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hybridization (FISH), have shown that the real incidence of illegitimate IgH rearrangements in MM patients was between 60% and 75%, as opposed to 30% in cytogenetic series. This discrepancy is especially related to the chromosomal location of the IgH and most partner genes, close to the telomeres. Consequently, many of the translocations are cryptic, i.e., cytogenetically silent. FISH analyses with probes specific for the three main IgH translocations have shown that 2 of these partners are also frequent in patients, i.e., FGFR3/MMSET and CCND1, albeit with a lower incidence, 15% of the patients, respectively. In contrast, c-maf is rarely involved, in only 2% to 5% of the cases. In the 25% to 40% of patients with other illegitimate IgH rearrangements, very few other recurrent partners have been identified. It is actually plausible that many random chromosomal regions are involved in these patients. What is the role of these 14q32 translocations in MM? First of all, even though some differences in incidence are observed in the published series, they are not observed in 100% of the patients. Thus, they are probably not necessary for the malignant phenotype in all the cases. Second, these translocations are also present in at least half of the individuals with MGUS. Thus, not only the translocations are not necessary to confer a malignant phenotype, but they are also not sufficient. An attractive hypothesis could be that specific translocations may identify different MM subtypes. This situation would be reminiscent to that observed in B-cell lymphomas. In this hypothesis, the recurrent translocations would discriminate novel biological and clinical entities that could require specific therapeutic schemes. This hypothesis is very likely for the two main recurrent translocations, i.e., t(4;14) and t(11.14). In t(4;14), two genes located at 4p16 are deregulated by the translocation: FGFR3, and MMSET. FGFR3 is telomeric to the translocation breakpoints, and is thus moved to the derivative chromosome 14. Its close association with the IgHα enhancer leads to a strong activation of FGFR3 transcription. On the other side of the translocation breakpoints, another gene, MMSET, has been identified. All the breakpoints reported so far fall within the first MMSET introns, leading to its upregulation by the IgHµ enhancer. Recent data have suggested that MMSET would be the major target gene, since about 1/3 of the patients with t(4;14) do not overexpress FGFR3, probably because of the loss of the derivative chromosome 14. However, its role (in physiology or pathology) is still unknown, even though the presence of a SET domain suggests a role in chromatin remodeling. The translocation is associated with some biological features. It is more frequently associated with IgA isotype, and, overall, is almost constantly associated with del(13). These two correlations, plus a significantly higher β2-microglobulin level, may explain the short survival observed in these patients. In t(11;14), all the breakpoints are located on the centromeric side of CCND1, dispersed over at least 350 kb. However, despite this scattering, a constant upregulation of CCND1 is observed, probably related to the IgHα enhancer activity. The activation of another gene (more centromeric), myeov, has been reported in a series, but not confirmed by other studies. Because of the presumed role of cyclin D1 in cell cycle control, proliferation activation would be expected in these patients. Surprisingly, opposite results have been observed in patients: t(11;14) is associated with a lower labeling index. Several hypotheses might be proposed, including the downstream activation of other genes, or the inhibition of cell cycle by so far unidentified proteins coactivated in these patients, or even the upregulation of other genes by the translocation. Apart a frequent lymphoplasmacytoid morphology, no other biological feature has been associated with t(11;14). However, a longer survival seems to be observed in these patients, especially in those receiving high-dose chemotherapy. What about the other 70% of the patients? About half of them present an illegitimate IgH rearrangement, with non- (or low) recurrent partners. Except for patients with t(14;16) who present characteristics similar to those with t(4;14) (i.e., almost constant del(13), high β2-microglobulin level, short survival), other patients with 14q32 abnormalities do not share any typical feature, and may correspond to a very heterogeneous group. Recent data have proposed another classification of the patients, according to the ploidy status. The basis of this classification is essentially prognostic, since patients with hypodiploidy display a shorter survival than those with hyperdiploidy. Interestingly, these two categories present also apparent differences in the repartition of chromosomal abnormalities. The former group is associated with a high incidence of del(13) (about 75% versus 35% in the hyperdiploid group), and a higher incidence of structural abnormalities, including a significantly higher incidence of illegitimate IgH rearrangements (C Bastard and R Fonseca, personal communications, February 2003). However, we have to keep in mind that these results are obtained by cytogenetics, i.e., in proliferative patients. Whether these findings can be extended to all the patients is currently unknown. Nevertheless, it appears obvious that genetic features will define MM subgroups with different biological and survival characteristics. Recently, a few studies based on gene expression profiling have been reported in the literature. Such approaches have been shown to be highly powerful in several malignancies, but especially in high-grade lymphomas. Gene profiling has shown that “diffuse large B-cell lymphomas” (DLBCL) represent in fact a heterogeneous compilation of several biological and clinical entities. In MM, data are less clear-cut, probably because of the difficulty in obtaining pure PC populations. Thus, a pre-step consisting in the positive selection of plasma cell is absolutely required. With the availability of cell separation technologies based on antibody-coated microbeads, this step is not anymore a brake for gene profiling approaches. However, purification processes are widely performed since only 2 to 3 years, preventing the generation of survival data for a couple more years. Furthermore, the amount of purified PCs is generally low, so far preventing the analysis of large cohorts of patients. Thus, these analyses have been limited to the comparison of gene expression profiles obtained in PCs purified from MM patients, HCML, normal bone marrow and tonsils, or generated in vitro. These studies have shown a huge heterogeneity within MM patients, but no clear-cut separated subgroups have been identified, except possibly a subgroup of MM resembling to HMCL. In contrast, several genes are differentially expressed between normal bone marrow and tonsil PCs, as well as between these cells and MM. Interestingly, we have shown that the most prominent heterogeneity factor in MM, i.e., Ig chains expression, was associated with highly differentiated gene clusters. For instance, IgLκ and IgLλ were associated with many genes in different clusters, highlighting different biological features, especially regarding bone disease. In conclusion, genetic and molecular studies do reveal a major heterogeneity in MM. The extension of these studies should help in the dissection of MM in several different entities, allowing improvements in our understanding of the oncogenetic pathways present in the disease, and thus in the therapeutic management of the patients. These studies should also improve our knowledge in the PC physiology, as well as in the first steps of clonal PC generation. S23

