Haematologica 2003 - Supplements

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differentiate to antibody-secreting plasma cells and are eliminated by apoptosis. Thus, p18INK4c is specifically required for cell cycle arrest and differentiation of functional plasma cells, and it modulates plasmacytoid cell survival. Given that MM cells may represent inappropriate intermediates of plasma cell differentiation that survive in the bone microenvironment, work is in progress to address the expression of CDKI in MM cells. A model for coordinated cell cycle and apoptosis control in MM pathogenesis will be discussed. Supported by NIH grants (CA 80204, AR49436) and a Specialized Center of Research for Myeloma grant by the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society of America. 1. Morse, et al., (1997) Immunity 6: 47-56. 2. Franklin et al., (1998) Genes Dev 12: 2899-2911. 3. Tourigny, et al., (2002) Immunity 17: 179-189. 010 Molecular Analysis of the Mitotic Checkpoint Genes BUB1, BUBR1 MAD1L1, MAD2, and MAD2B in Multiple Myeloma Tammy L Price-Troska, Scott A Van Wier, Philip R Greipp MD, and Rafael Fonseca MD. Mayo Clinic, Division of Hematology and Department of Internal Medicine, Rochester, MN, USA Introduction: Chromosomal instability (CIN) occurs in the context of defective mitotic checkpoints, as in colorectal cancer, with the end result being aneuploidy. Multiple myeloma (MM) is characterized by ubiquitous aneuploidy, which is an early event detectable in MGUS. Hyperdiploidy, characterized by gains of chromosomes 3,5,7,9,11, and 15, is seen in 50% of cases, predominantly those without IgH translocations. Key mitotic checkpoint genes include BUB1, BUBR1, MAD1L1, MAD2 and MAD2B. We therefore assayed for abnormalities of these genes in MM. Samples and Methods: Our analysis included FISH, Southernblot, Northern-blot, molecular screening and sequencing of these genes. We studied 5 human MM cell lines; JJN3, OCI-MY5, MM1, KAS 6/1, ANBL-6 (all harbor IgH translocations) and 10 patients with MM and no IgH translocations (by FISH). Northern and Southern blot analysis were done on the cell lines. Both patient samples and MM cell lines were screened for mutations using conformation sensitive gel electrophoresis followed by manual sequencing in abnormal cases. BAC clones including the genomic loci of these genes were used as FISH probes. Interphase FISH combined with the cytoplasmic light-chain and cytomorphology were used to analyze the MM patients. Metaphase and interphase FISH was used for the analysis of the cell lines. Results: No abnormal qualitative RNA production was detected by Northern blot analysis of the cell lines. The genomic loci appeared intact as Southern blot, using EcoRI digested fragments, did not reveal large deletions, insertions or inversions with the exception of a point mutation in MAD2B IVS(4) which appeared to be polymorphic. RNA sequencing of the BUBR1 gene revealed three single base alterations causing the following transitions: 161C>T (T40M), 1088A>G(Q349R) and 1895T>C(V619A). Population studies from 100 normal individuals revealed these transitions are polymorphic. Analysis of MAD1L1 showed a missense mutation at codon 695(2262G>A) in 2 of the cell lines and 1 MM patient. Analysis of MAD2 revealed three missense mutations (E164G, R181C, and R183C) in one patient sample, plus R181C also detected in a second patient sample. A third patient sample showed a mutation of 442A>T causing an amino acid change of S111C. FISH