Haematologica 2003 - Supplements

Haematologica 2003 - Supplements Haematologica 2003 - Supplements

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P12.2.4 NFKB. A NEW THERAPEUTIC TARGET FOR OVERCOMING DRUG RESISTANCE. James R.Berenson, MD Director of Multiple Myeloma and Bone Metastasis Programs at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA Activation of apoptosis in cancer cells resulting from NF-kB inhibition suggests that NF-kB inhibition could be used as a mechanism to treat cancers. To inhibit the activity of NF-kB, several genetic studies were carried out by homologous recombination to either directly destroy NF-kB/p65 function or indirectly suppress NF-kB activity through destroying IKKb (IkB kinase) function and thereby upregulating IkB activity. To establish that inhibition of NF-kB activity induces apoptosis in MM cells, we recently carried out viral transduction experiments in which dominant negative IkBa was introduced into both melphalan-sensitive and -resistant MM cells. The cellular apoptosis was noted to greatly increase in melphalan-sensitive and resistant MM cells compared to viral vector alone. These studies confirm the notion that inhibition of NF-kB activity can precipitate cell death in MM cells through induction of apoptosis. The proteasome inhibitor, PS-341 (Bortezomib or Velcade), is a novel drug that was designed to specifically block the signal transduction pathways mediated by NF-kB. The destruction of IkBa proteins following their phosphorylation by IKK and subsequent ubiquitination is primarily mediated by the proteasome degradation that can be inhibited by PS-341. Blocking the proteasome degradation of IkBa by PS-341 significantly inhibits NF-kB activity, resulting in the stimulation of apoptosis of myeloma cells. PS-341 has been shown to be quite effective in inhibiting human myeloma cell growth both in vitro and in vivo. Specifically, the growth of both chemo-sensitive and -resistant MM cell-lines was substantially inhibited by PS-341 treatment. Interestingly, there is a "right shift" in the dose-response curves for chemoresistant cell lines, suggesting that the chemoresistant cell-lines appear to be more sensitive to the treatment of PS-341 than the chemosensitive lines. The alteration in NF-kB activity appears to be one of the major mechanisms of anti-myeloma activity of PS-34. In support of this, the nuclear translocation of NF-kB and its subsequent DNA binding are decreased in MM cell lines that were treated with PS-341. Many tumor cells especially MM tumor cells display constitutively high levels of NF-kB activity. In response to chemotherapy, the activity of NF-kB is further enhanced resulting in chemoresistance. Thus, the inhibition of its activity can be used to reverse the chemoresistant phenotype of a variety of cancer cells. Using NF-kB inhibition together with cytotoxic agents has also been tried in MM treatment, and this combination strategy has been evaluated using in vitro studies since the availability of PS-341. We demonstrated a marked synergistic effect exists between PS-341 and various chemotherapeutic agents in inhibiting MM cell growth. We treated several chemosensitive MM cell-lines along with chemo-resistant lines with several chemotherapeutic agents, including doxorubicin, mitoxantrone and melphalan, that were used either alone or in combination with a low, non-cytotoxic dose of PS-341 (5 ng/ml). We saw no significant growth inhibition of chemo-resistant lines when they are treated with chemotherapeutic agents alone until high concentrations of chemotherapy were applied. However, when the cells were treated with PS-341 together with chemotherapeutic agents, these chemo-resistant cell-lines became extremely sensitive to chemotherapeutic agents. For example, the cytotoxic dose of melphalan when used together with PS-341 was 1,000,000-fold lower than the concentration necessary for melphalan alone to induce cytotoxicity in a highly melphalanresistant MM cell lines. Similar effects were observed between PS-341 and doxorubicin or mitoxantrone as the combination markedly increased the sensitivity of both doxorubicin-resistant and mitoxantrone-resistant MM cell-lines by approximately 100,000-fold. Parallel with the increase in chemosensitivity, there also was a marked increase in apoptosis of chemoresistant MM cell lines induced by this combined approach. The synergy observed between PS-341 and chemotherapeutic agents appear to be cell-type specific. Synergistic effects between PS-341 and chemotherapeutic agents were not found when they were used together to treat other types of tumor cell lines. Similar experiments were also performed on normal unstimulated and mitogen stimulated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and CD34-selected BMMCs obtained from healthy individuals. Suppression of proliferation in these non-MM cell-lines or normal hematopoietic cells was not found with PS-341 treatment except at higher concentrations (IC50 50 - 75 ng/ml). Moreover, the addition of PS-341 to chemotherapy had minimal synergistic inhibitory effects on cell growth in these same samples. This observation is interesting because the extent of synergy between PS-341 and cytotoxic agents also correlates with the baseline levels of NF-kB activity identified in each cell type evaluated. This finding is also important and clinically relevant since the difference in cell response to the combined treatments between myeloma cells and normal cells could provide an excellent therapeutic/toxicity ratio for this approach for treating MM patients. As a result of these encouraging in vitro results, we began a Phase I clinical trial to study the efficacy lower doses of both PS-341 (using 40% of the dose/month in the previous large Phase II SUMMIT trial) and oral melphalan as combination therapy in treating refractory and relapsed MM patients. Even among all three patients receiving the lowest melphalan dose (only 0.025 mg/kg daily X 4), dramatic decreases in paraprotein levels were observed, and, in fact, responses have been observed in all five 3-patient cohorts (see H Yang et al, IXth International Workshop on Multiple Myeloma for details). Importantly, this combination has been associated with minimal neurotoxicity. In addition to the proteasome inhibitors, other pharmacotherapeutic agents also can block NF-kB signaling. One example is arsenic trioxide. Arsenic trioxide has been shown to be a potent NF-kB inhibitor. It binds to the cysteine residue 179 in the activation loop of IKK catalytic subunits and thereby blocks the IKK activity. This results in a lack of IkB phosphorylation and inability for the IkB to be ubiquitinated and proteasome degraded. Indeed, exposure of MM cells to arsenic results in accumulation of IkB and reduced nuclear accumulation of NF-kB and DNA-binding of this transcription factor. Similar to PS-341, arsenic trioxide also sensitizes myeloma cells to chemotherapy in vitro and in vivo. Based on these preclinical findings, we treated eight relapsing myeloma patients with a combination of low-dose oral melphalan, arsenic trioxide and ascorbic acid. The latter agent was used because previous studies showed that this vitamin was able to reduce glutathione levels and increase the anti-myeloma effects of arsenic trioxide. Seven of the eight patients showed reduction in paraprotein (25-58%), and four of the patients with renal failure showed marked improvement in renal function on this regimen which was well tolerated. These studies suggest that inhibition of NF-kB activity may allow use of reduced doses of both chemotherapy and the NF-kB blocking agents resulting in enhanced anti-myeloma effects with reduced toxicity. S81

