1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


REARING CHILDREN IN DIVINE FAVOR 253 s In this time of the end the world tends to turn the impressionable mind of children in the wrong direction . So the proverb bears repeating : "Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child ; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him ." Proverbs 22 :15 Unless properly taught and guided by its guardians, the heart or mind of a child will go in the way of worldly foolishness or deadly folly. The child is not well acquainted with this world and its selfish, wicked way . Also through its parents the child has inherited sinfulness from Adam. Satan and the demons, though cast out of heaven, are yet alive and on the loose, and are bent on mischief against everything related to God and his Theocratic organization . Consequently now, more than ever before, the minds and hearts of children need Scriptural guidance and protective knowledge to help them to right thinking and acting. If parents are delinquent and let a child run a foolish, evil course uncorrected, the child mind or heart in its formative state will become habituated in such folly . So do not let that occur. 10 If parents unwisely fail to correct the foolishly inclining heart or mind of children while young and manageable, then in the certain outworkings of God's purposes a correction will catch up with those children . They will not fare well, and parents will have grief . "Withhold not correction 9. How can a child make foolishness a habit? What corrects it? 10. What is the "rod of correction"? Why must it be applied?

254 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" from the child : for if thou beatest him with the rod, he shall not die. Thou shalt beat him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell Sheol, mankind's common grave ." Proverbs 23 :13, 14 The rod of correction that is used to turn the children from the way of death in disobedience to God does not need to be a literal stick . The rod symbolizes parental authority and power, and applying the "rod of correction" means for parents to exercise the power and authority entrusted to them in whatever way may seem Scripturally wise and suitable to correct the child . The parents' grip on the rod of power, authority and responsibility should never be relaxed . Respect for it should be impressed upon the young mind and heart . 11 Such use of the rod for their lasting good does not spell brutality or oppression, but spells a parental love combined with wisdom and with godly strength . In the benefits resulting later the corrected child will open its eyes to the wisdom and loving-kindness of its earthly caretakers and will respect them for the faithful correction. During correction it has the opportunity to show obedience and so learn in a most impressional manner the proper respect for God-given authority . Thus it will learn to fear God and his supreme authority also.-Hebrews 12 :9-11 . 12 Merely instructing the child by word of mouth will not teach and train it to take an active part i i . What does use of it spell? Under it what does a child learn? 12 . How do parents give a child training in actively serving God?


s In this time of the end the world tends to turn<br />

the impressionable mind of children in the wrong<br />

direction . So the proverb bears repeating : "Foolishness<br />

is bound in the heart of a child ; but the<br />

rod of correction shall drive it far from him ."<br />

Proverbs 22 :15 Unless properly taught and<br />

guided by its guardians, the heart or mind of a<br />

child will go in the way of worldly foolishness or<br />

deadly folly. The child is not well acquainted with<br />

this world and its selfish, wicked way . Also through<br />

its parents the child has inherited sinfulness from<br />

Adam. Satan and the demons, though cast out of<br />

heaven, are yet alive and on the loose, and are<br />

bent on mischief against everything related to<br />

God and his Theocratic <strong>org</strong>anization . Consequently<br />

now, more than ever before, the minds and<br />

hearts of children need Scriptural guidance and<br />

protective knowledge to help them to right thinking<br />

and acting. If parents are delinquent and let<br />

a child run a foolish, evil course uncorrected, the<br />

child mind or heart in its formative state will become<br />

habituated in such folly . So do not let that<br />

occur.<br />

10<br />

If parents unwisely fail to correct the foolishly<br />

inclining heart or mind of children while young<br />

and manageable, then in the certain outworkings<br />

of God's purposes a correction will catch up with<br />

those children . They will not fare well, and parents<br />

will have grief . "Withhold not correction<br />

9. How can a child make foolishness a habit? What corrects<br />

it?<br />

10. What is the "rod of correction"? Why must it be<br />


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