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characterized inhibitors of osteoclastic resorption are bisphosphonates. Bisphosphonates are analogues of inorganic pyrophosphate in which the central oxygen atom is replaced by a carbon atom to generate the P-C-P motif, which is responsible for the high affinity of these compounds for bone. Modifications to the side chains of this central motif influence the affinity of bisphosphonates for hydroxyapatite and determine their antiresorptive potency. One or the most potent bisphosphonates is zoledronic acid (1) and this bisphosphonate is now being examined for its ability to inhibit bone resorption and prevent the development of bone disease in multiple myeloma. Zoledronic acid has now been studied in several murine models of myeloma. In the 5T2MM syngeneic model, treatment of mice, with zoledronic acid (twice weekly) from the time of tumor cell injection, or from the time the paraprotein was detected, prevented the formation of osteolytic bone lesions (2). Zoledronic acid also prevented the tumor-induced reduction in cancellous bone area and total bone mineral density and inhibited osteoclast formation. These effects were associated with 31-35% reduction in serum paraprotein concentration and a significant reduction in tumor burden in bone. Treatment of mice bearing 5T2MM cells with zoledronic acid also reduced microvessel density in areas of tumor cell invasion, suggesting that this bisphosphonate may be able to inhibit angiogenesis. Importantly, treatment of 5T2MM bearing mice, from the time of paraprotein detection, with zoledronic acid, was associated with a significant increase in time to first signs of morbidity (2). Subsequent studies have also demonstrated that a single dose of zoledronic acid, administered at the time of paraprotein detection, is still able to prevent the development of osteolytic bone disease and influence survival. Zoledronic acid has also been investigated in the SCID-hu system (3). As was observed in the 5T2MM model, zoledronic acid was also able to prevent the bone loss and decrease osteoclast numbers induced by the presence of primary human myeloma cells. Treatment of myeloma bearing animals reduced serum paraprotein concentration, whereas, pre-treatment prevented the appearance of a serum paraprotein altogether. The mechanisms responsible for the anti-myeloma effect remain unclear. This could reflect an indirect effect on bone and by inhibiting bone resorption zoledronic acid may alter the local microenvironment providing a less favourably environment for myeloma cells to grow. Alternatively zoledronic acid may effect myeloma cells directly. Indeed, studies have demonstrated that bisphosphonates, including zoledronic acid are able to inhibit the growth of myeloma cells and to induce myeloma cell apoptosis in vitro (4-6). Furthermore, zoledronic acid is able to inhibit the adhesive properties and metastatic potential of tumor cells and may be able to alter features of the tumoral environmnent. However, there are currently little data demonstrating a direct anti-myeloma effect in vivo. Taken together these studies demonstrate that zoledronic acid is effective in preventing the development of myeloma bone disease, in vivo, in pre-clinical models of myeloma. These studies have also shown that zoledronic acid treatment may be associated with an anti-myeloma activity and can promote survival. However, it remains to be established whether the anti-myeloma effect and the effects on survival observed in vivo are mediated by a direct effect on the tumor cells or indirectly via an effect on bone. (1) Green et al Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 1994, 9:745-751. (2) Croucher et al, Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 2003, In press. (3) Yaccoby et al, British Journal of Haematology, 2002, 116:278-290. (4) Shipman et al, British Journal of Haematology 1997, 98:665- 672. (5) Aparicio et al Leukemia, 1998, 12:220-229. (6) Derenne et al Journal of Bone and Mineral Research, 1999, 14:2048-2056 Long-term Efficacy and Safety of Zoledronic Acid in the Treatment of Multiple Myeloma James R. Berenson Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, University of California-Los Angeles School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA, USA Introduction: Patients with multiple myeloma are at risk for severe, painful complications from osteolytic bone destruction. Current American Society of Clinical Oncology Practice Guidelines recommend intravenous bisphosphonates to prevent skeletal complications in patients with multiple myeloma and evidence of osteolytic bone destruction (J Clin Oncol. 2002, 20:3719-3736). A previous report demonstrated that after 12 months of treatment, 4 mg zoledronic acid is at least as effective as 90 mg pamidronate in reducing skeletal complications in a large, randomized non-inferiority trial in 1,648 patients with either multiple myeloma or bone metastases from breast cancer (Cancer J. 2001, 7:377-87). Herein, the long-term follow-up for patients with multiple myeloma enrolled in this study is reported. Patients and Methods: The trial was an international, multicenter, double-blind, double-dummy, randomized, parallel group trial designed to demonstrate the non-inferiority of zoledronic acid compared with pamidronate. Patients were eligible if they had a confirmed diagnosis of multiple myeloma (Durie-Salmon Stage III) and at least one osteolytic bone lesion on a conventional radiograph or a histologically confirmed diagnosis of breast cancer with at least one bone metastasis confirmed by a conventional radiograph (plain film). Prior to randomization patients were stratified into 3 groups as follows: multiple myeloma, breast cancer patients receiving first- or second-line hormonal therapy, or breast cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. In this trial, a total of 510 patients with Durie- Salmon Stage III multiple myeloma were randomly assigned to receive either pamidronate (90 mg via 2-hour infusion) or zoledronic acid (4 or 8 mg via 15-minute infusion) every 3 to 4 weeks for 1 year, and 194 patients continued to receive study medication for an additional year. The 8-mg dose of zoledronic acid was associated with an increase in serum creatinine levels, was subsequently reduced to 4 mg, and efficacy conclusions were not drawn from this treatment group. This report summarizes results from the 25-month follow up of the subset of patients with multiple myeloma. The primary efficacy endpoint was the percentage of patients who experienced at least 1 skeletal-related event (SRE), defined as pathologic fracture, spinal cord compression, surgery to bone, or radiation therapy to bone. Secondary efficacy endpoints included the time to first SRE, the annual incidence of SREs, and Andersen-Gill multiple event analysis of the overall risk of experiencing an SRE; these analyses included hypercalcemia of malignancy as an SRE. Results: For the primary endpoint, 50% of patients treated with 4 mg zoledronic acid experienced at least 1 SRE versus 54% of patients treated with pamidronate (P = .499). The median time to first SRE was delayed by almost 100 days for patients treated with 4 mg zoledronic acid (median 380 days versus 286 days for pamidronate), but this difference did not achieve statistical significance (P = .539). The mean annual incidence of SREs was 1.32 for 4 mg zoledronic acid versus 0.97 for pamidronate (P = S10

