br />

There were papers presented at the symposium on the possibility<br />

of obtaining base oils using new GTL, CTL and BTL technologies. It has<br />

to be stressed that it is important to select adequate quality of lubricants<br />

based on the requirements of devices using lubricants and the conditions<br />

of exploitation.<br />

In order to achieve compatibility with new systems for processing exhaust<br />

fumes, producers of additives have been forced to develop a completely<br />

new generation of additives with low sulphur, phosphorus and sulphate<br />

ash content. ▷<br />

Marijan Podobnik, predsjednik Stručno<br />

znanstvenog odbora<br />

Marijan Podobnik, chair of the<br />

Expert-science committee<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 55


[ TECHNOLOGY ]<br />



Na simpoziju «Maziva 2009»,<br />

pred stavljen je novi Katalog pro -<br />

iz voda INA MAZIVA koji je iz<br />

tis ka izašao u listopadu. Pos lov -<br />

nim partnerima i sudionicima<br />

sku pa o njemu su govorili<br />

Zdrav ko Šimunović, predsjednik,<br />

i Marin Picukarić, član Uprave<br />

Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. te Zoran<br />

Škrobonja, direktor Prodaje<br />

maziva, SD Rafinerije i mar ke -<br />

tinga iz Rijeke.<br />

Katalogom su obuhvaćeni svi<br />

pro izvodi redovnog programa<br />

Ini nih maziva, razvrstani po tipu<br />

primjene i kvaliteti maziva koja<br />

je prilagođena interesima i po -<br />

traž nji kupaca. Katalog obu h va -<br />

ća i proizvode koji se rade po<br />

po sebnim narudžbama kupaca<br />

kao i srodne proizvode koji se<br />

koriste za pripreme i održavanje<br />

nekog sustava te zbrinjavanje<br />

rabljenih Ininih maziva. Po di je -<br />

ljen je u sedam poglavlja: Ulja i<br />

tekućine za motore i motorna<br />

vozila, Maziva i srodni proizvodi<br />

za industriju, Tekućine i sred st -<br />

va za obradu metala, Sredstva<br />

za privremenu zaštitu od ko ro zi -<br />

je, Sredstva za tehnička čiš će -<br />

nja, Mazive masti za industriju i<br />

vozila te Ostali proizvodi.<br />

Kata log je svojim funkcionalnim<br />

formatom i zanimljivim gra fičk -<br />

om prijelomom namijenjen ko -<br />

ris nicima INA maziva koji će,<br />

kroz obilje tiskanih informacija o<br />

svakom proizvodu, moći izabrati<br />

upravo proizvod koji im treba.<br />

A new catalogue of INA MAZIVA<br />

products, published in October,<br />

was presented at the symposium<br />

„Lubricants 2009“. Business par -<br />

tners and participants were there<br />

to hear Zdravko Šimunović, cha -<br />

ir man and Marin Picukarić, mem -<br />

ber of the Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o.<br />

Management Board as well as<br />

Zoran Škrobonja, head of lub ri -<br />

cant sales at the Refining and<br />

mar keting division in Rijeka, tal -<br />

king about the catalogue.<br />

The catalogue contains all the<br />

products in the INA lubricants<br />

range, grouped by type of use<br />

and quality of lubricant, adjusted<br />

to the interests and demands of<br />

buyers. The catalogue also in -<br />

clud es products made to buyers'<br />

specifications, as well as related<br />

products, used in preparation and<br />

exploitation of a system and dis -<br />

posal of used INA lubricants. The<br />

catalogue has seven chapters:<br />

Oils and motor and motor vehicle<br />

fluids, lubricants and related pro -<br />

ducts used in industry, fluids and<br />

related products used in metal<br />

treatment, means of temporary<br />

protection against corrosion,<br />

means of technical cleaning,<br />

lubricating fats for industry and<br />

vehicles, and other products. The<br />

catalogue is of a practical format<br />

and of interesting design and has<br />

been prepared for the INA<br />

lubricants users, as it provides<br />

them with information helping<br />

them to choose the right product.<br />

Konačnu potvrdu o kvaliteti i pravilnom odabiru određenog maziva<br />

daju eksploatacijska ispitivanja maziva na trošilima. Kao i uvijek, simpozij<br />

je bio prilika da se rezultati takvih ispitivanja izlože ostalim<br />

stručnjacima na uvid, zaključio je Podobnik.<br />


Uz sve promjene koje se zbivaju u razvoju trošila i primjeni novih ma -<br />

zi va, još veći utjecaj na tržište maziva Europe ima, po saznanjima sudio<br />

nik Simpozija, uvođenje REACH uredbe (Registration, Evaluation,<br />

Authorization and Restricition of Chemicals) kojom se na<br />

eu ropskom tržištu osigurava sigurno gospodarenje kemikalijama s ci l-<br />

jem zaštite okoliša i zdravlja ljudi. U EU ima zakonsku snagu, a u primje<br />

ni je od polovice 2007. s postupnim uvođenjem do 2018. Europska<br />

agen cija za kemikalije objavila je listu s 143 tisuće pred-registriranih<br />

tvari koje su prijavile 65 tisuća europskih tvrtki.<br />

Zbog golemog utjecaja REACH-a na europsko tržište maziva, održana<br />

je posebna rasprava o iskustvima pri njegovoj implementaciji u Ma đar -<br />

skoj, Sloveniji i Hrvatskoj koju je vodio Robert Mandaković , predsjed -<br />

nik Organizacijskog odbora „Maziva 2009“, iz Rafinerije Maribor.<br />

Tatjana Benko, specijalist za zaštitu zdravlja, sigurnosti i okoliša u Ini<br />

nu Sektoru zaštite zdravlja, sigurnosti i okoliša, govorila je o utjecaju<br />

REACH uredbe na djelatnost maziva u Hrvatskoj, utjecaju troškova re -<br />

gistracije na industriju, proizvođače maziva i uvoznike te aktualnoj<br />

problematici u procesu uvođenja.<br />

Hrvatska je u postupku pridruživanja Europskoj uniji i njezini pro iz -<br />

vođači koji izvoze kemikalije na tržište EU-a, moraju primijeniti<br />

REACH uredbu. Za pred-registraciju i registraciju kemikalija tvrtke<br />

mo raju imati Jedinstvenog zastupnika sa sjedištem u zemlji članici<br />

EU. Za Inu je to MOL, koji je ujedno i strateški partner. Registracija<br />

tvari podrazumijeva izradu dosjea za svaku tvar. Ap likacije IT koje se<br />

koriste za izradu dosjea su REACH-IT i IUCLID 5. Ova druga sadrži<br />

osam tisuća podataka po tvari, a od značajnijih poda taka su oni koji<br />

govore o njenom utjecaju na okoliš i zdravlje čovjeka - toksičnost, karcinogenost,<br />

mutagenost i slično.<br />

Motor oils produced with such additives are knows under the name of<br />

„low SAPS“ oils.<br />


Although a lot of changes have been happening in the area of new uses<br />

and lubricants applications, the impact of the introduction of the REACH<br />

regulation (Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of<br />

Chemicals) that ensures safe management of chemicals aimed at protec -<br />

ting the environment and the health of people, is going to be even gre ater<br />

on the European lubricants market. The regulation has in the EU the force<br />

of law with gradual implementation starting in the middle of 2007 and<br />

lasting until 2018. The European Chemicals Agency has pu b lished a list<br />

with 143 000 pre-registered substances submitted by 65 000 European<br />

companies.<br />

Due to the huge impact of the REACH regulation on the European lubri -<br />

cants market, a discussion was organized on the experiences in its imp -<br />

lementation gathered in Hungary, Slovenia and Croatia, moderated by<br />

Robert Mandaković, president of the organizing committee of „Maziva<br />

2009“, who is employed in the Maribor Refinery. Tatjana Ben ko, occupational<br />

health and environment protection specialist at the INA Occupational<br />

health department, talked about impact of REACH re gu lation on the<br />

lubricants industry in Croatia, and of the impact the cost of registration is<br />

going to have on the industry, lubricant producers and importers as well<br />

as about current issues related to its introduction.<br />

Croatia is in the process of the EU accession and its producers exporting<br />

chemicals to the EU market are obliged to implement the REACH regulation.<br />

Companies pre-registrering and registering chemicals need to have<br />

a single representative headquartered in a EU member country, and MOL<br />

is the representative for INA, being its strategic partner. Registration<br />

means that a file has to be put together for each substance. IT applications<br />

used for file preparation are REACH-IT and IUCLID 5, the latter containing<br />

8 000 data per substance, among them those covering its impact<br />

on the environment and hu man health – its toxicity, carcinogenity, mutagenity<br />

and the like.<br />

56 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

+<br />

Stručnjaci Maziva Zagreb<br />

promovirali su novi Katalog<br />

proizvoda Ininih maziva<br />

Experts from MAZIVA<br />

Zagreb promoted the new<br />

INA lubricants catalogue<br />



INA je pred-registrirala 18 tvari koje se<br />

nalaze u proizvodima koje se izvoze na<br />

europsko tržište. Rok za registraciju je 30.<br />

studenog 2010. jer se tvari ne pro iz vo de u<br />

količini većoj od tisuću tona godiš nje. Os -<br />

ta le tvari koje INA ne izvozi na eu ropsko<br />

tržište, INA će pred-registrirati i re gis tri -<br />

rati nakon ulaska u Europsku uni ju. Ma zi -<br />

va-Zagreb d.o.o. neće imati ve li kih troš ko -<br />

va jer dobrim dijelom uvozi tva ri iz EU ko -<br />

je su već pred-registrirane i bit će regis tr -<br />

irane od zemlje članice EU, a i proizvodi<br />

tvari do 100 tisuća tona godišnje.<br />

INA has pre-registered 18 substances con -<br />

tained in products that are exported to the<br />

European market. The deadline for re gi s tra -<br />

tion is 30 November 2010, as quant ities<br />

produced do not exceed 1000 tons a year.<br />

Other substances not exported to the EU will<br />

be preregistered and re gis tered by INA once<br />

Croatia joins the EU. Maziva Zagreb d.o.o<br />

will not incurr high costs as it mostly im por ts<br />

already preregistered substances from the<br />

EU or substances to be regostered by a EU<br />

member country, and the quan ti ties it<br />

producers do not exceed quantities of 100<br />

000 tons a year.<br />

Usto se moraju izdvojiti velika financijska sredstva i osigurati ljudski re -<br />

sur si. Stoga se srodne industrijske grane udružuju u konzorcije i zajed -<br />

nički podnose zahtjeve za slične i iste tvari. Uštede su goleme, za primjer,<br />

samostalna registracija po tvari, koja se proizvodi u količini većoj<br />

od tisuću tona godišnje, košta 31, a zajednička 23 tisuće eura.<br />

Autori za cija opasne tvari stoji 50 tisuća eura. Pored financijskih ušteda,<br />

zajed ničkim radom uštedi se i na vremenu popunjavanja opsežnih<br />

dosjea.<br />


Akos Nemesnyk, voditelj Razvoja proizvoda i tehničkih servisa u<br />

MOL-LUB Ltd, upoznao je sudionike skupa sa srednjoeuropskim i<br />

mađarskim iskustvima u primjeni REACH-a i njegovom utjecaju na<br />

primjenu i razvoj maziva. Uvođenje REACH-a država i industrijski sektor<br />

Mađarske shvatili su od početka kao ozbiljan zadatak. MOL je uz<br />

pomoć inozemnih stručnjaka na vrijeme izvršio pred-registraciju i<br />

registraciju tvari koje proizvodi, koristi ili distribuira. Za to im je, kao<br />

temeljni uvjet, bila potrebna snažna informatička potpora, osposobljavanje<br />

ljudi te golema financijska sredstva.<br />

Aleš Hrobat, razvojni tehnolog u tvrtki OLMA Lubricants iz Slovenije,<br />

govorio je o slovenskim iskustvima uvođenja REACH-a, o utjecaju i podršci<br />

državnih propisa u tom procesu te o utjecaju globalnih zahtjeva.<br />

Državne institucije nisu na odgovarajući način pratile implementaciju<br />

REACH-a slovenska industrija je bila glavni nositelj procesa. Prvobitna<br />

nesnalažljivost u moru podataka koje je trebalo pribaviti i formulara<br />

koji su se trebali ispuniti kao i tijeka tih informacija, s vremenom je<br />

svladana i uhvatio se korak sa zadanim rokovima.<br />

Rasprava je pokazala da uvođenje REACH uredbe izaziva velike promjene<br />

na europskom tržištu kemikalija na kojem će opstati samo veliki<br />

koji mogu zadovoljiti tražene standarde.<br />

Neke kemikalije će se posve izgubiti jer su neisplative, odnosno zamijenit<br />

će ih isplativijima. Visoki troškovi primjene Uredbe uvelike će pridonijeti<br />

povišenju cijene kemikalija na tržištu, a time i proizvodnje<br />

maziva i svega ostaloga. ◀<br />

In addition to that, important amounts of funds and human resources are<br />

needed. That is why related industries work together to form consor tia<br />

and submit requests for similar and identical substances jointly. Savings<br />

are huge, so, for instance, independent registration of a substa nce produced<br />

in quantities exceeding 1 000 tons a year costs 31 000 € and joint<br />

registration 23 000 €. Authorization of hazardous substance costs 50<br />

000 € a year. In addition to financial savings, joint work provides savings<br />

in the time needed to complete elaborate files.<br />


Akos Nemesnyk, head of product development and technical servicing<br />

at MOL LUB Ltd, talked about Hungarian and Central European experiences<br />

in REACH implementation and its impact on the development and application<br />

of lubricants. Introduction of REACH was seen by Hungarian government<br />

and the industry as a serious task from the very start. MOL was<br />

able to pre-register and register substances it produces, uses or distributes<br />

on time with the help of foreign experts. The basic prerequisites for<br />

the task completion were adequate IT support, training of people and huge<br />

amounts of funds.<br />

Aleš Hrobat, development technologist at OLMA Lubricants in Slovenia,<br />

talked about Slovene experiences in REACH introduction, about the impact<br />

and support of state regulations int he process and on the im pact of<br />

global requirements. The state institutions did not provide ade quate support<br />

to the process of REACH implementation and Slo vene industry was<br />

the key player in the process. Initial difficulties in data selection and filer<br />

completion were mastered in time and what needed to be done was done<br />

on time.<br />

Discussion showed that REACH regulation introduction will bring changes<br />

to the European chemicals market where only the largest pla yers will be<br />

able to meet the standards required.<br />

Certain chemicals will disappear as they are not profitable and will be replaced<br />

by profitable ones. The high cost of the regulation implementation<br />

will result in higher market prices of chemicals, with an impact on lubricants<br />

and many other products. ◁<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 57

