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Vol. 2, No. 4 2009<br />

Merry<br />


A Christmas Tradition of<br />

The Savior<br />

Has Come!<br />

Dear friends,<br />

This Christmas Day as Lindsay and<br />

I celebrate the birth of our Lord and<br />

Savior Jesus Christ by spending time<br />

with family and friends, we also want<br />

to spend time remembering our Partner<br />

family in prayer—as we have done for<br />

so many years now.<br />

On Christmas Day at 3:00 p.m. CST,<br />

Lindsay and I will join with my dad by<br />

phone in California to pray over any prayer requests you would<br />

like to send us. At the same time, you can join your faith with<br />

ours from wherever you are…and together, we’ll believe God<br />

with you for the miracles you need.<br />

We love to pray for you. It is always an honor to join with you—as<br />

your partners in the healing ministry—to take your needs and the<br />

needs of your loved ones before the Lord. And together we expect<br />

His miracle answers when we do.<br />

If you would like to be included in our <strong>Roberts</strong> Family<br />

Christmas Day Prayer Time:<br />

• call 918-495-7777<br />

• email: prayer@orm.cc, or<br />

• log on to: www.orm.cc/prayer<br />

Not long ago I was in the Holy Land…the<br />

place where our Savior walked the earth for 33<br />

short years of life. It’s wonderful to have the<br />

opportunity to walk where Jesus walked, but<br />

Jerusalem in October 2009<br />

it’s even more wonderful to know that He has<br />

walked where you and I walk. He was born a human being—fully man, yet at the same time fully<br />

God. And because of His life, death, and resurrection, we can have the same power He had to live<br />

a victorious, overcoming life.<br />

And Jesus didn’t leave us alone. He sent the Holy Spirit to live inside of us. Through His power, we<br />

can tap into a Very Powerful Prayer Force on Earth (see page 4). And His love compels us to take<br />

the Gospel message around the world, as we’re doing in Kenya in January (see page 10). This Christmas<br />

season, remember to not only rejoice in knowing how much you are loved, but to share the love<br />

you’ve been given with others.<br />

Vol. 2, No. 4 Oct • Nov • Dec 2009. Copyright © 2009<br />

by <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> Evangelistic Association. No part may<br />

be reproduced in any form without written permission<br />

of the publisher. All rights reserved. Your copy of<br />

MIRACLES © is made possible by Seed-Faith offerings<br />

to <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>. Foreign rates vary.<br />

MIRACLES © is published quarterly by <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

Evangelistic Association, P.O. Box 2187, Tulsa, OK<br />

74102-2187. Standard non-profit postage paid at<br />

Tulsa, OK, and additional postage is paid through<br />

other mailing offices.<br />


MIRACLES, P.O. BOX 2187, TULSA, OK 74102-2187.<br />


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A Very Powerful Prayer Force On Earth Can Be Yours<br />

by Richard <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

Discover the unlimited power of the Holy Spirit in your prayer life.<br />

Reaching into the Heart of Kenya<br />

A special report on final preparations for Mission: Kenya 2010.<br />

God's Party Animals<br />

A special gift to Hunger Needs a Voice ® .<br />

Have You Heard the Good News?<br />

by Lindsay <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

Sometimes it seems all we hear is bad news. But have you heard the<br />

good news?<br />

It's Time to Come Home<br />

a Classic Message by <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

Repentance is possibly the greatest gift God has ever given us.

B Y R I C H A R D R O B E R T S<br />

“These are the times that try men’s souls,” founding father Thomas Paine once said. And it’s as true today<br />

as it ever has been. But God hasn’t left us without help. In trying times, you can find peace and direction<br />

from Him through praying in the Spirit—such a powerful prayer force on earth.<br />

