1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


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liver the genuine faith to the true congregation<br />

of God . The apostolic command is, "Do not treat<br />

prophesyings with contempt. Make sure of all<br />

things ; hold fast to what is right ." And the apostle<br />

Paul himself submitted to having the message<br />

he delivered subjected to proof by the already<br />

written Hebrew Scriptures of the ancient prophets<br />

. His listeners at Beroea received Paul's word<br />

with the greatest readiness of mind, but "carefully<br />

examining the Scriptures daily as to whether<br />

these things were so" . In urging Christians in<br />

later times to go back always to the original for<br />

the pure, true faith Paul wrote : "There are certain<br />

ones who are disturbing you and wanting to<br />

pervert the good news about the Christ. However,<br />

even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare<br />

to you as good news something beyond what<br />

we declared to you as good news, let him be accursed<br />

."-1 Thessalonians 5 :20, 21 and Acts 17 :11<br />

and Galatians 1 :7, 8, NW.<br />

e<br />

The apostles fought hard to uphold the common<br />

faith of the congregation of the first century.<br />

Now for us to get away from the sectarian<br />

creeds and religious confusion of this century we<br />

must turn back to their common faith that was<br />

delivered once for all time . It is contained unchanged<br />

in the inspired Scriptures of the Bible .<br />

Both Moses, the writer of the first books of the<br />

Bible, and the apostle John, the writer of the last<br />

books of the Bible, wrote down God's warning<br />

against adding uninspired religious traditions of<br />

men to God's Word once delivered to his people .<br />

-Deuteronomy 4 :2 ; Revelation 22 :18 .

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