analysis on the 10 MM patients revealed no predominant deletion pattern for any of the 5 checkpoint genes. FISH analysis on the cell lines displayed abnormal deletion patterns in 3 of the checkpoint genes. KAS 6/1 showed deletion of BUB1 in 40% of metaphases while OCI-MY5 showed deletions of MAD2 and MADIL1 in each metaphase observed. . Conclusion: Our preliminary findings indicate that mutational inactivation of BUBR1, MAD1L1 and MAD2 could result in defective checkpoint allowing the generation of aneuploidy in some cases (30%) of MM. However none of these mutations were constant. Further investigations into the role of mitotic checkpoint genes and their relationship to aneuploidy is warranted. 011 Establishment of the JMW Myeloma Cell Line: In vitro Analysis of Multiple Myeloma Clonal Evolution R.C. Tschumper*, R. Fonseca+, S.A. Van Weir+, T.L. Price-Troska+, and D.F. Jelinek* Depts. of Immunology* and Internal Medicine+, Mayo Graduate and Medical Schools, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN 55905. Human multiple myeloma (MM) cell lines have proven to be useful tools in understanding this progressive disease. However, establishment of human myeloma cell lines is a difficult task and a further complication is the uncertain relationship between in vivo tumor cells and tumor cells that survive in vitro giving rise to cell lines. Thus, the selection pressures in vitro may differ markedly from in vivo selection pressures. We wished to study this more closely and have done so by genomic profiling and interphase fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis from the initial stage of procurement of patient tumor cells to permanence as a cell line (designated as JMW). The IgA-λ expressing JMW cell line was derived from the blood of a 67-year-old female presenting with aggressive MM and many circulating plasma cells. Purified myeloma cells were cultured in RPMI 1640 media with FCS, IL-6, and IGF-1. The JMW cell line is CD2-, CD5-, CD19-, CD10-, CD38+, CD40+, CD44+, CD28+, and EBV negative. The IgVH sequence of the cell line is identical to the sequence of the primary tumor cells (VH 4-39 with 6.8% somatic mutations). This cell line is IL-6 dependent, but also displays a smaller proliferative response to IGF-I. Interferons alpha and gamma inhibited proliferation of the cell line whereas IL-1, IL-2, IL-3, IL-4, IL-10, IL-11, IL-12, GM- CSF and TGF-beta were without effect on proliferation. RNA from both the initial cell population and the established line was used for cDNA array analysis using the Affymetrix U95Av2 biochip. A significant number of genes were differentially expressed between the two time points and these results will be presented. Genes of interest include HSP 70, IAP-1, IGFBP-4 and several human ribosomal proteins. Concurrent with the genomic profiling, cells were analyzed by FISH for genetic abnormalities. The t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) was detected since the time of diagnosis in nearly all cells and was conserved throughout disease evolution, and in the stable cell line.. As expected monosomy 13 (94-97% of the cells) was present in all samples. Patient tumor cells did have a complex karyotype that was shown both by karyotype analysis and by FISH to include an unbalanced complex translocation resulting in LOH of 13q and 17p (der13 t(13;17)(q?;p?)), in the context of a hypodiploid karyotype. FISH analysis shows divergence in the chromosome complexity between the cell line and subsequent S92

