1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


THE KINGDOM OF A NEW WORLD 271 possible for him to continue to be held fast by it" . Romans 10 :7 and Acts 2 :24, NW Now Satan and his demons are hurled into the abyss of total deathlike inactivity, for a thousand years . "After these things he must be let loose for a little while ." -Revelation 20 :3, NW. By motivating the king of Babylon to crush Jerusalem in 607 B .C. Satan the Devil had become like the "shining one, son of the dawn", in his organization heavenly and earthly. He had exalted his throne above the royal stars of the ruling line of King David, and he was sitting on the mount of congregational assembly where the Israelites worshiped Jehovah. He had brought reproach on Jehovah's name and appeared then like a rival of the Most High God . But A .D . 1914 Satan, the king of Greater Babylon, tried to complete his climb to a rival position by overwhelming the Permanent Heir of the Kingdom covenant, the starry Seed of David, and by swallowing up God's kingdom. Numbers 24 :17 He failed and was cast down to earth . Insanely mad and desperate, he tries to hold the earth as his last stronghold against the "bright morning star", the King Jesus Christ. But without first killing Satan the Devil, this mighty King binds him and his demons to powerlessness and hurls them into the abyss of deathlike inaction under a seal no other creature can break to loose him . Then is when the tauntsong against Satan the Devil, the wicked king of Greater Babylon, reaches the height of its crescendo 8 "How hast thou fallen from heaven, 0 Shining 7. From what height of his ambitious climb does Satan then fall? To what depth is he brought, and by what act? 8. What is the taunt-song that then reaches its crescendo?

272 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" One-Son of the Dawn! Hewn down to the earth, O crusher of nations! Yet thou didst say in thy heart-The heavens will I ascend, above the stars of Goo Will I lift up my throne, that I may sit in the Mount of Assembly in the Recesses of the North : I will mount on the hills of the clouds, I will match the Most High! Howbeit to Hades shalt thou be brought down, to the Recesses of the Pit! . thou art flung out from thy grave like a scion detested, beshrouded with slain, the pierced of the sword, like a carcase trod underfoot : as for them who go down to the stones of the Pit thou shalt not be united with them in burial ." Isaiah 14 :12-20, Roth . The dead condition of the king of Babylon, flung out from the grave, from Hades, like an execution stake that is loathsome, corresponds with the abyss into which Satan the Devil is cast . 9 With the wicked heaven and earth destroyed at Armageddon, the new world of righteousness begins under the Kingdom which will occupy the first thousand years in a special work for mankind . The binding of Satan and his demons for a thousand years allows for this work to proceed without invisible demon interference . Before they are loosed for a little while, the Kingdom will employ the thousand years in giving mankind a perfect government and the opportunity for everlasting salvation. The revelation makes this point certain : "And I saw thrones, and there were those who sat down on them, and power of judging was given them . Yes, I saw the souls of those executed with the ax for the witness they bore to Jesus and for speaking about God, and those who had 9 . When does the new world begin? Under what government?


possible for him to continue to be held fast by it" .<br />

Romans 10 :7 and Acts 2 :24, NW Now Satan<br />

and his demons are hurled into the abyss of total<br />

deathlike inactivity, for a thousand years . "After<br />

these things he must be let loose for a little while ."<br />

-Revelation 20 :3, NW.<br />

By motivating the king of Babylon to crush<br />

Jerusalem in 607 B .C. Satan the Devil had become<br />

like the "shining one, son of the dawn", in his <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

heavenly and earthly. He had exalted<br />

his throne above the royal stars of the ruling line<br />

of King David, and he was sitting on the mount<br />

of congregational assembly where the Israelites<br />

worshiped Jehovah. He had brought reproach on<br />

Jehovah's name and appeared then like a rival of<br />

the Most High God . But A .D . 1914 Satan, the king<br />

of Greater Babylon, tried to complete his climb<br />

to a rival position by overwhelming the Permanent<br />

Heir of the Kingdom covenant, the starry<br />

Seed of David, and by swallowing up God's kingdom.<br />

Numbers 24 :17 He failed and was cast<br />

down to earth . Insanely mad and desperate, he<br />

tries to hold the earth as his last stronghold<br />

against the "bright morning star", the King Jesus<br />

Christ. But without first killing Satan the<br />

Devil, this mighty King binds him and his demons<br />

to powerlessness and hurls them into the abyss of<br />

deathlike inaction under a seal no other creature<br />

can break to loose him . Then is when the tauntsong<br />

against Satan the Devil, the wicked king of<br />

Greater Babylon, reaches the height of its crescendo<br />

8 "How hast thou fallen from heaven, 0 Shining<br />

7. From what height of his ambitious climb does Satan<br />

then fall? To what depth is he brought, and by what act?<br />

8. What is the taunt-song that then reaches its crescendo?

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