P12.2.5 MONOCLONAL ANTIBODY THERAPY FOR THE PLASMA CELL MALIGNANCIES Steven P. Treon M.D., M.A., Ph.D. Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA Monoclonal antibody therapy, particularly with rituximab (Rituxan, MabThera) has been successfully used in the treatment of B-cell malignancies. In an effort to extend the activity of rituximab, we conducted studies using rituximab alone and in combination therapy in Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM) and multiple myeloma (MM). In studies examining extended dose (i.e. 8 infusions) rituximab, we observed an overall response rate (ORR) of 73% (69% PR; 4% MR) and an estimated median time to treatment failure of 20+ months, which compared favorably to those reported by us and others (6-9 months) using standard dose (i.e. 4 infusions) rituximab. Significant improvements in hematological function were also observed in patients receiving extended dose rituximab. Pre-rituximab therapy, 35% of patients were anemic and 28% were thrombocytopenic which decreased to 5% and 9%, respectively following therapy. Interestingly, response to extended dose rituximab was correlated with pre-therapy IgM levels, but not BM tumor cell burden. Eighteen of 20 patients (90%) with an IgM level of 6,000 mg/dL responded (p=0.002). The reason for this finding remains under active investigation. In an effort to further extend the activity of rituximab in WM patients, we also examined in a multicenter trial combination therapy with extended dose rituximab and 6 cycles of fludarabine. Interim analysis of the first 23 patients on this study showed that 90% (15% CR; 61% PR; 14% MR) of patients attained a response. Unlike in WM, a role for rituximab in MM appears particularly limited to those patients whose BM plasma cells (BMPC) express CD20. In a multicenter study, we treated 19 MM patients with extended dose rituximab, regardless of their CD20 status. Six of 19 (32%) patients demonstrated either a PR (n=1) or SD (n=5), with a median time to treatment failure of 5.5 (range 3-21+) months. 5/6 of these patients had CD20 + BMPC, while CD20 status could not be determined in one patient. In an effort to advance the use of monoclonal antibody therapy in WM and MM, we have sought to define mechanism(s) by which rituximab facilitates tumor cell killing. As part of these efforts, we conducted studies to determine a role for antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) by evaluating polymorphisms in position 158 of the Fc gammaRIIIa (CD16) receptor. The Fc gammaRIIIa receptor has previously been reported to modulate human immunoglobulin G1 binding, and antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). Genetic dimorphisms at position 158 result in expression of either the valine (V), or phenylalanine (F) amino acids which may be expressed either in a homozygous (V/V; F/F) or heterozygous (V/F) phenotype. In these studies, we used allele specific PCR analysis to determine position 158 polymorphisms for 58 patients with Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia for whom clinical responses to rituximab therapy were known. PCR amplifications of exon 4, intron 4 and most of intron 5 were performed using primers which specifically amplified Fc gamma RIIIa but not Fc gamma RIIIb. Each end of the PCR product was then sequenced, and sequence information from exon 4 was used to provide genotype information for codon 158, while the sequence information from exon 5 end was used to confirm that the PCR product was specifically from the Fc gamma RIIIa gene. Of the 58 WM patients examined, 10/58 (17%) were homozygous for V (Fc