1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


LOVE ESSENTIAL TO ETERNAL LIFE 179 fest in our case, because God sent forth his onlybegotten Son into the world that we might gain life through him. The love is in this respect, not that we have loved God, but that he loved us and sent forth his Son as a propitiatory sacrifice for our sins . Beloved ones, if this is how God loved us, then we are ourselves under obligation to love one another. . . . God is love, and he that remains in love remains in union with God and God remains in union with him."-1 John 4 :8-11, 16, NW. 13 There is no everlasting life without this godly quality. We must have it to prove worthy of God's gift of life through Jesus Christ, for our faith in God and in his dear Son must operate through love . This supreme requirement for gaining and enjoying everlasting happiness and blessing is set forth in an incident in Jesus' life : "A certain man versed in the Law rose up, to test him out, and said : Teacher, by doing what shall I inherit everlasting life?' He said to him : What is written in the Law? How do you read?' In answer he said : "'You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole strength and with your whole mind," and, "your neighbor as yourself ."' He said to him : You answered correctly; "keep on doing this and you will get life ." ' " Luke 10 : 25-28, NW Jesus said that on these two great commandments the whole law of Moses and all the writings of the prophets of God depend. This means that the purpose of the Law and prophetic writings is 13. How did Jesus explain we must have love to gain endless life?

180 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" to urge all of us to keep these two great commandments .-Matthew 22 :37-40 . 1.4 If knowing God and Christ Jesus means everlasting life to us, then we must know their love and we must love them and our fellow creatures even as They loved both us and our neighbors . We must learn to know how their matchless love expressed itself toward us and we must appreciate what it means to be loved by them that way . We can love and copy a person whom we know. And so we respond by gratefully taking advantage of all the provisions for life that God has made for us through Christ Jesus . This brings us into relationship with God and we begin to increase in our feel of God's love and also to increase our own love for him. We must prove this love to God, not with mere words of lip-service, but with deeds in which we put our hearts . This we do by loving what God loves and hating what God hates and by keeping his commandments . 1 John 2 :15 ; 5 :3 This obligates us to love our fellow creatures for whom God gave his Son to die . If we do not love these, we cannot really know God, for we are not exercising his most outstanding quality ; we show we are ignoring this quality and are lacking in the spirit of God . If we do not love our neighbor whom we have seen, how can we love God whom we have not seen? 1 John 4 :20 We cannot do so . Hence we must love God and our neighbor . Since to know God means for us to copy him, we must love . This is essential to our eternal life . 1 4 . So our knowing God and Christ in what respect means life?


to urge all of us to keep these two great commandments<br />

.-Matthew 22 :37-40 .<br />

1.4<br />

If knowing God and Christ Jesus means everlasting<br />

life to us, then we must know their love<br />

and we must love them and our fellow creatures<br />

even as They loved both us and our neighbors .<br />

We must learn to know how their matchless love<br />

expressed itself toward us and we must appreciate<br />

what it means to be loved by them that way .<br />

We can love and copy a person whom we know.<br />

And so we respond by gratefully taking advantage<br />

of all the provisions for life that God has made<br />

for us through Christ Jesus . <strong>This</strong> brings us into<br />

relationship with God and we begin to increase in<br />

our feel of God's love and also to increase our own<br />

love for him. We must prove this love to God, not<br />

with mere words of lip-service, but with deeds in<br />

which we put our hearts . <strong>This</strong> we do by loving<br />

what God loves and hating what God hates and by<br />

keeping his commandments . 1 John 2 :15 ; 5 :3<br />

<strong>This</strong> obligates us to love our fellow creatures for<br />

whom God gave his Son to die . If we do not love<br />

these, we cannot really know God, for we are not<br />

exercising his most outstanding quality ; we show<br />

we are ignoring this quality and are lacking in the<br />

spirit of God . If we do not love our neighbor whom<br />

we have seen, how can we love God whom we have<br />

not seen? 1 John 4 :20 We cannot do so . Hence<br />

we must love God and our neighbor . Since to<br />

know God means for us to copy him, we must love .<br />

<strong>This</strong> is essential to our eternal life .<br />

1 4 . So our knowing God and Christ in what respect<br />

means life?

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