1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


"THE APPOINTED TIMES" 69 tions render the expression "seven years" . Moff . ; AAT Seven literal years of loss of reason did pass over King Nebuchadnezzar in miniature fulfillment of the prophetic dream ; but the full-scale fulfillment of the uninterrupted mad Gentile domination of the earth proved to be a much longer period . 14 The "seven times" that Nebuchadnezzar spent were seven years of twelve lunar months, or of 360 days to a year . That would multiply up to 2,520 days 7 X 360 days for the seven literal times . Such 2,520 days of his "seven times" of beastlike madness were symbolic of the period of Gentile world-domination during which Jerusalem or what it represented was trodden underfoot by the non-Jewish nations . Jehovah himself gives us the rule for interpreting the symbolism by saying regarding punishment upon Israel : "Each day for a year ." Numbers 14 :34 "I have appointed thee each day for a year." Ezekiel 4 :6 So calculated, the 2,520 days of Jerusalem's destroyer in beastlike madness symbolized 2,520 years counting from 607 B .C.-Compare Revelation 12 :6 and 14 . 15 So the "seven times" did not end in 537 B .C . when the land of Judah and Jerusalem had finished its seventy sabbath years of lying desolate without man or domesticated beast and when the Israelite captives returned from Babylon and rebuilt Jerusalem and Jehovah's temple there. Centuries later when Jesus Christ was predicting the 15 . How did Jesus show those times had not ended in 537 B.C .?

70 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" second destruction of Jerusalem, this time by the pagan Roman imperial armies A.D. 70, he referred to those seven times of world domination by Gentile nations as having to continue much longer. He called that period of seven times the "appointed times of the nations", saying : "There will be great necessity upon the land and wrath on this people, and they will fall by the edge of the sword and be led captive into all the nations, and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations, until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled ."-Luke 21 :23,24, NW . 16 Since those "appointed times of the nations" began with the desolating of Judah and Jerusalem by the Gentiles in October of 607 B .C ., the end of their 2,520 years' duration would fall in October, A.D. 1914 . What was destined to happen that year according to the divine purpose, not only with respect to our earth but also with respect to all the universe of Jehovah's sovereignty, we must leave to a later chapter to tell . 1 6. How do we figure when those times ended?


second destruction of Jerusalem, this time by the<br />

pagan Roman imperial armies A.D. 70, he referred<br />

to those seven times of world domination<br />

by Gentile nations as having to continue much<br />

longer. He called that period of seven times the<br />

"appointed times of the nations", saying : "There<br />

will be great necessity upon the land and wrath<br />

on this people, and they will fall by the edge of<br />

the sword and be led captive into all the nations,<br />

and Jerusalem will be trampled on by the nations,<br />

until the appointed times of the nations are fulfilled<br />

."-Luke 21 :23,24, NW .<br />

16<br />

Since those "appointed times of the nations"<br />

began with the desolating of Judah and Jerusalem<br />

by the Gentiles in October of 607 B .C ., the end<br />

of their 2,520 years' duration would fall in October,<br />

A.D. 1914 . What was destined to happen that<br />

year according to the divine purpose, not only<br />

with respect to our earth but also with respect to<br />

all the universe of Jehovah's sovereignty, we must<br />

leave to a later chapter to tell .<br />

1 6. How do we figure when those times ended?

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