1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


INDEX TO SCRIPTURES CITED 317 3 :26-29 155 6:9,10, 1 PETER 1 :17, 18 299 4:4, 5 82 17-19 309 76 2 :7 285 4 :26-28, 31 286 6 :20, 21 26 1:18-20 241 2 :10 122 4 :26-31 43 1:22 115 :11 95 4 :26, 31 154 2 TIMOTHY 1 :23-25 116 2 :26-28 226 5 :19-21 147 1 :6 130,168 2:5 156 3 :21 226 5 :19-23 174 1 :9, 10 100, 288 2:17 197 5 :5 64 2 :11, 12 231 2 :20, 21 151 7 :1-8 127 EPHESIANS 3 :1-5 249 2 :25 237 7 :9-17 239 241 3 :15-17 80 122,123 12 6 4 :8 215 3:1, 3 :7 2 151 11 :15-18 267 152 11 :18 258 2:2 232 3 :18 93,120, Chaps. 12, :15, 16 108 TITUS 218 13, 17, 19 195 2 :19-22 128 :5, 6 146 3 :22 193,198 12 :1 154 2 :20-22 167 1 :5-9 131 5 :1 129 12 :1, 2, 17 5 :22-33 152 1 :6 250 12 :1-12 211 5 :24-32 163 2 PETER 12 :1-13 228 5 :25, 26 115 HEBREWS 76 12 :6, 14 69 6 :1-4 252 1:14 161 1 :19-21 79 12:7-13 41 2:9 219 1 :21-2 :2 183 12 :9, 12 195 PHILIPPIANS 2 :14 303 2 :4-10 260 12:13-19 :21 270 2 :8-11 193 2 :14, 15 44 2 :6-9 264 12:13-17 212 3 :10, 11 274 6-19,20 114 3 :3, 4 224 12 :17 227 7 :1-4 61 3 :3-6 262 13 .1-4 194 COLOSSIANS 7 :21-28 107 3:7, 8 276,300 14:1-3 273 8 :6 106 3:7, 10 263 14:1-4 127 2:13-17 109 9 :8, 24 113 3:11-14 265 14:13 228 2:19 126 9 :15-20 112 3:15, 16 79 16:14-16 223 3:20, 21 252 9 :18-22 54 17:12 195 :24, 27, 28 220 1 17:14 198 9 :27, 28 JOHN 1 THESSALONIANS 92 10 .1-4 99 2 :15 180 19:15, 16 199 4:14-17 228 10:5-10 104 2 :20, 21, 19:16 198 5:4, 5 260 117 26,27 140 19 :17-21 10:7 235 5:12, 13 199 10:12, 13 220 3 :2 122 19 :20 302 5:20, 21 184 10 :19-22 114 3 :8 37,44 20 :1-3 270 Chap . 11 293 3 :12 40 20 :3 271 2 THESSALONIANS 11 :4-7 280 3 :13-15 172 20 :4-6 273 1 :7-10 223 11 :6 116 3 :16 202 2 :3, 9-11 170 20 :5 306 11 :7 259 4 :8-11, 16 179 2 :7 183 11 :13 293 4 :19 173 20 :6 95 11 :35-40 294 4 :20 180 20 :7-10 301 1 TIMOTHY 11 :40 297 5:3 180 20 :11 268 2 :5, 6 106 12 :9-11 254 20 :11-21 :5 290 2 :11-15 158 12 :29 246 JUDE 20 :13 299 3 :1-10, 3 182 20:14, 15 303 12,13 131 JAMES 4-10 185 21 :1 276 3 :2-4, 12 145 1 :4 124 5,6 182 21 :8 302 3:4, 5, 12 250 1 :13-15 36 20-23 189 3:6 37 1 :18 116 21 :10-14 128 4 :3 146 2 :17 186 REVELATION 22:1, 2, 17 313 4:13, 16 141 2 :21-23 50 40,214 22:16 64 4:14 130 4 :7 37 1 :7 216 22 :18 184

New World Translation of the Christian Greek Scriptures Now you may possess a new and highly accurate translation of the Greek Scriptures based on the widely accepted Westcott and Hort text of 1881. It possesses the advantages of a modern English translation, since all archaic expressions have been eliminated in favor of expressions currently in use ; yet it retains the dependability of more literal translations . Accuracy has been at all times the goal of the translators, the New World Bible Translation Committee . Preconceived ideas, and religious traditions and creeds, have been carefully avoided . The result is a superb translation, understandable to all and worthy of the scrutiny of the most critical Bible students . STUDY HELPS INCLUDED Besides the new translation, this book provides copious marginal references, chain references on outstanding Bible subjects and proper Bible names, footnotes and an appendix. It is bound in attractive green leatherette and measures 71" x 4L" x 1". It will be mailed anywhere, postpaid, on a contribution of 1.50 . Send your order and remittance to the Branch office nearest you . See list on page 320 .


