Haematologica 2003 - Supplements

Haematologica 2003 - Supplements Haematologica 2003 - Supplements

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Recognition of these antigens appears to be limited in cancer patients. This is caused by different mechanisms: deficiencies of antigen processing and recognition, or an antigen expression below the threshold for immune recognition. Aim: By upregulating the expression of CTA’s under conditions potentially reachable in the clinical setting, a higher immunogenicity could be reached, which is a major advantage in the setting of immunotherapy. It has recently been shown that the demethylating agent 5-Aza- 2’-deoxycytidine or decitabine (DAC) can enhance MAGE-3 and NY-ESO-1 expression in different cell lines. We tried to determine if this is also true in MM cell lines. Methods: Seven different cell lines originating from myeloma, lymphoid malignancy and lung cancer (U266, RPMI8226, Calu- 6, U937, EJM, JJN3 and MMS1) were exposed to DAC at varying concentrations (0, 0.1, 1 or 10 M) and during different exposure times (0, 24, 48 and 72 Hrs.). The cultures were performed in RPMI 1640 media with 10% FBS, 1% penicilline/streptomycine, 1% L-glutamine and 1% Hepes buffer. Both MAGE-3 and NY-ESO-1 were evaluated by flowcytometry (FCM), PCR and quantitative PCR (TaqMan). Results: 1) We observed an increase of expression of TCA’s in cell lines U937, HMS1 and U266 after exposure to the demethylating agent DAC. We’re the first group to report this finding. 2) NY-ESO-1 and MAGE-3 not only appear to be excellent candidate proteins for immunotherapy in MM, but their expression can be significantly upregulated by DAC. 4. From MGUS to symptomatic MM 4.1 Diagnostic guidelines 076 Nordic Myeloma Study Group Guidelines on the Diagnosis and Management of Multiple Myeloma E Hippe1, M Hjorth2, I Turesson3, J Westin4, F Wisløff5 for the Nordic Myeloma Study Group University Hospital of Copenhagen, Herlev1, Lidköping Hospital, Lidköping2, University Hospital Malmö3, University Hospital Lund4 and Ullevål University Hospital, Oslo5 (E-mail: hippe@dadlnet.dk) The Nordic Myeloma Study Group (NMSG) is a network of clinicians and scientists working with myeloma patients and myeloma research projects within the Nordic countries. The group was founded in 1987 and today comprises 17 university clinics and 90 county hospital clinics in Denmark, Norway and Sweden, covering a population of about 12 million inhabitants. The aims of the group are: 1) to perform population based clinical studies to evaluate new therapeutic modalities in patients with multiple myeloma, with special regard to and their influences on the quality of life, 2) to study the mechanisms behind and the manifestations of the disease and 3) to inform and educate patients and their relatives about the disease and the therapeutic options available. In 1995 NMSG first prepared a Nordic health care program covering all aspects of the diagnosis and care of multiple myeloma patients. The program was written in the Nordic languages and widely distributed among the participating clinics. The NMSG guidelines comprise: 1) Investigation, diagnosis and indications for treatment, 2) Initial therapy, 3) Treatment of complications, 4) Supportive care, 5) Management of relapsed/refractory disease, 6) Aspects of quality of life and economic avaluation of treatment modalities, and 7) Patient information. Where possible the guidelines end up in recommendations based on literature review and consensus of the NMSG expert opinion. The guidelines have recently been updated and are from 2002 available on the NMSG homepage (http://www.nordicmyeloma.org). Also the web-based edition is written in the Nordic languages. Our recommendations are very similar to the guidelines later published by the UK Myeloma Forum. In the near future it would be possible to coordinate the Nordic/UK guidelines, and also to involve other interested European countries in the project. 077 Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of solitary plasmacytoma of bone (SBP) and solitary extramedullary plasmacytoma (SEP) R. Soutar, H. Lucraft, A. Reece, J. Bird, G. Jackson, E. Low and Diana Samson On behalf of the UK Myeloma Forum (UKMF) SBP and SEP are rare tumours and most haematologists have little experience of treating such patients. Guidelines on the diagnosis and management of SBP and SEP would therefore be helpful. A working group of the UKMF, including a clinical oncologist (radiotherapist) and an orthopaedic surgeon, has drafted evidence-based guidelines. The main recommendations are as follows: S121