gammaRIIIa-V/V); 26/58 (45%)were heterozygous (Fc gamma RIIIa-V/F); and 22/58 (38%) were homozygous for F (Fc gamma RIIIa-F/F). No significant differences in sex, age, baseline IgM levels, number of prior therapies, and number of rituximab infusions received was seen among the three allotype groups. The overall response rate (major, i.e. >50% decline in IgM and minor, i.e. >25% decline in IgM responses) for the three allotype groups were as follows: 6/10 (60%) Fc gamma RIIIa V/V; 13/26 (50%) Fc gamma RIIIa V/F; and 8/22 (36%) Fc gamma RIIIa F/F (V/V and V/F vs. F/F p=0.28). Comparison of major RR among the V carriers vs. F/F revealed even greater differences: 4/10 (40%) Fc gamma RIIIa V/V; 9/26 (36%) Fc gamma RIIIa V/F (13/36 for V carriers combined), and 2/22 (9.0%) for Fc gamma RIIIa F/F (V/V and V/F vs. F/F p=0.03) The results of these studies support an association between V carrier status and higher response rates (particularly for major responses) to rituximab among patients with WM. Moreover, the results of these studies may have implications for the development and use of monoclonal antibodies in B-cell malignancies. Given these results, as well as those by other investigators suggesting a primary role for ADCC function in mediating rituximab clinical activity, we have performed studies using immunomodulators to enhance the ADCC function of rituximab. Thalidomide and its analogue Revamid were previously shown by us to enhance myeloma cell lysis by natural killer cells. As a follow-up to these studies, we recently demonstrated that both Thalidomide and Revamid significantly enhanced rituximab mediated ADCC of CD20 + ARH-77 lymphoplasmacytic cells. In view of these results, a clinical trial combining Thalidomide and Rituximab is contemplated. Lastly, ongoing pre-clinical and clinical studies are underway to develop monoclonal antibody therapy targeting CD20 using yttrium 90 conjugated Zevalin, as well as unconjugated monoclonal antibodies targeting CD22, CD40, and CD52. These studies were funded through generous grants or gifts from the Research Fund for Waldenstrom’s at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, the International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia Foundation, the International Myeloma Foundation, the Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation, the American Society of Clinical Oncology Young Investigator Award, a National Institutes of Health Career Development Award, the Peter and Helen Bing Fund, the Bailey Family Fund, Genentech Bio-Oncology Inc., IDEC Pharmaceuticals Inc., Celgene Corporation, and Berlex Oncology Inc. References 1. Treon SP, Shima Y, Preffer FI, Doss DS, Ellman L, Schlossman RL, Grossbard ML, Belch AR, Pilarski LM, Anderson KC. Treatment of plasma cell dyscrasias by antibody immunotherapy. Sem Oncol 1999; 26: 97-106. 2. Treon SP, Shima Y, Grossbard ML, Preffer FI, Belch AR, Pilarski LM, Anderson KC. Treatment of multiple myeloma by antibody mediated immunotherapy and induction of myeloma selective antigens. Ann Oncol 2000; 11:107-111. 3. Treon SP, Anderson KC. The use of rituximab in the treatment of malignant and non-malignant plasma cell disorders. Sem Oncol 2000; 27:79-85. 4. Treon SP, Raje N, Anderson KC: Immunotherapeutic strategies for the treatment of plasma cell malignancies. Sem Oncol 2000; 27:598-613. 5. Davies FE, Raje N, Hideshima T, Lentzsc S, Young G, Tai YT, Lin B, Podar K, Gupta D, Chauhan D, Treon SP, Richardson PG, Schlossman RD, Morgan GJ, Muller GW, Stirling DI, Anderson KC: Thalidomide and immunomodulatory derivatives augment natural killer cell cytotoxicity in multiple S82

