1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


WRITING THE NAMES IN THE BOOK 303 one having the means to cause death, that is, the Devil".-Hebrews 2 :14, NW. 8 Now comes total abolition of the death due to Adam : "And death and Hades were hurled into the lake of fire . This means the second death, the lake of fire . Furthermore, whoever was not found written in the book of life was hurled into the lake of fire." Revelation 20 :14, 15, NW Those acting rebellious during the thousand years prove unfit to be enrolled in the book of life and they would be plunged into the lake of fire, the second death, without waiting for the final general test at the close of the millennium. Their submerging in the lake of everlasting destruction would not mean the continuance forever of death due to Adam . No ; for the fiery, sulphurous lake symbolizes the "second death", a death not suffered for our natural inheritance from Adam but inflicted for the rebellious sinner who sins out of his own willful choice against God's requirements for life. Second death could at any time throughout eternity be inflicted upon any who might choose to sin . That always remains within God's power . 9 Death and Hades are hurled into the lake of fire to experience everlasting destruction. Hades, mankind's common grave, is destroyed by emptying it of all the dead and by never returning the rebellious sinners to Hades but pitching them into the symbolic lake of fire . Death is destroyed by the sin-removing sacrifice of Jesus Christ which cancels all the disabilities the believers e . a Who of mankind are hurled into the lake of fire? b Does that mean the continuance forever of death due to Adam? Or what? 9 . How are death and Hades cast into the lake of fire? Of what prophecy does this mark the climax for Christ's reign?

304 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" have inherited from Adam and by raising the dead from the graves and then by removing every trace of imperfection and sinfulness in mind, body and heart transmitted by him . Mankind must willingly and obediently cooperate with the King toward that desirable end during the thousand years of uplift . This marks the climax of fulfilling the prophecy : "For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet . As the last enemy, death is to be destroyed ."-1 Corinthians 15 :25, 26, NW. 1 0 The willing and obedient subjects of the King will take full advantage of his priestly and governmental services and will be cured of all sin and its effects . They will be taught absolute righteousness in the love of it . So when in this perfection of body, mind and heart they have proved their integrity to God by standing immovably for his universal sovereignty during the brief loosing of Satan and his demons and the assault of "Gog and Magog", then their justification to eternal life on the paradise earth will come . This means God will declare them righteous, for he is the final Judge and to him Christ Jesus turns over the Kingdom at the end of the thousand years . On this it is written : 11 "Next, the accomplished end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he has destroyed all government and all authority and power. For he must rule as king until God has put all enemies under his feet . As the last 10. When will the justification of mankind to life occur? By whom? 11, 12 . a How does Christ Jesus then show his subjection to his God and Father? b What issue is then completely settled forever?


have inherited from Adam and by raising the dead<br />

from the graves and then by removing every<br />

trace of imperfection and sinfulness in mind, body<br />

and heart transmitted by him . Mankind must willingly<br />

and obediently cooperate with the King toward<br />

that desirable end during the thousand<br />

years of uplift . <strong>This</strong> marks the climax of fulfilling<br />

the prophecy : "For he must rule as king until<br />

God has put all enemies under his feet . As the<br />

last enemy, death is to be destroyed ."-1 Corinthians<br />

15 :25, 26, NW.<br />

1 0 The willing and obedient subjects of the King<br />

will take full advantage of his priestly and governmental<br />

services and will be cured of all sin and its<br />

effects . They will be taught absolute righteousness<br />

in the love of it . So when in this perfection of<br />

body, mind and heart they have proved their integrity<br />

to God by standing immovably for his universal<br />

sovereignty during the brief loosing of<br />

Satan and his demons and the assault of "Gog<br />

and Magog", then their justification to eternal<br />

life on the paradise earth will come . <strong>This</strong> means<br />

God will declare them righteous, for he is the final<br />

Judge and to him Christ Jesus turns over the<br />

Kingdom at the end of the thousand years . On<br />

this it is written :<br />

11 "Next, the accomplished end, when he hands<br />

over the kingdom to his God and Father, when he<br />

has destroyed all government and all authority<br />

and power. For he must rule as king until God<br />

has put all enemies under his feet . As the last<br />

10. When will the justification of mankind to life occur?<br />

By whom?<br />

11, 12 . a How does Christ Jesus then show his subjection<br />

to his God and Father? b What issue is then<br />

completely settled forever?

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