Resilience - University of Miami School of Architecture

Resilience - University of Miami School of Architecture

Resilience - University of Miami School of Architecture


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<strong>Resilience</strong><br />

An investigation <strong>of</strong> Tropical Coastal Community<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> Rosensteil <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric Sciences:<br />

toward a socially, intellectually, and ecologially resilient coastal campus<br />

Robert Lloyd<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> Master <strong>of</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> Thesis Proposal

<strong>Resilience</strong><br />

An investigation <strong>of</strong> Tropical Coastal Community<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> Rosensteil <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric Sciences:<br />

toward a socially, intellectually, and ecologially resilient coastal campus<br />

Robert Lloyd<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> Master <strong>of</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> Thesis Proposal

Table <strong>of</strong> Contents<br />

Overall Objecve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1<br />

1. <strong>Resilience</strong> . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3<br />

ethical pracce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3<br />

urbanism and “nature” . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3<br />

responsible development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4<br />

resilient community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4<br />

2. Site History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5<br />

virginia key development history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5<br />

environmental history . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8<br />

9. Case Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35<br />

high line park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35<br />

kilometro rosso . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37<br />

venice hospital . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38<br />

salk instute . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39<br />

applicability to RSMAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39<br />

Works Cited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41<br />

Final Design Documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f1<br />

3. Campus History . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11<br />

rsmas campus development . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11<br />

4. Campus Constraints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17<br />

5. Planning Context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19<br />

land ownership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19<br />

county comprehensive plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19<br />

city <strong>of</strong> miami virginia key plan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20<br />

university <strong>of</strong> miami master planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21<br />

proposed plan - crique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .23<br />

master planning crique . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24<br />

6. Site Analysis Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25<br />

site diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26<br />

7. Program Framework . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27<br />

program criteria . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27<br />

client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27<br />

virginia key ecosystem . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28<br />

building resilience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .28<br />

proposed redevelopment sequence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30<br />

8. Program Definion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31

Overall Objective<br />

rosensel site<br />

The overall objective <strong>of</strong> this thesis is to explore the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> Rosenstiel <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric Sciences as a test site for compact sustainable coastal development.<br />

The goal is to develop architectural and open space improvements which would<br />

help create a vibrant academic cluster in which to house a greater range <strong>of</strong> teaching,<br />

research, living, and recreational activities than are served by the existing campus. This<br />

expansion <strong>of</strong> architecture and infrastructure would be carried out in a way which reduces<br />

the site’s vulnerability to storm events and climate change while enhancing ecological<br />

function and the site’s interaction with adjacent natural areas.<br />


2<br />

1. Doherty building and campus waterfront 2. typical lab, Grosvenor East

ethical practice<br />

1.<br />

<strong>Resilience</strong><br />

Tropical Coastal Development<br />

and Ecosystem Health<br />

While architects have contributed in many ways to the richness <strong>of</strong> contemporary<br />

culture, we have also been complicit in the transformaon <strong>of</strong> living<br />

landscapes into ecologically and socially depauperate environments, nourishing<br />

neither human nor non-human life. The AIA code <strong>of</strong> ethics specifically<br />

states that architects have an obligaon to pracce in an ethically and environmentally<br />

responsible manner. (AIA Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics, Canon VI) In his speeches<br />

to the design community, the architect Bill McDonough defines negligence as<br />

proceeding with something we know to be harmful. To this end, we as a pr<strong>of</strong>ession<br />

have been negligent in our obligaon to design for a physically, socially,<br />

and ecologically sound future.<br />

Nowhere is this more evident than in resort cies like <strong>Miami</strong>, where the natural<br />

resources which spurred development have been so quickly and dramacally<br />

altered. There is no way back. However, this thesis proposes a way forward<br />

which allows for the dynamic evoluon <strong>of</strong> both human and natural habit<br />

mediated by a core structure which is both stable and resilient.<br />

4. Miam Art Museum landscape proposal, author<br />

3. Shanghai new town concept, author<br />

urbanism and “nature”<br />

Postmodern ecological theorists have wrien extensively about the arficiality<br />

<strong>of</strong> our concept <strong>of</strong> “Nature,” meaning everything which exists outside the<br />

human sphere. In The Social Creaon <strong>of</strong> Nature, Neil Evernden explains how<br />

this construct is so deeply embedded in our culture that it is difficult to see.<br />

Western religions are based on the assumpon that humans exist outside or<br />

above the rest <strong>of</strong> nature. Yet the system-oriented foundaon <strong>of</strong> modern Ecology<br />

is increasingly influencing the way we look at humans’ place in the world.<br />

Ecologists are increasingly recognizing the need to accommodate human settlements<br />

into conservaon planning, while architects and planners are giving<br />

increasing priority to ecological funcons as criteria for design.<br />

Coastal cies like <strong>Miami</strong> present an especially important challenge. The coastal<br />

zone represents the margin between landscape and seascape, and as a linear<br />

element represents a very small percentage <strong>of</strong> terrestrial or marine habitat.<br />

Through physical form, chemical characteriscs, and species interacons,<br />

coastal zones are among the most crical and biologically producve places on<br />

earth. They are arguably the most threatened.<br />


esilient community<br />

As urban designers begin to think about natural systems as a metaphor for human<br />

development, vocabulary from the biological sciences has been adopted<br />

by architects, and taken on new meaning. Conservaon biologists have been<br />

interested in the idea <strong>of</strong> resilience – that is the capacity <strong>of</strong> a given ecosystem<br />

to maintain its essenal characteriscs despite stressors including changing<br />

environmental condions. Stressors can be events <strong>of</strong> short duraon and high<br />

intensity such as fire or hurricane, or long term events such as the aging <strong>of</strong> a<br />

mature forest canopy.<br />

The concept <strong>of</strong> resilience has also been applied to human communies, and<br />

implies durability <strong>of</strong> a range <strong>of</strong> elements from economic and social stability<br />

to ability <strong>of</strong> infrastructure to withstand the pressures <strong>of</strong> climate change. This<br />

thesis suggests that human communies are inseparable from the natural<br />

communies in which they are set. Responsible deve opment should consider<br />

the resilience <strong>of</strong> both.<br />

responsible development<br />

5. community workshop, author<br />

Humans, perhaps the planet’s most impacul terrestrial species, have long exploited<br />

the richness <strong>of</strong> the coastal zone, for localized resources such as fish but<br />

also as a point <strong>of</strong> access to the larger marine environment for resources and<br />

transport. Coastal selement thus originated as a pragmac soluon to the<br />

habitat problem <strong>of</strong> a terrestrial species dependent on marine resources. As<br />

a species, we are sll heavily dependent on the producvity <strong>of</strong> marine ecosystems.<br />

However, selement and habitaon <strong>of</strong> the coastal zone is no longer<br />

primarily driven by nutrional or economic necessity. The majority <strong>of</strong> coastal<br />

development is now driven by humans’ aesthec preference for the coastal<br />

zone. While this preference may be biological in origin, we now choose to live<br />

there because we find it pleasurable – for the climate, breezes, recreaonal<br />

swimming, and access to expansive views and light.<br />

From an ecological standpoint, resilience is oen associated with biodiversity.<br />

The more diversity in a system, the more its essenal elements overlap, creating<br />

redundancy which allows for connuing funcon <strong>of</strong> the system if a parcular<br />

component or species is under stress. For example if a cold winter causes<br />

a certain plant to bear no fruit, plant diversity will increase the probability that<br />

there will be an alternate food source for fruit-eang species. <strong>Resilience</strong> is also<br />

associated with abundance. If a stressor causes a certain level <strong>of</strong> mortality in<br />

a species, a larger populaon will increase likelihood that a minimum viable<br />

populaon survives.<br />

Resilient design incorporates some <strong>of</strong> the same principles. For example, a resilient<br />

building would be designed for natural venlaon lessening dependence<br />

on centralized climate control, a resilient economy would contain a range <strong>of</strong><br />

producve acvity, lessening dependence on any single sector.<br />

4<br />

While the praccal necessity <strong>of</strong> coastal living has decreased over me, the<br />

extent <strong>of</strong> selement, and its impact on ecological funcon has increased. Like<br />

all species, we are dependent on the ecological health <strong>of</strong> this zone for our own<br />

well being. If we choose to build and live there for aesthec reasons, it seems<br />

that there is a moral imperave to make our presence in the coastal zone as<br />

posive as possible from an ecological perspecve. At the same me, coastal<br />

development contains some <strong>of</strong> our most culturally important urban fabric.

virginia key development history<br />

Univesity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong>’s Rosensel <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric Sciences<br />

(RSMAS) occupies about six and a half acres along the southwest shoreline<br />

<strong>of</strong> Virginia Key. An island <strong>of</strong> about 860 acres, Virginia Key is located in Biscayne<br />

Bay east <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> and immediately north <strong>of</strong> beer k nown Key B is c ay ne<br />

(figure 1).<br />

The island is connected to mainland <strong>Miami</strong> and Key Biscayne by the Rickenbacker<br />

Causeway, a county toll road opened in 1947 to provide public access<br />

to the ocean beaches <strong>of</strong> Key Biscayne. While <strong>Miami</strong> grew rapidly as a result<br />

<strong>of</strong> residenal and tourist development, Virginia Key retained large areas <strong>of</strong><br />

undeveloped open space, while the balance was divided into large parcels developed<br />

for public or instuonal purposes.<br />

Gulf <strong>of</strong><br />

Mexico<br />

Project Site<br />

Atlantic<br />

Ocean<br />

1. Biscayne Bay Aerial, Google<br />

2.<br />

Site History<br />

<strong>Miami</strong><br />

<strong>Miami</strong><br />

Beach<br />

Rickenbacker<br />

Causeway<br />

Virginia Key<br />

Biscayne Bay<br />

Bear Cut<br />

Key Biscayne<br />


Biscayne<br />

Bay<br />

Land-Fill<br />

Rickenbacker Marina<br />

Hobie Beach<br />

Marine Stadium<br />

Wastewater Plant<br />

Mast Academy<br />

Virginia Key Beach Park<br />

Biscayne<br />

Bay<br />

NOAA<br />

Seaquarium<br />

NMFS<br />

RSMAS<br />

Bear Cut<br />

Atlantic<br />

Ocean<br />

6<br />

2. Virginia Key Aerial, Google

Virginia Key currently contains the following primary uses:<br />

recreaon<br />

• <strong>Miami</strong> Seaquarium<br />

• <strong>Miami</strong> Marine Stadium<br />

• Virginia Key Beach Park<br />

• Hobie Beach<br />

• Rickenbacker Marina<br />

• Rusty Pelican, Jimbo’s and Bayside Hut restaurants<br />

civic<br />

• <strong>Miami</strong> Dade County Virginia Key Wastewater Treatment<br />

Plant<br />

• Mast Academy High <strong>School</strong><br />

• Municipal land-fill site (closed)<br />

is a recognion <strong>of</strong> the stadium’s cultural value beyond the <strong>Miami</strong> community<br />

(figure 3). The arficial lagoon to the north <strong>of</strong> the stadium separates the recreaonal<br />

zone along the causeway from the natural and infrastructure uses to<br />

the north.<br />

Situated at the south end <strong>of</strong> Virginia Key, the Rosensel <strong>School</strong> is part <strong>of</strong> a<br />

somewhat accidental complex <strong>of</strong> marine related research acvity. Located<br />

across the Rickenbacker Causeway are regional research centers for the Na-<br />

onal Oceanic and Atmospheric Associaon, and the Naonal Marine Fishery<br />

Service. Also located on the east side <strong>of</strong> the causeway is the Mast Academy,<br />

a <strong>Miami</strong>-Dade magnet high school for marine science and technology.<br />

<strong>Miami</strong> Seaquarium is immediately adjacent to RSMAS on the north. Opened<br />

in 1955, the facility has regional appeal, but has not kept up with other public<br />

aquaria such as Monterrey which have invested in improved facilies designed<br />

to emphasize educaon and marine research.<br />

3. Marine Stadium, Friends <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> Marine Stadium<br />

research<br />

• US Naonal Oceanic and Atmospheric Associaon Atlanc<br />

Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory (NOAA)<br />

• Naonal Marine Fisheries Service Southeast Fisheries Science<br />

Center (NMFS)<br />

• <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> Rosensel <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric<br />