Diagnosis requires a single area of bone destruction or an extramedullary mass of clonal plasma cells, with a normal BM aspirate and trephine, normal skeletal survey, no anaemia, hypercalcaemia or renal impairment, and absent or low serum or urinary paraprotein. In addition, diagnosis of SBP requires an MRI of the spine showing no additional lesions. Over 50% of patients with apparent SPB progress to multiple myeloma (MM) and patients with an abnormal marrow appearance on MRI of the spine have a higher rate of progression to overt MM. Such patients should be considered to have MM at presentation. Further investigations which may distinguish between SBP and MM include immunophenotyping of bone marrow to look for an excess of kappa or lambda staining plasma cells, MRI examination of other areas to look for other plasmacytomas or abnormal BM appearances, and FDG-PET scanning to look for other foci of disease. In contrast to SBP, SEP rarely progresses to myeloma and there is no data on the use of MRI of uninvolved areas; the working group therefore considered that MRI of the spine is not required for the investigation and diagnosis of SEP. Management: SBP should be treated with radical radiotherapy with a dose of 40 Gy in 20 fractions. A higher dose is recommended for tumours >5cm. Surgery is reserved for patients with vertebral instability or neurological compromise; such patients should also receive radiotherapy. The timing of radiotherapy in relation to surgery should be determined for individual patients; while it may be preferable to carry out surgery before radiotherapy, the placing of metal supports can compromise the efficacy of radiotherapy. Reconstructive orthopaedic surgery may be required in patients with anterior column damage. Patients should be followed up carefully with regular paraprotein measurements, as over 50% will progress to myeloma. There is as yet no data on the use of the free light chain assay in monitoring patients with SBP. SEP of the head and neck is also best treated with radiotherapy and radical surgery in this area should be avoided. A radiation dose of 45 Gy in 25 fractions is recommended. For SEP in other areas surgery should be considered as an alternative to radiotherapy. If surgical margins are involved then adjuvant radiotherapy should be given. There are few data on adjuvant chemotherapy for either SBP or SEP, but it may be considered in patients with bulky tumours or histologically high-grade SEP. 078 Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of AL Amyloidosis JM Bird, H Lachmann, J Cavenagh, A Mehta, PN Hawkins and Diana Samson For the UK Myeloma Forum Systemic AL amyloidosis is a protein conformation disorder in which monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains are deposited as AL amyloid fibrils, which progressively disrupt normal organ structure and function. It is often fatal within 2 years. AL amyloidosis poses special problems for patient care; diagnosis can be difficult and requires specialist expertise, while the optimum management remains unclear. The UK Myeloma Forum has been working with the UK National Amyloidosis Centre to formulate evidence-based guidelines for diagnosis and management. Some of the main recommendations are as follows: Diagnosis requires histological confirmation of amyloidosis followed by immunohistochemical staining to characterize the fibril protein, although this technique is often not definitive in AL type. Evidence should be sought of an underlying B-cell disorder and serum and urine immunofixation should be performed in all cases even if routine electrophoresis is negative. DNA analysis may be required to exclude hereditary amyloidosis, since a monoclonal gammopathy may incidentally co-exist. Assessment of organ function requires assessment of renal, hepatic and cardiac function in all cases and neurological investigations in some patients. SAP scintigraphy allows determination of the extent and distribution of visceral amyloid deposits. Monitoring Disease status should be monitored in terms of both amyloid deposition and the underlying B-cell disorder, including frequent monitoring of serum free light chains, serial SAP scintigraphy and assessment of associated organ dysfunction. Regression of amyloid and clinical improvement following chemotherapy in AL amyloidosis is always delayed for many months following adequate suppression of the underlying clonal disease, and treatment strategies in individual patients are presently best guided by their early effect on quantitative measurements of serum free light chains. Treatment Chemotherapy regimens in AL amyloidosis are derived from those used in myeloma, but there have been few randomised, controlled trials in AL amyloidosis. Colchicine is ineffective. MP has been shown in phase III trials to be superior to colchicine in terms of response and survival, although response is slow and median survival still only 18-24 months. Alkylator based combination chemotherapy regimens have not been shown to be superior to MP. -Interferon has not been shown to be of benefit. An important objective is rapid suppression of amyloidogenic light chains, which infusional (VAD-type), monthly iv melphalan 25 mg/m2 ± dexamethasone and high dose regimens are able to achieve with broadly similar effect. However, high dose therapy with PBSCT has a TRM of 15-40% in AL amyloid. Its use should be restricted to selected patients (those with no cardiac involvement, 1-2 organs involved and GFR >50 ml/min), and particularly those who have not responded to less intensive regimens. In patients who are sufficiently fit, VAD is rational initial therapy, whereas monthly iv melphalan ± dexamethasone is an alternative when VAD is contra-indicated or ineffective. Other treatment options include oral MP, dexamethasone, thalidomide, novel therapies and palliative care. Supportive care is vital in all patients. 4.2 Characteristics of MGUS 079 MONOCLONAL GAMMOPATHY OF UNDETERMINED SIGNIFICANCE (MGUS): CLINICAL PREDICTORS OF MALIGNANT TRANSFORMATION IN 434 PATIENTS FROM A SINGLE INSTITUTION WITH A LONG FOLLOW- UP J. Bladé, M. Rozman*, L. Rosiñol, B. Nadal, E. Giné, M. Aymerich*, J. Esteve, F. Cervantes, A. López-Guillermo, F. Bosch, B. Nomdedeu, E. Montserrat. Institute of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Hematology and Hematopathology Unit*, IDIBAPS, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona, Spain. Background: MGUS is a frequent disorder characterized by the presence of a small serum M-protein in individuals with no evidence of multiple myeloma (MM), Waldenström´s macroglobulinemia (WM) or primary amyloidosis (AL). Although about one fourth of these individuals will evolve into a malignant disease, there are not well-established predictors of outcome. S122

