Revelation 9 - Lake Erie Bible Church

Revelation 9 - Lake Erie Bible Church

Revelation 9 - Lake Erie Bible Church


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Chapter 9<br />


of their wings was like the sound of chariots, of many horses rushing to battle. kai,<br />

(cc) h ` f w n h , (d.a. + n-nf-s; "the sound") auvtw/n auvto,j (npgf3p; feminine gender) t w / n h `<br />

pteru,gwn pte,rux (d.a. + n-gf-p; "wings") w ` j (comp.conj.) fwnh, (n-nf-s) a ` r m a , t w n a [ r m a<br />

(n-gn-p; "chariots"; used 4x) pollw/n polu,j (a--gm-p; "of many") i[ppwn i[ppoj (n-gm-p;<br />

"horses") treco,ntwn tre,cw (adj.ptc./p/a/gm-p; "rushing forward/advancing") eivj (pa)<br />

po,lemon( po,lemoj (n-am-s; "battle")<br />

GNT<br />

<strong>Revelation</strong> 9:10 k a i . e ; c o u s i n o u v r a . j o ` m o i , a j s k o r p i , o i j k a i . k e , n t r a ( k a i . e v n t a i / j<br />

o u v r a i / j a u v t w / n h ` e v x o u s i , a a u v t w / n a v d i k h / s a i t o u . j a v n q r w , p o u j m h / n a j p e , n t e (<br />

NAS<br />

<strong>Revelation</strong> 9:10 And they have tails like scorpions, and stings; kai,<br />

(cc) e;cousin<br />

e ; c w (vipa--3p) o u v r a . j o u v r a , (n-af-p; "tails") o`moi,aj o[moioj (a--af-p; "resembling/like")<br />

skorpi,oij skorpi,oj (n-dm-p; "scorpions") kai, (cc) ke,ntra( ke,ntron (n-an-p; lit. sharp<br />

pointed object for piercing; "stings/stingers"; used 4x) and in their tails is their power<br />

to hurt men for five months. kai, (cc) e v n (pL) a u v t w / n a u v t o , j (npgf3p; feminine gender)<br />

tai/j h` ouvrai/j ouvra, (d.a. + n-Lf-p; "tails") auvtw/n auvto,j (npgf3p; feminine gender) h`<br />

e v x o u s i , a (d.a. + n-nf-s; "power") avdikh/sai avdike,w (inf.purp./aa; "to hurt/cause to<br />

suffer/injure") tou.j o` avnqrw,pouj a;nqrwpoj (d.a. + n-am-p) pe,nt e ( (card.adj./am-p;<br />

"five") mh/naj mh,n (n-am-p; "new moons/months")<br />

GNT<br />

<strong>Revelation</strong> 9:11 e;cousin evpV auvtw/n basile,a to.n a;ggelon th/j avbu,ssou( o;noma auvtw/|<br />

~ E b r a i ? s t i . V A b a d d w , n ( k a i . e v n t h / | ~ E l l h n i k h / | o ; n o m a e ; c e i V A p o l l u , w n Å<br />

NAS<br />

<strong>Revelation</strong> 9:11 They have as king over them, the angel of the abyss; e;cousin<br />

e ; c w (vipa--3p; "they keep on having") basile,a basileu,j (n-am-s; "as<br />

king/monarch/ruler") evpV evpi, (pg; "over") auvtw/n auvto,j (npgf3p; feminine gender) to.n<br />

o ` a ; g g e l o n a ; g g e l oj (d.a. + n-am-s) th/j h` avbu,ssou( a;bussoj (d.a. + n-gf-s; "the abyss")<br />

his name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in the Greek he has the name Apollyon. a u v t w / |<br />

a u v t o , j (npdm3s; "his"; change to masculine gender) o;noma (n-nn-s) ~ E b r a i ? s t i , (adv.; "in<br />

the Hebrew language") VAbaddw,n( (n-nm-s; "Abaddon/Destroyer") kai, (cc) e v n (pL) t h / |<br />

h` ~Ellhnikh/| ~Ellhniko,j (d.a. + ap-Lf-s; "the Greek") e;cei e;cw (vipa--3s) o;noma (n-ans)<br />

VApollu,wnÅ (n-nm-s; "Apollyon"; from the verb to destroy or ruin)<br />

<strong>Lake</strong> <strong>Erie</strong> <strong>Bible</strong> <strong>Church</strong><br />

P-T Ken Reed<br />


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