1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


THEOCRATIC ORGANI ATION 125 monious, melodious sounds, just so an organization is an arrangement with which to work or do a deed. God's organization is an orderly, wellconnected arrangement of his devoted, obedient creatures in order for them to work together toward a common end and in harmony with his purpose, doing so in peace and oneness, without clash or conflict, with efficiency and a comfortable state of heart and mind . God's organization is at one with itself. All its members are at one with its great Organizer, Jehovah God, and at one with their obedient fellow members . God's perfect wisdom made his holy universal organization that way. 3 The organization of the Christian congregation is Theocratic, because God is its organizer and is its top director at all times . It operates Theocratically, because it functions by taking orders from God down through his Son Jesus Christ, and not up from the organization members below. Nineteen centuries ago God by his Son Jesus Christ set up this Theocratic organization among men . Being on earth, it is an organization visible to men . But as it is composed of those begotten by God to heavenly life it is a part of Jehovah's great universal organization which he governs . Being Theocratic, it is not nationalistic nor infected with any kind of national politics, whether democratic, communistic, Nazi, fascistic, imperialistic, or otherwise . Though drawn from all nations, its members obey the divine command to 3 . How is the congregation Theocratic as to organization?

126 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" keep on seeking first God's kingdom and his righteousness .-Matthew 6 :33 . 4 Jehovah the great Theocrat made his obedient Son Jesus Christ the Head member of the new Theocratic organization . "He also subjected all things under his feet, and made him head over all things to the congregation, which is his body ." Ephesians 1 :22, 23, NW When he likens those of the congregation under Jesus the Head to a human body, it shows that the true congregation must be organized Theocratically, for God's creation of the perfect human body is a marvelous organization, with many parts, all performing their special functions and yet all knit together in one harmonious whole. When a justified believer is baptized into the "body of Christ" and so becomes a member of the Theocratic organization, he comes under C h r i s t Jesus the H e a d and so comes under certain responsibilities and cannot act independently of the one whom God has made Head of the organization to direct it. He must submit himself to organization instructions, "holding fast to the head, to the one from whom all the body, being supplied and harmoniously joined together by means of its joints and ligaments, goes on growing with the growth which God gives."-Colossians 2 :19, NW. 5 Now as the perfect human body of Jesus had just so many members to make it complete, no more, no less, so the complete "body of Christ", 4 . Who was made its Head? How does a member act Theocratically? 5 . How was the number of its members foretold and disclosed?


monious, melodious sounds, just so an <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

is an arrangement with which to work or do<br />

a deed. God's <strong>org</strong>anization is an orderly, wellconnected<br />

arrangement of his devoted, obedient<br />

creatures in order for them to work together toward<br />

a common end and in harmony with his<br />

purpose, doing so in peace and oneness, without<br />

clash or conflict, with efficiency and a comfortable<br />

state of heart and mind . God's <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

is at one with itself. All its members are at one<br />

with its great Organizer, Jehovah God, and at<br />

one with their obedient fellow members . God's<br />

perfect wisdom made his holy universal <strong>org</strong>anization<br />

that way.<br />

3 The <strong>org</strong>anization of the Christian congregation<br />

is Theocratic, because God is its <strong>org</strong>anizer<br />

and is its top director at all times . It operates<br />

Theocratically, because it functions by taking orders<br />

from God down through his Son Jesus Christ,<br />

and not up from the <strong>org</strong>anization members below.<br />

Nineteen centuries ago God by his Son Jesus<br />

Christ set up this Theocratic <strong>org</strong>anization among<br />

men . Being on earth, it is an <strong>org</strong>anization visible<br />

to men . But as it is composed of those begotten<br />

by God to heavenly life it is a part of Jehovah's<br />

great universal <strong>org</strong>anization which he governs .<br />

Being Theocratic, it is not nationalistic nor infected<br />

with any kind of national politics, whether<br />

democratic, communistic, Nazi, fascistic, imperialistic,<br />

or otherwise . Though drawn from all nations,<br />

its members obey the divine command to<br />

3 . How is the congregation Theocratic as to <strong>org</strong>anization?

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