Sciences (RSMAS) (figure 2)<br />

Most <strong>of</strong> the island is part <strong>of</strong> the City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong>, while the southeast corner<br />

(including the RSMAS site) is part <strong>of</strong> unincorporated <strong>Miami</strong>-Dade County. The<br />

north end <strong>of</strong> the island is occupied by the wastewater treatment plant and<br />

the remainder <strong>of</strong> a municipal land-fill. The land-fill has now been capped,<br />

and is now primarily covered with scrub forest. The acve wastewater treatment<br />

plant is screened by a forested strip facing Virginia Key Beach Park. The<br />

historic park served African Americans from 1945 unl desegregaon <strong>of</strong> the<br />

other municipal beaches. The park was closed in 1982 and re-opened in 2008.<br />

The current design emphasizes the park’s history while allowing for contemporary<br />

recreaonal use stressing low-impact beach acvies and respect for the<br />

site’s ecology. To the west <strong>of</strong> the treatment plant is the island’s largest remaining<br />

patch <strong>of</strong> mangrove forest.<br />

The eastern p <strong>of</strong> the island contains the most prominent recreaonal facili-<br />

es. Hobie Beach faces south, and is a popular spot for windsurfing, small<br />

catamarans etc. On the north side <strong>of</strong> the causeway is the Rickenbacker Marina<br />

and Rusty Pelican Restaurant, in addion to the island’s most architecturally<br />

significant structure, the <strong>Miami</strong> Marine Stadium. Completed in 1964, the<br />

sculptural concrete structure was designed by a team led by Cuban born architect<br />

Hilario Candela. Its lisng on the World Monuments Fund 2010 watch list<br />


environmental history<br />

As is typical <strong>of</strong> barrier islands, Virginia Key is a naturally dynamic enty whose<br />

form and character fluctuates over me. Anthropogenic changes to the Biscayne<br />

Bay ecosystem have supplanted hurricanes and natural dal fluctua-<br />

ons as the major cause <strong>of</strong> landscape change. Peter Harlem’s 1979 analysis<br />

<strong>of</strong> historical aerial photography provides a comprehensive review <strong>of</strong> changes<br />

to the structure <strong>of</strong> Biscayne Bay which parallel the urbanizaon <strong>of</strong> the region<br />

over the 20th century. The <strong>Miami</strong> mainland consists <strong>of</strong> a limestone ridge which<br />

separates the Everglades from the Bay and the Atlanc Ocean. Key Biscayne<br />

forms the southernmost part <strong>of</strong> a second limestone ridge underlying the chain<br />

<strong>of</strong> sandy barrier islands which protect the mainland coast (Harlem 16).<br />

Like other islands, Virginia Key was once covered predominantly with Mangrove<br />

which anchored sediment deposited by fluctuang current and dal ac-<br />

vity (Harlem 26). In the 1930’s dredging and wall construcon began to alter<br />

current flow in the Bay. Sediment began to accrete to the north <strong>of</strong> the island<br />

providing area for expansion <strong>of</strong> the mangrove swamp. By the 1950’s the island<br />

had expanded to the north by almost a half mile. The eastern third <strong>of</strong> this<br />

new area was dredged to provide fill for the sewage treatment plant which<br />

was constructed throughout the mid 1950’s. The dredged area created a sink<br />

for sand eroding <strong>of</strong>f Virginia Key Beach to the south. By the mid 1970’s jees<br />

had been constructed to slow erosion <strong>of</strong> Virginia Key beach. The northern p<br />

<strong>of</strong> the Key was surrounded by levees in the mid 1960’s and the area was used<br />

as a sanitary landfill (figures 4,5)(Harlem 94). The landfill area is now an EPA<br />

superfund site. The northwestern poron <strong>of</strong> the island was altered by the<br />

construcon <strong>of</strong> the Marine Stadium lagoon. The southern poron <strong>of</strong> the island<br />

was cleared for the Seaquarium, RSMAS campus, and federal facilies by the<br />

end <strong>of</strong> the 1950’s (figure 6).<br />

5. Virginia Key Aerials, Harlem<br />

4. Biscayne Bay in green, frame on<br />

study area, adapted from Harlem<br />




6. Biscayne Bay land cover changes 1925-1976, adapted from Harlem<br />

9<br />



10<br />

7. Virginia Key 1960’s, Yehle

3.<br />

Campus History<br />

1. Agassiz Building, Yehle. Note exisng mangrove behind<br />

newly placed fill.<br />

rsmas campus development<br />

choice <strong>of</strong> site<br />

The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> marine laboratory was formally established in<br />

1943, and its inial home was in a private boathouse on <strong>Miami</strong> Beach. The<br />

research team grew, and through a series <strong>of</strong> contracts with state and commercial<br />

conservaon and marine resource interests, the instuon grew to the<br />

point where it needed a consolidated home. In 1951, Dade County <strong>of</strong>fered the<br />

<strong>University</strong> a long-term lease on 6.38 acres along Bear Cut if a marine research<br />

building could be built within the year. Funds were raised with contribuons<br />

from the fishing and boang community and through newspaper appeals.<br />

the structure resembled the architecture <strong>of</strong> 1930’s <strong>Miami</strong> Beach. However,<br />

the structure was elevated a full story, acknowledging its exposed locaon.<br />

The Collier Building, a similar laboratory structure, was added two years later.<br />

Both were oriented east-west along the shoreline, maximizing southern exposure<br />

and onshore breezes for natural cooling potenal (figure 3).<br />

academic core<br />

Over the next decade, the three secons <strong>of</strong> Grosvenor were constructed, allowing<br />

for consolidaon <strong>of</strong> the marine library, laboratories, and <strong>of</strong>fices into<br />

3. Collier and Agassiz from Bear Cut 1955, Yehle<br />

2. Agassiz interior showing open plan and exposed<br />

structure andservices, Yehle<br />

original structures<br />

Designed by Marion Manley, the Agassiz Building was opened in 1953 as the<br />

first structure <strong>of</strong> the Virginia Key Campus (figure 1,2). The elevated structure<br />

had no interior walls, and infrastructure was exposed allowing for adjustment<br />

according to varying research requirements (Yehle). Seawater was pumped<br />

in directly from the adjacent bay, creang a literal connecon between the<br />

scienfic life <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> and its physical context. A simple stuccoed concrete<br />

volume with jalousie windows and a connuous horizontal shading fin,<br />


one campus. A two level south wing was built first in 1957. A third level and<br />

a two level east wing were completed in 1957. In 1965 the three level North<br />

Grosvenor was completed (Yehle). The north wing was designed for an addional<br />

two levels. Built with a combinaon <strong>of</strong> reinforced concrete and stuccoed<br />

concrete block, the south and east wings have ground levels at grade.<br />

Only the north wing is slightly elevated. The style <strong>of</strong> the three secons is fairly<br />

consistent with horizontal banding, horizontal windows, and simple overhanging<br />

concrete plates marking the entries (figure 5).<br />

In contrast to the Manley design, the Grovesnor buildings seem to take lile<br />

cue from their tropical waterfront locaon. South Grosvenor has some southfacing<br />

windows, but the other two structures face an internal courtyard used<br />

primarily for outdoor storage <strong>of</strong> research equipment. Double loaded corridors<br />

mean that workspaces have light only on one side, and lile cross-venlaon.<br />

Low floor-to-floor heights emphasized the horizontality <strong>of</strong> the structure, but<br />

limited space for horizontal distribuon <strong>of</strong> ulies and for convecve cooling<br />

in a hot climate. Had they been built, the upper levels <strong>of</strong> North Grosvenor<br />

would have had beer potenal to gain views and breeze from the Bay.<br />

6. Grosvenor East entry, Yehle<br />

4. Founder Walton Smith on tractor, Yehle<br />

5. Rendering <strong>of</strong> Grosvenor South and East, Yehle<br />

The formal entrance <strong>of</strong> the complex is on the East side, and was originally visible<br />

from the Rickenbacker causeway (figures 6-8). Street frontage took precedence<br />

over connecon to the site. This core complex was completed with<br />

the construcon <strong>of</strong> Glassell in 1966. With an open ground level, two levels <strong>of</strong><br />

labs, plus rooop salt-water seling tanks, the bar building created a vercal<br />

element perpendicular to the original low-slung waterfront labs (figure 9). The<br />

upper levels were marked by an extended concrete frame. The south eleva-<br />

on facing the water had no windows, relying on an abstract paern <strong>of</strong> scored<br />

stucco to break down the scale. Period photographs show a parking lot covering<br />

most <strong>of</strong> the remaining available space.<br />

7. Campus entry c. 1960, Yehle<br />

12<br />

ancillary buildings<br />

Meanwhile, three small buildings were added in 1960, on an axis perpendicular<br />

to the bay. The three two story structures were an operaons building,<br />

a small dormitory, subsequently converted to the trium laboratory, and a<br />

refrigeraon building (figures 11-14). These were ulitarian concrete structures,<br />

narrow bar buildings, slight elevaon from exisng grade and concrete<br />

overhangs being the only concessions to climac condions. Oriented roughly<br />

north south, they were fully exposed to the western sun and minimally exposed<br />

to views and onshore breezes. They are also rotated about 20° to the<br />

8. Campus entry 1963, Yehle

west from Grosvenor, Collier and Agassiz, seng up unresolved spaal rela-<br />

onships which were only worsened as larger structures picked up this pattern.<br />

In 1968 a steel service building was built on the northern edge <strong>of</strong> the site following<br />

the same axis. Intended originally as a temporary structure, it now<br />

forms the northern edge <strong>of</strong> the main campus entry zone (figure 13).<br />

9. Glassell from Bear Cut, author<br />

campus completed<br />

The next major structure came in 1971 with construcon <strong>of</strong> the Doherty Marine<br />

Sciences Center. Hugging the west edge <strong>of</strong> the site, the three level building<br />

rose up behind the operaons building with an elevated entry courtyard<br />

and a series <strong>of</strong> exposed stairways. Deep overhangs, varied floor heights, and<br />

vercal concrete brise-soleil place the building in the Brutalist school popular<br />

10. Glassell showing laboratory floors below third floor seling tanks, author<br />

13. Campus 1969, Yehle. Note full hardening <strong>of</strong> shoreline.<br />

11. Operaons building, author<br />

14. Dormitory 1959, Yehle. Now Trium Lab.<br />


at that me for academic architecture (figures 15,17). The building is the most<br />

overtly expressive on campus. A double height lobby and generous waterfront<br />

terrace give the building a graciousness which contrasts with the Spartan<br />

character <strong>of</strong> earlier campus buildings. Elevated a full level, and consciously<br />

reaching toward the water despite its orientaon, the building is also the most<br />

specifically responsive to the site. A cafeteria and bar open to the waterfront<br />

deck, and as the only intenonally designed common spaces on campus, remain<br />

its social core (figure 16).<br />

The last major structure mirrored Doherty, framing the east edge <strong>of</strong> campus<br />

along the Rickenbacker Causeway. The Science Lab and Administraon Building<br />

(SLAB) building was completed in 1985 and now houses the library, administraon<br />

<strong>of</strong>fices, dry lab and <strong>of</strong>fice space. Designed by New York architects<br />

Abramovits-Harris-Kingsland, the building was the result <strong>of</strong> a comprehensive<br />

1979 master plan completed by the same firm. They also designed a north<br />

wing which was added to Doherty in 1980 to house CIMAS (Cooperave Instute<br />

for Marine & Atmospheric Science).<br />

16. Doherty, Commons space, Yehle<br />

14<br />

15. Doherty from Bear Cut, author 17. Doherty courtyard, author

The Administraon building echoes the Tropicalist features <strong>of</strong> Doherty with<br />

deep overhangs, extensive exterior circulaon, and a covered pao space facing<br />