Diagnosis requires a single area of bone destruction or an<br />

extramedullary mass of clonal plasma cells, with a normal BM<br />

aspirate and trephine, normal skeletal survey, no anaemia,<br />

hypercalcaemia or renal impairment, and absent or low serum or<br />

urinary paraprotein. In addition, diagnosis of SBP requires an<br />

MRI of the spine showing no additional lesions. Over 50% of<br />

patients with apparent SPB progress to multiple myeloma (MM)<br />

and patients with an abnormal marrow appearance on MRI of the<br />

spine have a higher rate of progression to overt MM. Such<br />

patients should be considered to have MM at presentation.<br />

Further investigations which may distinguish between SBP and<br />

MM include immunophenotyping of bone marrow to look for an<br />

excess of kappa or lambda staining plasma cells, MRI<br />

examination of other areas to look for other plasmacytomas or<br />

abnormal BM appearances, and FDG-PET scanning to look for<br />

other foci of disease. In contrast to SBP, SEP rarely progresses to<br />

myeloma and there is no data on the use of MRI of uninvolved<br />

areas; the working group therefore considered that MRI of the<br />

spine is not required for the investigation and diagnosis of SEP.<br />

Management: SBP should be treated with radical radiotherapy<br />

with a dose of 40 Gy in 20 fractions. A higher dose is<br />

recommended for tumours >5cm. Surgery is reserved for patients<br />

with vertebral instability or neurological compromise; such<br />

patients should also receive radiotherapy. The timing of<br />

radiotherapy in relation to surgery should be determined for<br />

individual patients; while it may be preferable to carry out<br />

surgery before radiotherapy, the placing of metal supports can<br />

compromise the efficacy of radiotherapy. Reconstructive<br />

orthopaedic surgery may be required in patients with anterior<br />

column damage. Patients should be followed up carefully with<br />

regular paraprotein measurements, as over 50% will progress to<br />

myeloma. There is as yet no data on the use of the free light chain<br />

assay in monitoring patients with SBP.<br />

SEP of the head and neck is also best treated with radiotherapy<br />

and radical surgery in this area should be avoided. A radiation<br />

dose of 45 Gy in 25 fractions is recommended. For SEP in other<br />

areas surgery should be considered as an alternative to<br />

radiotherapy. If surgical margins are involved then adjuvant<br />

radiotherapy should be given.<br />

There are few data on adjuvant chemotherapy for either SBP or<br />

SEP, but it may be considered in patients with bulky tumours or<br />

histologically high-grade SEP.<br />

078<br />

Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Management of AL<br />

Amyloidosis<br />

JM Bird, H Lachmann, J Cavenagh, A Mehta, PN Hawkins<br />

and Diana Samson<br />

For the UK Myeloma Forum<br />

Systemic AL amyloidosis is a protein conformation disorder in<br />

which monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains are deposited as<br />