In the middle of a crisis, or a difficult time when<br />

you needed real answers and direction from God,<br />

have you ever felt like your prayers just went about<br />

as high as the ceiling, then bounced back down to<br />

where you were?<br />

I know I’ve felt that way before, and I believe most<br />

people have. In spite of James 5:16’s assurance that the<br />

effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much, we<br />

often struggle with prayer. Is there really a way, according<br />

to God’s Word, that prayer can become a source of<br />

power in our lives? I believe there is…and that answer<br />

is a personal prayer language that we often call praying<br />

in “tongues,” or praying in our “prayer language,” or<br />

praying “in this Spirit.” (This is different than the gift<br />

of tongues and interpretation of tongues referred to in 1<br />

Corinthians 12:10, which is a special prophetic gift that<br />

usually manifests during church services to build up the<br />

local church. I’m talking about a personal prayer language<br />

that you can use to build yourself up and pray for yourself<br />

during your personal prayer time, as described in Jude<br />

20.) This personal prayer force is referred to in different<br />

ways by different people, but it’s all pointing to the same<br />

experience of power in your personal prayer life.<br />


When you accepted Christ as your Lord and Savior<br />

and were born again, the Holy Spirit took up residence<br />

in your heart. Romans 8:16 tells us that the Spirit<br />

Himself bears witness [or testifies] with our spirit that we<br />

are children of God. There’s no other way that you could<br />

have received Christ except by the power of the Holy<br />

Spirit working in you.<br />

From that moment, the Holy Spirit began interceding<br />

[or praying] to the Father for you. He knows<br />

you. He knows your heart, and He knows the mind<br />

and will of the Father (Romans 8:27). And He<br />

wants to speak through you, so that you can communicate<br />

directly with your Heavenly Father in a<br />

simple, yet powerful way, then stop and pray in your<br />

own language so that your understanding can be<br />

“watered” and you can receive the answers and direction<br />

you need from Him.<br />


You and I were made to know and respond to our<br />

Creator. We’re told in Genesis 3 that Adam and Eve<br />

walked and talked with God in the Garden of Eden.<br />

They had a “heavenly” language—a way of communicating<br />

with God that wasn’t defiled or perverted by sin.<br />

But when Adam and Eve disobeyed God—when sin<br />

got in their hearts, in their eyes, and in their actions—<br />

suddenly their relationship with Him was fractured.<br />

Their ability to communicate with God was cracked<br />

and broken, and they lost their access to the language<br />

and the relationship they had once known with their<br />

Heavenly Father.<br />

When we accept Christ, the Holy Spirit comes in to<br />

us to restore that relationship with God. No longer<br />

are we set apart from our Father; we’re restored. That<br />

part of us which died spiritually as a result of the fall<br />

of man through sin, is re-birthed and re-joined to<br />

God. And it gives us the opportunity to begin to live<br />

not in our mind, but in our spirit.<br />

Jesus came to earth to bridge the gap—through His<br />

death and resurrection—that sin had created between<br />

God and humankind. While Jesus was on this<br />

earth, He was in a limited form. But when He left<br />

to prepare a place for us in heaven, He sent the Holy<br />

Spirit in His place.<br />

Before that time the Holy Spirit had only been with<br />

those who walked with God. We read throughout<br />

the Scripture how the Holy Spirit had “come upon”<br />

people, in what appeared to be a kind of special, onetime<br />

event. But now, Jesus told His disciples, the Holy<br />

Spirit would be poured out in a new way, which is<br />

exactly what happened on the Day of Pentecost…and<br />

from now on He would live IN them.<br />

"Praying in the Spirit is a<br />

powerful prayer force. It’s a<br />

powerful force for help in my<br />

life, and I believe it can be in<br />

yours, as well."<br />

Oct/Nov / Dec 2009<br />

4 5

6<br />

In John 7:38, Jesus said “He that<br />

believeth on me…out of his belly<br />

shall flow rivers of living water.”<br />


Jesus promised His disciples something very important<br />

that would happen to them when the Holy Spirit was<br />

poured out and they received Him. In Acts 1:8 He<br />

said, You will receive power—the power to live their<br />

lives in a victorious way, and even to have the strength<br />

and courage to be His witnesses.<br />

Acts 2 tells the story of the outpouring of the Holy<br />

Spirit. In that upper room, where 120 followers of Jesus<br />

had gathered, suddenly there came a sound from heaven,<br />

as of a rushing mighty wind, and it filled the whole house<br />

where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them divided<br />

tongues, as of fire, and one sat upon each of them. And they<br />

were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with<br />

other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance (vv 2-4).<br />

A holy boldness came upon them like they had never<br />

known before. They came out of hiding and began<br />

preaching and proclaiming the wonderful works of<br />

God in the streets, among great crowds of people…<br />

and they did it in heavenly languages—languages that<br />

were not necessarily known to them, but those in the<br />

crowd understood what they were saying and heard<br />

them speaking in their own languages. Jesus’ followers<br />

had found a new kind of power. On that first day alone,<br />

we’re told in Acts 2:41 that 3,000 people accepted the<br />

message of the Gospel and were saved.<br />

To a frightened group of disciples that had not long<br />

before fled into hiding so that no one would know<br />

they were Jesus’ associates, He gave the responsibility—<br />

along with the power—of being His “witnesses,” of<br />

telling the world about Him and building His church<br />

until even the gates of hell would not prevail against it.<br />


The Holy Spirit can give us the same kind of power that<br />

those in the early Church experienced. We can pray…<br />

and expect to hear from God and know what we are to<br />

do. How? By praying in the Spirit. Romans 8:26 tells us,<br />

The Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know<br />

what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself<br />

makes intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.<br />

If you have never prayed in the Spirit, or in a heavenly<br />

prayer language, you may not have fully received all<br />

that God has for you…even though the Holy Spirit has<br />

been living in your heart since you accepted Christ.<br />

Let me give you an illustration. The Jones family invites<br />

the Smith family for dinner at 6:00. When the Smiths<br />

arrive, Mrs. Jones asks her husband to go to the door<br />

and bring them into the living room, while she finishes<br />

preparing dinner. Mrs. Jones doesn’t know that they’ve<br />

brought a wonderful gift to give her. The Smiths are in<br />

the Jones’ home, but until Mrs. Jones goes into the living<br />

room, they have not been fully received.<br />

A daily, devotional prayer language of the Spirit is<br />

a gift that any believer can receive; it doesn’t matter<br />

what church “label” you wear. You do it by a simple<br />

decision of your will. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 14:15,<br />