Vizionar plinsk<br />

PROF.DR.SC.<br />




Kao strastveni zagovornik plina prof. dr. sc. Šunić začetnik je uvođenja Dana plina i korištenja<br />

„himne o plinu“, prve u svijetu koja se koristi u svečanim prilikama i na dodjeli nagrada najzaslužnijima iz<br />

plinskog gospodarstva<br />


rof.dr.sc. Miljenko Šunić, donedavno redovni profesor<br />

Rudarsko-geološko-naftnog fakulteta Sveučilišta u<br />

Zagrebu, zasigurno je jedan od da nas najeksponiranijih<br />

energetičara u Hrvatskoj kada su u pitanju plin i<br />

plinska problematika, na što ne utječe samo činjenica<br />

da je više od 43 godine u plinskom gospodarstvu nego<br />

i da mnoga energetska, znan stveno-stručna i nadasve aktualna energetska<br />

zbivanja zahvaljuju svo je pokretanje, organizaciju i<br />

provođenje ener giji i volji tog 70- godišnjeg stručnjaka.<br />

Neizbrisiv trag u području plina ostavlja prije svega svojim nadasve<br />

upor nim i beskompromisnim zalaganjem za plinofikaciju Hrvatske<br />

sve do Splita i Dubrovnika te priključenje Hrvatske na međunarodne<br />

pli novode iz pravca Mađarske, Albanije i Grčke. Idejni je začetnik<br />

nacio nalnog programa PLINCRO, plinofikacije Dalmacije i cijele<br />

Hrvatske uz veće korištenje obnovljivih izvora i novih učinkovitih<br />

tehnologija.<br />

Punih 25 godina organizator je i voditelj Međunarodnih susreta<br />

struč nja ka za plin u Opatiji, a zaslužnim za to danas ističe Inu i Inine<br />

stru č njake. Drži da je time stvoren današnji plinski brend koji je pomogao<br />

me đunarodnoj afirmaciji hrvatske energetike (članstvu<br />

Hrvatske u Međunarodnoj plinskoj uniji- IGU) i stjecanju potpore<br />

Ine i Ininih stru čnjaka za plin. Kroz Inina glasila i informiranje prvi<br />

puta su se po če le probijati u širu javnost cjelovite informacije o istupima<br />

i stručnim do prinosima domaćih i inozemnih stručnjaka u<br />

afirmaciji plina te Ine koja je doprinijela plinofikaciji Hrvatske<br />

povezivanjem sjevernojad ran skih polja prvim kilometrima<br />

plinovoda Pula-Karlovac.<br />


Kao predsjednik Hrvatske stručne udruge za plin (HSUP) u javnosti<br />

je zapamćen po iniciranju tematskih rasprava i okruglih stolova o pita<br />

njima zimske opskrbe plinom i druge plinske problematike te na -<br />

dasve gorućeg problema – stručno-znanstvenog ukazivanja na nuž -<br />

nost tr žiš nih cijena energenata umjesto socijalnih te na potrebu iz -<br />

jednačavanja ci jena domaćih energenata s cijenama uvoznih. U svojim<br />

temperamentnim istupima u javnosti nisu mu bila strana ni ot -<br />

vorena sučeljavanja s neistomišljenicima, prije svega ugljenarskim ▶<br />

As a passionate advocate of gas, Prof Šunić PhD initiated the<br />

Gas Day and the „gas anthem“, first of its kind in the world<br />

and used to mark special occasions and award ceremonies<br />

honouring deserving individuals in the gas business<br />

PROFFESOR MILJENKO ŠUNIĆ PhD, until recently a full professor at<br />

the Faculty of mining, geology and petroleum engineering of Zagreb<br />

University, is certainly among the most prominent energy specialists<br />

in the area of gas business in Croatia. This is not only due to the fact<br />

that he has been in that business for over 43 years, but also to the<br />

fact that many energy, scientific and professional gas-related developments<br />

were initiated and developed because of the will, energy<br />

and committment of the now 70 year- old expert.<br />

He will be remembered first of all for his uncompromising, persevering<br />

effort to extend the gas pipeline network throughout Croatia, all<br />

the way to Split and Dubrovnik, and to link it to international gas<br />

pipelines in Hungary, Albania and Greece. He has initiated the national<br />

project PLINCRO, extension of the gas network to Dalmatia and<br />

the entire territory of Croatia, with increasing use of renewable energy<br />

sources and more efficient new technologies.<br />

He has been in charge of organizing the international gathering of gas<br />

experts in Opatija for 25 years, although today he gives credit to INA<br />

and its experts. He believes that this has helped create the current<br />

gas brand that has been instrumental in Croatian energy global recognition<br />

(Croatian membership in International Gas Union). Publications<br />

issued by INA helped spread the word about gas through professional<br />

contributions made by domestic and foreign experts and INA made a<br />

contribution to the Croatian gas pipeline network by connecting the<br />

North Adriatic gas fields with the mainland via the gas pipeline Pula-<br />

Karlovac.<br />


In his capacity as president of the Croatian professional gas association,<br />

he became known for intiating topical and panel discussions on<br />

issues of gas supply in winter, as well as on other gas issues, and especially<br />

on the importance of energy pricing, where he argued that it<br />

cannot be a social category but should be market based, and also ▷<br />

e budućnosti<br />


*A gas business visionary<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 59

“<br />






+<br />



Zanimljivo je da je dr. sc. Šunić prvi<br />

instalirao stroj za pranje rublja i suđa s<br />

toplom vodom iz plinskog umjesto<br />

električnog bojlera i to još davne 1975.,<br />

te da je prvi registrirani automobil u<br />

Hrvatskoj na prirodni plin bio upravo<br />

njegov automobil, a prvi uređaj za<br />

hlađenje plinom - upravo u uredu<br />

profesora Šunića.<br />

It is interesting to note that Prof Šunić PhD<br />

installed the first washing machine with<br />

warm water coming from a gas boiler and<br />

not an electric one as early as 1975, that<br />

the first registered natural gas powered<br />

car was his, and that the first air<br />

conditioning unit powered by gas was in<br />

his office.<br />

60 zima ‘09 (winter 09)<br />

i nuklearnim lobijem, a kao strastveni za go -<br />

vornik plina začetnik je uvođenja Dana pli -<br />

na i koriš tenja „himne o pli nu“, prve u svije -<br />

tu koja se koristi u svečanim prilikama i na<br />

do djeli na grada najzaslužnijima iz plinskog<br />

gos podarstva. Držeći se čvrstih na čela u energetici<br />

osobito je konstruktivno-kritički<br />

analizirao Energetsku strategiju, inzistirajući<br />

na komplementarnosti elektroenergetskog i<br />

plinskog sustava, a ne nji hovoj kon kurent -<br />

skoj poziciji i isk ljučivosti te energetskom<br />

„miksu“ od domaćih energet skih resursa.<br />


Tu naravno nipošto nije kraj podužeg<br />

popisa aktivnosti i djelovanja. Dal matinac<br />

rodom iz Ro daljica kod Benkovca diplomirao<br />

je 1967. na Strojarsko-brodograđevnom<br />

fakultetu, ma gistrirao 1980. na<br />

Elektro teh ničkom fakultetu i doktorirao<br />

1990. na RGN fakultetu, sve u Zagre bu.<br />

Karijeru energetičara započeo je u Gradskoj<br />

plinari Zagreb gdje je proveo 36 godina,<br />

a među svoja životna postignuća<br />

ubraja ne samo desetke stručnih i<br />

znanstvenih knjiga i radova, brojne nagrade<br />

za primjenjenu zna nost i stručni doprinos<br />

razvoju energetike, ne go i prvi hr -<br />

vatski sustav za daljinski nadzor i<br />

upravljanje distribucijom plina u Zagrebu,<br />

pri mjenu prvih postrojenja za hlađenje pli -<br />

nom, kogeneracijskih postrojenja te upo -<br />

rabu stla čenog prirodnog plina za pogon<br />

automobila. Budućnost hrvatske energetike<br />

vidi u inter disciplinarnom obrazovanju za<br />

energe ti ča ra te u neovisnoj skupini doma -<br />

ćih energetskih eksperata i instituta koji će<br />

imati utjecaja na donošenje odluka. ◀<br />

that energy prices in Croatia should be equal<br />

to energy prices abroad.<br />

He was ready to confront publicly his opponents,<br />

primarily from the coal and nuclear<br />

energy lobbies, and his public appearances<br />

were always temperamental. Prof dr Šunić<br />

initiated the Gas Day and the „gas anthem“,<br />

first of its kind in the world and used on special<br />

occasions and award ceremonies honouring<br />

deserving individuals in the gas<br />

business. He applied clear energy principles<br />

when critisizing the energy strategy, insisting<br />

on the complementary nature of<br />

electrical and gas systems, as opposed to<br />

their positioning as competitors, and on the<br />

energy „mix“ using domestic energy<br />

resources.<br />


This is of course not the end of a rather long<br />

list of his activities. Born in Rodaljica near<br />

Benkovac, he graduated from the Faculty of<br />

machine engineering and naval architecture<br />

in 1967, he earned his master's degree in<br />

1980 at the Faculty of electrical engineering,<br />

and his PhD in 1990 at the Faculty of<br />

mining, geology and petroleum engineering,<br />

all at the University of Zagreb.<br />

He started working in the Zagreb City Gas<br />

Utility, where he stayed for 36 years.<br />

Among his professional life achievements<br />

are tens of professional and scientific<br />

papers, articles and books, numerous<br />

awards for applied science and his<br />

professional contribution to the<br />

development of the energy sector, but also<br />

the first Croatian remote control and<br />

management system for gas distribution in<br />

Zagreb, first plants with gas cooling,<br />

cogeneration plants, and the use of gas to<br />

power vehicle engines. According to him the<br />

future of energy industry in Croatia is in<br />

interdisciplinary education of energy<br />

experts and in letting institutes have a say in<br />

decision making. ◁




Sve inovacije iz Ine dobile medalje<br />


*All innovations from INA receive medals<br />

Novi Inin proizvod „INA Rezanol BIO 5“ dobio je zlatnu medalju, tehnološki postupak „Metoda biobnove tla onečišćenog naftnim<br />

ugljikovodicima“ srebrnu, a računalni program „Modeliranje fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava nafte“ brončanu medalju<br />


a tradicionalnoj 34. po redu središnjoj nacionalnoj iz lož -<br />

bi inovacija i novih tehnologija s međunarodnim sudje -<br />

lovanjem INOVA 2009., koja je održana od 11.-15. studenog<br />

2009. u Zagrebu, na prostorima Zagrebačkog<br />

ve lesajma, hrvatski inovatori i inovatori iz osam zemalja<br />

ukupno su pokazali 229 inovacije iz različitih područja. To su bili pro -<br />

izvodi za široku potrošnju, medicinski pripravci i pomagala, kozmetički<br />

pro izvodi, razne metode i postupci, proizvodi za industrijsku primjenu,<br />

elek troničke i strojne konstrukcije.<br />


Hit ove izložbe, prema riječima inovatorice iz Ine dipl. inž. Ljiljane Pe -<br />

di šić, predsjednice Hrvatskog saveza inovatora i glavnog organizatora<br />

iz ložbe koja je i na ovogodišnjoj izložbi imala svoju inovaciju, bila ▶<br />

INA’s new product “INA Rezanol BIO 5” wins gold medal, technological procedure “Oil<br />

carbohydrates-compromised soil bio-rehabilitation method” wins silver, while computer<br />

programme “Physical and chemical oil characteristic modelling” gets bronze<br />

AT THE 34TH TRADITIONAL, central, national and international innovation<br />

and new technologies fair INOVA 2009, held from 11 to 15 November<br />

2009 in Zagreb at the Zagreb Velesajam premises, Croatian in no -<br />

vators and innovators from eight different countries presented altoget -<br />

her 229 innovations from different areas, such as multipurpose objec -<br />

ts, medical preparations and aids, cosmetic products, various met -<br />

hods and procedures, industrial products, electronics and machinery.<br />


According to Liljana Pedišić, BSc, president of the Croatian Innovators’<br />

Association and exhibition organiser, but also a participant with her<br />

own innovation - solutions for gaining power by exploiting natural phenomena,<br />

such as wind, tide, sun and water, achieved the greatest success.<br />

Among other things, wind turbines, solar plants, sea waves ▷<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 61

