1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


SUBJECTION TO THE AUTHORITIES 203 Christians were regarded as anarchists hoping to destroy the state ; as pacifists who felt it a violation of their faith to enter military service . They would not hold political office . They would not worship the emperor.-On the Road to Civilization, A World History, by Heckel and Sigman 1937 , pages 237, 238 . An American high-school textbook in Indiana, 1938-1943 . 16 The inspired Scriptures show our lives, our worship and our unquestioning obedience belong to the Supreme Authority, Jehovah God, and we must pay them back to Him because owing to him . When faced with the question of obeying the unrighteous commands of worldly rulers against the will and orders of the Supreme Authority, the apostles Peter and John said to the Jewish Sanhedrin : "Whether it is righteous in the sight of God to listen to you rather than to God, make your decision. But as for us, we cannot stop speaking about the things we have seen and heard . . . . We must obey God as ruler rather than men . . . . And we are witnesses of these matters, and so is the holy spirit which God has given to those obeying him as ruler."-Acts 4 :19,20 and 5 :29-32, NW. 17 As for the Theocratic organization, those in it who have divine authority serve God in a public way for the good of the organization . They are to be respected, and Theocratic submission is to be rendered in connection with them . "For they are God's public servants constantly serving this very purpose. Render to all their dues, to him who calls for tribute, the tribute ; to him who calls 16. Faced with unrighteous human commands, whom must we obey? 17. a Who are God's public servants? b With what exception should we not be in debt to anybody?

204 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" for tax, the tax ; to him who calls for fear, such fear ; to him who calls for honor, such honor . Do not be owing anybody a single thing, except to love one another ; for he that loves his fellow man has fulfilled the law ."-Romans 13 :6-8, NW . 18 For obeying these Theocratic instructions Jehovah's witnesses cannot truthfully be called "anarchists" against the governments of this world. The Bible account shows that the apostle Paul, who wrote Romans, chapter 13, was respectful to earthly kings and considered their position, power and responsibility . And so were other servants of God who are reported on . Hence all the charges that they were seditionists, upsetters of the world, propagandists of unlawful customs, etc ., were proved false . Acts 16 :19-21 ; 17 :6-8 ; 24 :10-13 ; 25 :8, 10, 11 ; 26 :1-3, 7,19, 30-32 We conscientiously render to "Caesar" what belongs to such worldly ruling power . But we know, too, that Caesar is not first in his claims . We put first things first . We have come to know that Jehovah God is the Supreme Authority of heaven and earth and that he appointed Jesus Christ to be a Superior Authority ; and faithful subjection to these Superior Authorities means everlasting life to us . 18 . What proves we cannot truthfully be called "anarchists" for obeying such Theocratic instructions? What do we know on this?


for tax, the tax ; to him who calls for fear, such<br />

fear ; to him who calls for honor, such honor . Do<br />

not be owing anybody a single thing, except to<br />

love one another ; for he that loves his fellow man<br />

has fulfilled the law ."-Romans 13 :6-8, NW .<br />

18 For obeying these Theocratic instructions Jehovah's<br />

witnesses cannot truthfully be called<br />

"anarchists" against the governments of this<br />

world. The Bible account shows that the apostle<br />

Paul, who wrote Romans, chapter 13, was respectful<br />

to earthly kings and considered their<br />

position, power and responsibility . And so were<br />

other servants of God who are reported on .<br />

Hence all the charges that they were seditionists,<br />

upsetters of the world, propagandists of unlawful<br />

customs, etc ., were proved false . Acts 16 :19-21 ;<br />

17 :6-8 ; 24 :10-13 ; 25 :8, 10, 11 ; 26 :1-3, 7,19, 30-32<br />

We conscientiously render to "Caesar" what belongs<br />

to such worldly ruling power . But we know,<br />

too, that Caesar is not first in his claims . We put<br />

first things first . We have come to know that Jehovah<br />

God is the Supreme Authority of heaven<br />

and earth and that he appointed Jesus Christ to<br />

be a Superior Authority ; and faithful subjection<br />

to these Superior Authorities means everlasting<br />

life to us .<br />

18 . What proves we cannot truthfully be called "anarchists"<br />

for obeying such Theocratic instructions?<br />

What do we know on this?

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