P2.5 MOLECULAR CYTOGENETICS OF MYELOMA BIOLOGY: CLINICAL AND PROGNOSTIC IMPLICATIONS Rafael Fonseca, and Philip R Greipp Hematology and Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, 55905 1. INTRODUCTION: Cytogenetic and genetic abnormalities are thought to be critical for the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma (MM). We have embarked on the study of genetic abnormalities in MM to better understand their relationship to pathogenesis and clinical outcome. We have studied these abnormalities using a combination of classical molecular techniques, molecular cytogenetics (cIg-FISH), conventional karyotype analysis and novel genomic platforms (gene expression analysis). We have carefully considered the implications of specific chromosome abnormalities for a) the different stages of the disease, and b) evidence of ongoing genomic evolution and heterogeneity. 2. IgH TRANSLOCATIONS: The work done by several groups has now revealed that IgH translocations, mostly occurring at the time of isotype class switching, are present in the majority of patients with MM (~60%). They appear to be early genetic (clone initiating?) events since they are observed since MGUS. Additional evidence suggest that IgH translocations may represent the immortalizing event for the clone; their biologic plausibility, upregulation of oncogenes, presence in other B-cell neoplasms, initiated by B-cell specific recombination, clonally selected and most recently associated with dissimilar clinical outcomes. We have recently found that with serial evaluation IgH translocations are always conserved, and that with development of human MM cell lines and extramedullary MM, gaining extra copies of the derivative chromosomes seem to be advantageous for clonal expansion. 3. CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS FOR THE IgH TRANSLOCATIONS: Our group and others have now shown that the different IgH translocations have a significant impact on the ultimate outcome of patients; patients with the t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) and with t(14;16)(q32;q23) have very aggressive disease and have shorter survival. In contrast, patients with t(11;14)(q13;q32) seem to have a better prognosis. These effects on patients’ outcome seem to be influenced by treatment modality administered; for instance high-dose chemotherapy seems to provide greater benefit for patients with the t(11;14)(q13;q32). In contrast it appears that high dose therapy does not provide much benefit for patients with the more aggressive IgH translocations. These observations suggest that MM maybe composed, much like AML, of subgroups of patients categorized by the specific IgH translocations. While the relative effect on overall prognosis of IgH translocations would seem to comparable to that of the most robust prognostic variables, determining their presence will be of even greater importance for the development of targeted therapies. 4. ANEUPLOIDY: Aneuploidy as a category is the single most common abnormality in MM. Aneuploidy in MM at first glance appears to be random, but detailed studies of abnormal karyotypes have now shown that not to be the case. While numerical abnormalities are seen in the vast majority of patients, monosomies are seen in nearly all karyotypes while trisomies are only seen in 50% of patients. The chromosomes involved trisomies and monosomies are not random; trisomies predominantly involve chromosomes 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, and 19, and monosomies involve chromosomes 8, 13, 14, 16 and 22. 