Otvaranje<br />

zagrebačke<br />

izložbe<br />

inovacija<br />

Zagreb<br />

innovation fair<br />

opening<br />

62 zima ‘09 (winter 09)<br />

su rješenja za dobivanje električne energije<br />

iskoriš tavanjem prirodnih pojava vjetra, plime<br />

i ose ke, sunca i snagu vode. Tako se vidjelo<br />

više kon strukcija vjetroelektrana, solarnih<br />

elektra na, elektrane na morske valove, na riječni<br />

pro tok ili njihove kombinacije te tijek<br />

vode u vodovodnoj mreži.<br />

Predstavljena su i ekološka rješenja smanjenja<br />

onečišćenja iz termoelektrana na ugljen, zatim<br />

više rješenja za optimalizaciju rada pri izgradnji<br />

brodova sa znatnom uštedom energije<br />

i materijala, kabina s grijanjem za pušenje na<br />

otvorenim prostorima, i mnogi drugi. Iz lo že -<br />

no je ukupno 229 inovacija, izuma, patenata,<br />

teh ničkih unapređenja, novih proizvoda, ra -<br />

cionalizacija iz cijele Hrvatske i inozemstva:<br />

Rus ke Federacije, Rumunjske, Španjolske, Bo -<br />

s ne i Hercegovine, Češke, SAD-a kao i brojnih<br />

mladih inovatora.<br />


Ove godine inovatori iz INA-Industrija nafte,<br />

d.d. prikazali su tri inovacije, zahvaljujući potpori<br />

Hrvatskog saveza inovatora. To su bili:<br />

novi proizvod INA Rezanol BIO 5 auto rice<br />

Ljiljane Pedišić, Jasminke Munić i Irene Po -<br />

lenus iz Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o. članice INA<br />

Gru pe, zatim tehnološki postupak „Metoda<br />

bio bnove tla onečišćenog naftnim ugljikovodi<br />

cima“ autorice Vedranke Bobić, iz INA Dow -<br />

nstream, CTL, Environmental analysis labora<br />

tory, te kompjutorski program „Modeliranje<br />

fi zikalno-kemijskih svojstava nafte“ kojeg je<br />

raz vio inovatorski tim Grozdana Bogdanić,<br />

and river flow plants, or similar combinations, and a water-supply<br />

pipeline flow plant were presented.<br />

Environmental solutions for reducing pollution from fossil fuel power<br />

plants were presented, as well as more solutions for work optimisation<br />

in material and energy cost-efficient ship-building, heated outdoor<br />

smoking cabins and many others. Altogether 229 innovations,<br />

inventions, patents, technical improvements, new products and rationalisations<br />

from Croatia and other countries were presented. The<br />

Russian Federation, Romania, Spain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the<br />

Czech Republic, USA and many other countries’ young innovators participated<br />

in the fair.<br />


This year, the innovators from INA d.d. presented three innovations,<br />

thanks to the support of the Croatian Innovators’ Association: the new<br />

product INA Rezanol BIO 5 by Ljiljana Pedišić, Jasminka Munić and<br />

Irena Polenus from Maziva-Zagreb d.o.o.; technological procedure “Oil<br />

carbohydrates-compromised soil bio-rehabilitation method” by Vedranka<br />

Bobić from INA Downstream, CTL, Environmental analysis laboratory;<br />

and the computer programme “Physical and chemical oil<br />

characteristic modelling”, developed by the innovative team of Grozdana<br />

Bogdanić, Ana Erceg Kuzmić from INA and Ivan Wichterle from<br />

the Chemical Process Institute from Prague, the Czech Republic.<br />

Rezanol BIO 5 was awarded the gold medal by the International Jury<br />

presided over by the world famous innovation expert David Wardell,<br />

also chair of the jury at the greatest world fair INPEX in Pittsburgh. The<br />

silver medal was given to “Oil carbohydrates-compromised soil bio-rehabilitation<br />

method”, while “Physical and chemical oil characteristic<br />

modelling” won the bronze.<br />


At the closing of INOVA 2009, David Wardell especially praised the international<br />

character of the Croatian fair and its innovators. The world<br />

famous expert said that each year he was impressed with both the





Ljiljana Pedišić, Jasminka Munić i Irena<br />

Polenus: „Biorazgradljivo ulje Rezanol BIO 5“<br />

Rezanol BIO 5 je biorazgradljivo rezno ulje za<br />

hlađenje i podmazivanje pri obradbi ma te ri jala<br />

na osnovi estera podrijetlom iz biljnih ulja. Osim<br />

u industriji primjenjuje se i na mjes tima gdje<br />

mazivo može dospjeti u okoliš kao što su bru še -<br />

nje, rezanje dijelova konstrukcija, ure zivanje<br />

navoja na cijevima naftovoda, pli no voda i sl. To<br />

je tzv. neaktivno ulje i stoga se može primijeniti<br />

pri obradbi obojenih ma te ri jala kao što su alu -<br />

minij, bakar i njihove legure. Ova inovacija je<br />

osim zlatne medalje dobila i Zlatni pokal Ru -<br />

munjskog foruma inovatora kao najbolji<br />

ekoproizvod iz industrije.<br />


Vedranka Bobić: „Metoda bioobnove tla<br />

onečišćenog naftnim ugljikovodicima“<br />

Cilj rada bila je izolacija i uzgoj biomase au to h -<br />

to nih mikroorganizama tla koji mogu razgraditi<br />

naftne ugljikovodike. Prikazana je sposobnost<br />

Ana Erceg Kuzmić iz Ine i Ivan Wichterle iz<br />

Instituta za kemijske procese iz Praga, Republika<br />

Češka.<br />

Re zanolu BIO 5, Međunarodni ocjenjivački<br />

sud s poznatim svjetskim ekspertom za inovac<br />

ije Britancem Davidom Wardelom na čelu,<br />

koji je ujedno i predsjedavajući ocjenjivačkog<br />

suda najveće svjetske izložbe INPEX u Pittsburgu,<br />

dodijelio je zlatnu medalju.<br />

Srebrnu medalju dobio je rad „Metoda<br />

bioobnove tla one čišćenog naftnim uglji ko -<br />

vodicima“, a bron čanu računalni program<br />

„Modeliranje fi zikalno-kemijskih svojstava<br />

nafte“.<br />

mikroorganizama u razgradnji dizelskog goriva<br />

te su ispitani i utvrđeni najpovoljniji uvjeti za raz -<br />

gradnju nafte. Učinjena je i usporedba s dje lo -<br />

tvor nošću komercijalnog biološkog sredstva za<br />

čišćenje. Dokazano je da je s dobrim poz na va -<br />

njem mjesta izljeva i karakterizacije autohtone<br />

mikrobne populacije biorazgradnja vrlo<br />

uspješna.<br />


Grozdana Bogdanić, Ana Erceg-Kuzmić<br />

i Ivan Wichterle: „Modeliranje<br />

fizikalno-kemijskih svojstava nafte“<br />

Autorski je trojac na osnovu dosadašnjih is tra ži -<br />

vanja razvio model za predviđanje fizikalno-ke -<br />

mijskih svojstava nafte, koji se temelji na kon -<br />

cep tu metoda doprinosa atomskih skupina i pri -<br />

mjeni modelnih spojeva, odnosno pseudo-kom -<br />

po nenti. Tako je po prvi put, drže autori,<br />

prepoznato primjensko teorijsko istraživanje, te<br />

ocijenjen kompjutorski program CRUDE OIL<br />

PROPERTIES koji je najznačajniji dio spomenute<br />

inovacije.<br />

quantity and quality of the exhibits and<br />

pointed out that “everything surrounding<br />

us, everything we see, everything we<br />

use and utilise is a product of creativity,<br />

carried out by people. This is a resource<br />

Croatia is wealthy in.”<br />

He added that the only constant thing in<br />

development and advance is innovation,<br />

which literally changes the world we live<br />

in. This year’s successful event ended<br />

with an invitation to the next fair, the<br />

35th Croatian INOVA 2010 fair, which<br />

will be held next year in October in Osijek.<br />

◁<br />


Ljiljana Pedišić, Jasminka Munić and Irena<br />

Polenus: „Biodegradable oil Rezanol BIO 5“<br />

Rezanol BIO 5 is a biodegradable coolant used<br />

for cooling and lubrication in vegetable oil ester<br />

material processing. In addition to the industry, it<br />

can be applied in cases when lubricant could<br />

damage the environment, such as drilling or<br />

cutting construction parts, thread cutting on<br />

pipelines, etc. It is a so-called inactive oil and can<br />

be applied in painted material processing, such as<br />

aluminium, copper and their alloys. In addition to<br />

the gold medal, this innovation received the<br />

Golden Cup of the Romanian Innovators’ Forum<br />

as the best regional eco-product.<br />


Vedranka Bobić: „Oil carbohydratescompromised<br />

soil bio-rehabilitation method“<br />

The aim was to isolate and produce biomass of<br />

indigenous soil microorganisms which can<br />

degrade oil carbohydrates. We presented the<br />

abilities of the microorganisms in diesel fuel<br />

degrading, and tested and determined the best<br />

conditions for oil degradation. We performed a<br />

comparison with the efficiency of a commercial<br />

biological cleanser and it was proved that with<br />

good knowledge of the effusion location and<br />

indigenous microbial population characterisation,<br />

bio-degradation is extremely successful.<br />


Grozdana Bogdanić, Ana Erceg-Kuzmić<br />

and Ivan Wichterle: Physical and chemical oil<br />

characteristic modelling“<br />

Based on the current research, the team of<br />

authors developed a model for the prediction of<br />

physical and chemical oil characteristics, based<br />

on a concept of methods contributing to atomic<br />

groups and the application of model<br />

combinations, i.e. pseudo-components. According<br />

to the authors, this is the first time that an<br />

applicable theoretical research was recognised.<br />

The computer programme CRUDE OIL<br />

PROPERTIES was also evaluated as the most<br />

important part of the mentioned innovation.<br />



O hr vatskoj izložbi međunarodnog karaktera<br />

i hr vatskim inovatorima govorio David War -<br />

d ell. Ovaj poznati svjetski ekspert naglasio<br />

ka ko je svake godine ponovno impresioniran<br />

bro jem i kvalitetom izložaka, te naglasio kako<br />

je „sve oko nas, sve što vidimo, sve čime se slu -<br />

ži mo i sve što koristimo proizvod kreativnosti,<br />

či ji su nositelji ljudi, a tih resursa, kreativnih<br />

ljudi, Hrvatska ima“.<br />

Naglasio je također kako je jedina konstanta<br />

u razvoju i napretku inova tivnost, koja u pu -<br />

nom smislu riječi – mije nja svijet. Ovogo -<br />

dišnja uspjela manifestacija za vršila je po -<br />

zivom na sljedeći, 35. hrvatski salon inova cija<br />

INOVA 2010, koji će se održati u lis to pa du<br />

sljedeće godine u Osijeku. ◀<br />

Ljiljana Pedišić i Neven Marković,<br />

predsjednica i tajnik HSI-a<br />

Ljiljana Pedišić and Neven Marković,<br />

president and secretary of the Croatian<br />

Innovators’ Association<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 63


Neporeciva je činjenica da čovjek svojim djelovanjem<br />

utječe na prirodu. Klimatske promjene su naša<br />

svakodnevica koje smo svakim danom sve svjesniji.<br />

No, ono čega nismo svjesni su potencijalne katastrofalne<br />

posljedice s kojima se možemo susresti. A one<br />

su nesagledive; polovica bi životinjskih vrsta mogla izumrijeti,<br />

polovica stanovnika na Zemlji patiti od nestašice vode, koraljni bi<br />

grebeni zauvijek mogli nestali, a razina bi mora mogla za manje od<br />

sto godina porasti barem jedan metar.<br />

Najvažniji svjetski događaj ove godine vezan uz klimatske promjene<br />

bila je 15. UN-ova Konferencija o klimatskim promjenama, poznatija<br />

i pod nazivom COP 15, koja se održala od 7. do 18. prosinca<br />

u Kopenhagenu s ciljem postizanja novog globalnog dogovora oko<br />

klimatskih promjena. Dobro znani protokol iz Kyota usvojen 11.<br />

prosinca 1997., stupio je na snagu tek 16. veljače 2005., a prestaje<br />

vrijediti 2012. Na konferenciji u Kopenhagenu bilo je oko 15 ▶<br />

HUMAN ACTIVITIES certainly have a huge impact on nature. We are becoming<br />

increasingly aware of climate changes as part of our everyday life. However,<br />

what we are still not aware of are potentially disastrous consequences<br />

of those changes which lie ahead of us, consequences which defy our imagination:<br />

one half of the animal species might become extinct; one half of the<br />

total world’s population might face life threatening water shortages; coral<br />

reefs might disappear altogether; the sea level is expected to rise by as<br />

much as a whole meter within less than 100 years. The United Nations Climate<br />