I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the<br />

understanding. You can start speaking and you can stop<br />

speaking. It’s totally under your control.<br />


It’s so simple really. All you have to do is open your<br />

mouth and let the Holy Spirit flood up from inside<br />

you. In John 7:38, Jesus said He that believeth on me…<br />

out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.<br />

At times in the past, when you were trying to<br />

talk to the Lord, you may have felt like something<br />

wanted to come up in you. That was the<br />

Holy Spirit. He’s in you and He wants to come up<br />

through your vocal cords. Right now, just focus<br />

your heart on Jesus…start to thank Him and praise<br />

Him. Then let the sounds and syllables that are trying<br />

to form come out. Not syllables or words that<br />

you’ve learned, but those “groanings which cannot<br />

be uttered.” It will seem strange to you at first; your<br />

mind won’t understand it. But know that I would<br />

never encourage you or anyone else to do anything<br />

that wasn’t based squarely on the Word of God.<br />

The Holy Spirit is searching your heart. He knows<br />

the mind and will of the Father, and when you pray<br />

in tongues, or in the Spirit, He is saying to God what<br />

you’ve wanted to tell Him but maybe did not know<br />

how. He’s speaking through you the “mysteries” and<br />

the wonderful works of God. The Spirit is praying on<br />

a “straight line” to God, without any of the natural<br />

hindrances that you and I face with our limited understanding<br />

and ability to communicate. It’s a supernatural<br />

way to pray.<br />


Just let yourself pray in that heavenly language for a<br />

few minutes. It might take a little while and some<br />

practice before you experience complete freedom in<br />

it. After all, we didn’t learn to speak in our natural<br />

In difficult, trying times it’s important to allow our “internal<br />

compass”, the Holy Spirit of God, to guide us in our<br />

everyday decisions. In this book, Richard <strong>Roberts</strong> helps<br />

you understand:<br />

• Who the Holy Spirit is<br />

• How you can allow Him to pray through you in a heavenly<br />

prayer language for God’s guidance and direction<br />

• The Holy Spirit’s role in your healing<br />

• How the Holy Spirit will be there in your times of trial…<br />

and much more<br />

Learn how to tap into the unlimited power within you.<br />

Order your copy today.<br />

To order your copy of The Unlimited Power Within<br />

You, call 918-495-7777, or log on to www.orm.cc/<br />

bookstore.<br />

language instantly; it took time. But once you’ve<br />

prayed in the Spirit for a while, stop and begin to<br />

pray in your own language again. And ask God to<br />

“water” or illuminate your mind and your intellect.<br />

When you do, I believe you can begin to get clarity<br />

on what to do in situations where you didn’t know<br />

what to do before.<br />

What a blessing praying in the Spirit is in my life. I<br />

don’t do it to put on a show, or to claim that I’m any<br />

better than anyone else. I do it because I need help in<br />

knowing how to do what God wants me to do. I need<br />

the power of the Holy Spirit operating in my life.<br />

Praying in the Spirit is a powerful prayer force. It’s a<br />

powerful force for help in my life, and I believe it can<br />

be in yours, as well.<br />

If you, or someone you know, needs further help in<br />

learning how to pray in this wonderful, supernatural<br />

way, I want to encourage you to call the Abundant<br />

Life Prayer Group and let a caring prayer partner pray<br />

with you and share more Scriptures. They’ve led thousands<br />

of people into this experience, and I believe they<br />

can be a blessing to you.<br />

To talk to a member of the ALPG, any time of the day<br />

or night, call 918-495-7777.<br />

There’s Unlimited Power Within You!<br />

Book English $7 LC1202 Book Spanish $7 LC8002<br />

Also<br />

Available<br />

in<br />

Spanish<br />

7Oct/Nov / Dec 2009

Praer Cloths:<br />

The Power of a Point of Contact<br />

Now God worked unusual miracles by the hands of Paul, so that even handkerchiefs or aprons were brought from his<br />

body to the sick, and the diseases left them and the evil spirits went out of them. —Acts 19:11–12 nkjv<br />

The Bible tells us in Acts 19:11–12 that God did a miraculous form of healing through the<br />

apostle Paul’s ministry. Paul would touch handkerchiefs and aprons—what we call prayer<br />

cloths—and when people with sicknesses received these cloths, they were healed of their diseases.<br />

If the sick person also suffered from demonic oppression, the demons would be driven away.<br />

