1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org

1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org 1950 This Means Everlasting Life - A2Z.org


"THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" 11 you sent forth, Jesus Christ ." All the other knowledge in the world is nothing compared with the knowledge taken in of the two most important Persons in the universe, the only true God and the one he sent into the world, Jesus Christ . Our gaining knowledge of Them and believing it means everlasting life for us in the righteous new world now near. How could we accept the gift of everlasting life from God through Jesus Christ unless we knew about it and about how to win it? Such life-giving knowledge is most important for us to get . By these pages we are on our way to get it . We must continue taking in such knowledge . T Jesus Christ does not address his heavenly Father as a mystifying "triune" God, but as "the only true God" ; and he speaks of himself as the inferior one, the Son whom the Father sent forth from heaven. Stressing his own inferiority to God his Father, Jesus said just previously that same night to his faithful followers there : "A slave is not greater than his master, nor is one that is sent forth greater than the one that sent him . The Son is the Chief Servant of the only real God and is subject to him in carrying out the divine purpose of bringing everlasting life to dying mankind . On earth the Son honored God and recommended him to mankind. That is why we hear him say : "I have glorified you on the earth, having finished the work you have given me to do . So now you, Father, glorify me alongside yourself uoted from John 13 :16, New World Translation . 7 . What report did he make to his Father, and with what request?

12 "THIS MEANS EVERLASTING LIFE" with the glory which I had alongside you before the world was." In making this report to his heavenly Father of successfully finishing the work meant for him on earth, the Son discloses that he had had life before becoming a man . This could only have been heavenly life as a spirit Son, and he had it already before the earth was made and man was created on it . The life up there was a glorious one, and the Son prays his heavenly Father to glorify him with his prehuman glory, with heavenly glory. The Son shows his willingness to sacrifice his human life forever with such glory in view. His Father must glorify him by a resurrection from the dead to life in heaven in personal association with the only true God . ,'In carrying out the work given him to do, what did the Son do? Hear his report to his Father and Head : "I have made your name manifest to the men you gave me out of the world . They were yours, and you gave them to me, and they have observed your word . They have now come to know that all the things you gave me are from you ; because the sayings that you gave me I have given to them, and they have received them and have certainly come to know that I came out as your representative, and they have believed that you sent me forth ." Here a remarkable fact is reported. Jesus testifies that his Father has a name and that he made that name manifest to his followers . This was comparable to the mission of Moses 8 . What remarkable fact does he report, making him like Moses?


you sent forth, Jesus Christ ." All the other knowledge<br />

in the world is nothing compared with the<br />

knowledge taken in of the two most important<br />

Persons in the universe, the only true God and the<br />

one he sent into the world, Jesus Christ . Our gaining<br />

knowledge of Them and believing it means<br />

everlasting life for us in the righteous new world<br />

now near. How could we accept the gift of everlasting<br />

life from God through Jesus Christ unless<br />

we knew about it and about how to win it? Such<br />

life-giving knowledge is most important for us to<br />

get . By these pages we are on our way to get it .<br />

We must continue taking in such knowledge .<br />

T Jesus Christ does not address his heavenly<br />

Father as a mystifying "triune" God, but as "the<br />

only true God" ; and he speaks of himself as the<br />

inferior one, the Son whom the Father sent forth<br />

from heaven. Stressing his own inferiority to God<br />

his Father, Jesus said just previously that same<br />

night to his faithful followers there : "A slave is<br />

not greater than his master, nor is one that is<br />

sent forth greater than the one that sent him .<br />

The Son is the Chief Servant of the only real God<br />

and is subject to him in carrying out the divine<br />

purpose of bringing everlasting life to dying mankind<br />

. On earth the Son honored God and recommended<br />

him to mankind. That is why we hear him<br />

say : "I have glorified you on the earth, having<br />

finished the work you have given me to do . So<br />

now you, Father, glorify me alongside yourself<br />

uoted from John 13 :16, New World Translation .<br />

7 . What report did he make to his Father, and with<br />

what request?

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