1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


REARING CHILDREN IN DIVINE FAVOR 249 dren endangered by the nearness of Armageddon, but their eternal destiny is involved . The prophetic foreview of the destruction of Christendom at Armageddon lays bare the alarming fact that the lives of ungodly children will not be spared by God's executional forces just because of their tender years. Ezekiel 9 :5, 6, 10 The parents will therefore be in large part responsible for what befalls their young offspring at Armageddon . We are living in the world's "time of the end", and its last days are upon us . Widespread child delinquency was foretold to prevail now, together with parental neglect because of lack of natural affection and care for children's eternal interests : "Know this, that in the last days critical times hard to deal with will be here . For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming, haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, without gratitude, with no loving-kindness, having no natural affection, . lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly devotion but proving false to its power." 2 Timothy 3 :1-5, NW Hence parents need to be specially mindful of God's commandments that concern the lasting good of their offspring . They need to fight the worldly tendency and put up a hard fight for the faith once for all time delivered to the holy ones by doing their utmost to rear their children aright . e For the Christian congregation it is a qualifi- 4 . As respects children, what was foretold to prevail in the last days? And so what do parents need to do? 5 . What is a qualification for an appointed servant with children?

250 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" cation required of men who are made overseers and ministerial servants that each rear his natural children in God's way : "Having believing children that were not under a charge of debauchery nor unruly" ; "having children in subjection with all seriousness ; if indeed any man does not know how to preside over his own household, how will he take care of God's congregation? . . . presiding in a right manner over children and their own households ." Titus 1 :6 and 1 Timothy 3 :4,5,12, NW Such appointed servants were to be examples to other parents in the congregation . 6 Today, as long ago foretold, political regimes both totalitarian and so-called "democratic" have arisen, which deprive children of instruction by parents who fear Jehovah God and follow Jesus Christ. It is time for the parents to copy the apostle's decision : "We must obey God as ruler rather than men." And the Supreme Ruler commands parents who are devoted to him to rear their children in the way of life . Acts 5 :29, NW Such parents will obediently teach their children that obeying God's laws and commands is a person's highest obligation and that it is always right to obey these when man-made laws are to the contrary . If worldly governments do not believe we are living in the "time of the end" and hence provide no true refuge and security against the world disaster ahead, then parents cannot afford to depend upon the politicians and their worldly allies . Par- 6 . What course must faithful parents take when political regimes would debar them from teaching the children God's way?


dren endangered by the nearness of Armageddon,<br />

but their eternal destiny is involved . The prophetic<br />

foreview of the destruction of Christendom at<br />

Armageddon lays bare the alarming fact that the<br />

lives of ungodly children will not be spared by<br />

God's executional forces just because of their tender<br />

years. Ezekiel 9 :5, 6, 10 The parents will<br />

therefore be in large part responsible for what befalls<br />

their young offspring at Armageddon .<br />

We are living in the world's "time of the end",<br />

and its last days are upon us . Widespread child<br />

delinquency was foretold to prevail now, together<br />

with parental neglect because of lack of natural<br />

affection and care for children's eternal interests :<br />

"Know this, that in the last days critical times<br />

hard to deal with will be here . For men will be lovers<br />

of themselves, lovers of money, self-assuming,<br />

haughty, blasphemers, disobedient to parents,<br />

without gratitude, with no loving-kindness, having<br />

no natural affection, . lovers of pleasures<br />

rather than lovers of God, having a form of godly<br />

devotion but proving false to its power." 2 Timothy<br />

3 :1-5, NW Hence parents need to be specially<br />

mindful of God's commandments that concern<br />

the lasting good of their offspring . They need<br />

to fight the worldly tendency and put up a hard<br />

fight for the faith once for all time delivered to<br />

the holy ones by doing their utmost to rear their<br />

children aright .<br />

e For the Christian congregation it is a qualifi-<br />

4 . As respects children, what was foretold to prevail in<br />

the last days? And so what do parents need to do?<br />

5 . What is a qualification for an appointed servant with<br />


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