In other words, the cloths became a powerful point of contact to use in believing God for a miracle.<br />

Today, prayer cloths remain a powerful biblical tool for helping people receive God’s healing<br />

power into their bodies. Many of our partners also use the cloths as a point of contact to believe<br />

God for miracles in their finances and in other areas of need in their lives.<br />

To date, our ministry has given away more than a million cloths, and we receive report after report<br />

from people who have received miracles by using our prayer cloths as a point of contact to<br />

release their faith for God’s power to work in their lives.<br />

Accident and Stroke Victim Makes<br />

Miraculous Recovery<br />

My grandson had a motorcycle accident and suffered a<br />

stroke. The neurologist said that if he lived, he would<br />

be incapacitated.<br />

I called the Abundant Life Prayer Group to agree in<br />

prayer and request a prayer cloth for my grandson’s<br />

recovery. When I visited him in the hospital, I laid the<br />

prayer cloth on him and prayed every<br />

time I was in the room.<br />

More than<br />

one million<br />

prayer cloths<br />

given away<br />

to partners!<br />

After a stay in the hospital<br />

and a lot of therapy,<br />

my grandson is home<br />

now and doing<br />

great. The neurologist<br />

admitted<br />

it was a miracle. I<br />

thank God every<br />

day for it.<br />

—Connie<br />

Contracting Business Grows, Knees<br />

Strengthened<br />

Thank you for sending prayer cloths to my son and<br />

me. My son is a contractor who builds houses, but he<br />

had no work for months and had to shut his business<br />

down. When I received your prayer cloths, I gave<br />

one to my son and told him to put it in his billfold.<br />

Since then, God has been opening up jobs for him.<br />

He’s hired a crew again, and they are working. He<br />

started off with repair work, but now he has two<br />

houses to build as well. This is a blessing from God.<br />

Also, I’m recovering from two knee replacements,<br />

and I’m using my prayer cloth. My knees are getting<br />

stronger every day.<br />

—Madelyn from Florida<br />

Breakthrough Check Comes in the Mail<br />

My husband and I needed a financial breakthrough,<br />

so we took a prayer cloth from the <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

<strong>Ministries</strong>, put it in our checkbook, and believed<br />

God for His help. At the time, we only had a balance<br />

of $22. Soon, we received a check in the mail for<br />

$1,580. Praise God!<br />

Liver Tumors Vanish<br />

—Maranda from Oklahoma<br />

My brother was struggling with a serious illness, as<br />

well as an alcohol problem. He was diagnosed with tumors<br />

in his stomach and liver. He needed a liver transplant,<br />

but because of his alcohol addiction, his name<br />

could not be put on the transplant list. My brother<br />

needed a miracle.<br />

I called the <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong> to request a<br />

