1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


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final fight, he and his demons inspire many warmongering<br />

messages against Jehovah and the<br />

Kingdom and send these forth through the mouthpieces<br />

of Satan's invisible and visible <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

. By these they madden the "kings of the entire<br />

inhabited earth, to gather them together to<br />

the war of the great day of God the Almighty .<br />

. . . And they gathered them together to the<br />

place that is called in Hebrew Har-Ma .ged'on".<br />

Sanguinary battles of ancient times at Armageddon<br />

in Palestine foreshadowed the universal war<br />

of Armageddon . Leading the holy hosts of heaven<br />

for the vindication of Jehovah's universal sovereignty<br />

is Jesus Christ, the Word of God, as on a<br />

white horse.<br />

4 Reporting long in advance the final line-up of<br />

sides, John writes : "And I saw the wild beast and<br />

the kings of the earth and their armies gathered<br />

together to wage the war with the one seated on the<br />

horse and with his army ." Not a single ruler of<br />

this earth, no matter of what political ideology or<br />

religious belief, is missing from that battle array<br />

against Jehovah's King of kings and Lord of lords .<br />

Though at odds among themselves, they are united<br />

to a man in their unyielding opposition to Jehovah's<br />

rule of the earth by Christ. The day and<br />

hour known to God arrive . Signal! His Warrior<br />

King catches it. By a move that surprises and disconcerts<br />

all who fight for this old world he begins<br />

the "war of the great day of God the Almighty" .<br />

The symbolic earth flees into destruction as all<br />

enemies of Jehovah and his Christ are annihilated<br />

and all the visible systems of this world are<br />

4. a What is the final line-up of sides? b Who leads<br />

off in the fight and what results to the earth and its<br />


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