Haematologica 2003 - Supplements

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2.3 Molecular cytogenetic and prognostic impact 036 CYTOGENETICS AND MULTIPLE MYELOMA: A SPANISH MULTICENTER STUDY OF 497 PATIENTS B. Gil Fournier, ML. Martín Ramos, NC. Gutiérrez, E. Barreiro, FJ. Fernández Martínez, JJ. Lahuerta, JM. Hernández, C. Grande, R. Martínez, A. Alegre, J. García- Laraña, J. Bladé, A. Sureda, J. de la Rubia and JF. San Miguel On behalf of GEM group. Introduction: The information about cytogenetics in Multiple Myeloma (MM) is opened to identify and define the role of chromosomal abnormalities on prognosis of MM. We have initiated a National cytogenetics studio with newly diagnosed MM Spanish patients, in order to permit a more accurate description of cytogenetics anomalies in MM. Patients and Methods: 497 untreated MM patients were studied, recruited from 68 centres in Spain. Cytogenetics analysis was performed on bone-marrow processed by 72 and 96h unstimulated cultures. Chromosomes were identified by G banding. Aberrant chromosomes were examined by FISH, using painting, region-specific, and/or centromeric probes. Furthermore, we performed FISH technique with (RB/LSID13S319/LSID13S25) and LSI 14q32/11q13 loci probes. Karyotypes were designated according to the ISCN criteria. Results: We present cytogenetics results on 318 patients. An abnormal karyotype was detected in 143 patients (45% of evaluable patients): 17% of karyotypes were Pseudodyploid, 15% Hyperdiploid and 11% Hypodiploid. Numerical and structural abnormalities were found at the same time in the 45% of cases. Monosomy of chromosome 13 was the most common numerical abnormalities (22%), following of trisomy of chromosomes 5, 9 and 7 (17, 18 and 10% of cases). The most frequent recurrent chromosomal anomalies were del(13)(q14) detected in 53 patients (37%), and 14q32 abnormalities detected in 22 patients (15%), 15 of them as t(11;14)(q13;q32). The 45% of del(13)(q14) and the 53% of t(11;14)(q13;q32) showed additional abnormalities on karyotypes. FISH analysis showed del(13)(q14) and t(11;14)(q13;q32) in a 42% (n=22) and in a 40% (n=6) of cases that have been no detected by conventional cytogenetics. The 43% (n=62) of clonal karyotypes were complex. Chromosome 1 abnormalities represent the most frequent aberration, observed in 31% of cases (n=45), implicated in translocations with others chromosomes, detecting trisomies 1q and monosomies 1p near with many chromosomal abnormalities. FISH technique allowed more complete description of karyotypes. Conclusions: 1) The simultaneous analysis of conventional and molecular cytogenetics allowed the detection of 45% clonal karyotypes. 2) We detected del(13)(q14) and t(11;14)(q13;q32) with many others chromosomics abnormalities in a high frequency of cases (98%). 3) FISH analysis were more perceptible for detection of del(13)(q14) and t(11;14)(q13;q32). 4) Chromosome 1 abnormalities represented the most frequent cytogenetics anomalies. They could be secondary aberrations associated to complex karyotypes, suggesting that chromosome 1 could be implicated in a more aggressibity of tumour. 