patient samples. In addition, the patient was found to harbor an inactivating mutation of p53 rendering the remaining p53 allele inactive. Of interest, the number of t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) fusion signals detected per cell increased with time indicating, in a model of ongoing genomic instability, a positive selection of the derivative chromosomes of the translocation. This effect was more pronounced in the cell line than in the serial patient samples. In addition, the cell line duplicated the total chromosome number becoming near-tetraploid. Further analysis of these and other primary myeloma samples may reveal a pattern of progression reflective of events occurring in vivo, facilitating further investigation into the pathogenesis and treatment options for this fatal disease. 012 Exclusion of V4-34 expressing B-cells from transformation to multiple myeloma: no inherent maturation block to plasma cells in normal and myeloma circulating CD19+ lymphocytes Surinder S. Sahota, Karin Tarte*, Niklas Zojer, C. Ian Mockridge, Gavin Babbage, Richard Oreffo, Bernard Klein* & Freda K. Stevenson Molecular Immunology Group, Tenovus Laboratory, Southampton University Hospitals UK; * Inserm Unite 475, Montpellier, France. One of the striking features that emerged from immunoglobulin variable (V) region analysis in multiple myeloma (MM) is that a specific population of B-cells expressing the IgH V4-34 gene is excluded from the myelomagenic pathway. Other features have established a post-follicular stage of neoplastic arrest. This asymmetry in VH gene use in MM contrasts markedly with usage in the normal B-cell repertoire of ~7%, and derivation of a range of other B-cell tumors from such cells. Recently, it was reported that there may be a developmental censoring of normal B-cells to end-differentiated plasma cells, using a MoAb (9G4) specific for V4-34. Such censoring could also explain the fact that V4-34 is not found in malignant plasma cells. To address this further, we have examined V4-34 at the gene level in purified normal plasma cells from bone marrow, and in plasma cells generated in-vitro from normal circulating CD19+ B cells. We also examined invitro matured plasma cells from circulating B-cells from a MM patient. In both the normal and tumor setting, we detected isotype-switched somatically mutated V4-34 functional sequences, indicating no block in maturation. Interestingly, in >50% of cases, somatic mutation had occurred in sequences involved in binding-site-associated idiotope expression. Our data suggest that normal B cells expressing V4-34-encoded Ig can mature to plasma cells in-vivo and in-vitro, but emerging cells may lose reactivity to 9G4 by somatic mutation. Failure to detect V4-34 in plasma cell tumors is therefore not due to a maturational defect, but is likely to be a tumor-specific feature. 013 In multiple myeloma clonotypic memory B-cells recirculate through bone marrow, peripheral blood and lymph nodes Thomas Rasmussen, Marianne Lodahl and Hans Erik Johnsen Department of Hematology L, Herlev Hospital, University of Copenhagen, 2730 Herlev, Denmark Introduction. It is believed that myeloma cells are derived from a germinal center (GC) or post GC B- cell. The GC B-cell can differentiate into both a memory B-cell and a PC. In this study, we investigated the recirculating potential of memory B-cells clonally related to the myeloma plasma cell (termed clonotypic). Materials and methods. From 10 multiple myeloma (MM) patients bone marrow (BM) aspirates obtained at time of diagnosis and peripheral blood (PB) samples were collected. From 7 out of the 10 MM patients a single peripheral lymph node (PLN) was aspirated. The VHDJH immunoglobulin gene rearrangement that represents the MM clone was identified for the 10 MM patients and allele-specific oligonucleotides (ASO) IgH RT-PCR assays were designed for each patient. BM mononuclear cells (BMMNC) and PBMNC were stained with the monoclonal antibodies CD19, CD27, CD38, CD62L, CCR6, CXCR4, CXCR5, CCR7 and different memory B-cell subsets were flow-sorted as single cells directly to PCR tubes followed by ASO RT-PCR analysis. Results. Clonotypic memory B-cells were identified in 7/10 patients and both CD62L positive and negative clonotypic memory B- cells were identified suggesting the presence of clonotypic memory B-cells with different migration/homing potential. Further, clonotypic memory and later stage B-cells (CD38+) were identified in CXCR4+/- subsets, whereas all clonotypic memory and later stage B-cells were CXCR5 positive. Comparable frequencies of clonotypic cells were found in the CCR6+/- memory B-cell subsets, but only few clonotypic CCR7+ memory B-cells were observed in a single patient. Different clonotypic memory B-cell subsets were identified in both PB and BM. To extend these studies we investigated whether clonotypic cells were present in PLNs obtained from 7 myeloma patients. In 2 out of 7 patients we were able to identify clonotypic cells in the PLN illustrating that a subset of clonotypic cells enters the PLNs. Discussion. We identified a CD19+/CD27+/CD38- subset of clonotypic cells in the majority of MM patients and as all clonotypic cells have accumulated somatic mutations, these cells meet all the characteristics of memory B- cells. The heterogeneous expression of the CD62L, CXCR4, CXCR5 and CCR6 molecules on clonotypic memory B-cells probably reflects their diverse homing/recirculating possibilities including a potential to extravasate secondary lymphoid organs. In accordance with their immunophenotype, clonotypic memory B- cells were identified in PLNs. Clonotypic memory B-cells seem to have the same diverse recirculating/homing capacity as normal memory B-cells. Although the clonotypic memory B-cells showed a normal immunophenotype and recirculating potential, these cells comprised up to 4% of the memory B-cell pool. The malignant potential of clonotypic memory B-cells is currently under investigation. 014 Identification of a new human plasma cell subset from which myeloma and ‘progressive’ MGUS are derived Andy C Rawstron, James AL Fenton, David Gonzalez de Castro, Anne Dring, Faith E Davies, Roger G Owen, Stephen J Richards, Andrew S Jack, Anthony Child, Gareth J Morgan. HMDS, Academic Unit of Haematology and Oncology, Algernon Firth Building, University of Leeds, Leeds LS1 3EX, United Kingdom. Plasma cells in MGUS patients are heterogeneous with respect to phenotype, karyotype, and degree of intraclonal variation. A correlation between plasma cell characteristics and clinical outcome has not yet been demonstrated, partly because progression to myeloma is a rare event. However, many patients do show progression, with gradually increasing paraprotein, S93