prayer cloth, and when I received it, I sent it to my<br />

brother. He wore it for a day or two, and then was<br />

reexamined by his doctors. The tests came back with<br />

a miraculous report: the tumors were gone! A liver<br />

transplant was no longer necessary.<br />

Now, my brother is not only healed, but he’s stopped<br />

drinking, he’s going to church, and he’s living for the<br />

Lord. Praise God!<br />

Daughter’s Business Takes Off<br />

—James from Oklahoma<br />

My daughter is a partner with your ministry, so when<br />

I requested prayer cloths from you, I gave one to her.<br />

She is a hairstylist, and she needed an increase in her<br />

business, so she put the prayer cloth in her appointment<br />

book and believed God for a miracle. Now, she<br />

has a full schedule of appointments. God is good.<br />

—Frank from Florida<br />

Request a free prayer cloth today!<br />

Call us toll-free at 1-877-747-4600, or log on<br />

to our website at www.orm.cc/bookstore.<br />

ENC35<br />

Oct/Nov / Dec 2009<br />

8 9

In October, Richard <strong>Roberts</strong> flew to Kenya to preach<br />

in several large churches and meet with pastors and<br />

government leaders about his upcoming crusade in<br />

January 2010. According to Bishop Kitonga, sponsoring<br />

pastor for the event, history was made when approximately<br />

500 pastors from diverse denominations in<br />

several countries met together with Richard for prayer<br />

and to show their support for his coming to Nairobi.<br />

During Richard’s time of personal ministry to the pastors,<br />

he preached a bold message of unity and love.<br />

During the service, Kenyan Vice President Stephene<br />

Musyoka, along with a respected Cabinet member, expressed<br />

their enthusiasm for the coming Crusade and the<br />

food and humanitarian aid being given to their country.<br />

During the trip, Jordan <strong>Roberts</strong> and ORM Associate<br />

Evangelist Adrian Compton had the privilege of meeting<br />

with Prime Minister Raila Odinga’s wife. Together, they<br />

met with the press to discuss details of the ministry’s food<br />

distribution and humanitarian aid programs being implemented<br />

in Nairobi over the past several months.<br />

Mrs. Odinga expressed her appreciation and support<br />

for ORM’s commitment to help her country. She also<br />

Reaching into the Heart of Kenya<br />

Jordan <strong>Roberts</strong> and<br />

Adrian Compton<br />

deliver food to a<br />

needy village.<br />

expressed her gratitude for being involved with a ministry<br />

that is demonstrating God’s love to her people…<br />

and in particular to her husband, who accepted Christ<br />

when Richard prayed with him on a previous trip.<br />

Jordan and Adrian then traveled with a Kenyan cabinet<br />

member to an area several hours outside of Nairobi,<br />

where lengthy drought conditions have taken a<br />

huge toll. They saw firsthand some of the devastation<br />

the country has experienced, and they distributed nutritious<br />

food to the groups of hungry people gathered<br />

there. Before leaving, Adrian prayed for desperately<br />

needed rain to fall, since Kenya had been suffering<br />

from its worst drought in over a decade.<br />

The next day, Jordan and Adrian received a phone<br />

call with the news that just a few hours after their<br />

prayers, rain had miraculously begun to fall in that<br />

area. Many people had witnessed Adrian’s prayer,<br />

and they saw the desperately needed rainfall as a<br />

miracle from the hand of God. With continued rains<br />

since then, newspapers have reported that while the<br />

drought has officially ended, millions of hungry people<br />

still need food aid.<br />

As Richard travels to Kenya in January,<br />

he will have strong church and government<br />

support behind him. During three<br />

nights of miracle healing services in Nairobi,<br />

he will preach the message of a saving,<br />

healing, delivering Jesus. In addition,<br />

a team of 20–25 doctors and nurses will<br />

accompany him and hold free medical<br />

clinics open to the public during daytime<br />

hours. Over a period of four days, they<br />

expect to treat nearly 7,000 people who<br />

have little or no access to regular medical<br />

care, many living in Nairobi’s huge,<br />

disease-infested slums.<br />

Many will benefit greatly from medications<br />

for parasites associated with unclean<br />

drinking water and substandard living<br />

conditions. Medications for HIV will also<br />

be available for those who need them.<br />

No ORM Crusade would be complete<br />

without the distribution of food and other<br />

practical items for those who are hurting<br />

through our humanitarian outreach.<br />

By the time of the Crusade, one and a<br />

half million nutritious meals will arrive<br />

in Nairobi as well as 8,000 pairs of shoes<br />

distributed to the most needy.<br />


Your support of our mission outreaches makes all the<br />

difference in the world! Please continue to help us by:<br />

1. Praying—Agree with us that our ministry teams<br />

will be kept safe and surrounded by the favor and<br />

guidance of God…that we will have the finances, supplies<br />

and personnel to accomplish all God wants us<br />

to do…and most importantly, that people would be<br />

saved, healed, and delivered as we minister.<br />

2. Giving—Your financial support equips us to take<br />

the power of God’s life-transforming Word into the<br />

darkness of people’s lives and set them free.<br />

Nairobi, a city of more than two million people, has been described as “one of the largest and fastest growing cities<br />

in Africa.” Yet more than 60 percent of its population lives in huge slums—without water, electricity, or sanitation.<br />

Thousands of children, orphaned from AIDS, roam the disease-infected streets, where animal and human waste run<br />

freely. Many are without work, healthcare, and the most basic of human amenities. In the midst of this hopelessness,<br />

we recently met two beautiful young women—Emma and Veronica.<br />

Emma lives in Nairobi’s largest<br />

slum. Widowed from a husband<br />

with HIV/AIDS, Emma was also<br />

diagnosed with HIV/AIDS seven<br />

years ago. Weak and sick, she<br />

washes clothes to earn only 50–75<br />

cents daily. It’s not enough to care<br />

for herself and her six children.<br />

Richard shares at a pastors' conference in Nairobi.<br />

Veronica, 8, was born with<br />

HIV. Orphaned and alone, she<br />

lives in the streets as an outcast…<br />

unable to conquer her undeserved<br />

shame and loneliness,<br />

badly in need of food, clean water,<br />

and someone to care for her<br />

worsening physical condition.<br />

These precious lives are representative of many others like them who need the hope you can help us provide<br />

through the <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>.<br />

There’s still time to help us take Jesus to the hurting people of Nairobi, Kenya, in January<br />

2010, and to have a part in the miracles that happen there. Visit us online at www.orm.cc/seed, or<br />

call us at 918-495-7777.<br />

Thank you for being obedient to God in whatever He tells you to do.<br />

10 11<br />

Oct/Nov / Dec 2009

God's Party<br />

Animals<br />

In October, I made a special visit to the Holy Land as the culmination of a<br />

Journey Into the Miraculous, a series of teachings I wrote to our partners about<br />

the blessings we have been given through our Lord Jesus Christ—healing,<br />

abundant provision, godly relationships, divine favor, and overcoming victory…<br />

