1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


"THE APPOINTED TIMES" 61 ter of this Bible record says : "For this Melchizedek, king of Salem, priest of the Most High God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings and blessed him and to whom Abraham apportioned a tenth from all things, is first of all, by translation, King of righteousness,' and is then also king of Salem, that is, King of peace .' In being fatherless, motherless, without genealogy, having neither a beginning of days nor an end of life, but having been made like the Son of God, he remains a priest perpetually. Behold, then, how great this man was to whom Abraham, the family head, gave a tenth out of the chief spoils ."-Hebrews 7 :1-4, NW . 4 The Israelite descendants of Abraham, under Moses' successor Joshua, crossed the Jordan river by Jehovah's miracle and entered the Promised Land of "milk and honey" . There they destroyed thirty-one of the local kings, after which the land was distributed by lot to the twelve tribes of Israel. The tribe of Levi, as a sort of thirteenth tribe, was dedicated to Jehovah's service at his tabernacle or temple. Jehovah set up over them a Theocratic government. That is to say, God was their invisible Ruler or King . But the Israelites neglected to clear out all the heathen kings from the Promised Land and frequently they fell away from the worship of the only true God to worshiping the idol and demon gods of their tolerated heathen neighbors . Resisting no longer the desire to copy their untheocratic neigh- 4 . What kind of government did Israel get? What did they request?

62 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" bors, the Israelites came to the prophet Samuel and asked him to appoint a visible earthly king over them . Jehovah God commanded Samuel to carry out their wishes, saying : "They have not rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I should not be king over them." So under Jehovah's guidance Samuel anointed Saul of the tribe of Benjamin as Israel's first human king.-1 Samuel 8 :7 ; 10 :1 ; 11:14,15, ASV. b Because of King Saul's disobedient failures Jehovah God removed him from the throne and had the shepherd of Bethlehem, David, a man agreeable to His heart, anointed and installed as king of the Theocratic kingdom. David completed the conquest of the city of Jerusalem and made it the capital city of Israel . He established his throne at its citadel called ion, and there also he brought the most sacred article of Jehovah's worship, the ark of the covenant . To the prophet Nathan he bared his heart's desire to build a magnificent temple to house the precious ark of the covenant . Jehovah overruled this desire because David had been a man of war and blood in Theocratic warfare against Jehovah's foes ; but David's peaceful son was to have the privilege of carrying out David's wish to build the temple . s Jehovah God now unfolded wider his purpose to have an everlasting kingdom by the Seed of His "woman" . He had raised up for a prophetic 5. Who next became king? What did he desire to build? 6. What did God establish with David? What did this disclose?


bors, the Israelites came to the prophet Samuel<br />

and asked him to appoint a visible earthly king<br />

over them . Jehovah God commanded Samuel to<br />

carry out their wishes, saying : "They have not<br />

rejected thee, but they have rejected me, that I<br />

should not be king over them." So under Jehovah's<br />

guidance Samuel anointed Saul of the tribe<br />

of Benjamin as Israel's first human king.-1 Samuel<br />

8 :7 ; 10 :1 ; 11:14,15, ASV.<br />

b Because of King Saul's disobedient failures<br />

Jehovah God removed him from the throne and<br />

had the shepherd of Bethlehem, David, a man<br />

agreeable to His heart, anointed and installed<br />

as king of the Theocratic kingdom. David completed<br />

the conquest of the city of Jerusalem<br />

and made it the capital city of Israel . He established<br />

his throne at its citadel called ion, and<br />

there also he brought the most sacred article of<br />

Jehovah's worship, the ark of the covenant . To<br />

the prophet Nathan he bared his heart's desire<br />

to build a magnificent temple to house the precious<br />

ark of the covenant . Jehovah overruled this<br />

desire because David had been a man of war and<br />

blood in Theocratic warfare against Jehovah's<br />

foes ; but David's peaceful son was to have the<br />

privilege of carrying out David's wish to build<br />

the temple .<br />

s Jehovah God now unfolded wider his purpose<br />

to have an everlasting kingdom by the Seed of<br />

His "woman" . He had raised up for a prophetic<br />

5. Who next became king? What did he desire to build?<br />

6. What did God establish with David? What did this<br />


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