1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


A NEW COVENANT FOR GOD'S PEOPLE 105 sus became the mediator of the promised new covenant by virtue of the perfect sacrifice of himself. Moses had been the mediator of the Law covenant with Israel, and because he was an imperfect descendant from Adam he could not offer the better sacrifice for a covenant that actually could take human sins away . Moses prophesied that Jehovah God would raise up from the Israelites a prophet like Moses but far greater than Moses. Deuteronomy 18 :15-18 Jesus became that prophet greater than Moses . Like Moses he became the mediator of a covenant, but a perfect mediator of a better covenant . "But now Jesus has obtained a more excellent public service, so

106 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" that he is also the mediator of a correspondingly better covenant, which has been legally established upon better promises ." Hebrews 8 :6, NW "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, a man Christ Jesus, who gave himself a corresponding ransom for all-this is what is to be witnessed to at its own particular times ." -1 Timothy 2 :5,6, NW. 6 Under the old Law covenant there was a priesthood in the Levite family of Aaron, with Aaron as high priest, and all the rest of the tribe of Levi were made temple servants of this Aaronic priesthood. These priests of the tribe of Levi were all sinful descendants of Adam and under the condemnation of death . Moreover, because they were under the Mosaic law and were condemned as violators of it, they were under the curse of the Law. The animals they sacrificed on the altar could not take away sins . So those priests could not individually continue in office forever, but died off and had to be replaced by new priests . Certainly, then, the old Law covenant could not make anything perfect, because of the weakness, imperfection and sinfulness of the human flesh contaminated by Adam's sin . So Jesus was made Jehovah's High Priest for a better ministry, not by being descended from the tribe of Levi and family of Aaron, but by Jehovah's oath at Psalm 110 :4 concerning the priesthood like Melchizedek's. By his perfect sacrifice of himself he proved 6 . How did Jesus become a better priest than Levite priests?


that he is also the mediator of a correspondingly<br />

better covenant, which has been legally established<br />

upon better promises ." Hebrews 8 :6, NW<br />

"For there is one God, and one mediator between<br />

God and men, a man Christ Jesus, who gave himself<br />

a corresponding ransom for all-this is what<br />

is to be witnessed to at its own particular times ."<br />

-1 Timothy 2 :5,6, NW.<br />

6<br />

Under the old Law covenant there was a<br />

priesthood in the Levite family of Aaron, with<br />

Aaron as high priest, and all the rest of the tribe<br />

of Levi were made temple servants of this Aaronic<br />

priesthood. These priests of the tribe of Levi<br />

were all sinful descendants of Adam and under<br />

the condemnation of death . Moreover, because<br />

they were under the Mosaic law and were condemned<br />

as violators of it, they were under the<br />

curse of the Law. The animals they sacrificed on<br />

the altar could not take away sins . So those priests<br />

could not individually continue in office forever,<br />

but died off and had to be replaced by new priests .<br />

Certainly, then, the old Law covenant could not<br />

make anything perfect, because of the weakness,<br />

imperfection and sinfulness of the human flesh<br />

contaminated by Adam's sin . So Jesus was made<br />

Jehovah's High Priest for a better ministry, not<br />

by being descended from the tribe of Levi and<br />

family of Aaron, but by Jehovah's oath at Psalm<br />

110 :4 concerning the priesthood like Melchizedek's.<br />

By his perfect sacrifice of himself he proved<br />

6 . How did Jesus become a better priest than Levite<br />


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