Change Conference, better known as COP 15, was held between 7th<br />

and 18th December in Copenhagen with a view to achieving a new global<br />

consensus on climate change. The well-known Kyoto Protocol was adopted<br />

on 11th December 1997 but came into force only on 16th February 2005<br />

and it runs out in 2012. The Copenhagen Conference gathered approximately<br />

15,000 delegates from about 190 states worldwide whose tasks included<br />

an attempt to determine global CO 2 emission levels. According to a<br />

European proposal before the Conference started, the admissible ▷<br />


Za sigurniju buduć<br />

*Towards<br />

64 zima ‘09 (winter 09)


( ECOLOGY)<br />

The biggest and most important global climate-related event this<br />

year has been the UN’s Climate Change Conference held between<br />

7th and 18th December in Copenhagen. The goal of the conference<br />

was to reach a new global consensus on climate change<br />

Najveće i najvažnije svjetsko događanje vezano uz<br />

klimatske promjene ove godine bila je 15. UN-ova<br />

Konferencija o klimatskim promjenama, održana od 7. do<br />

18. prosinca u Kopenhagenu s ciljem postizanja novog<br />

globalnog dogovora oko klimatskih promjena<br />

nost svijeta…<br />


a safer future of the world<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 65

tisuća izaslanika iz oko 190 država svijeta, koji su, između ostalog,<br />

trebali i odrediti globalni cilj smanjenja emisija CO 2 . Europa je još<br />

prije Konferencije predlagala da dopuštena koncentracija CO 2 u<br />

zraku bude 450 ppm (dijelova u milijunu čestica zraka), odnosno da<br />

se dopusti porast temperature od najviše dva Celzijeva stupnja. Da<br />

bi se do 2050. ispunio taj cilj, razvijene industrijske zemlje morale<br />

bi smanjiti svoje emisije do 85 posto.<br />

Konkretnije, potrebno je postići dogovor o smanjenju emisija od<br />

25-40 posto do 2020. u odnosu na emisije iz 1990., odnosno 80-90<br />

posto do 2050. u odnosu na isti iznos emisija. Takva smanjenja već<br />

su najavili Japan (25% do 2020.), Norveška (30% do 2020.) i zemlje<br />

Europske unije (20-30% do 2020. i 95% do 2050.). Kina se obvezala<br />

da će znatno smanjiti emisiju stakleničkih plinova do 2020., no nije<br />

odredila točno koliko. EU se obvezao da će do 2020. onečišćenje<br />

smanjiti za 20 posto u odnosu na 1990. SAD je odredio ograničenje<br />

emisije stakleničkih plinova do 2020. za 17% ispod razine iz 2005.<br />


Prema istraživanju programa za razvoj Ujedinjenih naroda i Europske<br />

investicijske banke, mediteranskim zemljama prijeti neodrživa<br />

potrošnja energije i klimatske promjene na sušnom i krhkom<br />

Mediteranu bogatom biljnim i životinjskim vrstama. Ekolozi ga<br />

smatraju ‘kritičnom točkom’ kad su u pitanju klimatske promjene,<br />

svrstavajući ga među regije najosjetljivije na porast temperatura uslijed<br />

emisija stakleničkih plinova, a samo radikalne promjene mogu<br />

zaustaviti globalno zatopljenje.<br />

Međunarodna agencija za energiju (IEA) u svom je izvješću objavila<br />

da samo niskougljična energetska revolucija može smanjiti emisiju<br />

stakleničkih plinova i zaustaviti globalno zagrijavanje u prihvatljivim<br />

okvirima.<br />

Da bi se izbjegla nepopravljiva šteta za klimu, potrebno je u promjene<br />

energetske politike do 2030. uložiti milijarde dolara, upozoravaju<br />

stručnjaci. "Dobar" scenarij predviđa povećanje zahtjeva za<br />

concentration of airborne CO 2 should be 450 ppm (particles per million particles<br />

of air), i.e. the admissible temperature increase should be set at no<br />

more than 2 degrees Celsius. In order to achieve that goal, developed industrial<br />

countries should reduce their CO 2 emission levels by up to 85 per cent.<br />

More specifically, this means that an agreement should be reached on a 25<br />

to 40 per cent reduction in emissions by 2012 in respect of the1990 levels,<br />

and on a further 80 to 90 per cent reduction by 2050 in respect of the same<br />

benchmark level. Some countries have already announced such reductions:<br />

Japan (25 per cent by 2020), Norway (30 per cent by 2020) and European<br />

Union states (20 to 30 per cent by 2020 and an additional 95 per cent by<br />

2050). China is committed to substantially reduce the emission of greenhouse<br />

gases but it has not said by how much. The EU is committed to reduce<br />

pollution levels by 20 per cent on 1990 by the year 2020. The USA has set a<br />

target to be reached before 2020 – a 17 per cent reduction below the 2005<br />

greenhouse emission levels.<br />


According to the results of a research undertaken by the United Nations and<br />

the Euopean Investment Bank development program, Mediterranean states<br />

are facing an imminent danger as a result of an unsustainable consumption<br />

of energy and climate changes affecting the dry and vulnerable Mediterranean<br />

basin which abounds in plant and animal species. Ecologists see it<br />

as a “critical” region in terms of climate changes and consider it one of the<br />

areas most sensitive to increases in temperature caused by the emission of<br />

greenhouse gases. Only radical changes can put a stop to global warming.<br />

Nothing less than "a low-carbon energy revolution" is necessary to reduce<br />

greenhouse gas emissions and limit global warming to acceptable levels”,<br />

states a report published by the International Energy Agency (IEA).<br />

Experts say that in order to avoid irreparable and irreversible climate<br />

changes, billions of dollars need to be invested into changing energy policies<br />

by 2030.<br />

In a “good-case” scenario, energy demand grows by no more than 20 per<br />

cent between 2007 and 2030, an average annual growth rate of 0.8 per<br />

66 zima ‘09 (winter 09)


( ECOLOGY)<br />

energijom za samo 20 posto između 2007. i<br />

2030., odnosno 0,8 posto na godinu, s tim<br />

da se drastično smanji uporaba fosilnih<br />

goriva. Tako bi se naposljetku razina<br />

ugljičnog dioksida iz energije počela smanjivati<br />

i 2030. bila bi na razini od 26,4 Gt,<br />

odnosno 2,4 Gt manje nego 2007. i 13,8 Gt<br />

manje nego u pesimističnu scenariju u<br />

kojem vlade ništa ne čine za klimatske<br />

promjene. Istodobno su iz Indije stigle vijesti<br />

kako ne postoje dokazi da se zbog<br />

globalnog zatopljenja doista otapa snježna<br />

kapa na vrhovima Himalaje, koje su u<br />

izravnoj suprotnosti s dosadašnjim tvrdnjama.<br />

"Himalajski ledenjaci, iako se stalno<br />

smanjuju, ni na koji način nisu pokazali<br />

znakove abnormalna povlačenja, osobito ne<br />

zadnjih godina, koji bi odstupali od podataka<br />

o ledenjacima s Grenlanda ili Aljaske",<br />

objavio je dnevnik Hindustan Times.<br />

Izvješće IEA u pesimističkom je scenariju<br />

navelo Indiju kao drugoga najvećeg<br />

onečišćivača ugljičnim monoksidom s<br />

povećanjem od 2 Gt do 2030. Konferencija<br />

u Kopenhagenu je zasigurno bila najistaknutiji<br />

politički skup ove godine što<br />

potvrđuje i dolazak američkog predsjednika<br />

Obame jer je poznato da u pravilu američki<br />

predsjednici ne sudjeluju na UN-ovim tematskim<br />

konferencijama. No nije rezultirao<br />

obvezujućim dokumentom koji će zamijeniti<br />

Protokol iz Kyota. Na konferenciji u<br />

Kopenhagenu su se potpisnice Okvirne ▶<br />

cent., and the fossil fuel consumption rates are<br />

drastically reduced. As a result, global energy-related<br />

carbon dioxide emissions would decline to<br />

26.4 Gt in 2030, 2.4 Gt lower than 2007 le vels<br />

and 13.8 Gt less than in the scenario in which<br />

governments took no action to prevent climate<br />

changes. At the same time, according to news<br />

from India, there is no proof that the snow cap on<br />

the Himalayan is melting due to global warming,<br />

a statement in stark contrast with former claims.<br />

According to Hindustan Times “Although they are<br />

constantly retreating, nothing abnormal has<br />

been happening to Indian glaciers. More specifically,<br />

nothing has happened over the past few<br />

years that would make them stand out from glaciers<br />

on Alaska or Greenland.”<br />

In its report, IEA depicts a “pessimistic scenario”<br />

and highlights India as the second largest source<br />

of carbon monoxide pollution with a reported 2 Gt<br />

increase.<br />

The Copenhagen Conference will certainly go<br />

down in history as the most prominent political<br />

gathering in 2009, which is confirmed by the attendance<br />

of American president Obama. As a<br />

rule, American presidents do not participate in UN<br />

thematic conference. Unfortunately, the gathering<br />

did not result in a binding document capable<br />

of replacing the Kyoto Protocol.<br />

In Copenhagen, the signatories of the United Nations<br />

Framework Convention on Climate Change<br />

(UNFCCC) held their last summit meeting before<br />

the Kyoto protocol runs out. While some leaders<br />

insist that the final, non-binding accord can ▷<br />

“<br />








2030. ULOŽITI<br />


DOLARA<br />


(winter 09) zima ‘09 67


( ECOLOGY )<br />

“<br />







be a basis for future work, important questions remain unanswered. The<br />

main points of the agreement are: a commitment to limit global warming to<br />

2°C but without final targets for 2020 or 2050 year and with no target year<br />

for a peak in carbon emissions, "fast track" aid to po or countries of 21 billion<br />

euros for 2010-2012, inlcuding 7.6 billion euros from Japan, 7.4 billion<br />

euros from the European Union and 2.5 billion euros from the US. A goal 70<br />

billion euros aid by 2020; The deal states that a legally binding agreement<br />

should be adopted at a conference in 2010.<br />

konvencije UN-a o klimatskim promjenama (UNFCCC) posljednji<br />

put sastale na razini vlada prije isteka važećeg protokola o klimi.<br />

Dok neki čelnici na gla šavaju da konačni, no neobvezujući sporazum<br />

može biti osnova za budući rad, mnoga važna pitanja ostaju bez<br />

odgovora. Najvaž nije točke sporazuma su: obveza ograničavanja<br />

globalnog zatopljivanja za grijavanja do 2 ° C, ali bez konačnih ciljeva<br />

za 2020 ili 2050 godi nu i bez ciljne godine za maksimalne emisije<br />

ugljika, brzopotezna po moć siromašnim zemljama u iznosu od 21<br />

milijarde eura za razdo b lje od 2010. do 2012. godine, što uključuje<br />

7,6 milijardi eura iz Ja - pana, 7,4 milijarde od Europske Unije i 2,5<br />

milijarde eura iz SAD-a.<br />

Cilj je doseći iznos od 70 milijardi novčane pomoći do 2020. godine.<br />

Obvezujući sporazum trebao bi biti usvojen na konferenciji koja će<br />

se održati 2010. godine.<br />


According to the Kyoto Protocol, Croatia is bound to take a responsible approach<br />

to the prevention of greenhouse gas emissions. In keeping with the<br />

Protocol provisions, by 2012 Croatia must reduce the level of atmospheric<br />

gas emissions by five per cent in respect of the 1990 levels, as year zero. As<br />

it joins the EU, Croatia will have to meet the demand for a 20 per cent reduction<br />

in emissions by 2020.<br />

Already in May, the Croatian Government drafted a plan on the distribution of<br />

greenhouse gas emission quotas. The plan contains the total amount of<br />

emission units over a set period, data on the past levels of greenhouse gas<br />

emissions, a list of activities responsible for greenhouse gas emissions, a<br />

method of allocating emission unit quotas, an estimate of future greenhouse<br />

gas emissions, a method to reserve emission units for future projects,<br />

a method for the implementation of the Kyoto Protocol mechanisms<br />

and the deadline for the allocation of emission units to different facilities. The<br />