Bear Cut. Parking is contained beneath the elevated structure. In contrast<br />

to the durable concrete construcon <strong>of</strong> many other campus buildings,<br />

the Administraon building contains a large amount <strong>of</strong> steel structure with<br />

non-structural stucco cover panels. This system has not held up well under the<br />

climac condions <strong>of</strong> the site (Ray pers com).<br />

19. Administraon Building Model, Abramovitz<br />

20. Administraon Building construcon, Yehle<br />

18. Administraon Building Rendering, Abramovitz<br />

21. Administraon Building detail, author<br />


uildings: interior<br />

• Poorly defined entry and common areas<br />

• Limited informal meeng space<br />

• Limited light and connecon between indoors and<br />

outdoor spaces<br />

• Interior circulaon cramped, disorienng<br />

• Wayfinding difficult<br />

• Limited opporunity for interacon between <strong>of</strong>fices<br />

• Center corridor plan limits flexibility <strong>of</strong> lab layout<br />

as opposed to external circulaon which leaves full<br />

building depth flexible<br />

• Light and venlaon restricted<br />

• New ulity and equipment requirements poorly<br />

interfaced with exisng structures<br />

• Equipment has been added in corridors and common<br />

areas constraining space and ease <strong>of</strong> movement<br />

• Refrigeraon equipment located within air-condi-<br />

oned space (equipment radiates heat into mechanically<br />

cooled space)<br />

• Ad hoc addions <strong>of</strong> equipment harder to maintain<br />

and lower operang efficiency than centrally integrated<br />

systems<br />

buildings: exterior<br />

• Enclosure <strong>of</strong> formerly open ground levels and accumulated<br />

storage vulnerable and potenally dangerous<br />

in flood or storm events<br />

• Ground level views and airflow blocked<br />

• Aesthecs compromised<br />

• Awkward relaonship between newer and older<br />

buildings<br />

• Interior and exterior experienal quality diminished<br />

• Original views and venlaon blocked<br />


site: connections<br />

• Poor connecons to adjacent instuons (fence to<br />

Seaquarium, Rickenbacker to NOAA, NMFS<br />

• Roadway and parking dominate entry experience<br />

• Campus open spaces have limited physical and visual<br />

connecon to Bear Cut<br />

• No linkage between adjacent waterfronts or pedestrian-friendly<br />

connecon to Virginia Key Beach Park<br />

site: internal<br />

4.<br />

Campus Constraints<br />

useability<br />

• Parking and driveway dominate the site<br />

• No clear pedestrian zone<br />

• No defined outdoor gathering space<br />

• Circulaon connects buildings to parking, but connec-<br />

ons between buildings unclear<br />

• Awkward relaonships between front and rear <strong>of</strong><br />

adjacent buildings<br />

• Site planng, paving, and hardscape treatment lacking<br />

in hierarchy<br />

• Wayfinding difficult<br />

ecology<br />

• All original site vegetaon removed<br />

• Pavement covers most unbuilt porons <strong>of</strong> site<br />

• Planted areas have lile species variety, lile habitat<br />

value<br />


id building name date sq. .<br />

1101 DohertyMarineScienceCenter(named) 1971 50,806<br />

1102 CIMASBuilding 1980 9,888<br />

1103 CentralChiller/IcePlant 1995 6,700<br />

1172 ShadeHouse 2004 3,744<br />

1107 AplysiaRearingFacility(VKBeachRd.) 1979 3,479<br />

1110 CollierBuilding(Named) g( 1954 4,678<br />

1115 GrosvenorSouth(Named) 1957 25,890<br />

1116 GrosvenorEast(Named) 1960 8,926<br />

1120 OperationsBuilding 1960 4,413<br />

1125 RefrigerationBuilding(storage) 1960 672<br />

1130 ServiceBuilding(builtastemporary) 1968 7,932<br />

1135 TritiumLabBuilding(builtasdormitory) g( 1961 4,066<br />

1148 GlassellBuilding(named) 1966 21,695<br />

1164 GrosvenorNorth(designedfor2morefloors) 1966 49,574<br />

1170 ScienceLabandAdministrationBuilding(SLAB) 1985 82,624<br />

Total 285,087<br />

Source: RSMAS Facilies Management<br />

22. Exisng Campus rendering, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> 23. Building Inventory, RSMAS Facilies Management

<strong>Miami</strong>-Dade Water & Sewer<br />

5.<br />

Planning Context<br />

Federal Agencies<br />

<strong>Miami</strong>-Dade <strong>School</strong>s<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong><br />

City or County Parks<br />

1. Land ownership<br />

land ownership<br />

The most immediately applicable planning documents are the campus master<br />

plans completed by the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong>. Before referencing those it<br />

is important to consider the context <strong>of</strong> Virginia Key as a whole, and its contribuon<br />

to the general urban context. The site is located in unincorporated<br />

<strong>Miami</strong>-Dade County, and is listed as unzoned. With excepon <strong>of</strong> the federally<br />

owned parcels across the causeway, all the land surrounding the campus, including<br />

the Seaquarium site is owned by the <strong>Miami</strong>-Dade Parks and Recreaon<br />

department. The causeway is owned by the County as well. The wastewater<br />

treatment plant is owned by <strong>Miami</strong> Dade Water and Sewer. However, the City<br />

<strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> owns all the coastal land north <strong>of</strong> the causeway including the former<br />

landfill to the north, Virginia Key Beach Park, and the Marine Stadium site (figure<br />

1).<br />

county comprehensive plan<br />

All land in the county is covered by the Comprehensive development Master<br />

Plan (CDMP). Several elements <strong>of</strong> the plan have parcular relevance to Virginia<br />

Key. Perhaps the most impacul is the introducon to the Conservaon<br />

element <strong>of</strong> the plan which states “The environmental sensivity <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong>-<br />

Dade county is underscored by the fact that urban poron lies between two<br />

naonal parks Everglades and Biscayne” (<strong>Miami</strong>-Dade, CDMP IV-1). This sec-<br />

on also emphasizes the economic importance <strong>of</strong> environmental protecon in<br />

light <strong>of</strong> the County’s reliance on tourism. The Coastal Management Element<br />

emphasizes restoraon <strong>of</strong> coastal habitat, especially in areas which are poten-<br />

al habitat corridors. Increasing public waterfront access is also menoned<br />

(VI-9). The designated land uses for 2015 to 2025 are indicated in figure 2. The<br />

RSMAS site is designated for instuonal use, but most <strong>of</strong> the island is designated<br />

for parks and recreaon or environmentally protected park.<br />

2. 2015 Land Use Plan, <strong>Miami</strong>-Dade County<br />


city <strong>of</strong> miami virginia key plan<br />

While the County does not have a specific area plan for the Key, the City <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Miami</strong> recently completed a Virginia Key Master Plan. While uses <strong>of</strong> the island<br />

have been historically mixed, the 2009 plan, wrien for the City by EDSA,<br />

focuses exclusively on enhancing sports and recreaonal facilies. The plan<br />

seems misguided from the outset. While the City controls only a poron <strong>of</strong><br />

the island, a coordinated plan should have been prepared with cooperaon<br />

between City, County, and major instuonal stakeholders. Successful planning<br />

for an 860 acre island cannot be conducted piecemeal.<br />

The centerpiece <strong>of</strong> the plan is an acve playfields complex containg six soccer<br />

fields, eight baseball diamonds, and a football field, along with running track<br />

and tennis facilies (figure 3).<br />

This kind <strong>of</strong> program seems ill conceived for several reasons:<br />

• Locaon Creang a large campus for acve sports far from any populaon<br />

center is not compable with the kind <strong>of</strong> mixed-use integrated<br />

development called for in all the City’s planning documents. Coastal<br />

park facilies should priorize water dependent recreaon.<br />

• Environment Converng one <strong>of</strong> the region’s largest tracts <strong>of</strong> coastal<br />

forest into a series <strong>of</strong> maintained sports fields is the environmental<br />

equivalent <strong>of</strong> urbanizing this area whether or not the grass is green.<br />

The plan goes on to state that 77% <strong>of</strong> the land in the planning zone is “unuseable”<br />

(EDSA 6). By this they mean not available for acve public recreaonal<br />

uses. This narrow definion <strong>of</strong> benefit reflects the self-identy <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> as a<br />

tourist oriented pleasure metropolis. Diversifying this self-concepon strikes<br />

at the essence <strong>of</strong> increasing the resilience <strong>of</strong> the community as a whole.<br />

20<br />

3. Virginia Key Master Plan, EDSA for City <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong>

university <strong>of</strong> miami master<br />

planning<br />

While the mission <strong>of</strong> the instuon may be more<br />

far reaching, master plans prepared for RSMAS<br />

have focused on space allocaon and distribuon<br />

within the exisng campus framework. Sll, the<br />

1979 plan by Abramovits illustrates sound goals<br />

for campus enhancement which have yet to be<br />

realized. The following guiding principles are outlined<br />

(Abramovits 11):<br />

1. More efficient land use.<br />

2. Non-interrupon <strong>of</strong> ongoing<br />

research work.<br />

3. Creaon <strong>of</strong> a collegial environment.<br />

4. Separaon <strong>of</strong> pedestrians and<br />

vehicles.<br />

5. Compactness and fullest ulizaon<br />

<strong>of</strong> working space.<br />

6. Simplified administraon <strong>of</strong><br />

research.<br />

7. Reorganizaon, updang, and<br />

beer ulizaon <strong>of</strong> energy distribuon<br />

and ulity systems.<br />

8. Beer Resoluon <strong>of</strong> the parking<br />

problem.<br />

9. Provision for limited recreaonal<br />

space and explicit definion<br />

<strong>of</strong> outdoor space.<br />

10. An architectural statement <strong>of</strong><br />

significance on Virginia Key.<br />

1979 plan<br />

At the heart <strong>of</strong> this plan was the intensificaon<br />

<strong>of</strong> structure at the perimeter <strong>of</strong> the site which<br />

would allow the center to be gradually unbuilt,<br />

leaving a classic academic quadrangle with open<br />

water as the fourth wall (figures 4,5). While the<br />

Administraon Building was realized largely according<br />

to the 1979 plan, the <strong>University</strong> is just<br />

preparing to break ground on the second major<br />

structure proposed by the plan. This would allow<br />

for subsequent demolion <strong>of</strong> the older buildings<br />

along the water.<br />

4. 1979 Rosensel Campus Master Plan, Abramovitz<br />

5. Proposed quadrangle space, Abramovitz<br />


6. Rendering from Rickenbacker entry, Cambridge Seven<br />

2005<br />

2005 master plan update<br />

In 2005, Cambridge Seven Associates submied a revised master plan. Aer<br />

a programming study, Cambridge Seven proposed a new structure along the<br />

north edge <strong>of</strong> campus which essenally followed the 1979 plan. The major<br />

variaon from the 1979 proposal was that a second east-west bar should be<br />

constructed, creang two major courtyards, the northerly one fully enclosed,<br />

and a smaller southern space open to the bay. This would allow for added and<br />

updated indoor space, but lost something <strong>of</strong> the simplicity and impact <strong>of</strong> the<br />

1979 diagram (figure 5).<br />

22<br />

2010<br />

5. Master plan revisions (new in green), Cambridge Seven<br />

2010 seawater lab proposal<br />

The Univesity expects to break ground this spring on an updated version <strong>of</strong> the<br />

sea-water lab building proposed in 2005. The 2010 version has a simplified<br />

footprint, but much finer grained elevaons than previous campus buildings.<br />

Parking is proposed for the ground level, with two levels <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice and laboratory<br />

space above. The building is organized along a central east-west corridor,<br />

with a double height common space at the east end facing the Rickenbacker<br />

Causeway.<br />

lost opportunity for tropicalism?<br />

The building is designed to allow for expansion on the north side. Unfortunately,<br />

this means that workspace facing the potenal expansion will have no<br />

natural light. The central corridor, glazed facade, and minimal covered exterior<br />

space suggest a a design approach which relies heavily on mechanized<br />

thermal control and lighng. It seems that there is a missed opportunity to<br />

design a modern research facility which is sll connected to the meless quali-<br />

es <strong>of</strong> its subtropical locaon.<br />

poor connecon to core <strong>of</strong> campus<br />

With the main entry and common area at the east end <strong>of</strong> the building, there is<br />

lile opportunity to connect with the central pedestrian core <strong>of</strong> campus.

