1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


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was why God placed in the midst of it the tree of<br />

life as a symbol of the right to everlasting life .<br />

-Genesis 2 :9 ; 3 :22-24 ; 4 :1, 2, 25 .<br />

The person behind this loss of paradise for<br />

man was the invisible caretaker whom God placed<br />

over man . But he became ambitious, turned<br />

treacherous, and led humankind into sin and rebellion<br />

with him . To begin with, he was a protecting<br />

cherub, perfect in the day of his creation by<br />

Jehovah God. In a lamentation God's prophet indirectly<br />

addresses him : "Thus saith the Lord God :<br />

Thou wast the seal of resemblance, full of wisdom,<br />

and perfect in beauty. Thou wast in the pleasures<br />

of the paradise of God : . . . Thou a cherub<br />

stretched out, and protecting, and I set thee in<br />

the holy mountain of God, thou hast walked in<br />

the midst of the stones of fire . Thou wast perfect<br />

in thy ways from the day of thy creation,<br />

until iniquity was found in thee . By the multitude<br />

of thy merchandise, thy inner parts were<br />

filled with iniquity, and thou hast sinned ." Ezechiel<br />

28 :11-16, Douay As the earthly paradise<br />

was lost to mankind by the treachery of this<br />

cherub who turned devil, so God's promise in<br />

Eden, that his seed by his "woman" would bruise<br />

the serpent's head, carried with it the restoration<br />

of paradise . It would be for mankind to enjoy in<br />

perfection forever under God's kingdom by his<br />

Seed .<br />

The Paradise of Eden in its original dimensions<br />

continued on earth until the global flood<br />

4 . a By whose treachery was paradise lost for mankind?<br />

b Hence what assurance did God's Edenic<br />

promise carry with it?<br />

5 . Why have men's efforts with the soil failed to convert<br />

earth into a paradise? Why was Canaan's paradiselike<br />

state lost?

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