0.505). Finally, the multiple event analysis hazard ratio for the 4 mg zoledronic acid treatment group versus pamidronate was 0.932 (95% CI = 0.719, 1.208), suggesting that the risk of developing an SRE was similar for both treatment groups. The incidence of adverse events reported over 25 months of treatment was similar between treatment groups. As expected, the most commonly reported adverse events were bone pain and transient, “flu-like” effects common after intravenous bisphosphonate treatment (nausea, fatigue, pyrexia, and vomiting). Importantly, 4 mg zoledronic acid (via 15-minute infusion) exhibited a renal safety profile similar to 90 mg pamidronate, based on Kaplan- Meier analysis of time to first elevated serum creatinine (hazard ratio = 0.764; 95% confidence interval 0.348, 1.677; P = .502). Conclusions: This long-term analysis demonstrates that zoledronic acid (4 mg) is at least as effective as 90 mg pamidronate for the prevention of skeletal complications associated with multiple myeloma and exhibits a long-term safety profile similar to that of pamidronate after 2 years of treatment. In addition to the more convenient 15-minute infusion time for zoledronic acid versus the 2 hours required to infuse pamidronate, these results provide rationale for the use of zoledronic acid in patients with multiple myeloma. USE OF ZOLEDRONIC ACID IN EARLY STAGE DISEASE, MGUS AND INDOLENT MYELOMA Philip R. Greipp, M.D., David Vesole, M.D., Ph.D., S. Vincent Rajkumar, M.D. , Robert A. Kyle, M.D. Purpose. The purpose of this presentation is to provide background and rationale for the potential usefulness of zoledronic acid in asymptomatic (smoldering) myeloma, high risk monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS), and ‘solitary’ plasmacytoma of bone, and to provide a strategy to discover whether or not zoledronic acid may be effective in delaying myeloma progression. Background. Myeloma is preceded in most instances by an asymptomatic phase. Patients with MGUS develop myeloma at 1% per year 1 . MGUS patients with higher M-protein levels progress at a higher rate. Patients with asymptomatic (smoldering) myeloma 2 and ‘solitary’ plasmacytoma progress at even higher rates. The conversion to active myeloma requiring therapy is almost always accompanied by the development of bone disease. Effective prevention has not been demonstrated. Rationale. Myeloma progression is most often heralded by the development of bone lesions. Osteoclastic activation and recruitment occur early in progression and forecasts the development of bone lesions 3 . Bone matrix breakdown and cytokine production due to further progression of bone disease provides vital growth factors for myeloma 4-7 . Bisphosphonates interrupt the vicious cycle of myeloma growth, bone destruction, and cytokine production by inhibiting osteoclast recruitment, activation, and function 8-10 . In addition, zoledronic acid may have special anti-tumor activity against myeloma 7,11 . Methods. We are initiating a phase II trial, E1A98 in the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) to explore the efficacy of zoledronic acid in high risk MGUS, asymptomatic (smoldering) myeloma, and ‘solitary’ plasmacytoma of bone. A controlled trial may be necessary to determine possible anti-tumor effects of zoledronic acid. In another trial, E1A00 we will have the opportunity to examine the potential effects of thalidomide and zoledronic acid on the recently described renal toxicity. In another strategy we examine