10. Agassiz, Yehle 11. Glassell, author<br />

Original open labs vs. corridor building<br />

proposed plan - critique<br />

Interior spaces, no venlaon or natural light<br />

Internal corridors limit flexibility <strong>of</strong> plan<br />

No entries or access to campus center<br />

7. 2010 elevaons and secon,, Cambridge Seven<br />

Common space faces arterial road<br />

8. 2010 proposed plan, Cambridge Seven 9. 2010 proposed future expansion, Cambridge Seven

master planning critique<br />

make bigger plans<br />

Virginia Key as Tropical Marine Research Hub While there is some interacon<br />

between RSMAS and the federal facilies, there is potenal for much greater<br />

integraon <strong>of</strong> these instuons given the overlap in their respecve missions.<br />

The <strong>Miami</strong> master plan for Virginia Key focuses primarily on redeveloping the<br />

parks to increase their recreaonal potenal. However, the opportunity to<br />

develop a more integrated community <strong>of</strong> top-level marine research and educaon<br />

facilies holds potenal for creaon <strong>of</strong> an economic development node<br />

which could help diversify <strong>Miami</strong>’s service oriented economy. A similar node<br />

for medical and biotech research is being developed with involvement by the<br />

<strong>University</strong> in the area <strong>of</strong> Jackson Memorial Hospital.<br />

tropical research hub as economic development opportunity<br />

<strong>Miami</strong> is the major metropolis <strong>of</strong> the Caribbean, and as such is a center for<br />

tourism, but also for banking, trade, health care, higher educaon and research.<br />

The adjacency <strong>of</strong> RSMAS to federal tropical research facilies, and<br />

the potenal for Seaquarium and MAST Academy to deepen the rigor <strong>of</strong> their<br />

missions, gives Virginia Key unique potenal to emerge as regional center for<br />

tropical coastal science. In addion, the natural resources <strong>of</strong> the key, and the<br />

urban infrastructural challenges <strong>of</strong> the wastewater treatment plant and former<br />

landfill provide an ideal laboratory for research on resilient and restorave<br />

coastal development.<br />

This cluster <strong>of</strong> academic and federal research facilies exists in only four other<br />

places in the United States: La Jolla/San Diego, Monterrey, Seale and Woodshole<br />

Massachuses. In all <strong>of</strong> these locaons, the concentraon <strong>of</strong> marine research<br />

acvity has drawn other related academic and economic interests, and<br />

has a significantly benefied the local economy through the creaon <strong>of</strong> highwage<br />

technical jobs, and increased aracveness to educated entrepreneurial<br />

residents. These places are models <strong>of</strong> economist Richard Florida’s asseron<br />

that the most dynamic economic growth will occur in areas which combine<br />

natural beauty, dynamic urban culture, and high level economic opportunity<br />

(Florida reference)<br />

While this project does not aempt to develop a revised master plan for Virginia<br />

Key, or the RSMAS campus, the principles which guide it will be an integraon<br />

<strong>of</strong> the values expressed in the various exisng plans. Not intended as<br />

a comprehensive list, the following are some important principles which will<br />

guide the design.<br />

as per rsmas planning documents<br />

• Create a more unified and hierarchical campus experience.<br />

• Expand and organize facilies for research (both indoor and site<br />

based).<br />

as per miami-dade county comprehensive planning<br />

• Respect and enhance ecological funcon as per <strong>Miami</strong>-Dade County<br />

comprehensive planning.<br />

as per cty <strong>of</strong> miami virginia key master plan<br />

• Enhance public access to waterfront.<br />

• Create opportunies for non-motorized circulaon throughout the<br />

Key.<br />

addional principles<br />

• Enhance visual and funconal connecon between campus and surrounding<br />

urban and natural resources.<br />

• Enhance potenal for programmac interacon between exisng<br />

instuonal uses.<br />

• Encourage development <strong>of</strong> the enre key as a laboratory for urban<br />

ecological research.<br />


6.<br />

Site Analysis Summary<br />

Perhaps because <strong>of</strong> the newness <strong>of</strong> the school, and the newness <strong>of</strong><br />

its city, the Campus <strong>of</strong> the <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> began as a laboratory<br />

for forward thinking instuonal planning and architecture. Post-war<br />

<strong>Miami</strong> enjoyed a luxury <strong>of</strong> space and cultural youth which allowed for<br />

the development <strong>of</strong> the sprawling modernist Main Campus. The campus<br />

has become a verdant counterpoint to the densifying city around it.<br />

While similar architecture has been employed for the Rosensel <strong>School</strong><br />

<strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric Sciences, the physical context is quite different.<br />

Situated on approximately six and a half acres at the southwest<br />

corner <strong>of</strong> Virginia Key, the school overlooks Bear Cut and the mangrove<br />

fringe <strong>of</strong> Key Biscayne.<br />

Occupying filled land at the edge <strong>of</strong> the bay, the Rosensel site epitomizes<br />

<strong>Miami</strong>’s juxtaposion <strong>of</strong> fragile marine ecosystems with urban development.<br />

Within the campus, the concrete buildings which provide a<br />

backdrop for green on the Main Campus are almost enrely surrounded<br />

by parking and roadway. Casual building placement fails to create posi-<br />

ve outdoor spaces on the small site. Despite its spectacular seng,<br />

the physical campus is an underwhelming home for a globally renowned<br />

center <strong>of</strong> the marine environment.<br />

Currently, several smaller buildings block visual, and to a certain extent physical<br />

access to campus waterfront. Access to views, and connecon to water<br />

for funconal research purposes will be an important design consideraon.<br />

Ecological consideraon <strong>of</strong> the land/water interface will provide an addional<br />

criterion by which to evaluate sing consideraons.<br />

relaonship to virginia key<br />

Finally, the Rosensel <strong>School</strong> should take beer advantage <strong>of</strong> its locaon. A<br />

relavely undeveloped tropical island is a rare and valuable thing, even more<br />

so at the center <strong>of</strong> a major metropolis. The interiority <strong>of</strong> the campus and<br />

buildings within should be reversed, and RSMAS should seek a way forward<br />

which engages its surrounding community and ecology.<br />

increase richness and intensity<br />

It seems that there is potenal to create a much more vibrant human<br />

center, while also enhancing the campus open space and its relaon to<br />

surrounding natural context. If the UM Main campus can be seen as<br />

a park, an area <strong>of</strong> vegetaon, openness, and relief from the city, I can<br />

envision the RSMAS campus as the opposite – a dense, rich cluster <strong>of</strong><br />

complex human acvity, set against parks and open space (figure 1).<br />

um main campus<br />

rsmas<br />

The exisng campus was developed in a somewhat ad-hoc manner,<br />

where buildings were added over me based on available space, but<br />

without any overriding spaal organizaon. The two largest buildings<br />

line the east and west edges <strong>of</strong> the site, and are <strong>of</strong> more recent construcon,<br />

presumably funconally viable for the medium term. A new<br />

wet lab has been proposed and designed to line the north edge <strong>of</strong> the<br />

site. The remaining structures are scaered throughout the middle <strong>of</strong><br />

the site, and are all considered funconally obsolete. Even the most<br />

rudimentary master planning suggests that the core <strong>of</strong> the site could be<br />

opened up to create more clearly defined campus space. Placement <strong>of</strong><br />

proposed buildings would have to reflect a compromise between ideal<br />

future locaon and phased replacement <strong>of</strong> space in exisng buildings.<br />

1. figure/ground - urban/green<br />


site diagrams<br />

relaon to causeway<br />

primary axis<br />

paved and open space<br />

26<br />

2. current site aerial, google

7.<br />

Program Framework<br />

An essenal characterisc <strong>of</strong> good architecture is the integraon <strong>of</strong> mulple<br />

disparate program requirements into a unified composion. I will use the<br />

several meanings <strong>of</strong> resilience as a means <strong>of</strong> organizing the programming<br />

phase <strong>of</strong> this project. As defined at the beginning <strong>of</strong> this document, resilience<br />

– is the capacity <strong>of</strong> a given ecosystem to maintain its essenal characteriscs<br />

despite stressors including changing environmental condions.<br />

Addressing the definion given above, there are three components. First I<br />

will work with RSMAS to create a working list <strong>of</strong> “essenal characteriscs”<br />

which define two ecosystems; one, the Virginia Key/Bear Cut coastal margin,<br />

and two, the <strong>University</strong> community which I view as part <strong>of</strong> the Virginia Key<br />

system. Second, I will outline expected system-level stressors. Third, I will<br />

idenfy those which may be migated through architecture.<br />

program criteria<br />

A truly resilient campus will sasfy a broad range <strong>of</strong> program needs. In the<br />

largest sense, the goal is to create a place which supports a thriving intellectual<br />

community in a manner which is integrated into its urban and ecological context.<br />

Improvements to the RSMAS campus should be evaluated in the context<br />

<strong>of</strong> campus planning needs, but also for how they contribute to the enrichment<br />

<strong>of</strong> the larger Viginia Key/Bear Cut ecosystem. Campus planning for RSMAS<br />

should consider basic issues such as parking and transportaon in conjunc-<br />

on with adjacent facilies, development <strong>of</strong> pedestrian and bicycle networks,<br />

public waterfront access, visibility <strong>of</strong> RSMAS campus funcons to the public,<br />

and program diversificaon including addion <strong>of</strong> housing and compelling community<br />

spaces.<br />

Beyond this, campus improvements should be designed to enhance the interface<br />

with Bear Cut. Improvements should go beyond a generalized low-impact<br />

building approach, and target enhancement <strong>of</strong> specific ecological funcons.<br />

For example, green ro<strong>of</strong>s could be designed to provide habitat for shorebird<br />

species which would have found refuge in the nave coastal scrub forest.<br />

Buildings could be connected by elevated walkways which would allow<br />

for restoraon <strong>of</strong> seasonal flooding on parts <strong>of</strong> the campus and replanng <strong>of</strong><br />

funconal pockets <strong>of</strong> mangrove. By idenfying quanfiable ecological goals,<br />

input from disciplines such as restoraon ecology is given greater weight in the<br />

design process.<br />

client<br />

Because <strong>of</strong> their centralized structure, informed decision making process, long<br />

planning horizons, and respect for innovaon, universies can play a unique<br />

role in seng the tone for future development <strong>of</strong> surrounding communies.<br />

The Rosensel campus <strong>of</strong>fers an opportunity to test the potenal for thoughtful,<br />

humane, and ecologically sensive coastal urban redevelopment. As with<br />

any instuonal client, various interests must be balanced in order to create<br />

a campus which opmizes benefit to the larger community while serving the<br />

specific programmac needs <strong>of</strong> its members. In this instance, there are three<br />

primary client interests:<br />

• The <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> as a whole<br />

• Specific interests <strong>of</strong> the Rosensel <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric<br />

Sciences<br />

• The Virginia Key ecosystem<br />

A successful program will have to balance the somemes conflicng needs <strong>of</strong><br />

the three communies above. A successful design will both reinforce the essenal<br />

characteriscs <strong>of</strong> the three, as well as improve their resilience to future<br />

stress. Preliminary quesons are as follows:<br />

university priories<br />

• How can RSMAS be beer integrated into the academic and social life<br />

<strong>of</strong> students on Main Campus?<br />

• How can RSMAS campus facilies be improved to provide opportuni-<br />

es for students from a variety <strong>of</strong> disciplines to study coastal issues in<br />

an integrated manner?<br />

• Could an improved RwSMAS campus serve as a recruing tool for the<br />

larger <strong>University</strong>?<br />

• Can the RSMAS campus reflect the President’s desire to incorporate<br />

housing into new <strong>University</strong> structures?<br />

rsmas priories<br />

• How can new construcon improve spaal definion <strong>of</strong> the campus,<br />

helping describe a hierarchical sequence <strong>of</strong> posive open spaces?<br />

• How can infrastructure, ulies and circulaon be streamlined?<br />

• What kinds <strong>of</strong> spaces are needed to improve the funcon <strong>of</strong> the<br />

research community?<br />

• How can obsolete structures best be replaced?<br />

• What combinaons <strong>of</strong> program would be most easily financed?<br />

• What kinds <strong>of</strong> non-academic program would improve campus life (ie.<br />

housing, community space?)<br />

• If housing were to be added, what type and how many units would<br />

create a crical mass <strong>of</strong> residents?<br />

• How can physical improvements impact the durability <strong>of</strong> RSMAS as a<br />

human community focused on top-level marine ecological research<br />

and conservaon?<br />


28<br />

virginia key ecosystem<br />

urban<br />

• How can beer physical connecons be made to adjacent instu-<br />

ons?<br />

• How can the RSMAS campus be opened up and integrated into the<br />

system <strong>of</strong> public waterfront trails which runs from Brickell, out the<br />

