Margulis Lemma

Margulis Lemma

Margulis Lemma


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There is nothing to prove if R ≤ 2R 0 /3. Suppose the statement holds for R ′ ≤<br />

R − D. We claim it holds for R.<br />

Let a ∈ B 3R/2 (e) \ B R0 (e). By the definition of the metric on A i , there are<br />

g 1 , . . . , g l ∈ A i with d(e, g j ) ≤ 10D, a = ∏ l<br />

j=1 g j and d(e, a) = ∑ l<br />

j=1 d(ˆp, g j ˆp). If<br />

there is any choice we assume in addition that l is minimal with these properties. By<br />

assumption l ≥ R0<br />

10D<br />

= k. By the choice of k, after a renumbering, we may assume<br />

that d(g 1 , g 2 ) ≤ D. Our assumption on l being minimal implies that d(e, g 1 g 2 ) ><br />

10D and we may assume 4D ≤ d(e, g 1 ) ≤ d(e, g 2 ). Thus,<br />

d ( e, g −2<br />

1 a) ≤ d ( e, (g 1 g 2 ) −1 a ) + D = d(e, a) − d(e, g 1 ) − d(e, g 2 ) + D<br />

≤ d(e, a) − 2d(e, g 1 ) + D ≤ d(e, a) − 7D.<br />

By assumption, this implies that g1 −2 a has distance ≤ R 0 to some b 2 ∈ A i with<br />

d(e, b) ≤ 3( 2 d(e, a)−2d(e, g1 )+D ) . Consequently, a has distance ≤ R 0 to g1b 2 2 ∈ A i<br />

with d(e, g 1 b) < 2 3d(e, a). This finishes the proof of the subclaim.<br />

Since the Ricci curvature of ˆMi is bounded below and the L-bilipschitz embedding<br />

ι i maps the ball B 50R0 (e) ⊂ A i to a subset of B 50R0 (ˆp i ), we can use Bishop–<br />

Gromov once more to see that there is a number Q > 0 (independent of i) such<br />

that the ball B 50R0 (e) ⊂ A i can be covered by Q balls of radius R 0 for all i.<br />

We now claim that the ball B 2R (e) ⊂ A i can be covered by Q balls of radius R for<br />

1<br />

all R ≥ 20R 0 and all i. This will clearly imply that<br />

diam(A A i) i is precompact in the<br />

Gromov–Hausdorff topology and that the limits have finite Hausdorff dimension.<br />

Consider the homomorphism<br />

h 8 : A i → A i , x ↦→ x 16 .<br />

It is obviously 16-Lipschitz since A i is abelian. Choose a maximal collection of<br />

points p 1 , . . . , p l ∈ B 2R (e) ⊂ A i with pairwise distances ≥ 2R 0 .<br />

5<br />

From the subclaim it easily follows that B 3R (e) ⊂ ⋃ l<br />

i=1 B 50R 0<br />

(h(p i )). Hence we<br />

can cover B 3R (e) by l · Q balls of radius R 0 .<br />

Consider now a maximal collection of points q 1 , . . . , q h ∈ B 2R (e) with pairwise<br />

distances ≥ R. In each of the balls B 2R (q i ) we can choose l points with pairwise<br />

5<br />

distances ≥ 2R 0 . Thus, B 3R (e) contains h · l points with pairwise distances ≥ 2R 0 .<br />

Since we have seen before that B 3R (e) can be covered by l · Q balls of radius R 0 ,<br />

this implies h ≤ Q as claimed.<br />

Thus,<br />

1<br />

diam( ˆM i)<br />

ˆM i is precompact in the Gromov–Hausdorff topology. After pass-<br />

1<br />

ing to a subsequence we may assume that ˆM<br />

diam( ˆM i → T. Notice that T comes<br />

i)<br />

with a transitive action of an abelian group. Therefore T itself has a natural group<br />

structure. Moreover, T is an inner metric space and the Hausdorff dimension of T is<br />

finite. Like Gromov in [Gro81] we can now deduce from a theorem of Montgomery<br />

Zippin [MZ55, Section 6.3] that T is a Lie group and thus, a torus.<br />

By <strong>Lemma</strong> 10.1, this shows π 1 ( ˆM i ) is infinite for large i – a contradiction.<br />

□<br />

Final Remarks<br />

We would like to mention that in [Wil11] the following partial converse of the<br />

<strong>Margulis</strong> <strong>Lemma</strong> (Theorem 1) is proved.

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