Prema Kyoto protokolu Hrvatska se obvezala na odgovornost u vezi<br />

sa sprječavanjem emisija stakleničkih plinova u atmosferu. <strong>Ina</strong>če, u<br />

skladu s odredbama Protokola, Hrvatska će do 2012. morati smanjiti<br />

emisiju štetnih plinova u atmosferu za pet posto u odnosu na<br />

razinu iz 1990. kao polazne godine.<br />

Još u svibnju Hrvatska Vlada je donijela Plan raspodjele emisijskih<br />

kvota stakleničkih plinova. Plan sadrži ukupne iznose emisijskih jedinica<br />

u određenom razdoblju, podatke o dosadašnjim emisijama<br />

stakleničkih plinova te popis djelatnosti koje ispuštaju stakleničke<br />

plinove, način dodjele emisijskih jedinica, procjenu budućih emisija<br />

stakleničkih plinova, određivanje pričuve emisijskih jedinica za<br />

nova postrojenja, način korištenja mehanizama Kyoto protokola i<br />

rok dodjele emisijskih jedinica za postrojenja. Planom je uspostav-<br />

Rijeka Gacka, prirodni fenomen bez premca, uz koju se prirodno<br />

i druge zanimljivosti i rijetkosti biljnog i životinjskog svijeta<br />

The River Gacka, an unrivalled natural phenomenon<br />

boasting rare plant and animal species<br />

68 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

ljen sustav praćenja emisija stakleničkih plinova kod subjekata<br />

obuhvaćenih ovim dokumentom, verifikacija emisijskih podataka,<br />

godišnje izvješćivanje o emisijama iz postrojenja te uspostava sustava<br />

trgovanja emisijskim jedinicama, a čija primjena započinje<br />

danom pristupanja Republike Hrvatske Europskoj uniji.<br />

Mnogobrojni hrvatski gospodarski subjekti moraju pokrenuti postupak<br />

za ishođenje dozvola za emisije stakleničkih plinova svojih<br />

postrojenja. Planom raspodjele utvrđen je ukupni iznos emisijskih<br />

jedinica koje se dodjeljuju pojedinom postrojenju, a ako postrojenja<br />

koja provedbom nisko-troškovnih mjera ostvare smanjenje emisija<br />

ispod dopuštene kvote, moći će ostvareni višak emisijskih jedinca<br />

na europskom tržištu prodati postrojenjima čije emisije prekoračuju<br />

dopuštene kvote, a trošak provedbe mjera viši je od troška<br />

kupnje emisijskih jedinica. ◀<br />

plan has also designed systems for monitoring greenhouse gas emission<br />

by subjects comprised in the document, the verification of emission data,<br />

annual reporting on emissions by facilities and a system of trading in emission<br />

units, whose application will start on the day when Croatia joins the European<br />

Union.<br />

Numerous Croatian businesses must launch the procedure to obtain greenhouse<br />

gas emission permits for their facilities. The distribution plan sets out<br />

the total amount of emission units allocated to each and every facility, and if<br />

a facility manages to bring the emission level below the allocated quota by<br />

implementing low-cost measures, they will be able to sell the surplus of<br />

emission units on the European market to those facilities whose emissions<br />

surpass the allocated quotas and the cost of implementing reduction measures<br />

would be higher than the cost of purchasing available emission units on<br />

the market. ◁<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 69


( INA AWARD )<br />

Wieslaw Borys:<br />

Čakavština u srcu<br />

*Wieslaw Borys:<br />

Chakavian dialect in my heart<br />

Profesor Wieslaw Borys iz Krakova, s čuvenog Jagelonskog<br />

sveučilišta, dobitnik je 15. jubilarne nagrade Ine za promicanje<br />

hrvatske kulture u svijetu<br />


15.<br />

po redu Nagrada Ine za promicanje<br />

hr vatske kulture u svijetu svečano je<br />

dodijeljena 1. listopada ove godine u prosto -<br />

rijama INA – Industrija nafte, d.d. Žiri za dodjelu<br />

Nagrade za 2008. jednoglasnom je odlu -<br />

kom za dobitnika proglasio prof. dr. hab.<br />

Wie slawa Borysa s Jagielonskog sveučilišta u<br />

Krakowu.<br />

Profesor Borys rođen je 4.siječnja 1939. U<br />

mjes tu Bzin – Kielsko vojvodstvo. Slavistiku je<br />

stu dirao u Krakovu od 1956. do 1961. godi ne,<br />

a te je godine i magistrirao. Doktorsku diser -<br />

ta ciju obranio je 1969. obrađujući tvorbenu<br />

struk turu imenica u čakavskim tekstovima 15.<br />

i 16. stoljeća. Godine 1969. se i habiliti rao, izvan<br />

redni je profesor postao 1974. a redo vni<br />

1993. Radi u Poljskoj akademiji znan osti /<br />

Odsjek za jezikoslovlje – Institut za sla vistiku/<br />

te na odsjeku za slavensku filologiju u Krakovu,<br />

na katedri za hrvatski, srpski i slo venski jezik.<br />

U znanstvenom radu veliki dio interesa usmje -<br />

rio je prema hrvatskoj, napo se čakavskoj jezič -<br />

noj tematici, izrastavši u vrsnog čakavologa u<br />

europskom kontekstu.<br />



Poseban ponos na dodjelu Nagrade Ine, polj s -<br />

kom profesoru pokazao je Wieslaw Tarka ve leposlanik<br />

Republike Poljske u Hrvatskoj. Za<br />

njega je ova Nagrada, ne samo priznanje pro fesoru<br />

Borysu za njegov dugogodišnji znan stv eni<br />

rad, već i poticaj za daljnje razvijanje prijateljskih<br />

kulturnih i svekolikih od no sa između<br />

dviju država, zagrebačkog i kra kovskog sveučilišta<br />

i dva grada pobratima – Krakova i Zagreba.<br />

Vrhunac svečanosti je sama dodjela Nagra de<br />

Ine profesoru Wieslawu Borysu. Nagradu je<br />

uručio predsjednik Uprave Ine gospodin László<br />

Professor Wiselaw Borys from<br />

Krakov, from the famous<br />

Uniwersytet Jagiellonski, is<br />

winner of the 15th INA Award<br />

for Promotion of Croatian<br />

Culture Worldwide<br />

AWARD-GIVING CEREMONY for the 15th INA Award<br />

for Promotion of Croatian Culture Worldwide was<br />

held on October 1, on the premises of INA-Industrija<br />

nafte, d.d. The Jury for the 2008 Award chose<br />

Prof Wieslaw Borys from the Uniwersytet Jagiellonski<br />

in Krakov by unanimous vote.<br />

Profesor Borys was born on January 4, 1939 in<br />

the place called Bzin. He studied Slavic studies in<br />

Krakov from 1956 to 1961, earning his masters<br />

degree in 1961. He defended his doctor’s dissertation<br />

in 1969, elaborating formation structure of<br />

nouns in Chakavian texts of the 15th and 16th<br />

century. In 1969 he habilitated, he became associate<br />

professor in 1974 and regular professor<br />

in 1993. Profesor Borys works at the Polish<br />

Academy of Sciences at the Linguistics Department<br />

- Institute for Slavic studies, as well as at<br />

the Department for Croatian, Serbian and<br />

Slovenian Philology at the Department for Slavic<br />

Philology in Krakow. His scientific work was<br />

mostly focused on Croatia, especially to Chakavian<br />

language themes, and he grew into an esteemed<br />

Chakavian – dialect expert in the European<br />

context.<br />

The ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in<br />

Croatia, Wieslaw Tarka was especially proud of<br />

the award presented to the Polish professor. For<br />

him, this award is not only recognition to professor<br />

Borys for his long-standing scientific work,<br />

but also an encouragement for further development<br />

of friendly cultural and other relations be-<br />

Wieslaw Borys u<br />

Veleposlanstvu RH u Zagrebu<br />

Wieslaw Borys at the<br />

Embassy in Zagreb<br />

70 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

Na prigodnoj svečanosti u Poslovnoj zgradi Ine Nagradu<br />

dobitniku uručio je predsjednik Inine Uprave Laszlo Geszti<br />

László Geszti, president of INA Management Board presented the<br />

winner with the award at the ceremony held in INA business building<br />

Dobitnici nagrade (1994. – 2008.)<br />

• DOBITNICI IZ INOZEMSTVA SU: prof.dr.sc. Charles Bene iz<br />

Francuske, prof.dr.sc. Branko Franolić iz Velike Britanije, prof.<br />

Lady Jadranka Njerš Beresford Peirse iz Velike Britanije,<br />

prof.dr.sc. Elisabeth von Ermann iz Njemačke, dr.sc. Dušan<br />

Karpatsky iz Republike Češke, prof.dr.sc. Istvan Lokos iz<br />

Madžarske, dr.sc. Jan Jankovič iz Republike Slovačke, Sveučilište<br />

Universidad de Navarra iz Pamplone – Španjolska i prof.dr.sc.<br />

Wieslaw Borys iz Poljske.<br />

• DOBITNICI IZ HRVATSKE SU: dr. sc. Ivo Sanader i akademik<br />

Ante Stamać, prof. Vlado Maleković, akademik Radoslav Ka ti čić,<br />

prof.dr.sc. Viktor Žmegač i Ansambl narodnih plesova i pje sama<br />

Hrvatske – LADO, i dr. sc. Mirjana Sanader sa suradnicima<br />

Geszti koji se prisutnima obratio na hrvatskom jeziku:<br />

„Kao predsjednik Uprave Ine želim poručiti da ćemo i dalje pomagati i<br />

podržavati ovakve kulturološke projekte koji doprinose međusobnom<br />

kulturnom povezivanju i suradnji prijateljskih država i njihovih naroda“.<br />

Zahvaljujući se na Nagradi njenim utemeljiteljima, članovima Odbora<br />

i Žirija, predsedniku Uprave Ine i svima koji su mu u Hrvatskoj oduvijek,<br />

pa i sada pružali gospoprinstvi i podršku u njegovu radu, Borys je<br />

podsjetio na početke bavljenja temom za koju je dobio Nagradu. „Sve je<br />

počelo s Markom Marulićem i prvom gramatikom Julija Benešića. Od<br />

tada je moj znanstveni interes za hrvatsku lingvistiku i čakavštinu postao<br />

trajno obilježje moje znanstvene zauzetosti“. Na kraju je izrazio nadu u<br />

objavu dijalektoškog rječnika čakavskog narječja.<br />

U kulturnom dijelu programa dodjele Nagrade sudjelovali su vrsni umjetnici:<br />

Mira Flies Šimatović, Vladimir Krpan, Anđelko Krpan i Branka<br />

Sekulić , koji su obradovali sudionike dodjele Nagrade izvedbom djela<br />

polj skih kompozitora: Chopina, S. Moniuszka i H. Wienianskog dok je<br />

Klapa Nostalgija otpjevala dvije pjesme na čakavskom narječju: Plovi moj<br />

brodiću i Galijatovu pesan. Na rodnu Poljsku profesora Borysa pod sjetile<br />

su nošnje i pjesma članova Poljske kulturne udruge „Nikolaj Kopernik“<br />

iz Zagreba koje su dale posebno vrijedan prilog ovoj sve čanosti. ▶<br />

tween the two states, between the Zagreb and Krakow Universities and two<br />

brother-towns – Krakow and Zagreb.<br />

The culmination of the INA award ceremony was the very presentation of the<br />

Award to Prof Wieslaw Borys by the president of <strong>Ina</strong>'s Management Board<br />

László Geszti who addressed the audience in Croatian:<br />

"As president of INA Management Board, I wish to say that we will continue to<br />

support and entice cultural projects like these – projects that contribute to<br />

inter-linking and cooperation of two friendly countries and their people".<br />

Thanking the founders for the Award , the members of the Board and the<br />

Jury, the president of INA Management Board and all those people who have<br />

been supporting him and his work continuously in Croatia and extending<br />

hospitality to him, Borys reminded of his beginnings in dealing with the<br />

theme he received the award for. ‘It al began with Marko Marulić and first<br />

grammar book by Julije Benešić. Since then, my scientific interest for Croatian<br />

linguistics and Chakavian dialect has become a permanent feature of my<br />

scientific occupation’’. In the end, he expressed his hope in publishing the<br />

dictionary of dialects for the Chakavian dialect.<br />

Esteemed artists Mira Flies Šimatović, Vladimir Krpan, Anđelko Krpan and<br />

Branka Sekulić participated in the cultural part of the programme, giving joy<br />

to all attendees at the ceremony with their performance of works by Polish ▷<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 71


( INA AWARD )<br />

Predsjednik Uprave<br />

INE pozdravlja<br />

sudionike svečanosti<br />

The President of <strong>Ina</strong>'s<br />

Management Board<br />

addressed the audience<br />

WINNERS OF INA AWARD (1994-2008)<br />

• WINNERS FROM ABROAD: professor Charles Bene, D.Sc.<br />

from France, professor Branko Franolić, D.Sc. from Great<br />

Britain, professor Lady Jadranka Njerš Beresdorf Peirse<br />

from Great Britain, professor Elisabeth von Ermann, D.Sc.<br />

from Germany, Dušan Karpatsky, D.Sc. from the Check<br />

Republic, professor Istvan Lokos, D.Sc. from Hungary,<br />

Jan Jankovič, D.Sc from the Slovak Republic, Universidad<br />

de Navarra from Pamplona, Spain and professor Wieslaw<br />

Borys from Poland<br />

• WINNERS FROM CROATIA: Ivo Sanader, D.Sc. and Ante<br />

Stamać, fellow of the Academy, professor Vlado Male ko vić,<br />

Radoslav Karičić, fellow of the Academy, professor Viktor<br />

Žmegač, D.Sc and LADO National Folk Dance En s e m ble of<br />

Croatia and Mirjana Sanader, D.Sc. and associates<br />

Uz svečanost dodjele Nagrade pripremljena je i izložba knjiga posvečenih<br />

laureatima Nagrade u proteklih 15 godina a majstor fotografije Miljenko<br />

Marohnić pripremio je izložbu 15 godina Nagrade Ine kroz fotografiju.<br />

Sektor korporativnih komunikacija koji je organizirao dodjelu Nagrade<br />

objavio je i knjigu posvećenu dobitniku i njegovu radu na hrvatskom i<br />

poljskom jeziku. U knjizi je, uz ostale nužne sadržaje o Nagradi, data iscrpna<br />

biografija i bibliografija radova dobitnika /1963. – 2009./, odabrani<br />

su pojedini tekstovi za ilustraciju, objavljen je razgovor s dobitnikom te<br />

kratka povijest Krakova.<br />

Tijekom boravka u Hrvatskoj profesora Borysa primio je predsjednik<br />

Hrvatske akademije znanosti i umjetnosti akademik Milan Moguš, veleposlanik<br />