AL amyloid fibrils, which progressively disrupt normal organ<br />

structure and function. It is often fatal within 2 years. AL<br />

amyloidosis poses special problems for patient care; diagnosis<br />

can be difficult and requires specialist expertise, while the<br />

optimum management remains unclear. The UK Myeloma Forum<br />

has been working with the UK National Amyloidosis Centre to<br />

formulate evidence-based guidelines for diagnosis and<br />

management. Some of the main recommendations are as follows:<br />

Diagnosis requires histological confirmation of amyloidosis<br />

followed by immunohistochemical staining to characterize the<br />

fibril protein, although this technique is often not definitive in AL<br />

type. Evidence should be sought of an underlying B-cell disorder<br />

and serum and urine immunofixation should be performed in all<br />

cases even if routine electrophoresis is negative. DNA analysis<br />

may be required to exclude hereditary amyloidosis, since a<br />

monoclonal gammopathy may incidentally co-exist.<br />

Assessment of organ function requires assessment of renal,<br />

hepatic and cardiac function in all cases and neurological<br />

investigations in some patients. SAP scintigraphy allows<br />

determination of the extent and distribution of visceral amyloid<br />

deposits.<br />

Monitoring Disease status should be monitored in terms of both<br />

amyloid deposition and the underlying B-cell disorder, including<br />

frequent monitoring of serum free light chains, serial SAP<br />

scintigraphy and assessment of associated organ dysfunction.<br />

Regression of amyloid and clinical improvement following<br />

chemotherapy in AL amyloidosis is always delayed for many<br />

months following adequate suppression of the underlying clonal<br />

disease, and treatment strategies in individual patients are<br />

presently best guided by their early effect on quantitative<br />

measurements of serum free light chains.<br />

Treatment Chemotherapy regimens in AL amyloidosis are<br />

derived from those used in myeloma, but there have been few<br />

randomised, controlled trials in AL amyloidosis. Colchicine is<br />

ineffective. MP has been shown in phase III trials to be superior<br />

to colchicine in terms of response and survival, although response<br />

is slow and median survival still only 18-24 months. Alkylator<br />

based combination chemotherapy regimens have not been shown<br />

to be superior to MP. -Interferon has not been shown to be of<br />

benefit. An important objective is rapid suppression of<br />

amyloidogenic light chains, which infusional (VAD-type),<br />

monthly iv melphalan 25 mg/m2 ± dexamethasone and high dose<br />

regimens are able to achieve with broadly similar effect.<br />

However, high dose therapy with PBSCT has a TRM of 15-40%<br />

in AL amyloid. Its use should be restricted to selected patients<br />

(those with no cardiac involvement, 1-2 organs involved and<br />

GFR >50 ml/min), and particularly those who have not responded<br />

to less intensive regimens. In patients who are sufficiently fit,<br />

VAD is rational initial therapy, whereas monthly iv melphalan ±<br />

dexamethasone is an alternative when VAD is contra-indicated or<br />

ineffective. Other treatment options include oral MP,<br />

dexamethasone, thalidomide, novel therapies and palliative care.<br />

Supportive care is vital in all patients.<br />

4.2 Characteristics of MGUS<br />

079<br />





UP<br />

J. Bladé, M. Rozman*, L. Rosiñol, B. Nadal, E. Giné, M.<br />

Aymerich*, J. Esteve, F. Cervantes, A. López-Guillermo, F.<br />

Bosch, B. Nomdedeu, E. Montserrat.<br />

Institute of Hematology and Oncology, Department of Hematology<br />

and Hematopathology Unit*, IDIBAPS, Hospital Clínic, Barcelona,<br />

Spain.<br />

Background: MGUS is a frequent disorder characterized by the<br />

presence of a small serum M-protein in individuals with no<br />

evidence of multiple myeloma (MM), Waldenström´s<br />

macroglobulinemia (WM) or primary amyloidosis (AL).<br />

Although about one fourth of these individuals will evolve into a<br />

malignant disease, there are not well-established predictors of<br />

outcome.<br />


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