patient samples. In addition, the patient was found to harbor an<br />

inactivating mutation of p53 rendering the remaining p53 allele<br />

inactive. Of interest, the number of t(4;14)(p16.3;q32) fusion<br />

signals detected per cell increased with time indicating, in a<br />

model of ongoing genomic instability, a positive selection of the<br />

derivative chromosomes of the translocation. This effect was<br />

more pronounced in the cell line than in the serial patient<br />

samples. In addition, the cell line duplicated the total<br />

chromosome number becoming near-tetraploid. Further analysis<br />

of these and other primary myeloma samples may reveal a pattern<br />

of progression reflective of events occurring in vivo, facilitating<br />

further investigation into the pathogenesis and treatment options<br />

for this fatal disease.<br />

012<br />

Exclusion of V4-34 expressing B-cells from<br />

transformation to multiple myeloma: no inherent<br />

maturation block to plasma cells in normal and<br />

myeloma circulating CD19+ lymphocytes<br />

Surinder S. Sahota, Karin Tarte*, Niklas Zojer, C. Ian<br />

Mockridge, Gavin Babbage, Richard Oreffo, Bernard Klein*<br />

& Freda K. Stevenson<br />

Molecular Immunology Group, Tenovus Laboratory, Southampton<br />

University Hospitals UK; * Inserm Unite 475, Montpellier, France.<br />

One of the striking features that emerged from immunoglobulin<br />

variable (V) region analysis in multiple myeloma (MM) is that a<br />

specific population of B-cells expressing the IgH V4-34 gene is<br />

excluded from the myelomagenic pathway. Other features have<br />

established a post-follicular stage of neoplastic arrest. This<br />

asymmetry in VH gene use in MM contrasts markedly with usage<br />

in the normal B-cell repertoire of ~7%, and derivation of a range<br />

of other B-cell tumors from such cells. Recently, it was reported<br />

that there may be a developmental censoring of normal B-cells to<br />

end-differentiated plasma cells, using a MoAb (9G4) specific for<br />

V4-34. Such censoring could also explain the fact that V4-34 is<br />

not found in malignant plasma cells. To address this further, we<br />

have examined V4-34 at the gene level in purified normal plasma<br />

cells from bone marrow, and in plasma cells generated in-vitro<br />

from normal circulating CD19+ B cells. We also examined invitro<br />

matured plasma cells from circulating B-cells from a MM<br />

patient. In both the normal and tumor setting, we detected<br />

isotype-switched somatically mutated V4-34 functional<br />

sequences, indicating no block in maturation. Interestingly, in<br />

>50% of cases, somatic mutation had occurred in sequences<br />

involved in binding-site-associated idiotope expression. Our data<br />

suggest that normal B cells expressing V4-34-encoded Ig can<br />

mature to plasma cells in-vivo and in-vitro, but emerging cells<br />

may lose reactivity to 9G4 by somatic mutation. Failure to detect<br />

V4-34 in plasma cell tumors is therefore not due to a maturational<br />

defect, but is likely to be a tumor-specific feature.<br />

013<br />

In multiple myeloma clonotypic memory B-cells<br />

recirculate through bone marrow, peripheral blood and<br />

lymph nodes<br />

Thomas Rasmussen, Marianne Lodahl and Hans Erik<br />

Johnsen<br />

Department of Hematology L, Herlev Hospital, University of<br />

Copenhagen, 2730 Herlev, Denmark<br />

Introduction. It is believed that myeloma cells are derived from a<br />

germinal center (GC) or post GC B- cell. The GC B-cell can<br />

differentiate into both a memory B-cell and a PC. In this study,<br />

we investigated the recirculating potential of memory B-cells<br />

clonally related to the myeloma plasma cell (termed clonotypic).<br />

