Revelation 9 - Lake Erie Bible Church

Revelation 9 - Lake Erie Bible Church

Revelation 9 - Lake Erie Bible Church


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Chapter 9<br />


A. First, Paul makes the observation that an idol is nothing; it has no life in and of<br />

itself. 1Cor.8:4<br />

B. Second, when people offer sacrifices to these inanimate representations they are<br />

offering them to demons, not to God. 1Cor.10:20<br />

C. Therefore, while the stone, wood, and other representations are powerless, there<br />

is the very real power of demons that is operative behind the scenes.<br />

29. The term transliterated “idols/e i ; d w l o n – eidolon” strictly means a form, copy or<br />

figure as an object that resembles a person, animal, or spirit that is worshiped as God.<br />

30. The Greek conjunction k a i. – kai normally translated “and”, should be understood<br />

epexegetically that makes the demons and the idols synonymous (one explains the<br />

other).<br />

31. This is certainly one of mankind’s oldest vices and serves to indicate that human<br />

nature has an inherently religious bent. Gen.31:19; Jos.24:2<br />

32. Those that engage in this type of activity are in direct violation of the WOG that<br />

forbids making or worshipping any image. Exo.20:4-5; Lev.19:4; 26:1; Deu.4:15-19;<br />

27:15<br />

33. The images in view are composed of various materials, beginning with the most<br />

valuable and moving to the least valuable.<br />

34. Each of the materials presented in this idol worship symbolically has a counterpart<br />

found in the teaching of true Christianity; gold (Deity), silver (redemption),<br />

brass/bronze (judgment), stone (the Law, LXX Exo.24:12) and wood (humanity).<br />

35. This looks to the counterfeit found in religiosity of man inventing their own god to<br />

secure their salvation based on their own inventions of prescribed judgments and law<br />

to facilitate mankind’s relative righteousness as the standard for their religion.<br />

36. Whereas true Christianity teaches that only in the Person of Christ can these true<br />

attributes be found, pagan idolatry (religiosity) believes man can manufacture these<br />

things on their own merit and works. Cp.2Cor.11:14<br />

37. The depreciated value presented in the listing implies that while mans religious<br />

approach to God may seem to have inherent value as perceived by the physical world,<br />

its spiritual value ultimately depreciates into nothing more than material noted as fuel<br />

for burning. Rev.19:20; 21:8<br />

38. That religion is the product of man’s works further implies man’s efforts to<br />

manufacture the POG in reaching out to God compared to God reaching out to men as<br />

the Divine designer of His plan.<br />

39. Since the Western Hemisphere is no longer a factor in this, John must be focusing<br />

primarily on those that still survive in Europe eastward toward Asia.<br />

40. The fact that the eastern religions are heavily involved in both idol and demon<br />

worship is likely not news to any of us.<br />

41. The Hindu religion has over 330 million gods, and they fully believe that idol<br />

worship is a natural, healthy method to approach religion and make no apologies for<br />

it believing it demonstrates their humility to bow before the idol.<br />

http://www.hinduwebsite.com/idols.htm<br />

42. Shinto belief worships the kami that include native deities (including emperors and<br />

heroes), spirits of nature, and mythical objects.<br />

<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

P-T Ken Reed<br />


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