Republike Poljske u Hrvatskoj Wieslaw Tarka, predsjednik<br />

Upravnog odbora Hrvatskog kulturnog kluba Šime Šimatović, gradonačelnik<br />

Kastva Ivica Lukanović, čijom se čakavštinom dobitnik bavi cijeli<br />

svoj radni vijek te profesori polonistike na Filozofskom fakultetu u<br />

Zagrebu. Profesora je napose obradovao posjet Kastvu čijim se dijalektom<br />

bavio veći dio svog radnog vijeka. ◀<br />

composers : Chopin, S.Moniuszka and H.Wienianski. Klapa Nostalgija sang<br />

two songs in the Chakavian dialect: Plovi moj brodiću and Galijaova pesan.<br />

Folk costumes and songs performed by the Polish Cultural Association<br />

‘’Nikolaj Kopernik’’ from Zagreb which gave a valuable contribution to this<br />

ceremony reminded professor Borys of his homeland.<br />

The award-giving ceremony was accompanied by a book exhibition dedicated<br />

to award laureates over the past 15 years, and master of photography<br />

Miljenko Marohnić prepared an exhibition of 15 years of INA Award through<br />

photography. The Corporate Communications Sector organised the ceremony<br />

and published a book dedicated to the winner and his work in Croatian<br />

and Polish language. The book, in addition to other required content regarding<br />

the Award, gives detailed biography and bibliography of works of all winners<br />

/1963 – 2009/, certain texts have been selected for illustration, then<br />

an interview with the winner of the Award and a short history of Krakov.<br />

During his visit to Croatia, professor Borys was welcomed by Milan Moguš,<br />

the president of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts and fellow of the<br />

Academy, by Wieslaw Trak, the ambassador of the Republic of Croatia in<br />

Croatia, by Šime Šimatović , president of the Management Board of the Croatian<br />

Culture Club, by Ivica Lukanović, major of Kastav and profesors of Polish<br />

language and literature at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences in Zagreb.<br />

Professor was especially glad for his visit to Kastav, the dialect of which has<br />

been his subject matter for most part of his working life. ◁<br />

“<br />








72 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

K U L T U R A<br />

( CULTURE)<br />

Kulturni veleposlanici Ine<br />

*INA’s Cultural Ambassadors<br />

Utkanju amaterske hrvatske kulturne scene jedna od sjajnijih<br />

niti je Kulturno-umjetničko društvo INA koje se<br />

i danas pruža diljem Hrvatske, a često je svoja umijeća<br />

predstavljalo u inozemstvu. Njegovo djelovanje kroz<br />

Likovnu sekciju, Književno-recitatorsku te Sekciju animatora<br />

kulture i Mješoviti pjevački zbor- uvijek je pratio logo INA<br />

čineći ga tako kulturnim veleposlanikom matične tvrtke.<br />

Potreba Ininih djelatnika da nakon obavljenih radnih obveza u naftnoj<br />

industriji, sa svime što to nosi sa sobom, izraze svoju unutarnju<br />

kreativnost kroz glazbeno-scensku i izložbenu djelatnost polučila je<br />

iznimne uspjehe. Zabilježeno je to na različitim susretima i smotrama,<br />

a topao prijam publike i društvene zajednice u kojima djeluju<br />

potiče ih na nove poduhvate.<br />

Sekcije su najčešće djelovale pod stručnim vodstvom poznatih<br />

hrvatskih umjetnika koji su im udahnuli dašak profesionalnosti u<br />

njihov rad i izbrusili željenu kvalitetu amaterizma. Stoga ne čudi što<br />

su u različitim prigodama članovi različitih sekcija nastupali s ▶<br />


ONE OF THE SHINING THREADS in the weaving of the Croatian amateur culture<br />

scene is the INA Folklore Ensemble, which stretches across Croatia and<br />

often presents its art internationally, even today. The INA logo has followed its<br />

activities through the Art Section, Literature and Recital Section, the Culture<br />

Animators’ Section and the Mixed Choir at all times, thus making it the cultural<br />

ambassador of the company.<br />

The need that <strong>Ina</strong>’s employees have to express their inner creativity through<br />

performing arts, music and exhibition activities after fulfilling their job-related<br />

tasks in the oil industry, including everything such an industry requires, has<br />

led to exceptional success. This has been noticed at many different meetings<br />

and festivals; the warm welcome from the audience and from the social community<br />

where they perform stimulates them to take new adventures.<br />

Generally, the sections operated under the expert leadership of famous Croatian<br />

artists who have added a breath of professionalism to their work. Hence,<br />

it is not surprising that on various occasions members of different sections<br />

appeared on stage with affirmed and professional artists. It is hard to keep<br />

count of every rehearsal that has taken place before the numerous ▷<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 73

Recitatorska i<br />

likovna<br />

sekcija često<br />

su nastupale<br />

zajedno<br />

Recital and art<br />

section have<br />

often<br />

performed<br />

together<br />

74 zima ‘09 (winter 09)<br />

afirmiranim umjetnicima na daskama profesionalizma.<br />

Teško je danas nabrojiti sve<br />

probe koje su se izvele prije nebrojenih nastupa,<br />

izvedbi, postavljenih djela koja su na<br />

ovaj ili onaj način doprla do slušatelja ili gledatelja.<br />

Oni nisu na svečanim akademijama<br />

glazbeno – poetski dekor, već ljudi s dušom<br />

koji su dokazali svoju kreativnost i sposobnost<br />

za «nešto drugo» što žele podijeliti s<br />

drugima, potičući ih istovremeno da i sami<br />

izraze ono najbolje u sebi. Često su sudjelovali<br />

i u humanitarnim akcijama kroz prodajne<br />

izložbe akademskih i amaterskih radova<br />

do prigodnih programa, što je posebno<br />

došlo do izražaja u Domovinskom ratu.<br />

Ovaj senzibilitet je razumljiv,<br />

budući da su pogoni Ine razasuti diljem<br />

Hrvatske i mnogi su Inini djelatnici bili<br />

prognani iz svojih domova i sa svojih radnih<br />

mjesta.<br />

SVE JE POČELO 1973.<br />

Preteča KUD-a je Likovna sekcija koja je neformalno<br />

osnovana 1973. kada se nekolicina<br />

radnika Naftaplina okupila i organizirala<br />

skupnu izložbu umjetničkih radova u<br />

poslovnoj zgradi Naftaplina. Iz te jezgre iznjedreno<br />

je u nadolazećim desetljećima tisuće<br />

slika, skulptura i različitih drugih likovnih<br />

uradaka izloženih u brojnim izložbenim<br />

prostorima. Likovna umijeća članovi su stjecali<br />

kroz različite edukativne oblike. U oštroj<br />

zagrebačkoj konkurenciji Sekcija je svrstana<br />

appearances, performances and exhibitions of works of art, which in one way<br />

or another have touched the listeners or viewers. They are not sheer musi calpoetic<br />

additions to ceremonies, but people with souls who have proved their<br />

creativity and ability for “something different’’ which they wish to share with<br />

others, while at the same time encourage others to express the best they<br />

have inside. They have often participated in humanitarian actions through the<br />

sale of works of art at exhibitions by academic and amateur artists, as well as<br />

appearing at special programmes, especially during the Homeland War.<br />

This sensitivity is understandable, since <strong>Ina</strong>’s plants are scattered across<br />

Croatia and many of <strong>Ina</strong>’s employees have been displaced from their homes<br />

and their workplaces.<br />

IT ALL BEGAN IN 1973<br />

The forerunner of the Folklore Ensemble is the Artistic Section, which was informally<br />

founded in 1973 when a couple of Naftaplin’s employees gathered<br />

and organised a group exhibition of art work in the Naftaplin business building.<br />

This was the start which resulted in thousands of paintings, sculptures<br />

and different artistic works being produced in the decades to come, which<br />

were exhibited in numerous exhibition spaces. The members acquired their<br />

artistic skills through different educational forms. In the tough competition in<br />

Zagreb, the Section was ranked among the four best art associations in the<br />

City of Zagreb.<br />

In 1976, the Recital Section was formed by employees who knew how to express<br />

a poetic word with the emotion of a poet, but in their own way. They recited<br />

the poetry of foreign and Croatian poets at numerous appearances,<br />

either by just reciting fragments or performing an all-evening reading. They<br />

especially remember their meetings with living poets after reciting their lines.<br />

Congratulations most dear to them are those extended by Dragutin Tadijanović.<br />

Dubravka Vuletić and Maja Rajhenbah have been successfully running<br />

this section for the past nine years. The Recital Section has the fewest<br />

members but is the most efficient.<br />

In comparison with the Recital Section, the Literary group functions on a quieter<br />

level, this has been affirmed by several masters of the written word who

K U L T U R A<br />

( CULTURE)<br />

među četiri najbolje likovne udruge grada<br />

Zagreba. Posljednjih devet godina vrlo uspješno<br />

je vode Dubravka Vuletić i Maja Rajhenbah<br />

Godine 1976. okupila se Recitatorska sekcija,<br />

odnosno radnici koji su na svoj način<br />

znali poetsku riječ kazati s emocijom pjesnika.<br />

Na brojnim nastupima po cijeloj<br />

Hrvatskoj, kazivali su poeziju svjetskih i<br />

hrvatskih pjesnika, u fragmentima ili<br />

cjelovečernjim recitalima. Posebno se pamte<br />

susreti sa živućim pjesnicima poslije kazivanja<br />

njihovih stihova.<br />

Najdraže su im čestitke koje su dobili od<br />

Dragutina Tadijanovića. Sekciju danas uspješno<br />

vode Dubravka Vuletić i<br />

umjetnička voditeljica Nada Rapp.<br />

Recitatorska sekcija je najmalobrojnija,<br />

ali vrlo učinkovita.<br />

Uz recitatore, nešto tiše, djeluje Književna<br />

grupa koja je iz radničkih redova afirmirala<br />

nekolicinu majstora pisane riječi koji su<br />

svoje stihove i prozu objavljivali i u stručnoj<br />

literaturi hrvatske književnosti. Stvorena je<br />

zavidna biblioteka njihovih samostalnih i<br />

zbornih tiskanih djela, različitih žanrova, a<br />

Ana Horvat i Ivo Bilankov postali su članovi<br />

Društva književnika Hrvatske.<br />



Godine 1977. osnovane su Folklorna i Instrumentalna<br />

sekcija. U skromnoj osmogodišnjoj,<br />

ali bogatoj folklornoj<br />

djelatnosti predstavili su inozemnoj i<br />

hrvatskoj javnosti bogatu kulturnu baštinu<br />

hrvatskog puka.<br />

Srećom, postoje i ljudi koji silno žele sudjelovati<br />

u kulturnom životu svoje sredine i<br />

poticati druge na isto. Oni od 1978. djeluju<br />

u Sekciji animatora kulture. Animatori,<br />

volonteri, svojim djelovanjem istražuju i<br />

razvijaju potrebe radnih kolega za uživanjem<br />

u raznolikim kulturnim sadržajima,<br />

povezujući tako umjetnike i publiku. Stalne<br />

edukacije i pronicanje u strukturu različitih<br />

kulturnih sadržaja osposobila ih je u vrsne<br />

kulturne znalce.<br />

Ekipu od šesnaestak zaljubljenika u<br />

glazbeno-scensku umjetnost od početka<br />

vodi Nada Žabčić.<br />

Kulturno-umjetničko društvo INA poznato<br />

je diljem Hrvatske, a neke od njegovih sekcija<br />

i izvan granica. Zbog njihovog doprinosa<br />

promicanju loga matične kuće s<br />

pravom ih možemo zvati kulturnim veleposlanicima<br />

Ine. ◀<br />

have also published their verses and prose in expert<br />

works of Croatian literature. An enviable library<br />

containing their independent and<br />

aggregated printed works of different genres was<br />

created, and Ana Horvat and Ivo Bilankov have become<br />

members of the Croatian Writer’s Association.<br />


In 1977, the Folklore and Instrumental Sections<br />

were founded. In their unpretentious, but rich,<br />

eight-year folklore activity, they introduced the<br />

rich cultural heritage of Croatian people to foreigners<br />

and to the Croatian public.<br />

Luckily, there are people who are eager to participate<br />

in the cultural life of their community and encourage<br />

others to do the same. Since 1978, these<br />

people have been performing within the Culture<br />

Animators’ Section. Through their activity, animators<br />

and volunteers explore and develop the<br />

needs of their work colleagues to enjoy different<br />

cultural programmes, therefore connecting the<br />

artists with the audience. Permanent education<br />

and penetration into structures of different cultural<br />

programmes qualified them to become competent<br />

cultural connoisseurs. The team of sixteen<br />

lovers of performing arts and music are led by Na -<br />

da Žabčić. INA Folklore Ensemble is famous<br />

across Croatia, and some of its sections are<br />

known even beyond the borders of Croatia. They<br />

are rightfully called the cultural ambassadors of<br />

<strong>Ina</strong> due to their contri bution to the promotion of<br />

the company’s logo. ◁<br />

“<br />

KUD INA<br />

Crkvica u Belcu (koju je pomogla<br />

obnoviti INA) često je oživljena skladnim<br />

glasovima Inina pjevačkog zbora<br />

The church in Belec is often revived with<br />

the harmonic voices of INA’s choir<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 75