Materials and methods. From 10 multiple myeloma (MM)<br />

patients bone marrow (BM) aspirates obtained at time of<br />

diagnosis and peripheral blood (PB) samples were collected.<br />

From 7 out of the 10 MM patients a single peripheral lymph node<br />

(PLN) was aspirated. The VHDJH immunoglobulin gene<br />

rearrangement that represents the MM clone was identified for<br />

the 10 MM patients and allele-specific oligonucleotides (ASO)<br />

IgH RT-PCR assays were designed for each patient. BM<br />

mononuclear cells (BMMNC) and PBMNC were stained with the<br />

monoclonal antibodies CD19, CD27, CD38, CD62L, CCR6,<br />

CXCR4, CXCR5, CCR7 and different memory B-cell subsets<br />

were flow-sorted as single cells directly to PCR tubes followed<br />

by ASO RT-PCR analysis.<br />

Results. Clonotypic memory B-cells were identified in 7/10<br />

patients and both CD62L positive and negative clonotypic<br />

memory B- cells were identified suggesting the presence of<br />

clonotypic memory B-cells with different migration/homing<br />

potential. Further, clonotypic memory and later stage B-cells<br />

(CD38+) were identified in CXCR4+/- subsets, whereas all<br />

clonotypic memory and later stage B-cells were CXCR5 positive.<br />

Comparable frequencies of clonotypic cells were found in the<br />

CCR6+/- memory B-cell subsets, but only few clonotypic CCR7+<br />

memory B-cells were observed in a single patient. Different<br />

clonotypic memory B-cell subsets were identified in both PB and<br />

BM.<br />

To extend these studies we investigated whether clonotypic cells<br />

were present in PLNs obtained from 7 myeloma patients. In 2 out<br />

of 7 patients we were able to identify clonotypic cells in the PLN<br />

illustrating that a subset of clonotypic cells enters the PLNs.<br />

Discussion. We identified a CD19+/CD27+/CD38- subset of<br />

clonotypic cells in the majority of MM patients and as all<br />

clonotypic cells have accumulated somatic mutations, these cells<br />

meet all the characteristics of memory B- cells. The<br />

heterogeneous expression of the CD62L, CXCR4, CXCR5 and<br />

CCR6 molecules on clonotypic memory B-cells probably reflects<br />

their diverse homing/recirculating possibilities including a<br />

potential to extravasate secondary lymphoid organs. In<br />

accordance with their immunophenotype, clonotypic memory B-<br />

cells were identified in PLNs. Clonotypic memory B-cells seem<br />

to have the same diverse recirculating/homing capacity as normal<br />

memory B-cells. Although the clonotypic memory B-cells<br />

showed a normal immunophenotype and recirculating potential,<br />

these cells comprised up to 4% of the memory B-cell pool. The<br />

malignant potential of clonotypic memory B-cells is currently<br />

under investigation.<br />

014<br />

Identification of a new human plasma cell subset from<br />

which myeloma and ‘progressive’ MGUS are derived<br />

Andy C Rawstron, James AL Fenton, David Gonzalez de<br />

Castro, Anne Dring, Faith E Davies, Roger G Owen,<br />

Stephen J Richards, Andrew S Jack, Anthony Child, Gareth<br />

J Morgan.<br />

HMDS, Academic Unit of Haematology and Oncology, Algernon<br />

Firth Building, University of Leeds, Leeds LS1 3EX, United<br />

Kingdom.<br />

Plasma cells in MGUS patients are heterogeneous with respect to<br />

phenotype, karyotype, and degree of intraclonal variation. A<br />

correlation between plasma cell characteristics and clinical<br />

outcome has not yet been demonstrated, partly because<br />

progression to myeloma is a rare event. However, many patients<br />

do show progression, with gradually increasing paraprotein,<br />


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