1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


THE KINGDOM OF A NEW WORLD 273 worshiped neither the wild beast nor its image and who had not received the mark upon their forehead and upon their hand . And they came to life and ruled as kings with the Christ for a thousand years . The rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended . This is the first resurrection . Happy and holy is anyone having part in the first resurrection ; over these the second death has no authority, but they will be priests of God and of the Christ, and will rule as kings with him for the thousand years ."-Revelation 20 :4-6, NW. 10 The one with whom they reign is the glorified Son of David, the Permanent Heir of the covenant for the everlasting Kingdom. In ancient time King David ruled on the literal Mount ion, one of the hills of Jerusalem ; but the great Son of David, whom David called "my Lord", reigns on the far loftier royal height, the heavenly Mount ion . Those who reign with him are the 144,000 called, chosen and faithful followers, his spiritual brothers and joint heirs. At Revelation 14 :1-3 they are pictured as standing with him on the heavenly Mount ion and singing as if a new song . They refuse to be identified in hand or forehead, that is, in action or mind, with any part of the Devil's beastly organization . They have been willing to go to the death, even at the headsman's ax, for bearing witness to Jesus the King and for speaking the truth about Jehovah God . Baptized into Christ's death, they submit to his kind of death and are buried with him in the likeness of his death. After he comes into his kingdom and casts 10. a Who are those that reign then with Christ? b Their kind of resurrection enables them to reign with him how long?

274 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" Satan out of heaven they are raised in the likeness of his resurrection . Because he is the "firstborn from the dead" and his resurrection is not only first in time but also first in importance, his kind is the first resurrection, and the 144,000 take part in it . They are resurrected immortal, incorruptible spirits. That is why the "second death has no authority" over them . Hence they do not need to be succeeded to office by others on account of dying and leaving the royal office vacant ; but their immortality permits them to continue ruling individually with Christ Jesus for the full thousand years or millennium.-Romans 6 :3-5 ; Philippians 3 :10,11 ; Colossians 1 :18 . 11 However, Christ Jesus is to be a "priest for ever after the likeness of Melchizedek" . Like Melchizedek, he will be a priest upon his throne, a royal priest of the Most High God . echariah 6 :12, 13 During the nineteen centuries from Pentecost A.D. 33 down to the time of the glorification of the last member of the royal priesthood, Christ Jesus in the presence of God has applied the ransoming, cleansing value of his human sacrifice in favor of his followers who are accepted in sacrifice with him . For this purpose they need the help of his righteousness in order for them to be declared righteous by God . On earth they offered up spiritual sacrifices to God through their High Priest Christ Jesus, the sacrifices of praise and godly works. Now that they have been consecrated by the first resurrection to be priests of God forever with Christ Jesus, they join with him in dispensing the benefits of Christ's ransom sacri- I i . How did they serve on earth as priests, but how do they now?


Satan out of heaven they are raised in the likeness<br />

of his resurrection . Because he is the "firstborn<br />

from the dead" and his resurrection is not<br />

only first in time but also first in importance, his<br />

kind is the first resurrection, and the 144,000 take<br />

part in it . They are resurrected immortal, incorruptible<br />

spirits. That is why the "second death<br />

has no authority" over them . Hence they do not<br />

need to be succeeded to office by others on account<br />

of dying and leaving the royal office vacant ; but<br />

their immortality permits them to continue ruling<br />

individually with Christ Jesus for the full thousand<br />

years or millennium.-Romans 6 :3-5 ; Philippians<br />

3 :10,11 ; Colossians 1 :18 .<br />

11 However, Christ Jesus is to be a "priest for<br />

ever after the likeness of Melchizedek" . Like Melchizedek,<br />

he will be a priest upon his throne, a<br />

royal priest of the Most High God . echariah<br />

6 :12, 13 During the nineteen centuries from<br />

Pentecost A.D. 33 down to the time of the glorification<br />

of the last member of the royal priesthood,<br />

Christ Jesus in the presence of God has applied<br />

the ransoming, cleansing value of his human<br />

sacrifice in favor of his followers who are accepted<br />

in sacrifice with him . For this purpose they need<br />

the help of his righteousness in order for them to<br />

be declared righteous by God . On earth they offered<br />

up spiritual sacrifices to God through their<br />

High Priest Christ Jesus, the sacrifices of praise<br />

and godly works. Now that they have been consecrated<br />

by the first resurrection to be priests of<br />

God forever with Christ Jesus, they join with him<br />

in dispensing the benefits of Christ's ransom sacri-<br />

I i . How did they serve on earth as priests, but how do<br />

they now?

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