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of the disease or may code for tumor antigens useful for immunotherapy strategies. In addition to the identification of myeloma-specific genes, obtaining plasma cells in vitro can be a helpful tool for studying the critical factors involved in the terminal step of B-cell differentiation. However, plasma cells are very rare cells in vivo, representing only 1% to 2% of tonsillar mononuclear cells and less than 0.5% of bone marrow cells in healthy individuals. Such polyclonal plasma cells cannot be routinely purified from normal donors and MM patients. Therefore, one way to get a normal counterpart of malignant plasma cells from MM patients would be to induce in vitro peripheral blood (PB) B-cell differentiation into plasma cells. We have shown that the in vitro differentiation of peripheral blood B lymphocytes, purified from healthy individuals or multiple myeloma patients, makes it possible to obtain a homogeneous population of normal plasmablasts. These cells were identified by their plasmablastic morphology, phenotype (CD20 - , CD21 - , CD37 - , CD22 - , CD38 ++ ), production of polyclonal immunoglobulins, and expression of the major transcription factors involved in B-cell differentiation (Pax5 - , bcl-6 - , IFR4 + , PRDI-BF1 + , XBP-1 + ). Using Affymetrix microarrays, we have compared the gene expression profiles of highly purified malignant plasma cells from nine patients with multiple myeloma (MM) and eight myeloma cell lines to those of highly purified nonmalignant plasma cells (eight samples) obtained by in-vitro differentiation of peripheral blood B cells. Two unsupervised clustering algorithms clustered these 25 samples into two distinct clusters: a malignant plasma cell cluster and a normal plasma cell cluster. Two hundred fifty genes were significantly up-regulated and 159 down-regulated in malignant plasma samples compared to normal plasma samples. For some of these genes, an overexpression or downregulation of the encoded protein was confirmed (cyclin D1, c-myc, BMI-1, cystatin c, SPARC, RB). Two genes overexpressed in myeloma cells (ABL and cystathionine beta synthase) code for enzymes that could be a therapeutic target with specific drugs. We also found several genes of the cancer testis tumor family overexpressed in myeloma cells (MAGE, SSX). These data should help to disclose the molecular mechanisms of myeloma pathogenesis and to define new therapeutic targets in this still fatal malignancy. In addition, the comparison of gene expression between plasmablastic cells and B cells provides a new and powerful tool to identify genes specifically involved in normal plasma cell differentiation. P1.5 MOLECULAR INSIGHTS INTO THE MULTI-STEP PATHOGENESIS OF MYELOMA GJ Morgan, PhD, FRCP, FRCPath, Professor of Haematology Academic Unit of Haematology and Oncology, University of Leeds A number of lines of evidence, including IgH mutation analysis, adoptive transfer of disease and molecular investigations suggest that the target for therapy in myeloma is the myeloma plasma cell. A full understanding of the molecular events underlying the pathogenesis of this cell should allow us to rationally target novel therapies. Until now the tools to look at pathogenic mechanisms have been limited but more recently a number of new approaches have become available, exponentially increasing the amount of data available to shape our understanding of this process. The classical model put forward to define the multi-step nature