1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


THE PARADISE OF LIFE RENEWED 281 Serpent. He was hanging on the torture stake at Calvary. During the three and a half years of his public activity in Israel prior to this cruel death, he had preached, not paradise, but the kingdom of heaven . To the lost sheep of the house of Israel he sounded the theme on which his disciples would preach after his death, in order to gather out the 144,000 joint heirs of the heavenly kingdom. But now, when dying, he held forth an earthly hope, too . But to whom? To a man then dying with him and who would never survive till the outpouring of the holy spirit at Pentecost fifty-three days later and never be born of water and spirit to enter the spiritual kingdom . This man was one of two evildoers hung on stakes on each side of Jesus . Over Jesus' head was posted the charge for which he was impaled : "This is the king of the Jews," and the taunt of his being a king was loudly being hurled into his teeth by his enemies below. 7 "But one of the hung evildoers began to say abusively to him : You are the Christ, are you not? Save yourself and us .' In reply the other rebuked him and said : Do you not fear God at all, now that you are in the same judgment? And we, indeed, justly so, for we are receiving in full what we deserve for things we did ; but this man did nothing out of the way . And he went on to say : Jesus, remember me when you get into your kingdom .' And he said to him : Truly I tell you today, You will be with me in Paradise .' "-Luke 23 :35- 43, NW; see also Reinhardt's German Version . 8 The English translation by Dr . Wm. Cureton 7, 8. What did this man say? and what did Jesus reply?

282 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" of an old Syriac Version of the gospels agrees with that and renders Luke 23 :42,43 : "And he said to Jesus, My Lord, remember me when thou comest in thy kingdom. Jesus said to him, Verily I say to thee to-day that with me thou shalt be in the Eden's garden ." The Emphasised Bible by J. B. Rotherham 1902 renders the verses: "And he went on to say-Jesus! remember me whensoever thou shalt come into thy kingdom . And he said unto him-Verily I say unto thee this day : With me shalt thou be in Paradise ." The Modern New Testament from Aramaic by G. M . Lamsa 1940 says : "Jesus said to him, Truly I say to you today, You will be with me in Paradise ." Remains of a Very Antient Recension of the Four Gospels in Syriac by William Cureton, D .D ., F .R .S ., published in London, England, in 1858 and dedicated to "His Royal Highness The Prince Consort, K.G.," Prince Albert, husband of ueen Victoria of Great Britain .


of an old Syriac Version of the gospels agrees<br />

with that and renders Luke 23 :42,43 : "And he<br />

said to Jesus, My Lord, remember me when thou<br />

comest in thy kingdom. Jesus said to him, Verily<br />

I say to thee to-day that with me thou shalt be in<br />

the Eden's garden ." The Emphasised Bible by J. B.<br />

Rotherham 1902 renders the verses: "And he<br />

went on to say-Jesus! remember me whensoever<br />

thou shalt come into thy kingdom . And he said unto<br />

him-Verily I say unto thee this day : With me<br />

shalt thou be in Paradise ." The Modern New<br />

Testament from Aramaic by G. M . Lamsa 1940<br />

says : "Jesus said to him, Truly I say to you today,<br />

You will be with me in Paradise ."<br />

Remains of a Very Antient Recension of the Four<br />

Gospels in Syriac by William Cureton, D .D ., F .R .S .,<br />

published in London, England, in 1858 and dedicated to<br />

"His Royal Highness The Prince Consort, K.G.," Prince<br />

Albert, husband of ueen Victoria of Great Britain .

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