5. HYPERDIPLOID AND NON-HYPERDIPLOID MM: Based on the presence of numerical abnormalities alone four sub-categories of MM are discernible; hypodiploid; pseudo-diploid, hyperdiploid and near tetraploid. Because of the extreme similarities between the hypo-, pseudo- and tetraploid karyotypes we have proposed the classification of MM into two major subtypes; hyperdiploid and non-hyperdiploid MM. This classification is highly relevant, as it has been recently shown that there is a marked difference in the prevalence of IgH translocations between the two groups; high in the non-hyperdiploid MM and low in the hyperdiploid MM. The striking association has suggested that two major pathways may be possible for MM pathogenesis; one that is initiated by IgH translocations and one that is initiated by a yet to be identified mechanism and whose end result is hyperdiploidy. It appears the same associations are present since MGUS but further work is needed to address these fundamental observations of disease pathogenesis. While the aforementioned studies were based on data derived form the study of abnormal karyotypes, the same observations are seen, and in the same degree when ones studies patients samples with FISH probes or via DNA content by flow. Hypodiploid MM is associated with a very poor prognosis, short survival and low response to treatment. Non-hyperdiploid MM seems to provide a proliferative advantage to the clone such that it emancipates the cells from the bone marrow and allows for the growth of cells in extramedullary sites. In fact, all human MM cell lines derive from the non-hyperdiploid MM and new models for the ex-vivo study of hyperdiploid MM are needed (e.g. mouse passage of hyperdiploid MM cells). 6. CHROMOSOME 13 DELETION/MONOSOMY: Loss of chromosome 13, both deletion of 13q14 and monosomy, (∆13) have emerged over the last decade as a prominent prognostic cytogenetic factors. The negative prognostic associations are observed whether ∆13 are detected by karyotype analysis or by FISH. ∆13 detected by karyotype identify a group of patients with a grave prognosis, and more commonly hypodiploid. Observing ∆13 via karyotype is of course including the negative prognostic implications of obtaining any abnormal metaphase (proliferation) plus the negative biologic implications of having ∆13. In contrast ∆13 detected by FISH identifies a group of patients with the biologic abnormality. Several features suggest ∆13 are important (and not simply a marker) for pathogenesis; recurrent nature, clonally selected, effect on prognosis and the lack of trisomy 13. However, there is no specific gene identified as importantly associated with the loss yet. In addition it is not clear whether ∆13 is merely a surrogate marker of hypodiploid variant MM. Hypodiploid MM is associated with a high incidence of aggressive IgH translocations (e.g. t(4;14)(p16.3;q32)) and with an extremely poor prognosis. In fact we have recently shown that many other monosomies may also be associated with a significantly shorter survival. Much like IgH translocations we also observed ∆13 in a similar fraction of MGUS patients 7. STAGES OF THE DISEASE: The current available information does not allow full elucidation of genomic aberrations that are seen in MM but not in MGUS. While differences still exist with regards to the prevalence of specific lesions (e.g. ∆13 or t(4;14)(p16.3;q32)), all cytogenetic features seen in MM have been described as well in MGUS by FISH. The only two abnormalities that are consistently reported as lower in prevalence in MGUS, and present in a sizable fraction of MM, are ras mutations and p16 gene silencing by methylation. In contrast other abnormalities seem to be increasingly common with advancing stages of the disease; c-myc abnormalities, p53 inactivation and secondary translocations. 8. GLOBAL INTEGRATION OF GENETICS, CYTOGENETICS AND GENE EXPRESSION PROFILING: As more information has emerged with regards to the genetic nature of MM, it has become increasingly S24

