1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


"THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" 9 in vindication of the universal sovereignty of the God whom haughty Pharaoh of Egypt had defied to Moses' face. He knew this world was against the rightful sovereignty of God over this earth . Refusal to compromise with this world would spell death for him. Till this moment of his speaking he had never compromised with this world but had fearlessly proclaimed through all the land the kingdom of the Most High God. By dying uncompromisingly in support of God's kingdom he would conquer the world . By God's wonder-working power he would live again to celebrate his conquest . The world would bring great tribulations to his followers left behind on earth, but by virtue of him his followers could enjoy peace of heart and mind. They had reason to cheer up. As he had conquered the world on the question of God's universal sovereignty, so he would help them also to conquer it and gain an everlasting reward .

10 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" 5 Let us hear what he says further, for it has to do with our eternal life . He now raises his eyes to heaven . In a conversational yet prayerful way he says : "Father, the hour has come ; glorify your son, that your son may glorify you, according as you have given him authority over all flesh, that, as regards the whole number which you have given him, he may give them everlasting life ." By these words we know it is the Son of the heavenly Father that is speaking. God has given him authority over all humanity, "all flesh ." Why? Because this Son of God from heaven has become flesh and has made an agreement with God to die for mankind, just as that passover lamb of old died for the deliverance of the Hebrews from death and from Egypt's tyranny . By dying and sacrificing his own assumed humanity he could buy life for "all flesh", that is, for the whole number of people that his heavenly Father would give to him, drawing them in belief and obedience to the Son of God . 6 What a stirring theme the Son of God strikes upon when he says "everlasting life"! That is what every lover of peace, happiness and good friendship wants. What is required of us to gain it? We are of flesh, and God has given his Son authority over all flesh, including us . So we must listen to the Son of God as he prays on and tells us : "This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you, the only true God, and of the one whom 5 . Why has his Father given him "authority over all flesh"? 6 . What does he say is required of us to gain everlasting life?


5 Let us hear what he says further, for it has<br />

to do with our eternal life . He now raises his eyes<br />

to heaven . In a conversational yet prayerful way<br />

he says : "Father, the hour has come ; glorify your<br />

son, that your son may glorify you, according as<br />

you have given him authority over all flesh, that,<br />

as regards the whole number which you have<br />

given him, he may give them everlasting life ." By<br />

these words we know it is the Son of the heavenly<br />

Father that is speaking. God has given him authority<br />

over all humanity, "all flesh ." Why? Because<br />

this Son of God from heaven has become<br />

flesh and has made an agreement with God to die<br />

for mankind, just as that passover lamb of old<br />

died for the deliverance of the Hebrews from death<br />

and from Egypt's tyranny . By dying and sacrificing<br />

his own assumed humanity he could buy life<br />

for "all flesh", that is, for the whole number of<br />

people that his heavenly Father would give to him,<br />

drawing them in belief and obedience to the Son<br />

of God .<br />

6 What a stirring theme the Son of God strikes<br />

upon when he says "everlasting life"! That is what<br />

every lover of peace, happiness and good friendship<br />

wants. What is required of us to gain it? We<br />

are of flesh, and God has given his Son authority<br />

over all flesh, including us . So we must listen to<br />

the Son of God as he prays on and tells us : "<strong>This</strong><br />

means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge<br />

of you, the only true God, and of the one whom<br />

5 . Why has his Father given him "authority over all<br />

flesh"?<br />

6 . What does he say is required of us to gain everlasting<br />


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