5) The great heterogeneity and complexity of newly diagnosed MM karyotypes suggest that when the tumour is diagnosed it is already in an advanced state of disease. Our experience showed the necessity to carry out not only specific FISH study but conventional cytogenetics in order to permit: a) looking for cytogenetics abnormalities specifics of MM, and b) establish the true role of recurrent anomalies: del(13)(q14) and t(11;14), and will arrive to define which of them or others, are primary or secondary abnormalities. (Supported by Grant from Spanish FIS G03/136) 037 Hierarchical clustering for the analysis of chromosome aberration patterns in Multiple Myeloma. Borja Sáez2, José I Martín-Subero1, Francisco Guillen3, María D. Odero2, Felipe Prosper4, Juan C. Cigudosa5, María J. Calasanz2, Reiner Siebert1 1. Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital Schleswig- Holstein Campus Kiel, Kiel, Germany. 2. Department of Genetics, University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. 3. Department of Health Science, Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. 4. Department of Hematology, University Hospital, Pamplona, Spain and 5. Cytogenetics Unit, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, Madrid, Spain; The knowledge of chromosome aberration patterns in Multiple Myeloma have been hampered by the low proportion of clonal abnormalities found by conventional cytogenetics, and by the high complexity of those cases with altered karyotypes. Nevertheless, karyotypes of around 1000 cases have been reported, and the main chromosomal features may be summarized as follow: (1) abnormal clones appear to be divided into those with modal chromosome numbers in the hypodiploid, pseudodiploid and hyperdyploid range, being hyperdiploidy more common (approximately 46-68%) than pseudo- or hypodiploidy. The main numerical imbalances reported by conventional cytogenetics are gains of chromosomes 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15 and 19, and losses of 13, X (females), 14, 6q, 8, 16, and Y. (2) The chromosome bands most commonly affected by structural abnormalities are 13q14, mainly as deletions and 14q32, which is involved in various translocations like t(11;14)(q23;q32) or complex rearrangements with unidentified chromosomal partners. Moreover, a prognostic implication has been postulated for some of these aberrations, e.g 13q deletions have been described as an adverse prognostic factor in MM. In order to better understand the biological relevance of abnormal karyotypes in myeloma cells, a systematic characterization of the karyotypic patterns is required. Thus, the aim of our study was to identify distinct subgroups of cytogenetic patterns among myeloma patients using appropriate statistical approaches. A total of 276 myeloma cases, all of them with abnormal karyotypes, were retrieved from our own database and from previously published series. The presence or absence of chromosomal aberrations by G-banding of all cases were recorded, and those abnormalities present in more than 5% of the cases entered the statistical analysis. A total of 43 variables were included for the first approach. Chromosomal abnormalities are asymmetrical binary data, thus, hierarchical clustering analysis was performed. For these kind of variables the most adequate method for computing distances is the Jaccard coefficient or any of its variants like Dice or Sokal. For genetic data usually two methods of hierarchical clustering are used, average linkage or CAST (Cluster Affinity Search Technique). As the last one is still experimental we have choosen average linkage using three measures of distance, i.e. Jaccard´s, Dice´s and Sokal´s coefficients. The three cluster trees resulting from these analysis were analysed using the Stata and Clustan software. Our preliminary results are in good concordance with those recently published by Fonseca et al.(2003). Two major S104

