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-52 -<br />

ings and the latter presided at the session of the district conference,<br />

so the work has not been entirely without supervision.<br />

\Vhen it is remembered that most of the year the district suffered<br />

the disadvantage of an absent presiding elder there are many<br />

encouragements. For the most part preachers and teachers<br />

have been faithful and the members, though most of them<br />

are extremely poor, have contributed liberally to the support of<br />

their pastors and the benevolences of the church.<br />

At Deng-seng, a class belonging to the Tang-tau circuit,<br />

$160. Mexican have been contributed towards a much needed<br />

chapel. An excellent site has been secured and the foundation<br />

begun. Notwithstanding their funds are inadequate to complete<br />

the building, they are proceding with strong faith that their need<br />

will be supplied. '$75. "rill enable them to finish the enterprise<br />

and give them a commodious chapel which ought soon to become<br />

the center of a large circuit. For years they have worshipped<br />

in the main room of the house of one of the members, "'ho<br />

before his conversion, was the most noted sorcerer in the neighborhood,<br />

but now a humble, grateful follo'wer of the Lord. I<br />

spent a night there and held service. It was harvest time and<br />

the room used for a chapel was about half filled with wheat in<br />

the straw waiting for threshing time. As we sang, prayed and<br />

talked together of God's wonderful goodness \ve were constrained<br />

to say the most High dwelleth not in temples made with hands.<br />

At Geng-tau-Ieu, Ngu-cang and Deng-nang-bieng on the<br />

N gieu-seu circuit the people have done nobly in providing places<br />

for worship.<br />

There has been some advallcement on most of the circuits.<br />

Preachers and people are full of hope for the future. They<br />

believe the two series of meetings for prayer and consecration<br />

have already borne fruit in quickening the spiritual life throughout<br />

the district. Hai-tang has suffered on account of insufficient<br />

supervision and is greatly in need of your prayers and sympathy.<br />

We are planted in the strategic points, the foundation is well<br />

laid, the people are accessible; it only remains for us to press<br />

the fight and the whole group of islands may be won for Christ.<br />

South long-bing District.<br />

DrONG SEUK Buo, Presiding Elder.<br />

Last year the long-bing district was divided into north and<br />

south. The northern district was given to my son Giu Hua<br />

and I thought that he could help me a great deal but it was very<br />

•<br />

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