3 :26-29 155 6:9,10, 1 PETER 1 :17, 18 299<br />

4:4, 5 82 17-19 309 76 2 :7 285<br />

4 :26-28, 31 286 6 :20, 21 26 1:18-20 241 2 :10 122<br />

4 :26-31 43 1:22 115 :11 95<br />

4 :26, 31 154 2 TIMOTHY<br />

1 :23-25 116 2 :26-28 226<br />

5 :19-21 147 1 :6 130,168 2:5 156 3 :21 226<br />

5 :19-23 174 1 :9, 10 100, 288 2:17 197 5 :5 64<br />

2 :11, 12 231 2 :20, 21 151 7 :1-8 127<br />

EPHESIANS 3 :1-5 249 2 :25 237 7 :9-17 239<br />

241 3 :15-17 80<br />

122,123 12 6 4 :8 215 3:1, 3 :7<br />

2 151 11 :15-18 267<br />

152 11 :18 258<br />

2:2 232 3 :18 93,120, Chaps. 12,<br />

:15, 16 108 TITUS 218 13, 17, 19 195<br />

2 :19-22 128 :5, 6 146 3 :22 193,198 12 :1 154<br />

2 :20-22 167 1 :5-9 131 5 :1 129 12 :1, 2, 17<br />

5 :22-33 152 1 :6 250 12 :1-12 211<br />

5 :24-32 163 2 PETER 12 :1-13 228<br />

5 :25, 26 115 HEBREWS 76 12 :6, 14 69<br />

6 :1-4 252 1:14 161 1 :19-21 79 12:7-13 41<br />

2:9 219 1 :21-2 :2 183 12 :9, 12 195<br />

PHILIPPIANS 2 :14 303 2 :4-10 260 12:13-19 :21 270<br />

2 :8-11 193 2 :14, 15 44 2 :6-9 264 12:13-17 212<br />

3 :10, 11 274 6-19,20 114 3 :3, 4 224 12 :17 227<br />

7 :1-4 61 3 :3-6 262 13 .1-4 194<br />

COLOSSIANS 7 :21-28 107 3:7, 8 276,300 14:1-3 273<br />

8 :6 106 3:7, 10 263 14:1-4 127<br />

2:13-17 109 9 :8, 24 113 3:11-14 265 14:13 228<br />

2:19 126 9 :15-20 112 3:15, 16 79 16:14-16 223<br />

3:20, 21 252 9 :18-22 54 17:12 195<br />

:24, 27, 28 220 1 17:14 198<br />

9 :27, 28<br />

JOHN<br />


92<br />

10 .1-4 99<br />

2 :15 180 19:15, 16 199<br />

4:14-17 228 10:5-10 104 2 :20, 21, 19:16 198<br />

5:4, 5 260 117 26,27 140 19 :17-21<br />

10:7<br />

235<br />

5:12, 13 199<br />

10:12, 13 220 3 :2 122 19 :20 302<br />

5:20, 21 184 10 :19-22 114<br />

3 :8 37,44 20 :1-3 270<br />

Chap . 11 293<br />

3 :12 40 20 :3 271<br />

2 THESSALONIANS 11 :4-7 280 3 :13-15 172 20 :4-6 273<br />

1 :7-10 223 11 :6 116 3 :16 202<br />

2 :3, 9-11 170<br />

20 :5 306<br />

11 :7 259<br />

4 :8-11, 16 179<br />

2 :7 183 11 :13 293<br />

4 :19 173<br />

20 :6 95<br />

11 :35-40 294<br />

4 :20 180 20 :7-10 301<br />

1 TIMOTHY 11 :40 297 5:3 180 20 :11 268<br />

2 :5, 6 106 12 :9-11 254 20 :11-21 :5 290<br />

2 :11-15 158 12 :29 246 JUDE 20 :13 299<br />

3 :1-10, 3 182 20:14, 15 303<br />

12,13 131 JAMES 4-10 185 21 :1 276<br />

3 :2-4, 12 145 1 :4 124 5,6 182<br />

21 :8 302<br />

3:4, 5, 12 250 1 :13-15 36 20-23 189<br />

3:6 37 1 :18 116<br />

21 :10-14 128<br />

4 :3 146 2 :17 186 REVELATION 22:1, 2, 17 313<br />

4:13, 16 141 2 :21-23 50 40,214 22:16 64<br />

4:14 130 4 :7 37 1 :7 216 22 :18 184

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