Rickenbacker Causeway, and onto Crandon Park?<br />

• How could campus edges be redeveloped to funcon as es, rather<br />

than barriers to adjacent uses?<br />

ecological<br />

• What funcons <strong>of</strong> the system have been most compromised by<br />

coastal development?<br />

• What <strong>of</strong>f-site impacts does the campus have?<br />

• What adverse impacts could be migated through architectural or<br />

site improvements?<br />

• What campus improvements could contribute to increased funcon<br />

or resilience <strong>of</strong> the ecosystem?<br />

building resilience<br />

sea-level Rise<br />

The concept <strong>of</strong> resilience has several implicaons in terms <strong>of</strong> evaluang the<br />

architecture itself. Most obvious is physical resilience to climate events including<br />

hurricanes and sea-level rise. Examples from other low-lying geographies<br />

are informave, but South Florida presents an unusual set <strong>of</strong> condions.<br />

Dutch architecture represents a cultural bias toward long planning horizons<br />

and durable, well detailed architecture. These qualies are appropriate to<br />

planning for university structures which are expected to accommodate sophiscated<br />

program requirements and endure over me. However, hurricane<br />

winds, intense sun, and humidity add addional stresses not considered in<br />

Dutch architecture. Coastal developments in Southeast Asia do face similar<br />

climate condions, yet few examples are expected to meet the high performance<br />

standards <strong>of</strong> <strong>University</strong>-level research facilies.<br />

thermal comfort<br />

Ability to provide climate comfort through passive or renewable means is another<br />

aspect <strong>of</strong> resilience. Again, Southeast Asia provides some precedents.<br />

Integrang tradional strategies into a high-performance building will be part<br />

<strong>of</strong> the challenge. Ideally, a combinaon <strong>of</strong> passive thermal comfort strategies,<br />

efficient building envelope, minimizing arficial lighng demand, and<br />

thoughul design <strong>of</strong> specialized laboratory equipment could result in a high<br />

performance research building which could operate with less dependence on<br />

outside power. While this seems unusual for a university building, there are<br />

many examples <strong>of</strong> field research facilies which allow for high quality scien-<br />

fic invesgaon in a much less resource dependent manner. Field staons<br />

should also provide good precedent for the integraon <strong>of</strong> housing into scien-<br />

fic research facilies. While the actual number <strong>of</strong> units may be small in terms<br />

<strong>of</strong> the overall university populaon, I would hope to determine how many residents<br />

would be required to support the culture <strong>of</strong> integrated life and learning<br />

which is evident at facilies such as Duke Marine labs which incorporate some<br />

housing.<br />

program adaptability<br />

Another aspect <strong>of</strong> resilience, is the ability <strong>of</strong> a system to adjust to change while<br />

sll maintaining its overall form. For architecture this implies a building which<br />

meets its current program, but is designed in such a manner as to accommodate<br />

future needs which may be quite different. Generally, this implies a<br />

modular system where structure and internal parons are separate, as well<br />

as design <strong>of</strong> mechanical systems which can be easily accessed and adapted.<br />

The thesis will have to explore what this means in response to the parcular<br />

program.<br />

habitat<br />

In responding to the third client, the Virginia Key ecosystem, another set <strong>of</strong><br />

metrics apply. From an ecosystem standpoint, resilience is oen a result <strong>of</strong><br />

diversity <strong>of</strong> species and habitat structure. A building will impact these in two<br />

ways. First, <strong>of</strong>f-site impacts need to be considered in terms <strong>of</strong> drainage, air<br />

polluon, shadow casng, light polluon etc. This kind <strong>of</strong> impact is fairly well<br />

described by the USGBC LEED rang system. In a coastal marine locaon<br />

adjacent to fragile habitat, a range <strong>of</strong> impacts must be considered including<br />

site disturbance during construcon, release <strong>of</strong> pollutants during maturing <strong>of</strong><br />

building structure, and impact <strong>of</strong> maintenance pracces such as painng or<br />

window cleaning.<br />

Second, and less explored is how the building can in fact replace or augment<br />

physical habitat structure which has been lost. One area I am curious about is<br />

the potenal for vegetated ro<strong>of</strong>s to be designed to meet the habitat needs <strong>of</strong><br />

specific species. An unintended but well documented example is the coloniza-<br />

on <strong>of</strong> parapets and cornice structures by Peregrine Falcons in New York City.<br />

In the context <strong>of</strong> sea-level rise and climate change, ro<strong>of</strong>scapes may be able to<br />

provide refuge for species such as shorebirds who may lose their natural habitat<br />

due to flooding, even if only during temporary storm events.<br />

cultural context<br />

Finally, architecture is a cultural product. A building is an expensive and impacul<br />

statement about the aesthecs and cultural values <strong>of</strong> its architects and<br />

client. While it will inevitably express the dominant values and aesthecs <strong>of</strong><br />

its moment <strong>of</strong> incepon, a resilient building will have aesthec and cultural<br />

meaning whose value and legibility endure over me. Despite the newness <strong>of</strong><br />

<strong>Miami</strong> as an urban center, there is a rich architectural vocabulary to draw from.<br />

While there is no history <strong>of</strong> selement in Virginia Key prior to the 1940’s, the<br />

early selers <strong>of</strong> the region followed the light wooden vernacular common to<br />

the American South.

At present, there is a large collecon <strong>of</strong> mid-century concrete structures which<br />

represent the playful experimentaon with reinforced concrete construcon.<br />

Best known is the Marine Stadium, but are many other structures including<br />

park facilies and the concrete-screened NOAA facility which represent this<br />

period <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong>’s history (figures 1-3). The heavy brise soleil <strong>of</strong> the campus<br />

commons building place it in the company <strong>of</strong> other brutalist buildings <strong>of</strong> the<br />

period which connue to explore the plasc qualies <strong>of</strong> concrete and the dramac<br />

shadowing possible with intense tropical light (figure 4). The more recent<br />

Administraon Building connues to explore the vocabulary <strong>of</strong> Tropicalist<br />

instuonal architecture with its massive overhanging ro<strong>of</strong> (figure 5). Any new<br />

architecture on the campus must be designed with these tradions in mind.<br />

2. materials, aesthecs <strong>of</strong> exisng campus<br />


proposed redevelopment sequence<br />

The redevelopment sequence illustrated below reflects current <strong>University</strong> redevelopment plans. The seawater lab is scheduled to begin<br />

construcon in 2011, with demolion <strong>of</strong> Collier and Glassell to follow. Grosvenor and the Trium Lab are considered obsolete due to<br />

restricted floor plans, dated infrastructure, and vulnerability to storm events. This leaves a large area at the center <strong>of</strong> Campus open for<br />

consideraon. This will be the primary target area for intervenons proposed here.<br />

proposed seawater lab scheduled for demolion obsolete - future demolion primary area available for future redevelopment

As has been outlined earlier, this project will use relavely expansive definion<br />

<strong>of</strong> program. Specific site and building intervenons will be designed<br />

with an eye to the immediate funconal needs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>School</strong>, but also with<br />

reference to the idea <strong>of</strong> resilient community. The proposal will include a combinaon<br />

<strong>of</strong> structure, site and landscape intervenons which will support the<br />

school in its growth, as well as supporng the Virginia Key community and<br />

ecology.<br />

Intervenons will include the four primary funconal elements:<br />

1. Addional laboratory and research <strong>of</strong>fice space<br />

• +/- 60,000sf<br />

• Replace and update capacity <strong>of</strong> buildings to be removed<br />

• Provide addional capacity in specific areas<br />

• Emphasis on flexibility <strong>of</strong> space, and infrastructure adaptability<br />

• Hierarchy <strong>of</strong> systems, maximize passive strategies, fully condioned<br />

space only where needed<br />

• Strong physical and visual connecons to site<br />

• Minimize vulnerability to sea level rise and storm events<br />

2. Indoor and outdoor conference and social areas<br />

• +/- 10,000sf<br />

• Seminar spaces, larger informal gathering areas<br />

• Strong connecon to outdoor spaces<br />

3. Indoor Housing for graduate students and vising scholars<br />

• 18-24 units<br />

• 400-800sf range for units<br />

• Housing placement to enhance sense <strong>of</strong> community and extend ac-<br />

ve use <strong>of</strong> public areas<br />

• Design for adaptability to changing housing needs <strong>of</strong> community<br />

• Design for natural thermal comfort<br />

4. Coastal landscape and mangrove restoraon cells for habitat creaon and<br />

research<br />

• Ulize at-grade and rooop spaces for potenal habitat develpment<br />

• Design spaces in modular way to maximize potenal for quantave<br />

urban ecological research<br />

• Design to explicitly specified and achievable habitat and ecological<br />

funconal goals<br />

Site planning improvements will address the following:<br />

• Delineaon <strong>of</strong> posive common open spaces<br />

• Strengthening <strong>of</strong> visual connecons to the Bay<br />

• Improving circulaon hierarchy and clarity<br />

• Development <strong>of</strong> pedestrian and habitat areas as primary over parking<br />

and vehicular circulaon<br />

• Enhancing openness and connecvity with adjacent uses while respecng<br />

safety and security <strong>of</strong> the campus community<br />

8.<br />

Program Defi nition<br />

1. Glen Murcu, Bowali Visitor Informaon Center, drawing by author<br />


campus square footage studies<br />

building id building name date sq. ft.<br />

existing + new planned demo add to hybrid<br />

lab demo grov grov<br />

1101 DohertyMarineScienceCenter 1971 50,806 50,806 50,806 50,806 50,806 50,806<br />

1102 CIMASBuilding 1980 9,888 9,888 9,888 9,888 9,888 9,888<br />

1103 CentralChiller/IcePlant 1995 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700 6,700<br />

1172 ShadeHouse 2004 3,744 3,744 0 0 0 0<br />

1107 AplysiaRearingFacility(VKBeachRd.) 1979 3,479 3,479 3,479 3,479 3,479 3,479<br />

1110 CollierBuilding 1954 4,678 4,678 0 0 0 0<br />

1115 GrosvenorSouth 1957 25,890 25,890 25,890 0 25,890 0<br />

1116 GrosvenorEast 1960 8,926 8,926 8,926 0 8,926 0<br />

1120 OperationsBuilding 1960 4,413 4,413 4,413 4,413 4,413 4,413<br />

1125 RefrigerationBuilding(storage) 1960 672 672 672 672 672 672<br />

1130 ServiceBuilding(builtastemporary) g( 1968 7,932 7,932 7,932 7,932 7,932 7,932,<br />

1135 TritiumLabBuilding(builtasdormitory) 1961 4,066 4,066 4,066 4,066 4,066 4,066<br />

1148 GlassellBuilding 1966 21,695 21,695 0 0 0 0<br />

1164 GrosvenorNorth(designedfor2morefloors) 1966 49,574 49,574 49,574 0 98,000 98,000<br />

1170 ScienceLabandAdministrationBuilding(SLAB) 1985 82,624 82,624 82,624 82,624 82,624 82,624<br />

SeawaterLab 2011 0 90,000000 90,000000 90,000000 90,000000 90,000000<br />

Total 285,087 375,087 344,970 260,580 393,396 358,580<br />

Balance 0 90,000 59,883 24,507 108,309 16,507<br />


massing option studies<br />

exisng massing<br />


“Landscape Urbanism describes a disciplinary realignment currently underway in which<br />

landscape replaces architecture as the basic building block <strong>of</strong> contemporary urbanism”<br />

(Charles Waldheim, ‘Reference Manifesto’ in introducon to the Landscape Urbanism Reader).<br />

“Last April, upon aending a remarkable conference at the Harvard GSD, I predicted<br />

that it would be taken over in a coup. I recognized a classic Lan American-style operaon.<br />

It was clear that the venerable Urban Design program would be eliminated<br />

or replaced by Landscape Urbanism. Today, it is possible to confirm that the coup was<br />

completed in September—and that it was a strategic masterpiece.”<br />

(Andres Duany, Metropolis, November 3, 2010).<br />

“Then to create places<br />

Coralize<br />

Means: exigency<br />

Opening to all solicitaons<br />

And variabilies <strong>of</strong> the cizen<br />

And concrete acts, precise and definite<br />

Incorporated to this reality.”<br />

(Guillermo Jullian on Mat Building, in Allard 22).<br />

“Picasso could come to visit”<br />

(Jonas Salk describing his vision for the Salk Instute in Steele 12).<br />


A resilient ecosystem needs to have stable populaons <strong>of</strong> the core group<br />

<strong>of</strong> species and stable funcon in terms <strong>of</strong> ability to propagate itself. For this to<br />

happen, it must have a stable physical structure. This is the definion <strong>of</strong> habitat:<br />

a physical structure which allows for the successful propagaon <strong>of</strong> a community.<br />