the possible additive or synergistic effects of zoledronic acid with thalidomide in the early stages of myeloma. At the Mayo Clinic a National Cancer Institute grant (SVR and PRG) will support correlative laboratory analyses to study the beneficial or toxic effects of zoledronic acid versus the combination. Summary and Conclusion. Patients with high risk MGUS, asymptomatic (smoldering) myeloma and ‘solitary’ plasmacytoma of bone are at increased risk of progression to myeloma. Progression is usually associated with the development of bone lesions. Since the altered bone microenvironment provides growth factors for myeloma it is reasonable to postulate that the use of bisphosphonates, which limit osteoclast resorbtion of bone might limit or delay progression of myeloma. While no study has yet proven the effectiveness of bisphosphonates in preventing or delaying myeloma progression it is reasonable to initiate clinical trials using these agents in early phase disease and to study clinical and biological endpoints of progression and the potential toxicity of these agents. Zoledronic acid is particularly attractive for such trials because of its safety profile, ease of administration relative to pamidronate, and potential unique antimyeloma effects. However, in the absence of clinical evidence of efficacy and considering the costs and potential risks to this group of patients over potentially many years of follow-up, we cannot recommend the routine 12 use of bisphosphonates for early stage disease as defined in this presentation. References 1. Kyle RA, Therneau TM, Rajkumar SV, Offord JR, Larson DR, Plevak MF, Melton LJ, 3rd. A long-term study of prognosis in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. [see comments.]. N. Engl. J. Med. 2002;346:564- 569 2. Kyle RA, Greipp PR. Smoldering multiple myeloma. N-Engl-J-Med . 1980;302:1347-1349 3. Bataille R, Chappard D, Marcelli C, Dessauw P, Baldet P, Sany J, Alexandre C. Recruitment of new osteoblasts and osteoclasts is the earliest critical event in the pathogenesis of human multiple myeloma. J-Clin-Invest . 1991;88:62-66 4. Lust JA. Role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of monoclonal gammopathies. [Review]. Mayo Clin. Proc. 1994;69:691-697 5. Costes V, Portier M, Lu ZY, Rossi JF, Bataille R, Klein B. Interleukin-1 in multiple myeloma: producer cells and their role in the control of IL-6 production. Br J Haematol. 1998;103:1152-1160 6. Pearse RN, Sordillo EM, Yaccoby S, Wong BR, Liau DF, Colman N, Michaeli J, Epstein J, Choi Y. Multiple myeloma disrupts the TRANCE/ osteoprotegerin cytokine axis to trigger bone destruction and promote tumor progression. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001;98:11581-11586 7. Berenson JR. New advances in the biology and treatment of myeloma bone disease. [Review] [16 refs]. Semin Hematol. 2001;38:15-20 8. Abildgaard N, Rungby J, Glerup H, Brixen K, Kassem M, Brincker H, Heickendorff L, Eriksen EF, Nielsen JL. Long-Term Oral Pamidronate Treatment Inhibits Osteoclastic Bone Resorption and Bone Turnover Without Affecting Osteoblastic Function in Multiple Myeloma. Eur J Haematol. 1998;61:128-134 9. Abildgaard N, Glerup H, Rungby J, Bendix-Hansen K, Kassem M, Brixen K, Heickendorff L, Nielsen JL, Eriksen EF. Biochemical markers of bone metabolism reflect osteoclastic and osteoblastic activity in multiple myeloma. Eur J Haematol. 2000;64:121-129 10. Callander NS, Roodman GD. Myeloma bone disease. [Review] [98 refs]. Semin Hematol. 2001;38:276-285 S11

