1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


CHAPTER XXI SECOND PRESENCE OF LIFE'S CHIEF AGENT THE inquiring apostles linked up the consummation of this system of things with the second presence of Jesus Christ . Their question to him was : "When will these things be, and what will be the sign of your presence and of the consummation of the system of things?" Matthew 24 :3, NW; Roth.; Yg . His second presence does need some visible evidence for us to discern it, because he must be present invisibly as a glorious immortal spirit . The purpose of his second presence requires it to be invisible, but by the sign given he appears to the eyes of understanding of "all those who have loved his manifestation" . 2 Timothy 4 :8, NW If we love to have him manifest himself to us, we will study the sign indicating his longed-for second presence . 2 His coming or return marks the beginning of his presence . When the disciples on the mount of Olives gazed into the sky, while he ascended heavenward and then disappeared in a cloud, two angels said to them : "This Jesus who was received up from you into heaven will come thus in the same manner as you have beheld him going i . Why do we need a visible sign of Jesus' second presence? 2 . How does the world see him no more? And yet, how will "every eye" see him? 215

216 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" into heaven ." These angels did not say those very disciples would see Jesus come again nor that Jesus would come in the same form as when he ascended. The manner in which he returns is what is to be the same as when he went to heaven . Faithful disciples witnessed his ascension . None of this world did so . On the night of his betrayal to his enemies he said : "A little longer and the world will behold me no more, but you will behold me, because I live and you will live ." Acts 1 :11 and John 14 :19, NW The manner of his going was quiet, without this world's perceiving it, and with his becoming invisible when a cloud caught him up from their vision . Moreover, it was as a spirit that he ascended to his Father's presence . All this requires him to come again quietly, without great display to awe the world, but in an invisible manner represented by clouds . Only his watching faithful followers now discern his presence in spirit with their eyes of understanding . But at the climax of the consummation of this system of things he makes an overpowering manifestation of his presence in spirit, so that all on earth, even his foes, become aware of his presence . "Look! he is coming with the clouds, and every eye will see him, and those who pierced him ; and all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves in grief because of him."-Revelation 1:7, NW . 3 At his first coming to earth he was present and showed himself before the public eye for the three and a half years of his ministry . It was then 3 . For the sake of what lineage did Jesus come first in flesh?


into heaven ." These angels did not say those very<br />

disciples would see Jesus come again nor that<br />

Jesus would come in the same form as when he<br />

ascended. The manner in which he returns is what<br />

is to be the same as when he went to heaven .<br />

Faithful disciples witnessed his ascension . None<br />

of this world did so . On the night of his betrayal<br />

to his enemies he said : "A little longer and the<br />

world will behold me no more, but you will behold<br />

me, because I live and you will live ." Acts 1 :11<br />

and John 14 :19, NW The manner of his going<br />

was quiet, without this world's perceiving it, and<br />

with his becoming invisible when a cloud caught<br />

him up from their vision . Moreover, it was as a<br />

spirit that he ascended to his Father's presence .<br />

All this requires him to come again quietly, without<br />

great display to awe the world, but in an invisible<br />

manner represented by clouds . Only his<br />

watching faithful followers now discern his presence<br />

in spirit with their eyes of understanding .<br />

But at the climax of the consummation of this<br />

system of things he makes an overpowering manifestation<br />

of his presence in spirit, so that all on<br />

earth, even his foes, become aware of his presence .<br />

"Look! he is coming with the clouds, and every<br />

eye will see him, and those who pierced him ; and<br />

all the tribes of the earth will beat themselves<br />

in grief because of him."-Revelation 1:7, NW .<br />

3 At his first coming to earth he was present<br />

and showed himself before the public eye for the<br />

three and a half years of his ministry . It was then<br />

3 . For the sake of what lineage did Jesus come first in<br />


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