of the myeloma process has relied upon the transition of normal through MGUS to myeloma. The evaluation of the results of Southern analysis of recurrent chromosomal translocations in myeloma cell lines has highlighted the role of aberrant class switch recombination early in the pathogenesis of myeloma. We have used a vectorette PCR approach to characterise examples of the t(4;14) and t(11;14) from patients, which may better reflect processes occurring invitro. This data shows that breaks in the t(4;14) do occur in the switch region implying that the translocation arises during the process of physiological class switch recombination. However, a second mechanism not involving this physiological recombination has also been identified, where the breaks occur upstream of the switch region, and could be associated either with somatic hypermutation (SHM) or random double strand breaks (DSB). For fully cloned reciprocal translocations the structure of the break identified are compatible with staggered breaks and error prone DNA repair. Non-Homologous end joining (NHEJ) is the major repair mechanism for DSB, and in order to pursue the involvement of this pathway in the predisposition to the development of these translocations we have used a molecular epidemiological approach. We have characterised the effect of inherited variants affecting this pathway and the risk of developing multiple myeloma. In particular we have analysed a large case control series of over 200 patients looking at the distribution of novel lig IV variants and their impact on risk of developing a variety of lymphoid malignancies. Expression microarrays have provided a new tool with which to analyse myeloma and we have used this technique to examine the patterns of genes altered during the transition of normal through MGUS to myeloma. Approximately 300 genes were differentially expressed between N and multiple myeloma or N and MGUS plasma cells. Whereas less than 100 genes were differentially expressed between MGUS and multiple myeloma. As well as confirming pathways already known to be involved in the pathogenesis of myeloma a number of new pathways including deregulation of developmental genes, transcription factors and changes in chromatin structure have been highlighted. In particular we have demonstrated that FRZB is up regulated strongly implicating this gene and signalling through the WNT and hedgehog pathways in myeloma. UPREGULATED DOWNREGULATED 91 GENES Oncogenes - BCL2, LAF4 Transcription – FOXG1A, RING1 Developmental – SHH, WNT Cell proliferation N MGUS MM PCL 172 GENES Membrane – CD38, CD27 Tumour Supressor – RB, ARMET Transcription – XBP-1, ZF Death – TAX1BP1, TXNL 22 GENES Transcription – RING1 Development - FRZB 52 GENES Survival – TNFSF7 Signalling – MD2, MACS Structural – ADD1, VCL Adhesion DNA repair In keeping with the multi-step pathogenesis model of myeloma, recent data looking at MGUS suggests that it is not a uniform disease, a point of which is of some importance for the use of microarrays in a ‘class prediction’ fashion. We have performed flow cytometry and identified two distinct phenotypic subsets, which seem to have a different prognosis based on the presence or absence of normal plasma cells. This data is compatible with the work of Zojer et al who used IgH mutation analysis to show that MGUS can be characterised on the basis of ongoing exposure to somatic hypermutation, transition to multiple myeloma being associated with outgrowth of a single clone. Tentatively MGUS S18

