1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


CHAPTER VI "THE APPOINTED TIMES OF THE NATIONS" A FTE R the global flood of Noah's day the nations of the earth were formed from the descendants of his three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth . "These are the families of the sons of Noah, after their generations, in their nations : and by these were the nations divided in the earth after the flood ." Genesis 10 :32 The first human king reported on earth was Nimrod, son of Cush, son of Ham, son of Noah . The city with which Nimrod began in the plains of Shinar was the first center of defiance to Jehovah's rule of the earth. It was a city destined to become a Biblical symbol of the very organization of the Devil itself, Babylon! "He was a mighty hunter before Jehovah : wherefore it is said, Like -Nimrod a mighty hunter before Jehovah . And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar ." Genesis 10 : 8-10, ASV All the kingdoms of this world have since then drawn their inspiration from Babylon and its invisible ruling power, "the god of this world," the foe of Jehovah . 2 Suddenly in the Bible record of kingdoms ap- 1 . From whom were the nations formed? Who was their first king? 2. Who was Melchizedek? What relations had he with Abraham? 59

60 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" pears a king in the land of Canaan, the land promised to Abraham and his descendants . It is the king of Salem, the city which later becomes Jerusalem, the capital of the ancient kingdom of Israel. Without offering us any information about his ancestry or his posterity, the Bible announces his name as Melchizedek . His name means "king of righteousness", and the name of his city means "peace" . In bright contrast with Nimrod king of Babylon, Melchizedek is a worshiper of Jehovah . In fact, he is his earthly great priest as well as a king on a throne . He met Abraham, who was returning from the victory over the aggressive alliance of four invader kings, including Amraphel king of Shinar and Tidal king of nations. The brief Bible record of this royal priest of Jehovah says : "And Melchizedek king of Salem brought forth bread and wine : and he was priest of God Most High. And he blessed him, and said, Blessed be Abram of God Most High, possessor of heaven and earth : and blessed be God Most High, who hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand ." Recognizing Melchizedek as Jehovah's priest of those days, Abraham gave him tithes of the spoils of victory, as Jehovah's dues . "And he gave him a tenth of all ."-Genesis 14 :18-20, ASV . 3 Melchizedek was the first king on earth who met God's approval . Because he also combined in himself the office of priest, he was used to picture prophetically the promised Seed of God's "woman" as High Priest and King. The divine Interpre- 3 . Of whom was Melchizedek a prophetic picture? How so?




A FTE R the global flood of Noah's day the<br />

nations of the earth were formed from the<br />

descendants of his three sons, Shem, Ham<br />

and Japheth . "These are the families of the sons<br />

of Noah, after their generations, in their nations :<br />

and by these were the nations divided in the earth<br />

after the flood ." Genesis 10 :32 The first human<br />

king reported on earth was Nimrod, son of Cush,<br />

son of Ham, son of Noah . The city with which<br />

Nimrod began in the plains of Shinar was the<br />

first center of defiance to Jehovah's rule of the<br />

earth. It was a city destined to become a Biblical<br />

symbol of the very <strong>org</strong>anization of the Devil itself,<br />

Babylon! "He was a mighty hunter before<br />

Jehovah : wherefore it is said, Like -Nimrod a<br />

mighty hunter before Jehovah . And the beginning<br />

of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and<br />

Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar ." Genesis<br />

10 : 8-10, ASV All the kingdoms of this world<br />

have since then drawn their inspiration from<br />

Babylon and its invisible ruling power, "the god<br />

of this world," the foe of Jehovah .<br />

2 Suddenly in the Bible record of kingdoms ap-<br />

1 . From whom were the nations formed? Who was<br />

their first king?<br />

2. Who was Melchizedek? What relations had he with<br />

Abraham?<br />


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