0.505). Finally, the multiple event analysis hazard ratio for the 4<br />

mg zoledronic acid treatment group versus pamidronate was<br />

0.932 (95% CI = 0.719, 1.208), suggesting that the risk of<br />

developing an SRE was similar for both treatment groups. The<br />

incidence of adverse events reported over 25 months of treatment<br />

was similar between treatment groups. As expected, the most<br />

commonly reported adverse events were bone pain and transient,<br />

“flu-like” effects common after intravenous bisphosphonate<br />

treatment (nausea, fatigue, pyrexia, and vomiting). Importantly, 4<br />

mg zoledronic acid (via 15-minute infusion) exhibited a renal<br />

safety profile similar to 90 mg pamidronate, based on Kaplan-<br />

Meier analysis of time to first elevated serum creatinine (hazard<br />

ratio = 0.764; 95% confidence interval 0.348, 1.677; P = .502).<br />

Conclusions: This long-term analysis demonstrates that<br />

zoledronic acid (4 mg) is at least as effective as 90 mg<br />

pamidronate for the prevention of skeletal complications<br />

associated with multiple myeloma and exhibits a long-term safety<br />

profile similar to that of pamidronate after 2 years of treatment. In<br />

addition to the more convenient 15-minute infusion time for<br />

zoledronic acid versus the 2 hours required to infuse pamidronate,<br />

these results provide rationale for the use of zoledronic acid in<br />

patients with multiple myeloma.<br />



Philip R. Greipp, M.D., David Vesole, M.D., Ph.D., S.<br />

Vincent Rajkumar, M.D. , Robert A. Kyle, M.D.<br />

Purpose. The purpose of this presentation is to provide<br />

background and rationale for the potential usefulness of<br />

zoledronic acid in asymptomatic (smoldering) myeloma, high risk<br />

monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS),<br />

and ‘solitary’ plasmacytoma of bone, and to provide a strategy to<br />

discover whether or not zoledronic acid may be effective in<br />

delaying myeloma progression.<br />

Background. Myeloma is preceded in most instances by an<br />

asymptomatic phase. Patients with MGUS develop myeloma at<br />

1% per year 1 . MGUS patients with higher M-protein levels<br />

progress at a higher rate. Patients with asymptomatic<br />

(smoldering) myeloma 2 and ‘solitary’ plasmacytoma progress at<br />

even higher rates. The conversion to active myeloma requiring<br />

therapy is almost always accompanied by the development of<br />

bone disease. Effective prevention has not been demonstrated.<br />

Rationale. Myeloma progression is most often heralded by the<br />

development of bone lesions. Osteoclastic activation and<br />

recruitment occur early in progression and forecasts the<br />

development of bone lesions 3 . Bone matrix breakdown and<br />

cytokine production due to further progression of bone disease<br />

provides vital growth factors for myeloma 4-7 . Bisphosphonates<br />

interrupt the vicious cycle of myeloma growth, bone destruction,<br />

and cytokine production by inhibiting osteoclast recruitment,<br />

activation, and function 8-10 . In addition, zoledronic acid may have<br />

special anti-tumor activity against myeloma 7,11 .<br />

Methods. We are initiating a phase II trial, E1A98 in the Eastern<br />

Cooperative Oncology Group (ECOG) to explore the efficacy of<br />

zoledronic acid in high risk MGUS, asymptomatic (smoldering)<br />

myeloma, and ‘solitary’ plasmacytoma of bone. A controlled trial<br />

may be necessary to determine possible anti-tumor effects of<br />

zoledronic acid. In another trial, E1A00 we will have the<br />

opportunity to examine the potential effects of thalidomide and<br />

zoledronic acid on the recently described renal toxicity. In<br />

another strategy we examine the possible additive or synergistic<br />

effects of zoledronic acid with thalidomide in the early stages of<br />

