1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


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THE BOOK<br />


HE destruction of Jerusalem and of so many<br />

of its inhabitants in the year 607 B .C . was<br />

T<br />

largely due to the king's failure to read and<br />

heed the words of the book of life-giving knowledge,<br />

the Bible. Centuries before the setting of a<br />

human king over his chosen people Jehovah in<br />

his foresight moved the prophet Moses to write<br />

these words for the king's guidance :<br />

2 "When you reach the land that the LORD your<br />

God is giving you, and occupy it, and settle down<br />

in it, and then declare, I must place a king over<br />

me like all the nations surrounding me,' you must<br />

be sure to make him king over you whom the<br />

LORD your God chooses . You must make one of<br />

your own countrymen king over you ; you may<br />

not put a foreigner over you, who is not a countryman<br />

of yours . . . . As soon as he has taken<br />

his seat on his royal throne, he must write for<br />

himself in a book a copy of this code as approved<br />

by the Levitical priests ; he must keep it with<br />

him, and peruse it all the days of his life, that<br />

he may learn to stand in awe of the LORD his God,<br />

by being careful to observe all the provisions of<br />

this code and these statutes, that he may not consider<br />

himself more exempt than his fellowcountrymen,<br />

and that he may not swerve from<br />

1, 2. Through neglect of what provision was the kingdom<br />

overturned?<br />


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