can be considered as two entities, one with exposure to ongoing mutation with a very long history and the other lacking this intraclonal variation destined for the early progression and development of clinical symptoms. Definition of subtypes of myeloma using arrays need to incorporate these different types of plasma cell from which myeloma may putatively arise. References Davies FE, Morgan GJ. Innovative techniques Davies FE, Rawstron AC, Owen RG, Morgan GJ. Controversies surrounding the clonogenic origin of multiple myeloma. Br J Haematol 2000, 240-241. Fenton JAL, Pratt G, Rawstron AC, Sibley K, Rothwell D, Yates Z, Dring A, Richards SJ, Ashcroft AJ, Davies FE, Owen RG, Child JA, Morgan GJ. Genomic characterization of the chromosomal breakpoints of t(4;14) of multiple myeloma suggests more than one possible aetiological mechanism. Oncogene 2003, 1-11. Proffitt J, Fenton J, Pratt G, Yates Z, Morgan G . Isolation and characterisation of recombination events involving immunoglobulin heavy chain switch regions in multiple myeloma using long distance vectorette PCR (LDV-PCR). Leukemia 1999; 1100-1107. Roddam PL, Rollinson S, O'Driscoll M, Jeggo PA, Jack A, Morgan GJ (2002). Genetic variants of NHEJ DNA ligase IV can affect the risk of developing multiple myeloma, a tumour characterised by aberrant class switch recombination. J Med Genet: 900-905. Sibley K, Fenton JA, Dring AM, Ashcroft AJ, Rawstron AC, Morgan GJ. A molecular analysis of the t(4;14) in multiple myeloma. Br J Haematol 2002, 514-520. Zojer N, Ludwig H, Fiegl M, Stevenson FK, Sahota SS. Patterns of somatic mutations in VH genes reveal pathways of Clonal transformation from MGUS to multiple myeloma. Blood 2003. 2. Genetic heterogeneity in MM: impact on diagnosis and therapy P2.1 ELEVATED EXPRESSION OF WNT SIGNALING ANTAGONISTS DKK1 AND FRZB BY MALIGNANT PLASMA CELLS IS STRONGLY ASSOCIATED WITH LYTIC BONE DISEASE IN MYELOMA Erming Tian 1,2,* , Fenghuang Zhan 1,2,* , Ronald Walker 3 , Kelly McCastlain 1,2 Joth Jacobson 4 , Erik Rasmussen 4 , John Crowley 4 , Joshua Epstein 2 , Bart Barlogie 2 , and John Shaughnessy Jr 1,2, .*These authors contributed equally to this work 1 Donna and Donald Lambert Laboratory of Myeloma Genetics, 2 Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy, 3 Department of Radiology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little Rock, AR, 72205 and 4 Cancer Research and Biostatistics, 1730 Minor Ave. STE 1900, Seattle, WA 98101-1468. Focal lytic bone lesions and systemic osteopenia are major causes of morbidity and mortality in multiple myeloma (MM). Bone destruction is linked to increased osteoclast activity, which can be traced to perturbations in IL-6, MIP1 and RANK signaling 1 . Bisphosphonates have been shown to be highly effective agents in reducing the progression of bone lesions, however, a lack of repair to preexisting damage suggests that a defect in osteoblast function is also an important component of the bone destruction process. Indeed, studies have shown that whereas osteoblast numbers are increased in MM, their functional capacity is dramatically impaired 2 . Bone lesions are located adjacent to medullary plasmacytoma suggesting that MM PC secrete factors that activate osteoclast and/or induce osteoblast apoptosis. Thus, in an effort to identify genes linked to bone disease we performed a genome wide scan for altered gene expression patterns in a comparison of CD138- enriched PC from newly diagnosed MM with no radiological evidence of osteolytic bone lesions (n = 87) or ≥ 3 lytic lesions (n = 83). Of a total of ~12,000 genes studied, 367 were identified as being significantly differentially expressed (P < .001) using a combination of 2, Wilcoxin Rank, and SAM statistical analysis. Of these, 229 were higher and 138 lower in PC from MM with lytic lesions. Elevated expression of genes associated with cell proliferation, e.g. PCNA, TYMS, PRKDC, CENPA and TOP2A was seen in MM with lytic lesions. In contrast ARHE, IL-6R, WNT10B, and the B-cell receptor molecules SLAM, TACI, and LNHR, were the most significantly under expressed genes in MM with lytic lesions. Importantly, the WNT signaling antagonists, FRZB 3 and DKK1 4 , represented the only genes coding for secreted factors within the top 50 up-regulated genes. Moderately high expression (Signal >1000) of DKK1 and/or FRZB was seen in 74% of all MM cases with 46% of all cases expressing both genes above 1000. Importantly, neither gene was detectable by microarray in PC from 45 normal bone marrow donors or 10 Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia, a PC malignancy that lacks bone disease. Although FRZB was expressed at similar levels in MGUS and MM, DKK1 was rarely found in PC from this condition. Immunohistochemistry of bone biopsies revealed an inter- and intra-patient variability in expression in MM PC, yet a strong correlation with DKK1 and FRZB gene expression data. In patients with high gene expression, protein expression was heterogeneous and tended to be highest in PC lining the bone. Interestingly, in cases with low FRZB gene expression intense FRZB staining was observed in microvessels. Simultaneous S19