Declaring Your Victory<br />

on the Mount of Olives<br />

A popular song several years ago claimed that “girls just want to have fun.” But thanks<br />

to five girls’ hard work in collecting money to help those less fortunate through Hunger<br />

Needs a Voice ® , many hungry children will now receive healthy, nutritious meals.<br />

In a letter to Jordan <strong>Roberts</strong> the girls wrote:<br />

Jordan <strong>Roberts</strong>' response:<br />

Dear Jordan:<br />

We are a group of five girls called “God’s Party Animals”…a street<br />

team going out in the summer winning other kids to Jesus. We had<br />

over 60 kids saved last summer and we are believing for many more<br />

this year.<br />

We also do fundraisers for missions. We chose Hunger Needs A Voice ®<br />

because of the children we read about in your magazine. Our leaders<br />

gave each of us a can of potato chips with a story printed on<br />

our cans. We were told to read the story and pray for the children.<br />

When the can was empty we were to start collecting quarters. We<br />

all emptied out our chips and began collecting money right away.<br />

We live in a small town in western Maryland, but we collected $301<br />

in quarters for Hunger Needs A Voice ® .<br />

We have enclosed our check. God bless you, Jordan, for the wonderful<br />

work you are doing for God. You are an inspiration to us girls.<br />

Love in Jesus,<br />

God’s Party Animals:<br />

Jordan, Kelsey, Michaela, Sarah, and Skylar<br />

When I read the letter<br />

from God’s Party<br />

Animals, I began to<br />

cry because it was<br />

such a sweet and<br />

generous gift.<br />

In the nations we visit, $301 can<br />

feed a lot of people, for which I’m<br />

thankful. But I’m also thrilled to<br />

see God working in the lives of<br />

children here in my own nation because<br />

of Hunger Needs a Voice ® and<br />

the <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>.<br />

Often, we think that we can’t make<br />

a difference. But these girls prove<br />

otherwise! They went out to collect<br />

quarters in potato chip cans, and as a<br />

result, people are going to be fed in<br />

our upcoming outreach in Kenya.<br />

Kelsey, Jordan, Michaela, Sarah, and<br />

Skylar—Thank you! You’ve done a<br />

wonderful thing! I pray you will be<br />

blessed in everything you set your<br />

hands to do, in Jesus’ name!<br />

Hunger Needs a Voice ® is a ministry<br />

outreach of <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>. To<br />

donate or to read stories of children who<br />

need our help, visit us online at<br />

www.hungerneedsavoice.com or call<br />

918-495-7777. On behalf of the children<br />

of the world, thank you for your support.<br />

Together, we are changing lives!<br />

As a result of our Journey Into the Miraculous, many<br />

partners have reported receiving miracles. Others have<br />

been encouraged to release their faith for God’s power<br />

to transform their lives.<br />

For the final part of the “journey,” I traveled to Jerusalem<br />

to air a live broadcast of The Place for Miracles directly<br />

from the Mount of Olives. The last place where<br />

Jesus’ feet touched the Earth before He ascended into<br />

heaven after His resurrection, the Mount of Olives is<br />

also the first place where Jesus will one day set his feet<br />

upon His triumphant Second Coming to this earth.<br />

On the Mount, I prayed for all our partners and<br />

“planted” their prayer requests in a special location, as<br />

a point of contact to believe God for miracles of victory<br />

in every area of their lives. I felt the power and<br />

presence of God during the live telecast, and I am<br />

rejoicing over the answers to prayer that partners have<br />

and are receiving as a result of this special journey.<br />

Let me encourage you that you can live in victory<br />

every day! Remember, God’s victory isn’t just a onetime<br />

event. It’s a lifelong experience. You are empowered<br />

through Christ to walk out victory day after day,<br />

situation after situation. That’s what the life of faith<br />

is…It’s choosing to look at every situation in your life<br />

through God’s eyes. It’s trusting in the blood of Jesus<br />

so strongly that you act on your faith by declaring the<br />

victory God has already won for you.<br />

I encourage you to take your stand today. Declare<br />

your victory in Christ, and believe God right now for<br />

the miracles you need. Don’t let anything keep you<br />

from standing in faith. And if you need someone to<br />

stand with you, call the Abundant Life Prayer Group<br />

at 918-495-7777. We want to stand with you as you<br />

declare your victory, in the name of Jesus Christ.<br />

A Partner Shares His Praise Report from<br />

the Journey Into the Miraculous<br />