P2.5<br />




Rafael Fonseca, and Philip R Greipp<br />

Hematology and Internal Medicine, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN,<br />

55905<br />

1. INTRODUCTION: Cytogenetic and genetic abnormalities are<br />

thought to be critical for the pathogenesis of multiple myeloma<br />

(MM). We have embarked on the study of genetic abnormalities<br />

in MM to better understand their relationship to pathogenesis and<br />

clinical outcome. We have studied these abnormalities using a<br />

combination of classical molecular techniques, molecular<br />

cytogenetics (cIg-FISH), conventional karyotype analysis and<br />

novel genomic platforms (gene expression analysis). We have<br />

carefully considered the implications of specific chromosome<br />

abnormalities for a) the different stages of the disease, and b)<br />

evidence of ongoing genomic evolution and heterogeneity.<br />

2. IgH TRANSLOCATIONS: The work done by several groups has<br />

now revealed that IgH translocations, mostly occurring at the<br />

time of isotype class switching, are present in the majority of<br />

patients with MM (~60%). They appear to be early genetic<br />

(clone initiating?) events since they are observed since MGUS.<br />

Additional evidence suggest that IgH translocations may<br />

represent the immortalizing event for the clone; their biologic<br />

plausibility, upregulation of oncogenes, presence in other B-cell<br />

neoplasms, initiated by B-cell specific recombination, clonally<br />

selected and most recently associated with dissimilar clinical<br />

outcomes. We have recently found that with serial evaluation<br />

IgH translocations are always conserved, and that with<br />

development of human MM cell lines and extramedullary MM,<br />

gaining extra copies of the derivative chromosomes seem to be<br />

advantageous for clonal expansion.<br />


group and others have now shown that the different IgH<br />

translocations have a significant impact on the ultimate outcome<br />

of patients; patients with the t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) and with<br />

t(14;16)(q32;q23) have very aggressive disease and have shorter<br />

survival. In contrast, patients with t(11;14)(q13;q32) seem to<br />

have a better prognosis. These effects on patients’ outcome seem<br />

to be influenced by treatment modality administered; for instance<br />

high-dose chemotherapy seems to provide greater benefit for<br />

patients with the t(11;14)(q13;q32). In contrast it appears that<br />

high dose therapy does not provide much benefit for patients with<br />

the more aggressive IgH translocations. These observations<br />

suggest that MM maybe composed, much like AML, of subgroups<br />

of patients categorized by the specific IgH translocations.<br />

While the relative effect on overall prognosis of IgH<br />

translocations would seem to comparable to that of the most<br />

robust prognostic variables, determining their presence will be of<br />

even greater importance for the development of targeted<br />

therapies.<br />

4. ANEUPLOIDY: Aneuploidy as a category is the single most<br />

common abnormality in MM. Aneuploidy in MM at first glance<br />

appears to be random, but detailed studies of abnormal<br />

karyotypes have now shown that not to be the case. While<br />

numerical abnormalities are seen in the vast majority of patients,<br />

monosomies are seen in nearly all karyotypes while trisomies are<br />

only seen in 50% of patients. The chromosomes involved<br />

trisomies and monosomies are not random; trisomies<br />

predominantly involve chromosomes 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, and 19,<br />

