1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


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me from when I began . . . . It is for your benefit I<br />

am going away . For if I do not go away, the helper<br />

will by no means come to you ; but if I do go<br />

my way, I will send him to you . . . . However,<br />

when that one arrives, the spirit of the truth, he<br />

will guide you into all the truth, for he will not<br />

speak of his own impulse, but what things he<br />

hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the<br />

things coming. That one will glorify me, because<br />

he will receive from what is mine and will declare<br />

it to you ."-John 14 :16,17, 25, 26 and 15 :26, 27<br />

and 16 :7-14, NW.<br />

3 After his resurrection from the dead Jesus appeared<br />

and told them to remain in Jerusalem until<br />

they became "clothed with power from on<br />

high". "Because John, indeed, baptized with water,<br />

but you will be baptized in holy spirit not<br />

many days after this ." Luke 24 :49 and Acts<br />

1 :4,5, NW Such language by Jesus gives us to<br />

understand that the spirit is a power, and not a<br />

person . It is God's holy active force of which he<br />

is the inexhaustible source . He gives it to Jesus<br />

and it is subject to Jesus' use and control . True<br />

to his promise, Jesus sent this helping force to<br />

his faithful disciples in Jerusalem on the feast day<br />

of Pentecost and they were baptized in it, just as<br />

a niece of steel can be immersed in a field of<br />

magnetism. Its coming upon them was accompanied<br />

by a rushing stiff breeze and by tongues as<br />

if of fire distributed to each of the company, about<br />

120 in number. They were all filled with spirit,<br />

3. What is that "helper", and how was it given at<br />


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