My relationship with a business partner needed healing.<br />

When I received your partner letter regarding God’s plan to<br />

restore relationships, I responded with a prayer request and<br />

believed God for a change. Since I did that, there has been a<br />

restoration. Thank you for teaching on this subject!<br />

Keep an Eye Out for My Letters<br />

—Rob from Georgia<br />

Every month, I write letters to my partners…letters<br />

filled with encouraging teaching to help you<br />

experience the victory of God in every area of<br />

your life. So, keep an eye out for them, and let<br />

me know how they are building you up to believe<br />

for miracles!<br />

If you’d like to be added to my partner letters list,<br />

please call 918-495-7777. And you can always<br />

read my past letters online by visiting our website<br />

at www.orm.cc, clicking on Teaching, and selecting<br />

Partner Letters. We have the entire Journey<br />

Into the Miraculous teaching series online for you.<br />

Oct/Nov / Dec 2009<br />

12 13

Abundant Life Bookstore<br />

Christmas 2009<br />

Now Is the Time!<br />

2010 Calendar<br />

Overcoming Stress<br />

by Lindsay <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

This encouraging book by Lindsay <strong>Roberts</strong> is based on the truth of God’s<br />

Word. It can help build you up and make you an overcomer in the stresstests<br />

of life. Book English $8 LC1333 Book Spanish $8 LC8003<br />

Heaven Has a Floor<br />

by Evelyn <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

Born out of love for her own grandchildren who were orphaned by a plane<br />

crash, Evelyn wrote this Scripture-based book for those who wish to help a<br />

child—or anyone—who is struggling to accept the loss of a loved one and<br />

wants to know more about the reality of heaven. Book $7 LC1000<br />

Dear God, I Love to Eat, But I Sure Do Hate to Cook!<br />

Lindsay <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

Tired of the same old meals? Enjoy some of Lindsay’s favorite recipes.<br />

They’re quick, easy, healthy, and delicious. Your family will love them, and so<br />

will you! Book $10 LC1338<br />

This large, wall-sized calendar (11" X 17") features<br />

inspiring Scriptures, attractive photographs,<br />

reminders of God's goodness, and highlights of the<br />

ministry outreaches that our Partners help us<br />

accomplish. Calendar for seed-faith gift of $9 LC2404<br />

Makes aGreat<br />

Gift!<br />

Merry Christmas From <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>!<br />

The Complete New<br />

Testament on CD<br />

with personal commentary by <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

Are you hungry for more of God’s Word and a<br />

greater understanding of what it means? With this<br />

CD set, you can benefit from the wisdom of a life<br />

spent in God’s Word, as <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> reads and<br />

shares his own personal insights on every book of<br />

the New Testament.<br />

Included: The Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John<br />

(24 CDs); The Acts of the Apostles (8 CDs); The Epistles to the<br />

Church of Jesus Christ (2 volumes, 35 CDs); and The Revelation<br />

of Jesus Christ (7 CDs). 5-volume, 74-CD Set $125 LC1850<br />

A Timeless<br />

Treasure<br />

for your<br />

Family<br />

The Miracle of Seed-Faith<br />

by <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

In one of his most requested books, <strong>Oral</strong> shares the three miracle keys of<br />

Seed-Faith, a life-transforming biblical message that has touched the lives<br />

of millions. You, too, can make your life a continuous cycle of giving and<br />

receiving, planting and harvesting, and begin expecting miracles in your<br />

life. Book $7 LC105<br />

Seed-Faith in a Nutshell<br />

by Richard and Lindsay <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

This power-packed mini-book explains how you can make your giving a seed<br />

of your faith in obedience to God—and the scriptural benefits you can expect<br />

to receive when you do. Booklet $2 ENC61<br />

Anointing Oil<br />

James 5:14 kjv says, “Is any sick among you? Let him call for the elders of the<br />

church; and let them pray over him, anointing him with oil in the name of the<br />

Lord.” Richard <strong>Roberts</strong> personally prays over this oil, believing God for miracles<br />

for everyone who uses it. Let this vial of anointing oil be your point of contact to<br />

release your faith to God for the miracles you need in your life. Free LC403<br />

To order: Call 918-495-7777, or visit our online bookstore at www.orm.cc/<br />

bookstore for a complete listing of our products.<br />

To help us ensure your requested items arrive before Christmas * , please make sure we receive your order by December 11.<br />

*<br />

Applies to credit card orders only.