can be considered as two entities, one with exposure to ongoing<br />

mutation with a very long history and the other lacking this<br />

intraclonal variation destined for the early progression and<br />

development of clinical symptoms. Definition of subtypes of<br />

myeloma using arrays need to incorporate these different types of<br />

plasma cell from which myeloma may putatively arise.<br />

References<br />

Davies FE, Morgan GJ. Innovative techniques<br />

Davies FE, Rawstron AC, Owen RG, Morgan GJ. Controversies<br />

surrounding the clonogenic origin of multiple myeloma. Br J<br />

Haematol 2000, 240-241.<br />

Fenton JAL, Pratt G, Rawstron AC, Sibley K, Rothwell D, Yates<br />

Z, Dring A, Richards SJ, Ashcroft AJ, Davies FE, Owen RG,<br />

Child JA, Morgan GJ. Genomic characterization of the<br />

chromosomal breakpoints of t(4;14) of multiple myeloma<br />

suggests more than one possible aetiological mechanism.<br />

Oncogene <strong>2003</strong>, 1-11.<br />

Proffitt J, Fenton J, Pratt G, Yates Z, Morgan G . Isolation and<br />

characterisation of recombination events involving<br />

immunoglobulin heavy chain switch regions in multiple myeloma<br />

using long distance vectorette PCR (LDV-PCR). Leukemia<br />

1999; 1100-1107.<br />

Roddam PL, Rollinson S, O'Driscoll M, Jeggo PA, Jack A,<br />

Morgan GJ (2002). Genetic variants of NHEJ DNA ligase IV can<br />

affect the risk of developing multiple myeloma, a tumour<br />

characterised by aberrant class switch recombination. J Med<br />

Genet: 900-905.<br />

Sibley K, Fenton JA, Dring AM, Ashcroft AJ, Rawstron AC,<br />

Morgan GJ. A molecular analysis of the t(4;14) in multiple<br />

myeloma. Br J Haematol 2002, 514-520.<br />

Zojer N, Ludwig H, Fiegl M, Stevenson FK, Sahota SS. Patterns<br />

of somatic mutations in VH genes reveal pathways of Clonal<br />

transformation from MGUS to multiple myeloma. Blood <strong>2003</strong>.<br />

2. Genetic heterogeneity in MM: impact<br />

on diagnosis and therapy<br />

P2.1<br />





Erming Tian 1,2,* , Fenghuang Zhan 1,2,* , Ronald Walker 3 ,<br />

Kelly McCastlain 1,2 Joth Jacobson 4 , Erik Rasmussen 4 , John<br />

Crowley 4 , Joshua Epstein 2 , Bart Barlogie 2 , and John<br />

Shaughnessy Jr 1,2, .*These authors contributed equally to<br />

this work<br />

1<br />

Donna and Donald Lambert Laboratory of Myeloma Genetics, 2<br />

Myeloma Institute for Research and Therapy, 3 Department of<br />

Radiology, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, Little<br />

Rock, AR, 72205 and 4 Cancer Research and Biostatistics, 1730<br />

Minor Ave. STE 1900, Seattle, WA 98101-1468.<br />

Focal lytic bone lesions and systemic osteopenia are major causes<br />

of morbidity and mortality in multiple myeloma (MM). Bone<br />

destruction is linked to increased osteoclast activity, which can be<br />

traced to perturbations in IL-6, MIP1 and RANK signaling 1 .<br />

Bisphosphonates have been shown to be highly effective agents<br />

in reducing the progression of bone lesions, however, a lack of<br />

repair to preexisting damage suggests that a defect in osteoblast<br />

function is also an important component of the bone destruction<br />

process. Indeed, studies have shown that whereas osteoblast<br />

numbers are increased in MM, their functional capacity is<br />

dramatically impaired 2 .<br />

Bone lesions are located adjacent to medullary plasmacytoma<br />

suggesting that MM PC secrete factors that activate osteoclast<br />

and/or induce osteoblast apoptosis. Thus, in an effort to identify<br />

genes linked to bone disease we performed a genome wide scan<br />

for altered gene expression patterns in a comparison of CD138-<br />

enriched PC from newly diagnosed MM with no radiological<br />

evidence of osteolytic bone lesions (n = 87) or ≥ 3 lytic lesions (n<br />

= 83). Of a total of ~12,000 genes studied, 367 were identified as<br />

being significantly differentially expressed (P < .001) using a<br />

combination of 2, Wilcoxin Rank, and SAM statistical analysis.<br />

Of these, 229 were higher and 138 lower in PC from MM with<br />

lytic lesions. Elevated expression of genes associated with cell<br />

proliferation, e.g. PCNA, TYMS, PRKDC, CENPA and TOP2A<br />

was seen in MM with lytic lesions. In contrast ARHE, IL-6R,<br />

WNT10B, and the B-cell receptor molecules SLAM, TACI, and<br />

LNHR, were the most significantly under expressed genes in MM<br />

with lytic lesions. Importantly, the WNT signaling antagonists,<br />

FRZB 3 and DKK1 4 , represented the only genes coding for<br />

secreted factors within the top 50 up-regulated genes. Moderately<br />

high expression (Signal >1000) of DKK1 and/or FRZB was seen<br />

in 74% of all MM cases with 46% of all cases expressing both<br />

genes above 1000. Importantly, neither gene was detectable by<br />

microarray in PC from 45 normal bone marrow donors or 10<br />

Waldenstrom’s macroglobulinemia, a PC malignancy that lacks<br />

bone disease. Although FRZB was expressed at similar levels in<br />

MGUS and MM, DKK1 was rarely found in PC from this<br />

condition. Immunohistochemistry of bone biopsies revealed an<br />

inter- and intra-patient variability in expression in MM PC, yet a<br />

strong correlation with DKK1 and FRZB gene expression data. In<br />

patients with high gene expression, protein expression was<br />

heterogeneous and tended to be highest in PC lining the bone.<br />

Interestingly, in cases with low FRZB gene expression intense<br />

FRZB staining was observed in microvessels. Simultaneous<br />


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