1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


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herbs . <strong>This</strong> meant life for all their first-born ones,<br />

and the following morning they prepared to march<br />

out of Egypt a free people .<br />

2 In celebration of this a group of men, all Hebrews,<br />

were met together in an upper room somewhere<br />

in Jerusalem this anniversary night of<br />

Nisan 14 of A.D. 33 . There in obedience to God's<br />

law through Moses they ate the passover lamb<br />

with unleavened bread and wine-cups of blessing .<br />

3 As we now observe the men, there are twelve<br />

of them . One of the original number has gone out,<br />

but not to return and rejoin them . His name is<br />

Judas Iscariot, and he has hurried down from the<br />

upper room on a treacherous mission that speedily<br />

leads to the death of the leader of those men the<br />

coming afternoon-yes, and to his own suicide by<br />

hanging!<br />

The men remaining continue reclining on their<br />

couches about the low passover table . The leader<br />

among them is addressing them in a long talk of<br />

warning and comfort. He finishes with the words :<br />

"I have said these things to you that by means of<br />

me you may have peace. In the world you will<br />

have tribulation, but cheer up! I have conquered<br />

the world ." The speaker knew he was destined to<br />

die that fourteenth day of Nisan like the unblemished<br />

passover lamb slaughtered that same day<br />

long ago in Egypt . He knew his death would be<br />

2, 3 . What special group of men celebrated Passover<br />

A.D. 33? Where?<br />

4 . What had their Leader conquered? How? With good<br />

cheer to whom?

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