P12.2.5<br />



Steven P. Treon M.D., M.A., Ph.D.<br />

Dana Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School, Boston,<br />

MA, USA<br />

Monoclonal antibody therapy, particularly with rituximab<br />

(Rituxan, MabThera) has been successfully used in the treatment<br />

of B-cell malignancies. In an effort to extend the activity of<br />

rituximab, we conducted studies using rituximab alone and in<br />

combination therapy in Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia (WM)<br />

and multiple myeloma (MM). In studies examining extended<br />

dose (i.e. 8 infusions) rituximab, we observed an overall response<br />

rate (ORR) of 73% (69% PR; 4% MR) and an estimated median<br />

time to treatment failure of 20+ months, which compared<br />

favorably to those reported by us and others (6-9 months) using<br />

standard dose (i.e. 4 infusions) rituximab. Significant<br />

improvements in hematological function were also observed in<br />

patients receiving extended dose rituximab. Pre-rituximab<br />

therapy, 35% of patients were anemic and 28% were<br />

thrombocytopenic which decreased to 5% and 9%, respectively<br />

following therapy. Interestingly, response to extended dose<br />

rituximab was correlated with pre-therapy IgM levels, but not<br />

BM tumor cell burden. Eighteen of 20 patients (90%) with an<br />

IgM level of 6,000 mg/dL responded (p=0.002).<br />

The reason for this finding remains under active investigation. In<br />

an effort to further extend the activity of rituximab in WM<br />

patients, we also examined in a multicenter trial combination<br />

therapy with extended dose rituximab and 6 cycles of fludarabine.<br />

Interim analysis of the first 23 patients on this study showed that<br />

90% (15% CR; 61% PR; 14% MR) of patients attained a<br />

response. Unlike in WM, a role for rituximab in MM appears<br />

particularly limited to those patients whose BM plasma cells<br />

(BMPC) express CD20. In a multicenter study, we treated 19<br />

MM patients with extended dose rituximab, regardless of their<br />

CD20 status. Six of 19 (32%) patients demonstrated either a PR<br />

(n=1) or SD (n=5), with a median time to treatment failure of 5.5<br />

(range 3-21+) months. 5/6 of these patients had CD20 + BMPC,<br />

while CD20 status could not be determined in one patient. In an<br />

effort to advance the use of monoclonal antibody therapy in WM<br />

and MM, we have sought to define mechanism(s) by which<br />

rituximab facilitates tumor cell killing. As part of these efforts,<br />

we conducted studies to determine a role for antibody dependent<br />

cell mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) by evaluating polymorphisms<br />

in position 158 of the Fc gammaRIIIa (CD16) receptor. The Fc<br />

gammaRIIIa receptor has previously been reported to modulate<br />

human immunoglobulin G1 binding, and antibody dependent cell<br />

mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC). Genetic dimorphisms at position<br />

