1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


THE PARADISE OF LIFE RENEWED 287 and of her realm became more marked when she gave birth to the Kingdom A .D. 1914 . Shortly afterward her faithful children sleeping in death were resurrected in heavenly glory and her faithful remnant still alive in the flesh were delivered from bondage to this world . 15 The prophet Isaiah describes this with paradisaic terms and tells of the great comfort it brings to God's faithful spiritual remnant : "Look unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that bore you ; for I called him when he was alone, and blessed him, and multiplied him . For Jehovah shall comfort ion, he shall comfort all her waste places ; and he will make her wilderness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of Jehovah as the paradise of Jehovah, LXX : gladness and joy shall be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of song ." Isaiah 51 :2, 3, Dar. The apostle Paul, caught up to a high state of prophetic ecstasy as if to the "third heaven", was greatly comforted with the vision of the prosperity of God's "woman" or universal organization . Today we are comforted at the fulfillment of prophecy which shows that the paradisaic prosperity of God's universal organization is at its peak. This provides sure proof that the renewing of earth's paradise for delivered mankind is near, because God's universal organization must flourish with its royal children in Kingdom power and prosperity before paradise is restored to men on earth . 15 . a How did Isaiah describe this paradisaic state? b Of what does its fulfillment now provide sure proof, and why?

CHAPTER XXVIII THE ABOLITION OF DEATH THE original paradise of Eden was meant to be a place, not of human death, but of everlasting life in human perfection . Consequently when Adam and Eve were sentenced to death in punishment for their sinful rebellion, they were driven out of paradise to die . When the paradise of pleasure is renewed on earth by God's kingdom, death which arose with sinful Adam will be forever abolished from the earth . Death itself will die in the "new earth". This was made absolutely certain nineteen centuries ago at the manifestation of God's Son in the flesh . 2 On this basis the apostle says gratefully : "This was given us in connection with Christ Jesus before times long lasting, but now it has been made clearly evident through the manifestation of our Savior, Christ Jesus, who has abolished death but has shed light upon life and incorruption through the good news ." 2 Timothy 1 :9, 10, NW It was the death which mankind inherited from Adam that Jesus died to counteract, and it is this death traceable to Adam that he abolishes forever from paradise . This earth which the paradise of the new world is to cover with living beauty now holds the graves of many who died 1 . When paradise is renewed on earth what will be abolished? Why? 2 . a What is the death which Jesus abolishes? b What must therefore be removed from the paradise premises, and how? 288


and of her realm became more marked when she<br />

gave birth to the Kingdom A .D. 1914 . Shortly<br />

afterward her faithful children sleeping in death<br />

were resurrected in heavenly glory and her faithful<br />

remnant still alive in the flesh were delivered<br />

from bondage to this world .<br />

15<br />

The prophet Isaiah describes this with paradisaic<br />

terms and tells of the great comfort it<br />

brings to God's faithful spiritual remnant : "Look<br />

unto Abraham your father, and unto Sarah that<br />

bore you ; for I called him when he was alone,<br />

and blessed him, and multiplied him . For Jehovah<br />

shall comfort ion, he shall comfort all her waste<br />

places ; and he will make her wilderness like Eden,<br />

and her desert like the garden of Jehovah as the<br />

paradise of Jehovah, LXX : gladness and joy shall<br />

be found therein, thanksgiving, and the voice of<br />

song ." Isaiah 51 :2, 3, Dar. The apostle Paul,<br />

caught up to a high state of prophetic ecstasy as<br />

if to the "third heaven", was greatly comforted<br />

with the vision of the prosperity of God's "woman"<br />

or universal <strong>org</strong>anization . Today we are comforted<br />

at the fulfillment of prophecy which shows<br />

that the paradisaic prosperity of God's universal<br />

<strong>org</strong>anization is at its peak. <strong>This</strong> provides sure<br />

proof that the renewing of earth's paradise for delivered<br />

mankind is near, because God's universal<br />

<strong>org</strong>anization must flourish with its royal children<br />

in Kingdom power and prosperity before paradise<br />

is restored to men on earth .<br />

15 . a How did Isaiah describe this paradisaic state?<br />

b Of what does its fulfillment now provide sure<br />

proof, and why?

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