1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


A NEW COVENANT FOR GOD'S PEOPLE 111 from among the worldly nations a people for God's name.-Exodus 19 :5,6, AAT. 12 The purpose of the new covenant is to take out of the nations a people for Jehovah's name, a people on whom his name is called . The natural Israelites were given the first opportunity to enter into the new covenant, escaping from the curse of the old covenant through faith in the impaled Jesus Christ, the Mediator of the new covenant . Only a remnant of some thousands of natural Israelites did so, but not enough of them to make up the full number of people for Jehovah's name . For a week of years following Christ's appearing Jehovah extended the natural Jews the exclusive privilege, and then God sent Symeon Peter to convert the first Gentile to Christianity . "Symeon has related thoroughly how God for the first time turned his attention to the nations to take out of them a people for his name." Acts 15 :14, NW All those taken into the new covenant, natural Jew and natural Gentile, were anointed with God's spirit and made spiritual Israelites . The natural Jews that did not believe proved they were not real Israelites : "for he is not a Jew that is one on the outside, nor is circumcision that which is on the outside upon the flesh . But he is a Jew that is one on the inside, and his circumcision is that of the heart by spirit, and not by a written code." Romans 2 :28,29, NW These spiritual Israelites constitute Jehovah's "very own out of all the peoples" and become a "kingdom of 12 . What is its purpose? Who have been brought into it?

112 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" priests" and a "holy nation" to him . At the annual Memorial celebration of our Lord's evening meal, these rightly eat the bread and drink of the cup which Jesus said "means the new covenant by virtue of my blood" .-1 Corinthians 11 :25, NW. 13 Moses ratified or inaugurated the old Law covenant at Mount Sinai, the mountain of God, when he sprinkled both the book of the Law and the people with the blood of the sacrificial animals . In behalf of the new covenant the Mediator Jesus ascended to heaven forty days after his resurrection from death and presented to God the value or merit of his earthly human sacrifice . Ten days after ascending, Jesus applied to his devoted followers on earth the benefit of the blood of his human sacrifice, manifesting this by pouring out upon them the holy spirit which he had received from God who accepted his sacrifice . Thus Christ Jesus on the heavenly mountain of God inaugurated the new covenant toward his faithful disciples on that day of Pentecost . Exodus 24 :1-8 ; Hebrews 9 :15-20 ; Acts 2 :1-18 Today, after nineteen centuries of operation, the new covenant is nearing its end in full success, taking out the full number of people for Jehovah's name from among all the nations. From the least of these to the greatest of these, they "know Jehovah", whom to know means everlasting life through Jesus Christ, the Mediator whom he sent forth .-Jeremiah 31 :34, ASV . 1 3 . When and how was the new covenant inaugurated? Toward whom?


from among the worldly nations a people for God's<br />

name.-Exodus 19 :5,6, AAT.<br />

12<br />

The purpose of the new covenant is to take<br />

out of the nations a people for Jehovah's name,<br />

a people on whom his name is called . The natural<br />

Israelites were given the first opportunity to enter<br />

into the new covenant, escaping from the curse<br />

of the old covenant through faith in the impaled<br />

Jesus Christ, the Mediator of the new covenant .<br />

Only a remnant of some thousands of natural<br />

Israelites did so, but not enough of them to make<br />

up the full number of people for Jehovah's name .<br />

For a week of years following Christ's appearing<br />

Jehovah extended the natural Jews the exclusive<br />

privilege, and then God sent Symeon Peter to<br />

convert the first Gentile to Christianity . "Symeon<br />

has related thoroughly how God for the first time<br />

turned his attention to the nations to take out of<br />

them a people for his name." Acts 15 :14, NW<br />

All those taken into the new covenant, natural<br />

Jew and natural Gentile, were anointed with God's<br />

spirit and made spiritual Israelites . The natural<br />

Jews that did not believe proved they were not<br />

real Israelites : "for he is not a Jew that is one<br />

on the outside, nor is circumcision that which is<br />

on the outside upon the flesh . But he is a Jew<br />

that is one on the inside, and his circumcision is<br />

that of the heart by spirit, and not by a written<br />

code." Romans 2 :28,29, NW These spiritual<br />

Israelites constitute Jehovah's "very own out of<br />

all the peoples" and become a "kingdom of<br />

12 . What is its purpose? Who have been brought into it?

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