1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


WOMAN'S PRIVILEGES 155 who are now women cannot become heirs of the heavenly kingdom. The Christian Greek Scriptures report many women who became joint heirs with Christ. But it is not as creatures of flesh and blood of the female sex that they will finally enter God's kingdom . They have now been born from water and spirit and are a "new creation" in union with Christ . When they die a sacrificial death with Christ, they cease forever from the flesh, and in the resurrection to heavenly life, the apostle Paul says, they as well as their faithful brothers will be "changed" to spirit creatures, females no longer . All will form Christ's bride . s In proof that all those now in spiritual union with Christ are a "new creation" Galatians 3 :26- 29 reminds them : "You are all, in fact, sons of God through your faith in Christ Jesus . For all of you who were baptized into Christ have put on Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male nor female ; for you are all one in union with Christ Jesus . Moreover, if you belong to Christ, you are really Abraham's seed, heirs with reference to a promise ." NW There is no distinction as to male and female, in that all were privileged to accept the true faith, devote themselves to God, be decl ared righteous and be baptized into union with Christ Jesus. Equally with the males, the female Christians hold hopes of living and ruling as kings with Christ for a thousand years and being priests of God and of Christ . All are "living 3 . In what respects is there neither male nor female in Christ?

156 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" stones" now being built up into a spiritual house in which God dwells by his spirit, that they may offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Christ. All alike are anointed with the spirit and may serve God now, imitating Jesus, suffering reproach with him, and praising God daily as his ministers . All anointed believers, male and female, have God's adoption as his sons . 4 Nevertheless, these believers united with Christ are still in the flesh, and the great Theocratic Ruler of the Christian congregation takes recognition of that fact and lays down rules accordingly . Because he recognizes the sex distinctions in their flesh the great Theocrat grants them the privilege of becoming husband and wife and of raising children. At the same time he warns members of the congregation against committing any sexual abuses . Likewise God takes sex into account in ordering certain arrangements within the congregation . By so doing he does not make any unrighteous, unwarranted discrimination . He does no one any injury but makes provision for the good and happiness of all . The Theocratic Creator has the right to do with his own creatures and organization what his perfect will dictates, and no creature has the right to complain and say : "Why did you make me this way and put me here or there?" It is a great privilege and honor to serve the Most High God in any position high or low and under subjection to any other or all other servants appointed by God . Even Christ Jesus is subject to 4. In what ways does God show regard for their sex distinctions?


who are now women cannot become heirs of the<br />

heavenly kingdom. The Christian Greek Scriptures<br />

report many women who became joint heirs<br />

with Christ. But it is not as creatures of flesh and<br />

blood of the female sex that they will finally enter<br />

God's kingdom . They have now been born from<br />

water and spirit and are a "new creation" in union<br />

with Christ . When they die a sacrificial death<br />

with Christ, they cease forever from the flesh,<br />

and in the resurrection to heavenly life, the apostle<br />

Paul says, they as well as their faithful brothers<br />

will be "changed" to spirit creatures, females<br />

no longer . All will form Christ's bride .<br />

s In proof that all those now in spiritual union<br />

with Christ are a "new creation" Galatians 3 :26-<br />

29 reminds them : "You are all, in fact, sons of<br />

God through your faith in Christ Jesus . For all<br />

of you who were baptized into Christ have put on<br />

Christ. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is<br />

neither slave nor freeman, there is neither male<br />

nor female ; for you are all one in union with<br />

Christ Jesus . Moreover, if you belong to Christ,<br />

you are really Abraham's seed, heirs with reference<br />

to a promise ." NW There is no distinction<br />

as to male and female, in that all were privileged<br />

to accept the true faith, devote themselves to God,<br />

be decl ared righteous and be baptized into union<br />

with Christ Jesus. Equally with the males, the<br />

female Christians hold hopes of living and ruling<br />

as kings with Christ for a thousand years and<br />

being priests of God and of Christ . All are "living<br />

3 . In what respects is there neither male nor female in<br />


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