In developing the idea <strong>of</strong> a resilient campus supporng connuing<br />

high-level study <strong>of</strong> the marine environment, a program can be defined which<br />

enumerates the variety and proporon <strong>of</strong> various funcons. However, in the<br />

same way that neither a plant nursery nor a pet shop is an ecosystem, a collecon<br />

<strong>of</strong> specified spaces does not inherently make an academic community.<br />

The queson becomes, what constutes resilient habitat for the RSMAS community?<br />

The following paragraphs examine the dialecc between formalism<br />

and funconalism as generators <strong>of</strong> architectural and urban paern. Rather<br />

than viewing them as mutually exclusive approaches, I would argue that they<br />

are inherently complementary.<br />

The two pairs <strong>of</strong> text above illustrate two separate but overlapping debates<br />

on the nature <strong>of</strong> contemporary architecture and urban design. At the urban<br />

design scale, Landscape Urbanism is challenging the formalist basis <strong>of</strong> New<br />

Urbanism in favor <strong>of</strong> a fluid reading <strong>of</strong> urban space which emphasizes interconnecvity<br />

<strong>of</strong> infrastructure and ecological systems overlaid with site specific<br />

narrave reference. The first reference is an excerpt from Charles Waldheim’s<br />

introducon the Landscape Urbanism Reader, a collecon <strong>of</strong> essays which<br />

suggest a framework for meaningful urbanism in the post-industrial city. The<br />

emphasis is on reappropriaon <strong>of</strong> the horizontal plane, replacing the insustrialized<br />

asphalted ground plane with contemporary gardens which provide ecological<br />

funcon in addion to providing space for social interacon. Andres<br />

Duany has explicitly cricized this movement for its inability to address ques-<br />

ons <strong>of</strong> architectural density, spaal hierarchy, and funconal efficiency which<br />

constute important elements <strong>of</strong> New Urbanist theory. That he sees it as a<br />

threat to the supremacy <strong>of</strong> New Urbanism is an indicaon <strong>of</strong> the resonance <strong>of</strong><br />

the Landscape Urbanist approach in contemporary culture, as well as the con-<br />

nuing percepon that urban design theories are mutually exclusive. I would<br />

argue that both theories provide valuable tools for analyzing and designing the<br />

contemporary city, and are in fact quite complementary.<br />

high line park<br />

An example <strong>of</strong> the successful integraon <strong>of</strong> ideals from both camps can be<br />

found in the redevelopment <strong>of</strong> New York’s High Line. A mile long ribbon <strong>of</strong><br />

green floang over Manhaan’s Lower West Side, the High Line opened to the<br />

public in June 2009. The High Line is the glamorous cousin <strong>of</strong> the “rails to trails”<br />

projects which have gradually been transforming disused rail corridors into<br />

linear public open spaces. Combining an innovave design, high quality materials,<br />

and meculous quality <strong>of</strong> construcon, the inial secon <strong>of</strong> the High Line<br />

Park has become a showpiece <strong>of</strong> contemporary urban public space. However,<br />

1. High Line Park. author photo<br />

underneath the showy visuals lies a thoughul strategy for the transion <strong>of</strong> an<br />

underulized industrial quarter into a vibrant mixed-use urban neighborhood<br />

with the park at its heart. While the spectacular Manhaan locaon is unique,<br />

the project represents a scalable and replicable approach for catalyzing redevelopment<br />

<strong>of</strong> centrally located industrial districts.<br />

Running from West 34th Street south to Gansevoort Street, a block east <strong>of</strong><br />

the Hudson River, the High Line was constructed in 1934. The 1.5 mile rail line<br />

was elevated 30 feet to separate industrial rail acvity from surface streets.<br />

The line was placed mid-block north to south in order to avoid the blight associated<br />

with elevated subways (Friends <strong>of</strong> the High Line, 2010). The railroads<br />

owned an elevated easement, but the land underneath and air rights connued<br />

to be aached to adjacent lots. This created a unique urban paern which<br />

has impacted contemporary opons for redevelopment.<br />

By the 1980’s the line was unused and owners <strong>of</strong> adjacent properes formed<br />

Chelsea Property Owners, Inc. promong demolion in order to facilitate redevelopment<br />

<strong>of</strong> their land. However, rail preservaon advocates fought the<br />

demolion, and in 1999 neighborhood residents Joshua David and Robert<br />

Hammond founded the non-pr<strong>of</strong>it Friends <strong>of</strong> the High Line, seeking redevelopment<br />

<strong>of</strong> the structure as a unique public open space. Despite the concern <strong>of</strong><br />

adjacent owners, polical support for a public adapve re-use and the lack <strong>of</strong><br />

open space in that poron <strong>of</strong> the city led to a commitment from the City and<br />

the State to preserve the line. (Design Trust, 7)<br />

9.<br />

Case Studies<br />


2. High Line route. adapted from google<br />

Designed by James Corner Field Operaons and Diller Sc<strong>of</strong>idio + Renfro, the<br />

park combines sleek pavement and furnishings with wispy eclecc planngs<br />

meant to evoke the weeds which were colonizing the abandoned elevated rail<br />

line. The lightness <strong>of</strong> form and material emphasizes the solidity <strong>of</strong> the original<br />

supporng structure giving “weight” to historical memory (figures 1,3). The<br />

park spaces are loosely programmed but mul-funconal, providing an aesthecally<br />

appealing pedestrian route as well as space for lounging, viewing<br />

the city and river, and taking in informal music and art events. Ecologically,<br />

the park serves as both patch and corridor, a linear habitat element for birds<br />

and insects created by an isolated island <strong>of</strong> vegetaon. The non-hierarchical<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> the design allows for unlimited future expansion, implicitly valuing<br />

flexibility and connecvity over autonomy <strong>of</strong> the arsc endeavor.<br />

3. High Line Park. author photo<br />

on together, supporng Landscape Urbanist ideals <strong>of</strong> socially, ecologically,<br />

and historically referenal landscape in the context <strong>of</strong> the dense mul-use<br />

urban structure advocated by the New Urbanists.<br />

In the example <strong>of</strong> High Line Park the open space repurposes what was an<br />

anomalous open patch within non-hierarchichal grid matrix. By creang a moment<br />

<strong>of</strong> importance in that patch, the grid is given hierarchy through a gradient<br />

<strong>of</strong> proximity to the new space. It is the interplay <strong>of</strong> infrastructure, site<br />

specific open space, and built urban fabric which gives meaning for Landscape<br />

Urbanist and New Urbanist readings.<br />

36<br />

Despite safety concerns about urban open spaces segregated from the street,<br />

the park has been immensely popular from the start. Combining crical and<br />

popular favor, the park has become an instant “monument,” a spaally explicit<br />

icon which serves as an urban reference point. This is the key point <strong>of</strong> convergence<br />

with New Urbanist ideas. As a monument the park becomes a catalyst<br />

around which new or repurposed urban fabric can be structured.<br />

A West Chelsea Special Zoning District was created, and specific formal guidelines<br />

were wrien to guide the development <strong>of</strong> adjacent structures. An esmated<br />

$2 billion has been invested in the neighborhood as a result <strong>of</strong> development<br />

<strong>of</strong> the park (HR&A), suggesng that the park has had significant impact<br />

on the surrounding architectural fabric. The zoning guidelines emphasize a<br />

mix <strong>of</strong> uses with retail and gallery space at the ground level <strong>of</strong> <strong>of</strong>fice and residenal<br />

towers, and aim to protect the diversity <strong>of</strong> use in the neighborhood<br />

while assuring consistency <strong>of</strong> form (NYC Zoning Code Arcle IX, Ch. 8 98-00 to<br />

98-25). In this way it seems that the park and surrounding urban district func-<br />

4. High Line Park and W Hotel. author photo

kilometro rosso<br />

Both theorecal structures purport to address both center-urban and peripheral<br />

condions. An interesng example <strong>of</strong> the peripheral condion can be<br />

seen in Jean Nouvel’s Red Wall project in Bergamo Italy. Located along the<br />

A3, an eight-lane limited access highway, the site consisted originally <strong>of</strong> an<br />

exposed grouping <strong>of</strong> low-rise research buildings. Nouvel’s scheme lines the<br />

A3 with a kilometer long red wall roughly five meters high. The wall creates<br />

structure at the scale <strong>of</strong> infrastructure, a landscape piece which stands up to<br />

the highway and creates protecve shelter from it. New research buildings are<br />

aligned perpendicular to the wall to create a series <strong>of</strong> comfortably scaled open<br />

spaces. The central open spaces are more park-like with lawn and scaered<br />

canopy trees, while the landscapes into which the wall terminates have been<br />

developed as constructed marshes.<br />

1 exisng urbanizaon<br />

3 freestanding commercial space linked to highway<br />

2 autostrada introduced<br />

4 red wall added blocking wind and noise, creang south facing space<br />

5. project views, Lotus<br />

The wall, a landscape intervenon <strong>of</strong> post-industrial scale and character thus<br />

mediates the effect <strong>of</strong> the highway and creates a zone for habitable gardens<br />

and more delicate architecture behind. In this way the interplay between<br />

infrastructure and landscape emerging from the Landscape Urbanist toolkit<br />

creates space which can be urbanized with the structure and scale more commonly<br />

addressed in New Urbanism. The dramac length <strong>of</strong> the red wall suggests<br />

the linear and indeterminate character <strong>of</strong> the autostrada, but in fact has<br />

a beginning and end, and carefully located penetraons. This provides the<br />

transion in scale and spaal definion which allows transformaon <strong>of</strong> landscape<br />

and infrastructure into garden and building.<br />

5 commercial campus forms in protected space behind wall<br />

7 commercial ‘village’ develops along wall<br />

6 buildings infill along wall<br />

8 exisng urban fabric grows, connecng to highway uses.<br />

6. par sketch, author<br />

7. site redevelopment sequence, author

8. Venice Hospital model, from Allard<br />

venice hospital<br />

Landscape Urbanism is only the most recent manifestaon <strong>of</strong> a connuing<br />

search for a design framework which can accommodate the fluid and complex<br />

nature <strong>of</strong> the modern city and its vast horizontal spread. The second pair <strong>of</strong><br />

quotes above references differing approaches to this queson at a more architectural<br />

scale. The first is from Guillermo Jullian, a protégé <strong>of</strong> Le Corbusier<br />

and his collaborator on the 1964 proposal for a hospital in Venice. Having just<br />

returned from a Team 10 conference, Jullian became interested in models <strong>of</strong><br />

organic growth as form-givers for architecture (Allard 20). “Then to create<br />

places Coralize” suggests an interest in the repeatable and scalable forms we<br />

now call fractals.<br />

The plan for the hospital consisted <strong>of</strong> horizontally layered programmac strata<br />

organized around a series <strong>of</strong> repeatable courtyards. Extending from medieval<br />

Venean fabric out over the water, the design recalled the texture <strong>of</strong> the<br />

old city while proposing a formal system which could adapt to the complex<br />

and dynamic demands <strong>of</strong> a large modern instuon. Like a coral, the overall<br />

structure was generalized and non-hierarchical while the specific elements –<br />

paent rooms, operang theaters etc. -- were carefully detailed to serve their<br />

specific funcons. The low, inward-looking hospital complex would appear to<br />

grow naturally from the exisng city, eschewing the heroic modernism generally<br />

associated with Le Corbusier.<br />

Jullien made the analagy to coral in reference to a larger discussion about organically<br />

formed architecture, but it is parcularly apt for the Venice hospital.<br />

As the hospital is built largely over water, the buildings are free to take<br />

the form which emerges naturally from funconal and programmac requirements.<br />

Rather than exisng within, the buildings create their own urban structure.<br />

The biological analagy is also evident in the vercal layering <strong>of</strong> the plan.<br />

The first level contains primarilly outpaent funcons, while the top level is<br />

designed for flexible placement <strong>of</strong> inpaent wards (figure 8). Sandwiched between<br />

is a mezzanine devoted to circulaon and service, a kind <strong>of</strong> vascular<br />

system for the hospital.<br />

9.. upper level and mezzanine plans, Le Corbusier from Allard<br />

38<br />

In a way, this approach has es to the current interest in parametric design.<br />

Yet, there is also a strong sense <strong>of</strong> hisrical reference, as if a piece <strong>of</strong> the genec<br />

code <strong>of</strong> old Venice has be implanted into the work. The scale and rythm<br />