and monosomies involve chromosomes 8, 13, 14, 16 and 22.<br />


presence of numerical abnormalities alone four sub-categories of<br />

MM are discernible; hypodiploid; pseudo-diploid, hyperdiploid<br />

and near tetraploid. Because of the extreme similarities between<br />

the hypo-, pseudo- and tetraploid karyotypes we have proposed<br />

the classification of MM into two major subtypes; hyperdiploid<br />

and non-hyperdiploid MM. This classification is highly relevant,<br />

as it has been recently shown that there is a marked difference in<br />

the prevalence of IgH translocations between the two groups;<br />

high in the non-hyperdiploid MM and low in the hyperdiploid<br />

MM. The striking association has suggested that two major<br />

pathways may be possible for MM pathogenesis; one that is<br />

initiated by IgH translocations and one that is initiated by a yet to<br />

be identified mechanism and whose end result is hyperdiploidy.<br />

It appears the same associations are present since MGUS but<br />

further work is needed to address these fundamental observations<br />

of disease pathogenesis. While the aforementioned studies were<br />

based on data derived form the study of abnormal karyotypes, the<br />

same observations are seen, and in the same degree when ones<br />

studies patients samples with FISH probes or via DNA content by<br />

flow. Hypodiploid MM is associated with a very poor prognosis,<br />

short survival and low response to treatment. Non-hyperdiploid<br />

MM seems to provide a proliferative advantage to the clone such<br />

that it emancipates the cells from the bone marrow and allows for<br />

the growth of cells in extramedullary sites. In fact, all human MM<br />

cell lines derive from the non-hyperdiploid MM and new models<br />

for the ex-vivo study of hyperdiploid MM are needed (e.g. mouse<br />

passage of hyperdiploid MM cells).<br />

6. CHROMOSOME 13 DELETION/MONOSOMY: Loss of chromosome<br />

13, both deletion of 13q14 and monosomy, (∆13) have emerged<br />

over the last decade as a prominent prognostic cytogenetic<br />

factors. The negative prognostic associations are observed<br />

whether ∆13 are detected by karyotype analysis or by FISH. ∆13<br />

detected by karyotype identify a group of patients with a grave<br />

prognosis, and more commonly hypodiploid. Observing ∆13 via<br />

karyotype is of course including the negative prognostic<br />

implications of obtaining any abnormal metaphase (proliferation)<br />

plus the negative biologic implications of having ∆13. In contrast<br />

∆13 detected by FISH identifies a group of patients with the<br />

biologic abnormality. Several features suggest ∆13 are important<br />

(and not simply a marker) for pathogenesis; recurrent nature,<br />

clonally selected, effect on prognosis and the lack of trisomy 13.<br />

However, there is no specific gene identified as importantly<br />

associated with the loss yet. In addition it is not clear whether<br />

∆13 is merely a surrogate marker of hypodiploid variant MM.<br />

Hypodiploid MM is associated with a high incidence of<br />

aggressive IgH translocations (e.g. t(4;14)(p16.3;q32)) and with<br />

an extremely poor prognosis. In fact we have recently shown that<br />

many other monosomies may also be associated with a<br />

significantly shorter survival. Much like IgH translocations we<br />

also observed ∆13 in a similar fraction of MGUS patients<br />

7. STAGES OF THE DISEASE: The current available information does<br />

not allow full elucidation of genomic aberrations that are seen in<br />

MM but not in MGUS. While differences still exist with regards<br />

to the prevalence of specific lesions (e.g. ∆13 or<br />

t(4;14)(p16.3;q32)), all cytogenetic features seen in MM have<br />

been described as well in MGUS by FISH. The only two<br />

abnormalities that are consistently reported as lower in<br />

prevalence in MGUS, and present in a sizable fraction of MM,<br />

are ras mutations and p16 gene silencing by methylation. In<br />

contrast other abnormalities seem to be increasingly common<br />

with advancing stages of the disease; c-myc abnormalities, p53<br />

inactivation and secondary translocations.<br />


EXPRESSION PROFILING: As more information has emerged with<br />

regards to the genetic nature of MM, it has become increasingly<br />


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