1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


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blood, extended over a period of time . So does his<br />

second presence, which is in spirit . Although invisible<br />

in spirit, his second presence is of such importance<br />

to people over all the earth that it must<br />

not be kept secret, and it will not be . No, it cannot<br />

be, no more than a brilliant, crackling lightning<br />

flash from the clouds of heaven could be kept<br />

secret within a desert or a chamber of mystery .<br />

So Jesus warned : "Therefore, if people say to<br />

you, Look! he is in the wilderness,' do not go out ;<br />

Look! he is in the inner chambers,' do not believe<br />

it. For just as the lightning comes out of eastern<br />

parts and shines over to western parts, so the<br />

presence par.ou.si'a of the Son of man will be."<br />

-Matthew 24 :26,27, NW .<br />

11<br />

Since 1914 the present Christ has been making<br />

the evidences of his second presence or par.ousi'a<br />

manifest and understandable to men everywhere<br />

. The remnant of Christ's faithful disciples<br />

and an increasing multitude of persons of good-will<br />

are discerning his illuminating second presence .<br />

They, in turn, are publishing it to still others that<br />

the eyes of their understanding may be opened to<br />

see. But many stubbornly refuse to believe the evidence<br />

before them and to see the truth and act<br />

with it, and these will be made to see his presence<br />

at the end of this world by the fiery destruction<br />

of this enemy of God's kingdom . That will be "at<br />

the revelation of the Lord Jesus from heaven with<br />

his powerful angels in a flaming fire, as he brings<br />

due punishment upon those who do not know God<br />

11 . How has his presence been made manifest? How<br />

will it yet be?

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