<strong>of</strong> the courtyards echoes the adjacent fabric, while the organic adaptabliy <strong>of</strong><br />

the plan carries with it some <strong>of</strong> the spontaneous quality <strong>of</strong> an evolved place.

salk institute<br />

Almost exactly contemporary to the Venice hospital proposal, is<br />

Louis Kahn’s iconic Salk Instute. Completed in 1966, the project<br />

is an altar to the scienst-hero cult <strong>of</strong> a confident post-war<br />

America. Where the Venice hospital references the common matrix<br />

<strong>of</strong> the city, the Salk instute alludes to the temple-framed<br />

central spaces <strong>of</strong> ancient Greek cies like Ephesus, simultaneously<br />

celebrang civic achievement, and humbling it in relaon<br />

to the vast ocean beyond. Like Le Corbusier, Kahn is also intent<br />

on enhancing the space <strong>of</strong> the individual within the complex. The<br />

serrated facades give expression to the spaces <strong>of</strong> individual study<br />

which form the heart <strong>of</strong> the program. Yet the individual units<br />

are clearly subordinate to the powerful axial central plaza, and<br />

the dialog established between civilized humanity and myscal<br />

ocean. Salk’s desire for a place “Picasso could come to visit” is<br />

sasfied by Kahn’s presentaon <strong>of</strong> a “complete” work <strong>of</strong> art.<br />

Like Le Corbusier, Kahn uses seconal layering to separate infrastructural<br />

space from primary spaces. Mezzanine mechanical<br />

spaces are sandwiched between primary levels containing open<br />

labs and individual studies. Within each floor, spaces are le open<br />

to allow for maximum flexibility (figure 9). Flexibility is given at<br />

the scale <strong>of</strong> large indiviual rooms which are contained within a<br />

strictly defined plan diagram. This differs from the Venice hospital<br />

plan where individual workspaces are more proscribed, but<br />

the overall structure is adaptable.<br />

The contrast between the “Mat Building” approach to Venice<br />

hospital and the formal symmetrical hierarchy <strong>of</strong> the Salk instute<br />

provides an interesng parallel to the current debate between<br />

organically inspired Landscape Urbanism, and the formalist<br />

basis <strong>of</strong> New Urbanism. Mat buildings are flexible, adaptable,<br />

democrac. They could also seem labyrinthine, hermec, and<br />

pedestrian. The Classical formalism <strong>of</strong> the Salk Instute is legible,<br />

engaging, and inspiring, but also rigid and difficult to adapt. Its<br />

reliance on formal harmony subjugates the individual user and his<br />

or her changing requirements.<br />

applicability to RSMAS<br />

The four case studies referenced above all seek to balance func-<br />

onal structure and narrave reference to create meaningful urban<br />

districts. A resilient campus community will have to address<br />

the changing funconal requirements <strong>of</strong> a complex instuon.<br />

However, it will also have to have a legible structure which gives<br />

form to the dreams and desires <strong>of</strong> the community. As Central<br />

Park or the High Line give meaning to the Manhaan grid, or<br />

Saarinen’s hall gives meaning to flight at JFK Airport, funconal<br />

matrices can be inflected by spaces which give meaning to the<br />

whole.<br />

10. Salk Instute courtyard, Steele<br />

11.. Salk Instute typical lab wing secon and plan, Steele<br />


Works Cited<br />

Abramovitz-Harris-Kingsland. Master Plan: Rosensel <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Marine and<br />

Atmospheric Science, <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong>. New York. 1979.<br />

Allard, Pablo. “Bridge Over Venice.” Case: Le Corbusier’s Venice Hospital and<br />

the mat building revival. Ed. Hashim Sarkis with Pablo Allard and Timothy<br />

Hyde. Munich: Prestel, 2001. 18-35. Print.<br />

American Instute <strong>of</strong> Architects. AIA Code <strong>of</strong> Ethics. Web. December 15, 2010.<br />

hp://www.aia.org/about/ethicsandbylaws.<br />

Cambridge Seven Associates, Inc. Final Submission for Rosensel <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong><br />

Marine and Atmospheric Science. Cambridge MA. 2005.<br />

Steele, James. Salk Instute: Louis I Kahn. <strong>Architecture</strong> in Detail Series. London:<br />

Phaidon Press. Print.<br />

Waldheim, Charles. “Introducon: A Reference Manifesto.” Landscape Urbanism<br />

Reader. Princeton NJ: Princeton Architectural Press, 2006. 13-19.<br />

Print.<br />

Yehle, Jean. “The History <strong>of</strong> the Rosensteil <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric<br />

Science: 1940-2010.” <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong>, 2010. Web. 2 December 2010.<br />

hp://www.rsmas.miami.edu/about-rsmas/history/<br />

---. Pre-Schemac Design Drawings: Marine Technology and Life Sciences Seawater<br />

Research Building. Cambridge MA. 2010<br />

Design Trust for Public Space. Public Space Makers: The Future <strong>of</strong> the High<br />

Line. Conference Proceedings. New York: Port Authority <strong>of</strong> New York and<br />

New Jersey World Trade Center. 2001. Online.<br />

Duany, Andres. “Duany vs Harvard GSD.” Metropolis. Web. 11 November<br />

2010. hp://www.metropolismag.com/pov/20101103/duany-vs-harvardgsd<br />

EDSA Virginia Key Master Plan Fort Lauderdale FL. Sept. 2009.<br />

Evernden, Neil. The Social Creaon <strong>of</strong> Nature. Balmore: Johns Hopkins <strong>University</strong><br />

Press. 1992. Print.<br />

Friends <strong>of</strong> the High Line. “Official Website <strong>of</strong> the High Line.” Web. 27 Oct. 2010.<br />

.<br />

Friends <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> Marine Stadium<br />

Harlem, Peter Wayne. Aerial Photographic Interpretaon <strong>of</strong> the Historical<br />

Changes in Northern Biscayne Bay, Florida: 1925 to 1976. Sea Grant Technical<br />

Bullen No. #40. <strong>Miami</strong>: <strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong>, December 1979. Print.<br />

HR&A Advisors Inc. “Transforming the High Line.” Web. 27 Oct. 2010. .<br />

Editoriale Lotus “Kilometro Rosso.” Lotus 139 (2009). Print.<br />

<strong>Miami</strong>-Dade County Adopted 2015-2025 Comprehensive Development Master<br />

Plan. <strong>Miami</strong>. <strong>Miami</strong>-Dade County. 2010. Online.<br />

New York City. Department <strong>of</strong> Planning. Establishment <strong>of</strong> West Chelsea Special<br />

District. Zoning Code. Arcle IX, Chapter 8. New York City: 2005. Online.<br />


fi nal design documents<br />

<strong>Resilience</strong><br />

An investigation <strong>of</strong> Tropical Coastal Community<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> Rosensteil <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> Marine and Atmospheric Sciences:<br />

toward a socially, intellectually, and ecologially resilient coastal campus<br />

Robert Lloyd<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong> <strong>School</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> Master <strong>of</strong> <strong>Architecture</strong> Thesis<br />

Resilient Community<br />

As urban designers think about natural systems as a metaphor for human development, vocabulary from the biological sciences has been adopted by architects,<br />

and taken on new meaning. Conservaon biologists have been interested in the idea <strong>of</strong> resilience – that is the capacity <strong>of</strong> a given ecosystem to maintain its essenal<br />

characteriscs despite stressors including changing environmental condions. Stressors can be events <strong>of</strong> short duraon and high intensity such as fire or<br />

hurricane, or long term events such as the aging <strong>of</strong> a mature forest canopy.<br />

The concept <strong>of</strong> resilience has also been applied to human communies, and implies durability <strong>of</strong> a range <strong>of</strong> elements from economic and social stability to ability<br />

<strong>of</strong> infrastructure to withstand the pressures <strong>of</strong> climate change. This thesis suggests that human communies are inseparable from the natural communies in<br />

which they are set. Responsible development should consider the resilience <strong>of</strong> both.<br />

The goal is to develop architectural and open space improvements which would help create a vibrant academic cluster in which to house a greater range <strong>of</strong> teaching,<br />

research, living, and recreaonal acvies than are served by the exisng campus. This expansion <strong>of</strong> architecture and infrastructure would be carried out<br />

in a way which reduces the site’s vulnerability to storm events and climate change while enhancing ecological funcon and the site’s interacon with adjacent<br />

natural areas.<br />


campus challenges/<br />

proposed solutions<br />

Gulf <strong>of</strong><br />

Mexico<br />

Atlantic<br />

Ocean<br />

ecological<br />

Virginia key was originally a valuable producve mangrove at the head <strong>of</strong> Biscayne<br />

Bay. The enre key is now filled. The area in proximity to the <strong>University</strong>’s<br />

marine campus as well as the Seaquarium is currently enrely paved for<br />

parking. All ecological value is lost. In addion, the paved areas contribute<br />

to the heat island effect. The lack <strong>of</strong> vegetaon and topographic diversity<br />

make the developed structures extremely vulnerable to storm events. Given<br />

sea level rise and increasing ocean temperatures the frequency <strong>of</strong> storm<br />

events are predicted to increase.<br />

Project Site<br />

<strong>Miami</strong> Beach<br />

<strong>Miami</strong><br />

Virginia Key<br />

Rickenbacker Causeway<br />

Bear Cut<br />

Biscayne Bay<br />

Key Biscayne<br />

Land-Fill<br />

Rickenbacker Marina<br />

Hobie Beach<br />

Marine Stadium<br />

Wastewater Plant<br />

Mast Academy<br />

Virginia Key Beach Park<br />

NOAA<br />

Seaquarium<br />

NMFS<br />

Soluons:<br />

• Virginia Key as a gateway to Biscayne Bay Naonal Park<br />

• Set Development Boundaries and create clearly defined research district in the<br />

Southwest corner <strong>of</strong> the island<br />

• Develop parking structures, shared parking and encourage transit to allow for<br />

the conversion <strong>of</strong> the surface parking to park and restore natural areas<br />

• Extend mangroves to restore east/west and north/south connecons between<br />

the Bay and Bear Cut<br />

• Restore complete habitats where possible following established habitat types<br />

• Restore habitat funcon as feasible in developed areas by increasing tree cover,<br />

replanng mangroves, vegetang ro<strong>of</strong>s, etc.<br />

• Minimize pavement, shade required paved areas to minimize heat island effect<br />

• Excavate to restore hydrology favorable to mangroves, berms created from excavaon<br />

spoils can be vegetated with coastal strand plants to protect developed<br />

area from coastal hazards<br />

physical<br />

Campus buildings are obsolete in terms <strong>of</strong> plan, infrastructure and campus<br />

urban design.<br />

Plan:<br />

• nterior circulaon is currently ineffecve or non-existent (e.g. closed cubicle<br />

work spaces and labs)<br />

• Poor relaonship to exterior<br />

• Poor venlaon<br />

Infrastructure<br />

• Building systems are outdated and inefficient<br />

• Lack <strong>of</strong> passive cooling opons thus heavy reliance on air condioning 12<br />

months a year<br />

• Refrigieraon <strong>of</strong> science equipment retr<strong>of</strong>it into circulaon space creang addional<br />

heat load and inefficient operaon<br />

• Limited daylighng and interior corridors do not funcon during power outage<br />

• Ground floor spaces not designed for storm surge or weather event<br />

• Servicing spaces is difficult and oen presented with a lack <strong>of</strong> flexibility<br />

Urban design<br />

• Lack <strong>of</strong> interior/exterior central gathering space<br />

• Parking dominates ground plane<br />

• Front/rear building relaonships are not well defined and orchestrated<br />

f2<br />


institutional<br />

RSMAS is a well respected top level instuon, but research and teaching take<br />

place in very fragmented, siloized ways. Faculty and students work on a range<br />

