1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


THE "OTHER SHEEP" AND THE "GOATS" 245 ward." "Whoever gives you a cup of water to drink on the grounds that you belong to Christ, I truly tell you, he will by no means lose his reward."-Matthew 10 :40-42 and Mark 9 :41, NW . 1 5 The refusal of the "goats" to render any help to the remnant of Christ's spiritual brothers is because these represent him enthroned in power as earth's Rightful Ruler . The "goats" love this world and its selfish rule . Hence they refuse to show any support to Jehovah's side of the great controversy over universal sovereignty . There are only two masters ; and in this judgment day of the nations a person affected by the issue cannot be neutral. Jesus said : "He that is not on my side is against me ." "He that listens to you listens to me too. And he that disregards you disregards me too . Moreover, he that disregards me disregards also him that sent me forth ." Matthew 12 :30 and Luke 10 :16, NW A failure to do good to the King's brothers when the opportunity is presented in support of the Kingdom is sin, and of this the "goats" are guilty . With the question, "Lord, when did we see you?" they use as an excuse for their willful failure the fact that the King is now invisibly present and not directly reachable . 16 "Then he will answer them with the words : Truly I say to you, To the extent that you did not do it to one of these least ones, you did not do it to me.'" Matthew 25 :45, NW Because by this faulty course they rejected Jehovah's universal 15 . What is their sin? Why? What excuse do they offer? 16 . Why does the King call them "cursed"? Where does he tell them to be on their way, and when?

246 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" sovereignty and his now enthroned King, he calls them "cursed" . At the latest at the world's destruction at Armageddon he orders them to remove from him into the "everlasting fire prepared for the Devil and his angels" . This means that there they are destroyed forever . "For our God is also a consuming fire," executing annihilation on the wicked.-Hebrews 12 :29, NW. 17 That such destruction together with the Devil and his angels is the fate of these goatish ones Jesus makes simple and certain by saying : "And these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but the righteous ones into everlasting life ." Matthew 25 :46, NW The rewards of the righteous other sheep and the cursed goats are opposites ; and the everlasting punishment upon the goats is the exact opposite of the everlasting life granted to the sheep. There is no eternal life destined for Satan and his angels, and there will be no eternal torment in literal fire and brimstone for goatish human souls with them . For them there is an everlasting cutting-off from all life and existence . They do not survive Armageddon . 18 Be encouraged, then, by this parable in this time of vital decision. Actively take your position with the remnant of the King's brothers in support of the kingdom of God and inherit the earthly realm of the Kingdom with the boon of everlasting life . 17. How does Jesus make certain what their punishment is? is . So to what action should persons be encouraged at this time?


sovereignty and his now enthroned King, he calls<br />

them "cursed" . At the latest at the world's destruction<br />

at Armageddon he orders them to remove<br />

from him into the "everlasting fire prepared<br />

for the Devil and his angels" . <strong>This</strong> means that<br />

there they are destroyed forever . "For our God is<br />

also a consuming fire," executing annihilation on<br />

the wicked.-Hebrews 12 :29, NW.<br />

17 That such destruction together with the Devil<br />

and his angels is the fate of these goatish ones<br />

Jesus makes simple and certain by saying : "And<br />

these will depart into everlasting cutting-off, but<br />

the righteous ones into everlasting life ." Matthew<br />

25 :46, NW The rewards of the righteous other<br />

sheep and the cursed goats are opposites ; and the<br />

everlasting punishment upon the goats is the exact<br />

opposite of the everlasting life granted to the<br />

sheep. There is no eternal life destined for Satan<br />

and his angels, and there will be no eternal torment<br />

in literal fire and brimstone for goatish human<br />

souls with them . For them there is an everlasting<br />

cutting-off from all life and existence .<br />

They do not survive Armageddon .<br />

18 Be encouraged, then, by this parable in this<br />

time of vital decision. Actively take your position<br />

with the remnant of the King's brothers in<br />

support of the kingdom of God and inherit the<br />

earthly realm of the Kingdom with the boon of<br />

everlasting life .<br />

17. How does Jesus make certain what their punishment<br />

is?<br />

is . So to what action should persons be encouraged at<br />

this time?

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