Resilience - University of Miami School of Architecture

Resilience - University of Miami School of Architecture

Resilience - University of Miami School of Architecture


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institutional<br />

RSMAS is a well respected top level instuon, but research and teaching take<br />

place in very fragmented, siloized ways. Faculty and students work on a range<br />

<strong>of</strong> marine and climate topics, but the school lacks a coherent sense <strong>of</strong> mission<br />

with regards to sustainability – humanisc values, connecon and purpose for<br />

local region. Lack <strong>of</strong> communicaon between researchers diminishes poten-<br />

al for learning synergies. A resilient instuon will have diversity <strong>of</strong> output<br />

within a clear values framework as well as strong communicaon between<br />

members. Strong academic instuons usually engage with their communi-<br />

es/regions which provide students, staff, and a learning environment –they<br />

need to act as engaged corporate cizens.<br />

Soluon:<br />

• Create more open lab and learning space.<br />

• Reverse par <strong>of</strong> major buildings so that circulaon is on exterior and facing on<br />

to posive open spaces.<br />

• Add housing to allow for core resident community, vising scholars, and more<br />

informal campus life which can strengthen community sensibility.<br />

• Facilitate the connecon between campus and its neighbors through improved<br />

physical connecons, provision <strong>of</strong> common space for shared meengs and conferences,<br />

enhance connecons to natural physical context.<br />

design inspiration<br />

• Ruins and tents: meless structures with adaptable skin<br />

• Structure <strong>of</strong> buildings inspired by marine forms (e.g. coral forms, whale and<br />

skeletons)<br />

program<br />

As has been outlined earlier, this project will use relavely expansive definion<br />

<strong>of</strong> program. Specific site and building intervenons will be designed with an<br />

eye to the immediate funconal needs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>School</strong>, but also with reference<br />

to the idea <strong>of</strong> resilient community. The proposal will include a combinaon <strong>of</strong><br />

structure, site and landscape intervenons which will support the school in its<br />

growth, as well as supporng the Virginia Key community and ecology.<br />

Intervenons will include the four primary funconal elements:<br />

1. Addional laboratory and research <strong>of</strong>fice space<br />

• +/- 60,000sf<br />

• Replace and update capacity <strong>of</strong> buildings to be removed<br />

• Provide addional capacity in specific areas<br />

• Emphasis on flexibility <strong>of</strong> space, and infrastructure adaptability<br />

• Hierarchy <strong>of</strong> systems, maximize passive strategies, fully condioned space only<br />

where needed<br />

• Strong physical and visual connecons to site<br />

• Minimize vulnerability to sea level rise and storm events<br />

2. Indoor and outdoor conference and social areas<br />

• +/- 10,000sf<br />

• Seminar spaces, larger informal gathering areas<br />

• Strong connecon to outdoor spaces<br />

3. Indoor Housing for graduate students and vising scholars<br />

• 24 units<br />

• 400-800sf range for units<br />

• Housing placement to enhance sense <strong>of</strong> community and extend acve use <strong>of</strong><br />

public areas<br />

• Design for adaptability to changing housing needs <strong>of</strong> community<br />

• Design for natural thermal comfort<br />

4. Coastal landscape and mangrove restoraon cells for habitat creaon and<br />

research<br />

• Ulize at-grade and rooop spaces for potenal habitat develpment<br />

• Design spaces in modular way to maximize potenal for quantave urban<br />

ecological research<br />

• Design to explicitly specified and achievable habitat and ecological funconal<br />

goals<br />

Site planning improvements will address the following:<br />

• Delineaon <strong>of</strong> posive common open spaces<br />

• Strengthening <strong>of</strong> visual connecons to the Bay<br />

• Improving circulaon hierarchy and clarity<br />

• Development <strong>of</strong> pedestrian and habitat areas as primary over parking and<br />

vehicular circulaon<br />

• Enhancing openness and connecvity with adjacent uses while respecng<br />

safety and security <strong>of</strong> the campus community<br />


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