<strong>of</strong> marine and climate topics, but the school lacks a coherent sense <strong>of</strong> mission<br />

with regards to sustainability – humanisc values, connecon and purpose for<br />

local region. Lack <strong>of</strong> communicaon between researchers diminishes poten-<br />

al for learning synergies. A resilient instuon will have diversity <strong>of</strong> output<br />

within a clear values framework as well as strong communicaon between<br />

members. Strong academic instuons usually engage with their communi-<br />

es/regions which provide students, staff, and a learning environment –they<br />

need to act as engaged corporate cizens.<br />

Soluon:<br />

• Create more open lab and learning space.<br />

• Reverse par <strong>of</strong> major buildings so that circulaon is on exterior and facing on<br />

to posive open spaces.<br />

• Add housing to allow for core resident community, vising scholars, and more<br />

informal campus life which can strengthen community sensibility.<br />

• Facilitate the connecon between campus and its neighbors through improved<br />

physical connecons, provision <strong>of</strong> common space for shared meengs and conferences,<br />

enhance connecons to natural physical context.<br />

design inspiration<br />

• Ruins and tents: meless structures with adaptable skin<br />

• Structure <strong>of</strong> buildings inspired by marine forms (e.g. coral forms, whale and<br />

skeletons)<br />

program<br />

As has been outlined earlier, this project will use relavely expansive definion<br />

<strong>of</strong> program. Specific site and building intervenons will be designed with an<br />

eye to the immediate funconal needs <strong>of</strong> the <strong>School</strong>, but also with reference<br />

to the idea <strong>of</strong> resilient community. The proposal will include a combinaon <strong>of</strong><br />

structure, site and landscape intervenons which will support the school in its<br />

growth, as well as supporng the Virginia Key community and ecology.<br />

Intervenons will include the four primary funconal elements:<br />

1. Addional laboratory and research <strong>of</strong>fice space<br />

• +/- 60,000sf<br />

• Replace and update capacity <strong>of</strong> buildings to be removed<br />

• Provide addional capacity in specific areas<br />

• Emphasis on flexibility <strong>of</strong> space, and infrastructure adaptability<br />

• Hierarchy <strong>of</strong> systems, maximize passive strategies, fully condioned space only<br />

where needed<br />

• Strong physical and visual connecons to site<br />

• Minimize vulnerability to sea level rise and storm events<br />

2. Indoor and outdoor conference and social areas<br />

• +/- 10,000sf<br />

• Seminar spaces, larger informal gathering areas<br />

• Strong connecon to outdoor spaces<br />

3. Indoor Housing for graduate students and vising scholars<br />

• 24 units<br />

• 400-800sf range for units<br />

• Housing placement to enhance sense <strong>of</strong> community and extend acve use <strong>of</strong><br />

public areas<br />

• Design for adaptability to changing housing needs <strong>of</strong> community<br />

• Design for natural thermal comfort<br />

4. Coastal landscape and mangrove restoraon cells for habitat creaon and<br />

research<br />

• Ulize at-grade and rooop spaces for potenal habitat develpment<br />

• Design spaces in modular way to maximize potenal for quantave urban<br />

ecological research<br />

• Design to explicitly specified and achievable habitat and ecological funconal<br />

goals<br />

Site planning improvements will address the following:<br />

• Delineaon <strong>of</strong> posive common open spaces<br />

• Strengthening <strong>of</strong> visual connecons to the Bay<br />

• Improving circulaon hierarchy and clarity<br />

• Development <strong>of</strong> pedestrian and habitat areas as primary over parking and<br />

vehicular circulaon<br />

• Enhancing openness and connecvity with adjacent uses while respecng<br />

safety and security <strong>of</strong> the campus community<br />


site master plan<br />

Hobie Beach<br />

To Marine Stadium, Causeway,<br />

and Downtown <strong>Miami</strong><br />

legend<br />

excavated flood channel<br />

• planted with mangrove<br />

• restores hydrologic connectivity across island<br />

berm with native plantings<br />

• created with excavation spoils<br />

• provides flood barrier<br />

bridge<br />

• open steel grating allows light and encourages fish passage<br />

• grating slows vehicular traffic and marks pedestrian crossing<br />

bicycle path<br />

• raised on crest <strong>of</strong> berm where possible for enhanced landscape views<br />

primary pedestrian connections<br />

service access<br />

proposed future structured<br />

parking and additional marine<br />

research space<br />

NOAA<br />

to Virginia Key Beach Park<br />

NMFS<br />

<strong>Miami</strong> Seaquarium<br />

RSMAS<br />


legend<br />

Future Seawater Lab<br />

Grosvenor North<br />

(proposed library and labs)<br />

Proposed<br />

vising scholars housing<br />

Administraon<br />

Grosvenor South<br />

(proposed group <strong>of</strong>fice and classrooms)<br />

Proposed mangrove research ponds<br />

Doherty<br />

black indicates area <strong>of</strong> intervenon<br />

secon cut

typical fl oor plans<br />

and section<br />

lab venlaon and exhaust<br />

study mezzanine<br />

library stacks<br />

reading room<br />

laboratory<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice<br />

laboratory<br />

open service core<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice<br />

field equipment<br />

<strong>of</strong>fice<br />

tanks (modified from exisng)<br />

f6<br />

grosvenor north transformation

library stacks<br />

laboratories<br />

(grosvenor north)<br />

faculty and graduate student work areas<br />

(grosvenor south)<br />

reading room<br />

library (grosevenor north new 4th level)<br />

seminar and lecture space<br />

vising scholar housing<br />

typical fl oor plans

grosvenor north<br />

transformation<br />

shell<br />

labs and core<br />

library stacks and mezzanine<br />


shading structures<br />

skin<br />


circulation<br />

interior circulaon<br />

service core closed<br />

workspace with no natural light<br />

interior circulaon<br />

no cross-venlaon<br />

grosvenor north - levels 2-3<br />

circulation<br />

program<br />

grosvenor south - levels 2-3<br />

f10<br />


grovenor north - levels 4-5 (library)<br />

grosvenor south - levels 2-3 (laboratory)<br />

exterior circulaon<br />

• shades workspaces<br />

• creates acve visual connecon to landscape<br />

spaces<br />

service core open<br />

• visual connecon between lab spaces<br />

• ease <strong>of</strong> servicing<br />

consolodated workspaces<br />

• all have natural light<br />

• cross venlaon<br />

• program flexibility<br />

• ease <strong>of</strong> servicing for data and specialized lab<br />

requirements<br />

residenal - levels 2-6 (vising scholars)<br />

grosvenor south - levels 2-3 (classroom and open <strong>of</strong>fice space)<br />

proposed<br />


climate comfort<br />

exisng condions<br />

• all spaces fully air-condioned<br />

• no natural venlaon<br />

• minimal sensory connecon to landscape and<br />

adjacent Biscayne Bay<br />

• high ulity costs<br />

grosvenor north - levels 2-3<br />

full air-conditioning<br />

ventilation control (adjustable louvers, fans)<br />

simple shading<br />

grosvenor south - levels 2-3<br />

f12<br />


grovenor north - levels 4-5 (library)<br />

grosvenor south - levels 2-3 (laboratory)<br />

exterior circulaon<br />

• creates shaded buffer zone<br />

• minimizes heat gain for condioned space<br />

fully air-condioned space<br />

• reserved for areas with specific climate conrol<br />

requirements (ie. library stacks, laboratories)<br />

semi-condioned space<br />

• oriented to provide access to prevailing onshore<br />

breeze<br />

• light and venlaon control through louver systems<br />

residenal - levels 2-6 (vising scholars)<br />

grosvenor south - levels 2-3 (classroom and open <strong>of</strong>fice space)<br />

proposed<br />


social interaction<br />

exisng condions<br />

• spaces highly fragmented<br />

• minimal interacon between individual researchers<br />

and between disciplines<br />

grosvenor north - levels 2-3<br />

common spaces<br />

shared workspaces<br />

private <strong>of</strong>fice<br />

grosvenor south - levels 2-3<br />

f14<br />


grovenor north - levels 4-5 (library)<br />

grosvenor south - levels 2-3 (laboratory)<br />

open <strong>of</strong>fice space<br />

• efficient and flexible space allocaon<br />

• exchange between faculty and<br />

students <strong>of</strong> different disciplines<br />

open reading room<br />

• flexibly programmed common space<br />

• could be used for variety <strong>of</strong> RSMAS or UM<br />

funcons as well as quiet study<br />

• allows for increased interacon between “interior”<br />

and “landscape”<br />

open laboratory floors<br />

• space can be flexibly reconfigured depending<br />

on changing research programs and funding<br />

levels<br />

• students and researchers from different<br />

disciplines can interact socially and intellectually<br />

fostering exchange <strong>of</strong> knowledge and<br />

strengthening <strong>of</strong> community<br />

residenal - levels 2-6 (vising scholars)<br />

private <strong>of</strong>fice space<br />

• flexible use for phone calls or<br />

meengs<br />

• can be asssigned to faculty or<br />

lab leaders<br />

grosvenor south - levels 2-3 (classroom and open <strong>of</strong>fice space)<br />

proposed<br />


campus entry<br />

existing<br />

proposed<br />

laboratory venlaon stacks<br />

metal mesh skin<br />

mezzanine level view/venlaon slots<br />

steel frame aligned with floorplates<br />

and column grid<br />

wooden louvers<br />

• screen circulaon and lab spaces<br />

• provide visual contrast to steel and<br />

concrete<br />

vising scholars residences<br />

• add vital residenal component to<br />

campus<br />

• increase ulizaon <strong>of</strong> exisng campus<br />

facilies<br />

• anchor locaon acvates courtyard<br />

between Grosvenor and Doherty<br />

• narrow courtyard form enhances venturi<br />

effect allowing for natural venlaon <strong>of</strong><br />

individual units<br />

new entry stair<br />

• provides access to raised<br />

first floor<br />

• creates visual linkage<br />

between Grosvenor and<br />

Administraon buildings<br />

open lab spaces<br />

library/campus great room<br />

• “screened porch” for campus<br />

vegetated screen shelters east and west<br />

exposures<br />

larger scale wooden shade system<br />

exposed concrete frame<br />

raised walkways<br />

• connect exisng primary level <strong>of</strong> Administraon<br />

and Doherty<br />

• add shade for ground level pathways<br />

• provide circulaon network above flood<br />

level<br />

restored nave landscape systems<br />

• shared parking agreement and/or future<br />

structured parking at Seaquarium frees<br />

up ground level land<br />

• habitat creaon<br />

• flood aenuaon<br />

• urban-ecological research opportunity<br />


library/<br />

campus great room<br />

steel “v” ro<strong>of</strong> structure<br />

• borrows from shipbuilding techniqe to<br />

frame curved ro<strong>of</strong> plane<br />

• thin pr<strong>of</strong>ile for lightness<br />

• influenced by skeletel structure <strong>of</strong> marine<br />

life<br />

adjustable steel louver system<br />

• flexible for opmum light and venlaon<br />

control on south elevaon<br />

existing<br />

proposed<br />

metal mesh skin<br />

• filters sunlight<br />

• capillary barrier for rainwater<br />

• welded mesh shear membrane provides<br />

lateral resistence<br />

“picture windiow”<br />

• large opening in front <strong>of</strong> casual study area<br />

privides focal point for gathering space<br />

and emphasizes water view<br />

vercal core<br />

• laboratory exhaust stacks<br />

• plumbing needs and bathrooms<br />

• protected areas for storage during<br />

storms<br />

• “chimney form” provides anchor for<br />

open plan spaces<br />

• cast in place concrete visual contrast to<br />

glass stacks and steel shading systems<br />

library stacks and staff <strong>of</strong>fices<br />

• glass enclosure allows for full climate and<br />

humidity control while retaining visual<br />

connecons<br />


waterfront<br />

quadrangles<br />

vising scholars residenal tower<br />

existing<br />

proposed<br />

restored hydrologic connecon between<br />

bay and center-island mangroves<br />

• learning park for Seaquarium<br />

• tropical urban ecology research area for<br />

<strong>University</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>Miami</strong><br />

• creates buffer zone for storm and flood<br />

events<br />

• restores nave plant communies<br />

restored grosvenor north with library/great<br />

room addion<br />

restored grosvenor south<br />

• open to water views and natural venla-<br />

on<br />

• open <strong>of</strong>fice space and water-view classroom/meeng<br />

space<br />

• green ro<strong>of</strong> provides habitat and cooling<br />

effect<br />

• vegetaon screens and cools east and<br />

west walls<br />

elevated walkways<br />

• connect primary building levels<br />

• provided shade for grade-level paths<br />

• create raised circulaon system in case <strong>of</strong><br />

flooding<br />

f20<br />

mangrove research cells<br />

• excavated zone behind exisng seawall<br />

• controlled water level for research purposes<br />

• receiving zone during mes <strong>of</strong> flooding

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