clusters were found, the first was composed of gains of chromosomes 3, 5, 7, and 9, as well as hyperdiploidy, and the second of losses of chromosome 1, 4, 8, 13, 14, 16, 17, 20, 21, 22 and hypodiploid karyotypes. Moreover, a third group including those cases with "more than triploid karyotype” was observed, possibly conforming an independent cytogenetic subgroup. Further studies will focus in the relationship between these chromosomal abnormality patterns, clinical parameters and outcome. 038 AML/MDS-associated cytogenetic abnormalities in multiple myeloma and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance: evidence for de novo occurrence and stem cell involvement of del(20q) as a sole change T Nilsson1, L Nilsson2,3, S Lenhoff3, L Rylander4, I Åstrand-Grundström2, B Stömbeck1, M Höglund1, I Turesson5, J Westin3, F Mitelman1, SE Jacobsen2 and B Johansson1 1Department of Clinical Genetics, Lund University Hospital, Sweden; 2Department of Stem Cell Biology, Lund University Hospital, Sweden; 3Department of Hematology, Lund University Hospital, Sweden; 4Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, Lund University Hospital, Sweden; and 5Department of Hematology, Malmö University Hospital, Sweden The plasma cell dyscrasias multiple myeloma (MM) and monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) are cytogenetically characterized by various translocations involving 14q32, -13 or del(13q), and trisomies of chromosomes 3, 7, 9, 11, and 15. However, karyotypic patterns characteristic for acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), eg hypodiploidy with total or partial losses of chromosomes 5 and 7, may occasionally also occur in the setting of plasma cell dyscrasias. In most instances, such AML/MDSassociated cytogenetic features signify the development of therapy-related malignancies, in particular t-AML/t-MDS in MM patients previously treated with alkylating agents. In a few instances, however, “myeloid” chromosomal changes are detected in untreated plasma cell disorders without any morphologic features of AML/MDS. Whether these aberrations have arisen in myeloid precursor cells, heralding an ensuing myeloid malignancy, or whether they exist in the MM/MGUS cells is unknown. In order to characterize the “myeloid” abnormality patterns in MM and MGUS patients, we have ascertained and reviewed all 123 MM and 25 MGUS cases as well as all 19 t-AML/t-MDS occurring after previous chemotherapy for MM cytogenetically analyzed in our department. Among these, 67 (54%) MM, 7 (28%) MGUS, and 16 (84%) t-AML/t-MDS were karyotypically abnormal, with 7 (10%) MM and 2 (29%) MGUS displaying “myeloid” abnormalities, ie +8 (one case) and 20q- (eight cases), without any evidence for AML/MDS. In the MGUS case, interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization analyses with a probe for 20q12 revealed the presence of the del(20q) in all cell populations investigated (CD34+, CD34+CD38-, CD34+CD38+, CD34-, CD19+, CD15+, and CD3+). The present data indicate that del(20q) as a sole anomaly occurs as a de novo aberration in approximately 10% of karyotypically abnormal MM/MGUS cases and also strongly suggest that it arises at the stem cell level. 039 Cytogenetics, Interphase and Multiplex FISH of Multiple Myeloma. Christine J. Harrison, G. Reza Jalali, Ashraf H. Ibrahim, Kim H. Orchard, Fiona M. Ross Leukaemia Research Fund Myeloma Cytogenetics Database, Cancer Sciences and Human Genetics Divisions, University of Southampton, Southampton, UK. Translocations involving the immunoglobulin heavy chain gene (IGH) at 14q32 have been proposed to be primary abnormalities in myeloma. Monosomy or deletions of chromosome 13 have been associated with a poor prognosis. Interphase fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH) has now become the method of choice for the detection of these abnormalities due to the difficulties of conventional cytogenetic analysis. The limitation of interphase FISH is that interpretation of karyotypes is restricted to the specific chromosomal sites under investigation and important abnormalities of these regions may be masked within complex karyotypes and those with very high chromosome numbers. However, even when conventional cytogenetics is successful, the complexity of the karyotypes often precludes accurate characterisation. The complementary application of 24 colour FISH (M-FISH), cytogenetics and FISH with specific probes can resolve many of the problems of interpretation. We have applied these techniques to a series of 19 myeloma patients with abnormal karyotypes. In agreement with other studies, cytogenetics and M-FISH revealed that chromosomes 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15, 19 and 21 were most frequently gained in hyperdiploid karyotypes and chromosomes 13 and 22 were often lost. Although no new recurring structural chromosomal changes were identified in this small series, a high incidence of complex abnormalities were observed in all cases. Multiple rearrangements involving chromosome 1 were observed in 17/19 cases. Other frequently occurring structural changes involved chromosomes 5, 6, 7, 8, 14 and 16, many of which were only visible by M-FISH. Cryptic abnormalities of chromosomes X and Y were also shown by M-FISH only. Metaphases from cases with apparent discrepancies between the cytogenetics/M-FISH and interphase FISH were re-hybridised with the IGH or locusspecific chromosome 13 probes. This revealed cryptic and complex involvement of chromosome 14 with a range of partners, including chromosomes 1, 2, 7, 8 and 12 and a cryptic chromosome 13 deletion. Our findings have confirmed that accurate interpretation of karyotypes benefits from the complementary application of these techniques. This approach facilitates the search for new chromosomal abnormalities with clinical or prognostic significance and helps to identify significant patterns of genetic change, which will further our understanding of the role of genetics in the development and progression of myeloma. 040 IN SEARCH FOR NEW RECURRENT CHROMOSOME BREAKPOINTS IN MULTIPLE MYELOMA Blanca Fernández, Borja Saez, Miguel Urioste, Javier Benítez, Maria D. Odero, Jose I. Martín-Subero, Reiner Siebert, M. José Calasanz, Juan C. Cigudosa Cytogenetics Unit, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncológicas, Madrid, Spain; Departamento de Genética, Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain; and Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein Campus Kiel, Kiel, Germany. The use of advanced molecular cytogenetic techniques, as Spectral Karyotyping (SKY), on multiple myeloma (MM) has S105