158 result in expression of either the valine (V), or phenylalanine<br />

(F) amino acids which may be expressed either in a homozygous<br />

(V/V; F/F) or heterozygous (V/F) phenotype. In these studies, we<br />

used allele specific PCR analysis to determine position 158<br />

polymorphisms for 58 patients with Waldenstrom’s<br />

macroglobulinemia for whom clinical responses to rituximab<br />

therapy were known. PCR amplifications of exon 4, intron 4 and<br />

most of intron 5 were performed using primers which specifically<br />

amplified Fc gamma RIIIa but not Fc gamma RIIIb. Each end of<br />

the PCR product was then sequenced, and sequence information<br />

from exon 4 was used to provide genotype information for codon<br />

158, while the sequence information from exon 5 end was used to<br />

confirm that the PCR product was specifically from the Fc<br />

gamma RIIIa gene. Of the 58 WM patients examined, 10/58<br />

(17%) were homozygous for V (Fc gammaRIIIa-V/V); 26/58<br />

(45%)were heterozygous (Fc gamma RIIIa-V/F); and 22/58<br />

(38%) were homozygous for F (Fc gamma RIIIa-F/F). No<br />

significant differences in sex, age, baseline IgM levels, number of<br />

prior therapies, and number of rituximab infusions received was<br />

seen among the three allotype groups. The overall response rate<br />

(major, i.e. >50% decline in IgM and minor, i.e. >25% decline in<br />

IgM responses) for the three allotype groups were as follows:<br />

6/10 (60%) Fc gamma RIIIa V/V; 13/26 (50%) Fc gamma RIIIa<br />

V/F; and 8/22 (36%) Fc gamma RIIIa F/F (V/V and V/F vs. F/F<br />

p=0.28). Comparison of major RR among the V carriers vs. F/F<br />

revealed even greater differences: 4/10 (40%) Fc gamma RIIIa<br />

V/V; 9/26 (36%) Fc gamma RIIIa V/F (13/36 for V carriers<br />

combined), and 2/22 (9.0%) for Fc gamma RIIIa F/F (V/V and<br />

V/F vs. F/F p=0.03) The results of these studies support an<br />

association between V carrier status and higher response rates<br />

(particularly for major responses) to rituximab among patients<br />

with WM. Moreover, the results of these studies may have<br />

implications for the development and use of monoclonal<br />

antibodies in B-cell malignancies. Given these results, as well as<br />

those by other investigators suggesting a primary role for ADCC<br />

function in mediating rituximab clinical activity, we have<br />

performed studies using immunomodulators to enhance the<br />

ADCC function of rituximab. Thalidomide and its analogue<br />

Revamid were previously shown by us to enhance myeloma cell<br />

lysis by natural killer cells. As a follow-up to these studies, we<br />

recently demonstrated that both Thalidomide and Revamid<br />

significantly enhanced rituximab mediated ADCC of CD20 +<br />

ARH-77 lymphoplasmacytic cells. In view of these results, a<br />

clinical trial combining Thalidomide and Rituximab is<br />

contemplated. Lastly, ongoing pre-clinical and clinical studies are<br />

underway to develop monoclonal antibody therapy targeting<br />

CD20 using yttrium 90 conjugated Zevalin, as well as<br />

unconjugated monoclonal antibodies targeting CD22, CD40, and<br />

CD52.<br />

These studies were funded through generous grants or gifts from<br />

the Research Fund for Waldenstrom’s at the Dana Farber Cancer<br />

Institute, the International Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia<br />

Foundation, the International Myeloma Foundation, the Multiple<br />

Myeloma Research Foundation, the American Society of Clinical<br />

Oncology Young Investigator Award, a National Institutes of<br />

Health Career Development Award, the Peter and Helen Bing<br />

Fund, the Bailey Family Fund, Genentech Bio-Oncology Inc.,<br />

IDEC Pharmaceuticals Inc., Celgene Corporation, and Berlex<br />

Oncology Inc.<br />

References<br />

1. Treon SP, Shima Y, Preffer FI, Doss DS, Ellman L,<br />

Schlossman RL, Grossbard ML, Belch AR, Pilarski LM,<br />

Anderson KC. Treatment of plasma cell dyscrasias by antibody<br />

immunotherapy. Sem Oncol 1999; 26: 97-106.<br />

2. Treon SP, Shima Y, Grossbard ML, Preffer FI, Belch<br />

AR, Pilarski LM, Anderson KC. Treatment of multiple myeloma<br />

by antibody mediated immunotherapy and induction of myeloma<br />

selective antigens. Ann Oncol 2000; 11:107-111.<br />

3. Treon SP, Anderson KC. The use of rituximab in the<br />

treatment of malignant and non-malignant plasma cell disorders.<br />

Sem Oncol 2000; 27:79-85.<br />

4. Treon SP, Raje N, Anderson KC: Immunotherapeutic<br />

strategies for the treatment of plasma cell malignancies. Sem<br />

Oncol 2000; 27:598-613.<br />

5. Davies FE, Raje N, Hideshima T, Lentzsc S, Young G,<br />

Tai YT, Lin B, Podar K, Gupta D, Chauhan D, Treon SP,<br />

Richardson PG, Schlossman RD, Morgan GJ, Muller GW,<br />

Stirling DI, Anderson KC: Thalidomide and immunomodulatory<br />

derivatives augment natural killer cell cytotoxicity in multiple<br />


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