1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


HOW TO BECOME A PREACHER 139 10 Three and ahalf years later the apostle Peter preached at a private home to those who were the first uncircumcised Gentiles to believe the message and find acceptance with Jehovah . God While Peter was preaching to those Gentiles at the home of Cornelius, God through the glorified Jesus poured out the holy spirit upon those Gentile believers . At once they began preaching, in miraculously bestowed foreign tongues . In the case of these first Gentile believers their baptis in water followed their being anointed with the spirit and ordained to preacḥ Just the same, their water baptism followed the thing which it symbolized, namely, their believing the message and dedicating themselves to God through the righteousness of Jesus Christ .-Acts 10 : 1-48. 11 Proving that it is God through Jesus that ordains and anoints his consecrated preachers, 2 Corinthians 1 :21, 22 NW says : "But he who guarantees that you and we belong to Christ and he who has anointed us is Goḍ He has also put his seal upon us and has given us the token of what is to come, that is, the spirit, in our hearts ." That spirit or active force of God is an instructive, enlightening force that opens up the Scriptures to the preachers and also guides and strengthens them to proclaim the truth . The apostle John makes that point: "And you have an anointing from the holy one ; all of you have knowledge . I write you, not because you do not know the truth, 10. How were the first Gentile believers made preacher 11 . Who anoints preachers? What does his spirit do for them?

140 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" but because you know it, and because no lie originates with the truth . These things I write you about those who are trying to mislead you . And as for you, the anointing that you received from him remains in you, and you do not need anyone to be teaching you ; but, as the anointing from him is teaching you about all things, and is true and is no lie, and just as it has taught you, remain in union with him ." 1 John 2 :20,21,26,27, NW They must be faithful, fearless preachers of the truth before they can gain the covenanted Kingdom . 12 Before they were given the divine appoin ment to announce his message they had to come to a knowledge of the truth, to know what to announce. Now that they have been ordained by God, they must more diligently than ever study God's Word under the guidance of his spirit of truth in order to learn and preach the full counsel of God, advancing the education of their listeners with the advancement of the . truth Since the ones anointed with the spirit are heirs of the heavenly kingdom jointly with Christ Jesus, they, like him, must fulfill the divine requirement of kings of Israel. They must study God's Word and abide by it, adding no contradictory doctrines to it nor taking away any of its truths . Deuteronomy 17 :18-20 This is very necessary to the saving of the preachers themselves as well as the savin of those hearing them . "Continue applying yourself to public reading, to exhortation, to teach- 12 . What are anointed preachers required to study? Why so?


but because you know it, and because no lie originates<br />

with the truth . These things I write you<br />

about those who are trying to mislead you . And<br />

as for you, the anointing that you received from<br />

him remains in you, and you do not need anyone<br />

to be teaching you ; but, as the anointing from<br />

him is teaching you about all things, and is true<br />

and is no lie, and just as it has taught you, remain<br />

in union with him ." 1 John 2 :20,21,26,27,<br />

NW They must be faithful, fearless preachers<br />

of the truth before they can gain the covenanted<br />

Kingdom .<br />

12<br />

Before they were given the divine appoin<br />

ment to announce his message they had to come<br />

to a knowledge of the truth, to know what to announce.<br />

Now that they have been ordained by<br />

God, they must more diligently than ever study<br />

God's Word under the guidance of his spirit of<br />

truth in order to learn and preach the full counsel<br />

of God, advancing the education of their listeners<br />

with the advancement of the . truth Since<br />

the ones anointed with the spirit are heirs of the<br />

heavenly kingdom jointly with Christ Jesus, they,<br />

like him, must fulfill the divine requirement of<br />

kings of Israel. They must study God's Word and<br />

abide by it, adding no contradictory doctrines to<br />

it nor taking away any of its truths . Deuteronomy<br />

17 :18-20 <strong>This</strong> is very necessary to the saving<br />

of the preachers themselves as well as the savin<br />

of those hearing them . "Continue applying yourself<br />

to public reading, to exhortation, to teach-<br />

12 . What are anointed preachers required to study?<br />

Why so?

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