( N O V E L T Y )<br />


Od 15. listopada ove godine hrvatski<br />

potrošači mogu kupovati plin u novim<br />

kompozitnim bocama na 274 Inine benzinske<br />

postaje, na 18 maloprodajnih mjesta PROplina, na<br />

postajama INA Osijek Petrola, Crobenza i Tifona.<br />

Gotovo u svim hrvatskim gradovima<br />

može se kupiti plin u novim bocama. Kupci mogu zamijeniti<br />

čeličnu plinsku bocu zapremnine 10 kilograma za<br />

kompozitnu plinsku bocu uz nadoplatu od 200,00 kuna.<br />

Radi se o značajnom prodajno-marketinškom iskoraku<br />

Kompozitne boce rađene su od<br />

nekorodirajućih materijala,<br />

a prilikom eventualnog<br />

zapaljenja neekspolozivne su<br />

AS OF OCTOBER 15 this year, Croatian consumers can buy gas in<br />

new composite cylinders on 274 <strong>Ina</strong> petrol stations, 18 PROplin retail<br />

locations, INA OSIJEK PETROL petrol stations , Crobenz petrol stations<br />

and Tifon petrol stations.<br />

Gas in new gas cylinders can be purchased in almost every Croatian<br />

town. Customers can replace the 10 kg steel gas bottles with composite<br />

gas bottle, for HRK 200 of additional payment.<br />

Hereby, PROplin - the leading distributor of propane-butane gas in<br />

the Republic of Croatia (gas in cylinders, small reservoirs and car<br />

gas) - made a noteworthy step forward in sales and marketing. In<br />

comparison with previous steel gas cylinders which weighted from<br />

10 to 12 kilograms, the new cylinders represent a high-quality and<br />

technically superior product weighing mere 5, 3 kilograms.<br />

This significantly facilitates manipulation, transport and maintenance.<br />

They are resistant to corrosion, and are non-explosive in<br />

case of fire. Other positive characteristics should also be mentioned.<br />

As gas is stored in a transparent cylinder, the gas level is visible to<br />

consumers at any moment. Moreover, they have all necessary certificates,<br />

licences and approvals for use in the European Union. For<br />


Composite cylinders are made of non-corroding and non-explosive<br />

material in case of fire<br />

*Proplin<br />

PROplina – vodećeg distributera propan-butan plina u Republici<br />

Hrvatskoj (plin u bocama, mali spremnici i autoplin). U odnosu<br />

na dosadašnje čelične plinske boce čija težina iznosi 10, odnosno<br />

12 kilograma, nove boce predstavljaju visokokvalitetan i tehnički<br />

superioran proizvod težine svega 5,3 kilograma. To bitno<br />

olakšava manipulaciju, transport i održavanje.<br />

Otporne su na koroziju, a prilikom eventualnog zapaljenja<br />

neekspolozivne su. Osim ovih valja spomenuti i ostale<br />

pozitivne karakteristike. Budući su poluprozirne korisnik u<br />

svako doba može vidjeti razinu plina u boci. Nadalje,<br />

posjeduju sve nužne certifikate, dozvole i suglasnosti za<br />

uporabu u Europskoj Uniji. Istovjetne kompozitne plinske boce<br />

koriste se gotovo u svim zemljama EU, SAD-u, azijskim i<br />

afričkim zemljama i praktično na svim kontinentima više od<br />

jednoga desetljeća.<br />

Dosadašnja iskustva u prodaji, odnosno zamjeni su očekivana.<br />

Najvažnije u svemu tome je činjenica da su potrošači prepoznali<br />

novu uslugu kao bitno poboljšanje, tako da se u narednim<br />

mjesecima mogu očekivati još bolji rezultati. ◀<br />

over a decade, such composite<br />

gas cylinders are used in almost<br />

every country in the EU,<br />

the USA, Africa and Asia, and<br />

practically on each continent.<br />

What we have experienced so<br />

far in sales, that is, in replacement<br />

of cylinders, was anticipated.<br />

The most important fact<br />

is that consumers have recognised<br />

the new service as a noticeable<br />

improvement, and<br />

even better results are expected<br />

in months to come. ◁<br />

Stare i nove plinske<br />

kompozitne boce<br />

Old and new<br />

composite cylinders<br />

76 zima ‘09 (winter 09)


’s composite cylinders on Croatian market<br />


S A V J E T I<br />

( A D V I C E S )<br />

Pripremite automobil za<br />

zimske uvjete vožnje<br />

*Get your car ready for<br />

winter driving<br />

U Hrvatskoj je zimska oprema obvezna od trenutka kad su kolnici<br />

zamrznuti ili kada je na njima snijeg. Stoga automobil treba pripremiti na<br />

vrijeme i tako izbjeći moguće posljedice<br />


Hladna i maglovita jutra te niske<br />

tem perature znak su da je krajnje<br />

vrijeme da pripremite svoj automo -<br />

bil za zimu. Ukoliko to još niste uči -<br />

nili ili niste posjetili svog servisera, koji će<br />

stručno pregledati vaše vozilo, sljedeći savjeti<br />

podsjetit će vas što je sve potrebno učiniti.<br />

U Hrvatskoj je zimska oprema obvezatna kad<br />

je kolnik pokriven snijegom ili kada je na kolniku<br />

poledica.<br />

1. GUME<br />

Gume su jedini kontakt vozila s podlogom, pa<br />

je najbolje početi upravo od njih. Najbolje je<br />

montirati zimske gume (M+S) na svim kotačima,<br />

no zakon dopušta i ljetne gume kojima<br />

je minimalna dubina profila 4 mm, ali uz<br />

obvezatne lance za snijeg pripravne za<br />

postavljanje na pogonske kotače.<br />


Obvezatni su u zimskim uvjetima, ukoliko<br />

ima te propisane ljetne gume, no dobro ih je<br />

ima ti u prtljažniku tijekom cijele sezone zimskih<br />

uvjeta na cestama.<br />

3. ANTIFRIZ<br />

Obvezatno kod svog servisera provjerite sta -<br />

nje antifriza u hladnjaku svog automobila, te<br />

ukoliko se ustanovi da je potrebno nadopuniti<br />

an tifriz, obvezatno to učinite, ali nikada koncen<br />

trat nego pripremljenu tekućinu s odgova -<br />

rajućim omjerima vode i koncentrata ovisno o<br />

že ljenoj temperaturi smrzavanja. INA na svojim<br />

maloprodajnim mjestima širom Hrvatske<br />

nu di nekoliko vrsta tekućina za rashladne<br />

sus tave vozila: INA Antifriz AL Super (koncentrat)<br />

i INA Antifriz AL 40, koji je već pripreml-<br />

Vehicle winter gear is obligatory<br />

as soon as driveways get frozen<br />

or covered in snow. Get your car<br />

ready on time in order to avoid<br />

trouble on the road<br />

COLD AND FOGGY MORNINGS and low temperatures<br />

indicate that it is high time to get your<br />

car ready for winter. If you have not done it yet<br />

or have not had the car checked by experts,<br />

the following advice is a reminder of what<br />

needs to be done. Vehicle winter gear is obligatory<br />

in Croatia as soon as driveways are covered<br />

in snow or frozen.<br />

1. TYRES<br />

Tyres are the only point of contact between<br />

the vehicle and the surface below it, so it is<br />

best we start with them. We advise you to<br />

have winter tyres (M+S) mounted on all four<br />

wheels, but the law also permits the use of<br />

summer tyres if their minimum profile depth<br />

is 4 mm, and the obligation to have snow<br />

chains at hand for your drive wheels.<br />

2. SNOW CHAINS<br />

. They are obligatory during winter driving conditions,<br />

if you are driving with summer tyres,<br />

so have them in the boot throughout the winter<br />

season.<br />


Every driver should be aware of the criteria applied<br />

when selecting quality fluids to use in<br />

engine cooling systems, as inadequate antifreezing<br />

fluid may cause problems and damage.<br />

Ask the car servicing personnel to check<br />

78 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

jen za izravno punjenje u rashladne sustave motora vozila, a tu je i INA<br />

An tifriz BS Super (koncentrat) poznat kao i crveni antifriz. Također, po -<br />

željno je izbjegavati miješanje rashladne tekućine različitih vrsta i razli -<br />

čitih proizvođača.<br />


Neispravan sustav za dovod zraka u vozilo izravno sa sobom povlači<br />

za magljivanje unutrašnjosti vozila i samim time otežava vidljivost i pregle<br />

dnost. Nakon eventualne pojave problema potrebno je provjeriti ima<br />

li u sustavu smeća ili suhog lišća, a ako se i nakon toga ponavljaju problemi<br />

potrebno je posjetiti ovlaštenog servisera.<br />


Ukoliko vozite vozilo na pogon s dizelskim gorivom, a tijekom zime meteo<br />

rolozi prognoziraju dane s ekstremno niskim temperaturama ili svojim<br />

dizelašem putujete na mjesta gdje se to može očekivati (posebno<br />

na skijanje, odnosno zimovanje na višim nadmorskim visinama!), dob -<br />

ro je posavjetovati se kod ovlaštenog servisera na koji način povećati<br />

fil trabilnost goriva. Jedna od mogućnosti svakako je zimski dodatak di -<br />

zelskom gorivu. INA ZI DO GO snižava točku filtrabilnosti goriva te ▶<br />

the antifreezing fluid in the cooling unit of the car, and, if necessary, replenish<br />

it. Do not use concentrate, but mixed liquid with the right proportion<br />

of water and concentrate, depending on the chosen freezing<br />

temperature.<br />

INA petrol stations stock a number of different types of fluids for the car<br />

cooling systems: INA Antifriz AL Super (con centrate), INA Antifriz AL 40,<br />

a fluid ready to be poured into the car cooling system, and INA Antifriz<br />

BS Super (concentrate), also known under the name of red antifreeze.<br />

It is advisable not to mix cooling fluids of different types or produced<br />

by different manufacturers.<br />


Faulty air intake system will result in car interior fogging, which limits vi -<br />

si bility and orientation. Once the problem has occured, the system<br />

should be checked for presence of waste particles or dry leaves, and if<br />

problems persist, a visit to an authorized mechanic is recommended.<br />


If your car has a diesel engine, and weather forecast says extremely<br />

low temperatures can be expected or you plan to travel with your ▷<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 79

