1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


WRITING THE NAMES IN THE BOOK 301 must pass the one final test over the supreme issue, that of Jehovah's universal sovereignty . This comes as a result of loosing Satan . 5 "Now as soon as the thousand years have been ended, Satan will be let loose out of his prison, and he will go out to mislead those nations in the four quarters of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for the war . The number of these is as the sand of the sea . And they advanced over the breadth of the earth and encircled the camp of the holy ones and the beloved city . But fire came down out of heaven and devoured them . And the Devil who was misleading them was hurled into the lake of fire and sulphur, where both the wild beast and the false prophet already were ; and they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever."-Revelation 20 :7-10, NW. 6 There will be those who side with the released Satan and his demons on the issue of universal sovereignty, rebelling as the perfect Adam and Eve did in the original paradise . These are pictured as removing themselves far from Jehovah's universal organization, and so are spoken of as "Gog and Magog", attackers of Jehovah's recovered people . Ezekiel 38 :1 to 39 :6 This assault by these rebels deceived by Satan imposes a great test on all mankind then fully uplifted to human perfection and complete ability to resist all temptation . Princes, Armageddon survivors and their children born during the thousand years, and all the remainder of humankind recovered from the 5 . When and why is Satan released? With what developments? 6 . Who will then be tested? Who will stand the test, who fall?

302 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" graves and sea, will feel the test . All will have to take a faithful stand in the "camp of the holy ones" . All are then deciding their destiny for eternity. Their decision in support of Jehovah's universal sovereignty, if faithfully held to, will give them a part in vindicating him against his nefarious reproacher Satan the Devil . Standing the final test loyally, they will rejoice to witness the divine fire descend from heaven and consume the rebellious hosts of Gog and Magog, whose number is not disclosed to us but is left as indeterminate as the sand by the sea . Isaiah 66 :24 The names of these rebels are not written in the scroll of life. "The name of the wicked shall rot ." -Proverbs 10 :7. 7 Although the devoted survivors of the test cannot see it with the natural eye, the Devil and his demons, who mislead the rebellious human hosts, are cast into the "lake of fire and sulphur" . That is the same place where the symbolic beast and false prophet were cast a thousand years previous, while still living, going concerns, able to feel the torment of going down into disgraceful destruction . This betokens the unending destruction of Satan and his demons, for that symbolic lake "means the second death" . Revelation 19 :20 and 21 :8, NW The statement that the wild beast and the false prophet and Satan are to be tormented day and night forever and ever in that "lake" proves that Satan and his demons are never released from destruction as once they were from the abyss . At last in a complete sense for all time Jesus Christ finishes his mission to "destroy the 7 . Where is the Devil then cast? How is he tormented forever?


graves and sea, will feel the test . All will have to<br />

take a faithful stand in the "camp of the holy<br />

ones" . All are then deciding their destiny for<br />

eternity. Their decision in support of Jehovah's<br />

universal sovereignty, if faithfully held to, will<br />

give them a part in vindicating him against his<br />

nefarious reproacher Satan the Devil . Standing<br />

the final test loyally, they will rejoice to witness<br />

the divine fire descend from heaven and consume<br />

the rebellious hosts of Gog and Magog, whose<br />

number is not disclosed to us but is left as indeterminate<br />

as the sand by the sea . Isaiah 66 :24<br />

The names of these rebels are not written in the<br />

scroll of life. "The name of the wicked shall rot ."<br />

-Proverbs 10 :7.<br />

7<br />

Although the devoted survivors of the test<br />

cannot see it with the natural eye, the Devil and<br />

his demons, who mislead the rebellious human<br />

hosts, are cast into the "lake of fire and sulphur" .<br />

That is the same place where the symbolic beast<br />

and false prophet were cast a thousand years previous,<br />

while still living, going concerns, able to<br />

feel the torment of going down into disgraceful<br />

destruction . <strong>This</strong> betokens the unending destruction<br />

of Satan and his demons, for that symbolic<br />

lake "means the second death" . Revelation 19 :20<br />

and 21 :8, NW The statement that the wild beast<br />

and the false prophet and Satan are to be tormented<br />

day and night forever and ever in that<br />

"lake" proves that Satan and his demons are never<br />

released from destruction as once they were from<br />

the abyss . At last in a complete sense for all time<br />

Jesus Christ finishes his mission to "destroy the<br />

7 . Where is the Devil then cast? How is he tormented<br />


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