2.3 Molecular cytogenetic and prognostic impact<br />

036<br />



B. Gil Fournier, ML. Martín Ramos, NC. Gutiérrez, E.<br />

Barreiro, FJ. Fernández Martínez, JJ. Lahuerta, JM.<br />

Hernández, C. Grande, R. Martínez, A. Alegre, J. García-<br />

Laraña, J. Bladé, A. Sureda, J. de la Rubia and JF. San<br />

Miguel<br />

On behalf of GEM group.<br />

Introduction: The information about cytogenetics in Multiple<br />

Myeloma (MM) is opened to identify and define the role of<br />

chromosomal abnormalities on prognosis of MM. We have<br />

initiated a National cytogenetics studio with newly diagnosed<br />

MM Spanish patients, in order to permit a more accurate<br />

description of cytogenetics anomalies in MM.<br />

Patients and Methods: 497 untreated MM patients were studied,<br />

recruited from 68 centres in Spain. Cytogenetics analysis was<br />

performed on bone-marrow processed by 72 and 96h<br />

unstimulated cultures. Chromosomes were identified by G<br />

banding. Aberrant chromosomes were examined by FISH, using<br />

painting, region-specific, and/or centromeric probes.<br />

Furthermore, we performed FISH technique with<br />

(RB/LSID13S319/LSID13S25) and LSI 14q32/11q13 loci<br />

probes. Karyotypes were designated according to the ISCN<br />

criteria.<br />

Results: We present cytogenetics results on 318 patients. An<br />

abnormal karyotype was detected in 143 patients (45% of<br />

evaluable patients): 17% of karyotypes were Pseudodyploid, 15%<br />

Hyperdiploid and 11% Hypodiploid. Numerical and structural<br />

abnormalities were found at the same time in the 45% of cases.<br />

Monosomy of chromosome 13 was the most common numerical<br />

abnormalities (22%), following of trisomy of chromosomes 5, 9<br />

and 7 (17, 18 and 10% of cases). The most frequent recurrent<br />

chromosomal anomalies were del(13)(q14) detected in 53<br />

patients (37%), and 14q32 abnormalities detected in 22 patients<br />

(15%), 15 of them as t(11;14)(q13;q32). The 45% of del(13)(q14)<br />

and the 53% of t(11;14)(q13;q32) showed additional<br />

abnormalities on karyotypes. FISH analysis showed del(13)(q14)<br />

and t(11;14)(q13;q32) in a 42% (n=22) and in a 40% (n=6) of<br />

cases that have been no detected by conventional cytogenetics.<br />

The 43% (n=62) of clonal karyotypes were complex.<br />

Chromosome 1 abnormalities represent the most frequent<br />

aberration, observed in 31% of cases (n=45), implicated in<br />

translocations with others chromosomes, detecting trisomies 1q<br />

and monosomies 1p near with many chromosomal abnormalities.<br />

FISH technique allowed more complete description of<br />

karyotypes.<br />

Conclusions: 1) The simultaneous analysis of conventional and<br />

molecular cytogenetics allowed the detection of 45% clonal<br />

karyotypes. 2) We detected del(13)(q14) and t(11;14)(q13;q32)<br />

with many others chromosomics abnormalities in a high<br />

frequency of cases (98%). 3) FISH analysis were more<br />

perceptible for detection of del(13)(q14) and t(11;14)(q13;q32).<br />

4) Chromosome 1 abnormalities represented the most frequent<br />

cytogenetics anomalies. They could be secondary aberrations<br />

associated to complex karyotypes, suggesting that chromosome 1<br />

could be implicated in a more aggressibity of tumour. 5) The<br />

great heterogeneity and complexity of newly diagnosed MM<br />

karyotypes suggest that when the tumour is diagnosed it is<br />

already in an advanced state of disease.<br />

Our experience showed the necessity to carry out not only<br />

specific FISH study but conventional cytogenetics in order to<br />

permit: a) looking for cytogenetics abnormalities specifics of<br />

MM, and b) establish the true role of recurrent anomalies:<br />

del(13)(q14) and t(11;14), and will arrive to define which of them<br />

or others, are primary or secondary abnormalities.<br />

