1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


CHAPTER XXVI THE KINGDOM OF A NEW WORLD T kingdom of Jehovah God with sovereign- ty over this misruled earth was born in the heavens A .D. 1914. That was a year of universal importance . In it Jehovah's woman, his holy universal organization of the heavens, brought forth the anointed King by whom Jehovah exercises his universal sovereignty henceforth, Jesus Christ . After a royal trumpetlike announcement voice after voice in the holy heavens caught up the joyous cry : "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will rule as king for ever and ever." Grateful worshipers of God prostrated themselves and said : "We thank you, Jehovah God, the Almighty, the one who is and who was, because you have taken your great power and begun ruling as king . But the nations became wrathful, and your own wrath came, and the appointed time for the dead to be judged, and to give their reward to your slaves the prophets and to the holy ones and to those fearing your name, the small and the great, and to bring to ruin those ruining the earth ."-Revelation 11 :15-18, NW. 2 The Revelation makes very clear that there is 1 . Why was A .D. 1914 a year of universal importance? How did the holy heavens greet the great event of that year? 2 . Does Satan's world disappear at his ousting from heaven, or when? 267

268 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" a period of time between the Kingdom's birth by Jehovah's assumption of power and the kingdom for the first thousand years of the new world . That period in between is the world's "time of the end", "the consummation of the system of things ." Note : In 1914, the year of the Kingdom's birth, the ungrateful, faithless nations of the earth with the blessings of their religious clergy went to war for world domination . Also war in heaven broke out against the newborn heavenly Government . In the fight this Government proved itself the rightful sovereign power of the universe, and Satan and his demons were hurled down to the earth. This humiliating defeat of Satan and his demons did not destroy Satan's world and consume his wicked heavens and earth . But they must depart forever at the day and hour fixed by Jehovah God on his throne . With a symbolic portrayal of that coming world-disappearance, the apostle John writes : "And I saw a great white throne and the one seated on it. From before him the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place was found for them ." Revelation 20:11, NW Too pure of eyes than to look upon wickedness with approval, God cannot countenance Satan's heavens and earth. They must be obliterated . First after that the righteous world of a new heavens and a new earth will begin . 3 Cast down to earth, the great dragon Satan and his demons bring all the postwar woes upon sea and land . They persecute all representatives of God's "woman" universal organization and make war against the remnant of her spiritual seed. Knowing he has but a short time before the 3. In what main activities are Satan and his demons engaged now?


a period of time between the Kingdom's birth by<br />

Jehovah's assumption of power and the kingdom<br />

for the first thousand years of the new world .<br />

That period in between is the world's "time of the<br />

end", "the consummation of the system of things ."<br />

Note : In 1914, the year of the Kingdom's birth,<br />

the ungrateful, faithless nations of the earth with<br />

the blessings of their religious clergy went to<br />

war for world domination . Also war in heaven<br />

broke out against the newborn heavenly Government<br />

. In the fight this Government proved itself<br />

the rightful sovereign power of the universe, and<br />

Satan and his demons were hurled down to the<br />

earth. <strong>This</strong> humiliating defeat of Satan and his<br />

demons did not destroy Satan's world and consume<br />

his wicked heavens and earth . But they<br />

must depart forever at the day and hour fixed by<br />

Jehovah God on his throne . With a symbolic portrayal<br />

of that coming world-disappearance, the<br />

apostle John writes : "And I saw a great white<br />

throne and the one seated on it. From before him<br />

the earth and the heaven fled away, and no place<br />

was found for them ." Revelation 20:11, NW<br />

Too pure of eyes than to look upon wickedness<br />

with approval, God cannot countenance Satan's<br />

heavens and earth. They must be obliterated .<br />

First after that the righteous world of a new heavens<br />

and a new earth will begin .<br />

3 Cast down to earth, the great dragon Satan<br />

and his demons bring all the postwar woes upon<br />

sea and land . They persecute all representatives<br />

of God's "woman" universal <strong>org</strong>anization and<br />

make war against the remnant of her spiritual<br />

seed. Knowing he has but a short time before the<br />

3. In what main activities are Satan and his demons<br />

engaged now?

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