myeloma. At the Mayo Clinic a National Cancer Institute grant<br />

(SVR and PRG) will support correlative laboratory analyses to<br />

study the beneficial or toxic effects of zoledronic acid versus the<br />

combination.<br />

Summary and Conclusion. Patients with high risk MGUS,<br />

asymptomatic (smoldering) myeloma and ‘solitary’<br />

plasmacytoma of bone are at increased risk of progression to<br />

myeloma. Progression is usually associated with the development<br />

of bone lesions. Since the altered bone microenvironment<br />

provides growth factors for myeloma it is reasonable to postulate<br />

that the use of bisphosphonates, which limit osteoclast resorbtion<br />

of bone might limit or delay progression of myeloma. While no<br />

study has yet proven the effectiveness of bisphosphonates in<br />

preventing or delaying myeloma progression it is reasonable to<br />

initiate clinical trials using these agents in early phase disease and<br />

to study clinical and biological endpoints of progression and the<br />

potential toxicity of these agents. Zoledronic acid is particularly<br />

attractive for such trials because of its safety profile, ease of<br />

administration relative to pamidronate, and potential unique antimyeloma<br />

effects. However, in the absence of clinical evidence of<br />

efficacy and considering the costs and potential risks to this group<br />

of patients over potentially many years of follow-up, we cannot<br />

recommend the routine 12 use of bisphosphonates for early stage<br />

disease as defined in this presentation.<br />

References<br />

1. Kyle RA, Therneau TM, Rajkumar SV, Offord JR,<br />

Larson DR, Plevak MF, Melton LJ, 3rd. A long-term study of<br />

prognosis in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined<br />

significance. [see comments.]. N. Engl. J. Med. 2002;346:564-<br />

569<br />

2. Kyle RA, Greipp PR. Smoldering multiple<br />

myeloma. N-Engl-J-Med . 1980;302:1347-1349<br />

3. Bataille R, Chappard D, Marcelli C, Dessauw P,<br />

Baldet P, Sany J, Alexandre C. Recruitment of new osteoblasts<br />

and osteoclasts is the earliest critical event in the pathogenesis of<br />

human multiple myeloma. J-Clin-Invest . 1991;88:62-66<br />

4. Lust JA. Role of cytokines in the pathogenesis of<br />

monoclonal gammopathies. [Review]. Mayo Clin. Proc.<br />

1994;69:691-697<br />

5. Costes V, Portier M, Lu ZY, Rossi JF, Bataille R,<br />

Klein B. Interleukin-1 in multiple myeloma: producer cells and<br />

their role in the control of IL-6 production. Br J Haematol.<br />

1998;103:1152-1160<br />

6. Pearse RN, Sordillo EM, Yaccoby S, Wong BR,<br />

Liau DF, Colman N, Michaeli J, Epstein J, Choi Y. Multiple<br />

myeloma disrupts the TRANCE/ osteoprotegerin cytokine axis to<br />

trigger bone destruction and promote tumor progression. Proc<br />

Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2001;98:11581-11586<br />

7. Berenson JR. New advances in the biology and<br />

treatment of myeloma bone disease. [Review] [16 refs]. Semin<br />

Hematol. 2001;38:15-20<br />

8. Abildgaard N, Rungby J, Glerup H, Brixen K,<br />

Kassem M, Brincker H, Heickendorff L, Eriksen EF, Nielsen JL.<br />

Long-Term Oral Pamidronate Treatment Inhibits Osteoclastic<br />

Bone Resorption and Bone Turnover Without Affecting<br />

Osteoblastic Function in Multiple Myeloma. Eur J Haematol.<br />

1998;61:128-134<br />

9. Abildgaard N, Glerup H, Rungby J, Bendix-Hansen<br />

K, Kassem M, Brixen K, Heickendorff L, Nielsen JL, Eriksen EF.<br />

Biochemical markers of bone metabolism reflect osteoclastic and<br />

osteoblastic activity in multiple myeloma. Eur J Haematol.<br />

2000;64:121-129<br />

10. Callander NS, Roodman GD. Myeloma bone<br />

disease. [Review] [98 refs]. Semin Hematol. 2001;38:276-285<br />


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