(Supported by Grant from Spanish FIS G03/136)<br />

037<br />

Hierarchical clustering for the analysis of chromosome<br />

aberration patterns in Multiple Myeloma.<br />

Borja Sáez2, José I Martín-Subero1, Francisco Guillen3,<br />

María D. Odero2, Felipe Prosper4, Juan C. Cigudosa5,<br />

María J. Calasanz2, Reiner Siebert1<br />

1. Institute of Human Genetics, University Hospital Schleswig-<br />

Holstein Campus Kiel, Kiel, Germany. 2. Department of Genetics,<br />

University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. 3. Department of Health<br />

Science, Public University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain. 4.<br />

Department of Hematology, University Hospital, Pamplona, Spain<br />

and 5. Cytogenetics Unit, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones<br />

Oncológicas, Madrid, Spain;<br />

The knowledge of chromosome aberration patterns in Multiple<br />

Myeloma have been hampered by the low proportion of clonal<br />

abnormalities found by conventional cytogenetics, and by the<br />

high complexity of those cases with altered karyotypes.<br />

Nevertheless, karyotypes of around 1000 cases have been<br />

reported, and the main chromosomal features may be summarized<br />

as follow: (1) abnormal clones appear to be divided into those<br />

with modal chromosome numbers in the hypodiploid,<br />

pseudodiploid and hyperdyploid range, being hyperdiploidy more<br />

common (approximately 46-68%) than pseudo- or hypodiploidy.<br />

The main numerical imbalances reported by conventional<br />

cytogenetics are gains of chromosomes 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15 and 19,<br />

and losses of 13, X (females), 14, 6q, 8, 16, and Y. (2) The<br />

chromosome bands most commonly affected by structural<br />

abnormalities are 13q14, mainly as deletions and 14q32, which is<br />

involved in various translocations like t(11;14)(q23;q32) or<br />

complex rearrangements with unidentified chromosomal partners.<br />

Moreover, a prognostic implication has been postulated for some<br />

of these aberrations, e.g 13q deletions have been described as an<br />

adverse prognostic factor in MM. In order to better understand<br />

the biological relevance of abnormal karyotypes in myeloma<br />

cells, a systematic characterization of the karyotypic patterns is<br />

required. Thus, the aim of our study was to identify distinct<br />

subgroups of cytogenetic patterns among myeloma patients using<br />

appropriate statistical approaches. A total of 276 myeloma cases,<br />

all of them with abnormal karyotypes, were retrieved from our<br />

own database and from previously published series. The presence<br />

or absence of chromosomal aberrations by G-banding of all cases<br />

were recorded, and those abnormalities present in more than 5%<br />

of the cases entered the statistical analysis. A total of 43 variables<br />

were included for the first approach. Chromosomal abnormalities<br />

are asymmetrical binary data, thus, hierarchical clustering<br />

analysis was performed. For these kind of variables the most<br />

adequate method for computing distances is the Jaccard<br />

coefficient or any of its variants like Dice or Sokal. For genetic<br />

data usually two methods of hierarchical clustering are used,<br />

average linkage or CAST (Cluster Affinity Search Technique).<br />

As the last one is still experimental we have choosen average<br />

linkage using three measures of distance, i.e. Jaccard´s, Dice´s<br />

and Sokal´s coefficients. The three cluster trees resulting from<br />

these analysis were analysed using the Stata and Clustan<br />

software. Our preliminary results are in good concordance with<br />

those recently published by Fonseca et al.(<strong>2003</strong>). Two major<br />


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