S A V J E T I<br />

( A D V I C E S )<br />

omogućuje lakše pokretanje motora. INA ZI DO<br />

GO treba dodavati u gorivo u koncentraciji od<br />

1 posto .<br />


Motorna ulja imaju više funkcija od kojih su<br />

naj značajnije da smanjuju trenje, povećavaju<br />

efi kasnost, štite od korozije, smanjuju tro -<br />

šenje pokretnih dijelova motora, disperzira<br />

nečistoće u ulju te olakšavaju startanje motora<br />

(posebno kod nižih temperatura).<br />

Kvalitetno ulje od iznimne je važnosti pri radu<br />

(po kretanju) motora tijekom zimskog razdob -<br />

lju, pa se preporuča savjetovati se sa struč -<br />

nom osobom oko izbora ulja odgovarajuće<br />

gradacije.<br />


Akumulator je posebno osjetljiv na niske tempe<br />

rature i ukoliko se ne vodi dovoljna briga,<br />

pr vi pokaže znakove posustajanja. Stoga bi<br />

bilo najbolje na vrijeme provjeriti stanje akumu<br />

latora (pregledati, očistiti i namazati kabels<br />

ke priključke te provjeriti stanje elektrolita<br />

u ćelijama) i, ako je potrebno, zamijeniti no -<br />

vim. INA na svojim postajama kupcima nudi<br />

kva litetne i izdržljive akumulatore po povolj -<br />

nim cijenama.<br />



Preglednost i dobra vidljivost važna je u<br />

svakom trenutku vožnje, no tijekom zime to je<br />

po sebno naglašeno zbog padalina, smrzava -<br />

nja i zamagljivanja. U takvim okolnostima INA<br />

nudi sprej “INA Odleđuje staklo“, učinkovito<br />

sred stvo za brzo odleđivanje zaleđenih automo<br />

bilskih stakala i drugih zaleđenih površina<br />

(bravica automobila). Usto potrebno je koristiti<br />

i kvalitetno sredstvo za pranje vjetrobranskog<br />

stakla, a u prvom redu to je INA Autoglas<br />

E 25, sredstvo koje izuzetno djelotvorno i uspješno<br />

otklanja sve mrlje bilo organskog ili<br />

anor ganskog porijekla, te ujedno štiti od smr -<br />

za vanja i do -25 °C. Ovdje treba spomenuti<br />

pro vjeru kvalitete metlica brisača, koje u slu -<br />

čaju potrebe također možete kupiti na Ininim<br />

benzinskim postajama.<br />


Krajnje je vrijeme za popravak eventualnih oš -<br />

te ćenja na limu, makar bila riječ samo o ogrebo<br />

tinama. Preporuča se i prema potrebi<br />

ob noviti zaštitu donjeg dijela vozila, jer će tije -<br />

kom zimske vožnje vozilo vrlo vjerojatno doći<br />

u kontakt sa soli kojom djelatnici za održava -<br />

diesel-engine car to high altitudes where such<br />

temperatures can be expected (skiing holidays,<br />

winter breaks)it is advisable to consult<br />

your authorized car service rergarding the increase<br />

in the fuel filtrability. One of the options<br />

is definitely the use of the winter additive to<br />

diesel fuel, INA ZI DO GO, as it lowers the point<br />

of fuel filtrability and makes starting the engine<br />

easier. 1% of INA ZI DO GO should be<br />

added to fuel in winter time in order to avoid<br />

problems cau sed by extraction of paraffin<br />

from fuel which can clog the fuel filter and is<br />

caused by extre m ely low temperatures.<br />


Motor oil has a number of functions, the most<br />

important being reduction of friction, increase<br />

of efficiency, protection against corrosion, reduction<br />

of wear and tear of the engine movable<br />

parts, dispersion of impurities in the oil<br />

and helping the engine to start (especially at<br />

lo wer temperatures). Quality oil is very important<br />

when starting the engine in winter and expert<br />

advice should be followed when selecting<br />

the right oil. INA petrol stations offer a wide ran -<br />

ge of top quality oils.<br />

7. BATTERY<br />

The battery is usually the first to be adversely<br />

affected by low temperatures, and , unless<br />

proper care is taken, will be the first to cause<br />

trouble. That it why it is best to first check the<br />

con dition your battery is in (check, clean and<br />

lub ricate battery cable connections, as well as<br />

the electrolyte in the battery cells, and if neces<br />

sary, replace it). INA petrol stations offer<br />

their clients high quality and long-life batteries<br />

at competitive prices.<br />


Orientation and good visibility are important<br />

when driving, but they are even more important<br />

in winter because of precipitations, freezing<br />

and fogging. Under such circumstances it<br />

is advisable to use a spray offered by INA (INA<br />

defreezes glass), an effective means of defreezing<br />

frozen surfaces, be they glass or car<br />

locks.<br />

In addition to that, a good windshield cleaning<br />

product is required, and this is INA Autoglas E<br />

25, a liquid that removes all organic or inorganic<br />

stains and at the same time prevents<br />

freezing up to – 25 degrees C. Windshild<br />

wipers need to be checked as well, and, if necessary,<br />

they can also be purchased at INA<br />

petrol stations.<br />

80 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

nje cesta posipaju prometnice. Smjesa snijega i soli koja nastaje pod<br />

ko tačima zavlači se u sve kutke vozila i tom prilikom ne stradava samo<br />

vanjs ki izgled, već i razni dijelovi od kojih zavisi sigurnost. Ukoliko je<br />

mo guće preporuča se i detaljno pranje barem jednom tjedno tijekom<br />

zims kom perioda. Dio Ininih benzinskih postaja nudi uslugu autoprao -<br />

nice i autokozmetiku (voskovi, laštila) čime se dodatno pospješuje učinak<br />

pranja. Točan popis lokacija možete pronaći na www.ina.hr<br />

10. KOČNICE<br />

Kad zahladi česta pojava je stalno cviljenje kočnica. Potrebno je obratiti<br />

paž nju na stanje kočionih obloga i brtvi kočionih cilindara te u slučaju<br />

po trebe zamijeniti obloge, gumice i tekućinu.<br />

Bitno je i provjeriti razinu i ispravnost tekućine za kočnice u posudi te<br />

po potrebi nadopuniti sustav za kočenje odgovarajućom tekućinom.<br />

INA u svom asortimanu ima slije deće tekućine za kočenje INA UKA 4+,<br />

INA UKA 4 te INA LHM+.<br />


Jedna od obaveznih provjera uoči nastupa zimskih dana s niskim tempe<br />

raturama, svakako je provjera filtera. Pogotovo se to odnosi na filtar<br />

go riva kod dizelskih motora, jer i malo onečišćen filtar, koji tijekom ljetnih<br />

mjeseci neće predstavljati problem, pri ekstremno niskim tempera<br />

turama može prouzročiti probleme s gorivom, pogotovo što se tiče<br />

toč ke filtrabilnosti dizelskih goriva. Svakako pri posjetu svom serviseru<br />

zatražite da vam provjeri filtar, te ukoliko je onečišćen, neka vam ga<br />

promijeni, čak i u uvjetima da filtar još nije „odradio“ svoju predviđenu<br />

kilometražu.<br />


provjeriti stanje i napetost klinastog remena; namazati gumene trake<br />

na vratima glicerinom kako za hladnih dana vrata ne bi smrzla; pra vo -<br />

vre meno poprskati sve. ◀<br />


It is high time to repair all scratches on the body of the car. It is also reco<br />

mmended to renew the protective layer on the bottom part of the car,<br />

as it is bound to come into contact with salt that is sprayed on the roads<br />

in winter. Mixture of salt and snow under the car wheels will enter all the<br />

ca vities and corners of the car and it is not only the outside of the car<br />

that gets damaged but also the parts that safe driving depends on. If<br />

po ssible, detailed car wash is recommended at least every week in winter<br />

time. A number of INA petrol stations offer car wash services and car<br />

cos metics (vaxes, polishes) adding to the effect of the car wash. A list<br />

of such petrol stations can be found at www.ina.hr.<br />

10. BRAKES<br />

Once it gets cold, brakes may start screeching. It is then necessary to<br />

check the condition of the brake pads, and brake cylinder seals, and if<br />

ne cessary, replace them together with the fluid. It is also essential to<br />

check the level and condition oft he braking fluid and replenish it as required.<br />

The following braking fluids are available at INA petrol stations:<br />

INA UKA 4+, INA UKA 4 and INA LHM+.<br />


Among the car parts that need to be checked when winter temperatures<br />

start is the filter. This is especially true of diesel engines, where any impurity,<br />

that may cause no problem in summer time will cause problems<br />

with fuel in winter, especially related to the point of filtrabilityof diesel<br />

fuels. Do ask to have the filter checked, and if there are impuritiers, have<br />

it replaced, even when it has not been in the car for as many kilometers<br />

as originally planned.<br />

FINALLY, WE RECOMMEND that you check your car v-belt, coat<br />

the rubber strips on the car doors with glycerine to prevent freezing<br />

on cold days and spray everything on time. ◁<br />

(winter 09) zima ‘09 81





Iznimno dobra suradnja s Inom<br />

*Exceptionally sucessful cooperation with INA<br />



Rudarsko-geološko-<br />

naftni fakultet Sveuči<br />

liš ta u Zagrebu<br />

tradicio nal no slavi<br />

svoj Dan Fa kul teta 4. prosinca,<br />

na Dan sv. Barba re, zaštitnice<br />

rudara i opas nih za nimanja.<br />

Ove godine dan fakulte ta još je<br />

svečanije pros lavljen s ob zirom<br />

da smo obilježili nekoli ko<br />

značajnih obljetnica:<br />

• 90 godina od osnivanja „Stolice<br />

i Za voda za mineralogiju<br />

i geo lo giju“ na Kraljevskoj<br />

tehničkoj visokoj školi u<br />

Zagrebu<br />

• 70 godina od osnivanja<br />

„Od sjeka za rudarstvo i<br />

metalurgiju” na Teh nič kom<br />

fakultetu Sveučilišta u<br />

Zagrebu<br />

• 60 godina od osnivanja<br />

studija Naf tnog rudarstva na<br />

Ru dar s kom od jelu<br />

Tehničkog fakulteta<br />

Sve učilišta u Zagrebu, te<br />

• 45 godina od osnivanja Ru -<br />

darsko-geološko-naftnog fakulteta<br />

Sveučilišta u Zagrebu.<br />

Danas RGN fakultet izvodi sve -<br />

u či lišne stu dije na sva tri ciklusa<br />

obrazovanja (preddiplomski-dip<br />

lo m ski-poslijediplomski),<br />

te se bavi znanstvenim i<br />

stručnim radom u zna n stvenim<br />

područjima teh nič kih i prirodnih<br />

znanosti pro movira jući<br />

koncept primi je nje nih zna n os ti<br />

i interdisciplinarnosti. Na fa kulte<br />

tu se obrazuju stručnjaci ši -<br />

roke i komp lek sne naobrazbe<br />

nuž ne za obavljanje dje la t nos ti<br />

u raz li čitim područjima gospodarstva.<br />

U skladu s tim, postoje<br />

razne mogućnosti zapošljavanja,<br />

od javnog do privatnog<br />

sek tora, kako u Hr vat s koj, tako<br />

i u inozemstvu. Da je to mu tako<br />

go vore i činjenice da smo u<br />

posljednjih nekoliko godina interesantni<br />

i stranim stipendito -<br />

rima, te da su do maće tvrtke, ali<br />

i ve like svjet ske kompanije<br />

spremne ula gati u naše studijske<br />

programe.<br />

Su radnja između fakulteta i Ine<br />

iz nimno je dobra već desetljećima,<br />

a odvija se u svim segmentima<br />

dje lo vanja, od nastavnog,<br />

struč nog do<br />

znanstvenog rada. Poznato je da<br />

fa kultet nudi programe cjeloživot<br />

nog obrazovanja u koje su redo<br />

vi to uključeni zaposlenici Ine<br />

i svih tvrtki kćeri, ali isto tako<br />

zapo sle nici Ine već dugi niz godina<br />

sudje luju u izvođenju nasta<br />

ve na RGN fa kul te tu te participiraju<br />

u znanstvenim<br />

istraživanjima u okviru znanstvenih<br />

projekata RGNF i u ok -<br />

viru poslijediplomskog doktor -<br />

skog studija. Iznimno cijenimo<br />

Ininu pomoć u obnavljanju<br />

fakulte ta tijekom po sljednjih<br />

nekoliko go dina.<br />

Vjerujem da će nas <strong>Ina</strong> i u na -<br />

dolazeće vrijeme prepoznati<br />

kao instituciju u kojoj se ne<br />

samo ob razuju kadrovi za djelatnosti<br />

iz Ini na djelokruga, ne -<br />

go i mjesto gdje se u svakom<br />

trenutku mo že dobiti kvalitetna<br />

stručna i znan st vena potpora. ◀<br />

THE FACULTY OF Mining, Geolo -<br />

gy, and Petroleum Engineering,<br />

University in Zagreb, traditionally<br />

celebrates the Faculty Day<br />

on December 4, the holi day of<br />

miner’s patron saint St Barbara.<br />

This year the Faculty Day was<br />

celebrated even more solemnly,<br />

having in mind that several significant<br />

anniversaries were<br />

marked:<br />

• 90 years of the Mineralogy<br />

and Geology Institute at the<br />

Royal Tehnical School in Zagreb<br />

• 70 years of the Mining and<br />

Metallurgy Section at the Faculty<br />

of Engineering, University<br />

in Zagreb<br />

• 60 years of the Petroleum Engineering<br />

studies at the Faculty<br />

of Engineering, University<br />

in Zagreb<br />

• 45 years of the Faculty of<br />

Mining, Geology, and Petroleum<br />

Engineering, University<br />

in Zagreb<br />

Today, RGNF pursues university<br />

studies in all three education<br />

cycles (undergraduate, graduate<br />

and post-graduate), and scientific<br />

and expert activities in<br />

scientific fields of technical and<br />

natural sciences, thus promoting<br />

the concept of applied sciences<br />

and interdisciplinarity.<br />

The Faculty educates experts,<br />

giving them extensive and complex<br />

education required for pursuing<br />

this activity in different<br />

fields of economy. Accordingly,<br />

there are many possibilities for<br />

employment, from public to private<br />

sector in Croatia and<br />

abroad. The fact that this Faculty<br />

has been very interesting<br />

also to foreign stypendists for<br />

several years, and that domestic<br />

companies in addition to<br />

large world companies are<br />

ready to invest in our study programmes,<br />

speaks for everything<br />

stated before.<br />

Cooperation between the faculty<br />

and <strong>Ina</strong> has been exceptionally<br />

successful for decades,<br />

taking place in all activity segments,<br />

from educational to expert<br />

and scientific work. It is well<br />

known that the Faculty offers<br />

programmes for lifelong learning<br />

and that many <strong>Ina</strong> employees<br />

and employees of <strong>Ina</strong> subsidiaries<br />

have joined these<br />

programmes; moreover, numerous<br />

<strong>Ina</strong> employees have been<br />

participating and teaching<br />

classes at the Faculty for many<br />

years now, as well as taking part<br />

in scientific research within scientific<br />

projects of RGNF, and<br />

within the post-graduate studies.<br />

We very much appreciate<br />

<strong>Ina</strong>’s assistance in renovating<br />

the Faculty for past several<br />

years.<br />

I believe that again we will be<br />

recognised in future as an institution<br />

educating not only staff<br />

qualified for pursuing activities<br />

from the incidence of <strong>Ina</strong>, but<br />

also as a place where high-quality<br />

expert and scientific support<br />

is available at all times. ◁<br />

82 zima ‘09 (winter 09)

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