Have You<br />

Heard<br />

the Good<br />

News?<br />

B Y L I N D S A Y R O B E R T S<br />

Sometimes it seems like all the news<br />

around us is bad news. But have you<br />

heard the good news?<br />

Several years ago while I was standing in the checkout line of a<br />

large grocery store in Tulsa, a woman suddenly ran up to me with<br />

her arms flying everywhere. I could tell she was overjoyed about<br />

something, but I had no idea what it was. Suddenly, in a very loud,<br />

attention-attracting voice, she practically yelled in my face, “Oh,<br />

Lindsay! It really is you! I was just dying to meet you.”<br />

To be honest, I was rather taken aback at the entire split-second<br />

scene approaching the checkout line! But this lady was so cute and<br />

so sincere that I began to chuckle at her desire to meet me. I was<br />

very humbled by someone making a “scene” at the opportunity<br />

to speak with me. I certainly wouldn’t have been that excited to<br />

meet me, and I am me!<br />

However, in the midst of it, all of a sudden it was as if time<br />

and space melted away and all the noise and activities of the<br />

store we were in disappeared. As soon as the woman finished<br />

saying, “I was dying to meet you,” deep inside my<br />

soul I felt these words from the Lord reverberate inside<br />

of me: “No, I was dying to meet you at the very point of<br />

your needs. In fact, I did die to meet you at the exact place<br />

where you need salvation and healing the most.”<br />

I Started Thinking About What Jesus Did<br />

Out of that sobering experience, I went home and<br />

began to think of exactly what the Lord did for me.<br />

Mel Gibson’s movie, The Passion of the Christ, came<br />

out around that same time. But even after seeing such<br />

a graphic version of the crucifixion, I realized there is<br />

no way to even begin to know what Jesus did for us.<br />

As I thought about the crucifixion of my Lord and<br />

Savior, it had such a sobering effect on me—the<br />

stripes on His back, the walk down the Via Dolorosa<br />

(the Way of Suffering), the trip up to Golgotha where<br />

He would die on a cross…all done to the sinless,<br />

blameless Son of the Living God. Jesus suffered and<br />

died, taking our sins and our shame, in order to forever<br />

establish the cleansing of mankind so we can live<br />

an abundant life on earth (John 10:10) and an eternal<br />

life in heaven with our Lord and Savior.<br />

As much as the dear lady in the grocery store was<br />

sincere in desiring to meet me, thank goodness she<br />

wasn’t literally “dying” to meet me. It was only an<br />

expression of kindness. But thank God, Jesus did die<br />

on the Cross to meet me. He shed His blood for the<br />

cleansing of my sins. He took the 39 stripes on His<br />

back to purchase any healing I would ever need.<br />

In Luke 4:18 NKJV, Jesus said, “The Spirit of the Lord is<br />

upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel<br />

to the poor; He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, to<br />

proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the<br />

blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.”<br />

That’s good news! Whether you’re in a literal<br />

prison—as someone may be who’s reading this article—or<br />

whether the devil has been holding you<br />

captive through sickness and disease, through an addiction,<br />

through a troubled relationship, or through<br />

any other problem you may be facing, I believe Jesus<br />

came to set you free!<br />

My Son’s Heart Is Changing<br />

Tune in to Make Your Day Count, a refreshing<br />

half-hour of biblical encouragement, prayer,<br />

true stories from people whose lives have<br />

been transformed by God’s power, and much<br />

more. Visit www.orm.cc to watch Lindsay<br />

live via the Internet.<br />

You Can Meet Him Now<br />

If you would like to meet the One who loves you so<br />

much He willingly gave His life up so that He could<br />

meet you, just say this simple prayer right now.<br />

Lord, I want to know You. Thank You for dying for me on<br />

the Cross. I’m sorry for my sins, Lord, and I ask You to forgive<br />

me. From this day forward, I choose to love and follow<br />

You. I declare I’m born again. According to 2 Corinthians<br />

5:17, old things have passed away and all things have become<br />

new. Thank You for making me a new person in You.<br />

In Jesus’ name, Amen.<br />

Welcome to the family of God. I encourage you to<br />

tell others the good news of what Jesus has done for<br />

you...and can do for them too.<br />

My son was sent from one prison to another. He received Lindsay’s little booklet<br />

He Was Dying To Meet You* and kept reading it over and over. He has now been<br />

released from prison and is on parole. A softening has taken place in his heart,<br />

and he’s still reading the booklet over and over again.<br />

—W.B., Oklahoma<br />

*For your FREE copy of He Was Dying To Meet You, call 918-495-7777, or<br />

log on to www.orm.cc/bookstore. And remember, if you or a loved one<br />

needs salvation, you can call the Abundant Life Prayer Group any time, day<br />

or night, at 918-495-7777.<br />

16 17<br />


18<br />

Rejoice with us as we celebrate how God is blessing our ministry<br />

partners and friends!<br />

My Little Boy’s Brain Lesion Vanished!<br />

One night my eight-year-old son Michael became<br />

frighteningly ill. When I checked on him, he didn’t<br />

know who I was! He was confused and agitated. It<br />

took me twenty minutes to reorient him to who he<br />

was, where he was, and who I was.<br />

The following morning, I was about to go to work when<br />

something—I believe it was God—told me to check on<br />

Michael one more time. I went into his room and asked<br />

how he was feeling. He became confused again and<br />

started mumbling things that didn’t make sense.<br />

I took him right away to the pediatrician, who recommended<br />

a CT scan. When the results came back, I was<br />

shocked. The CT scan showed that my son had a five<br />

millimeter lesion on his brain! I was told that Michael<br />

needed to see a neurosurgeon right away for an examination<br />

and an MRI, with the possibility of surgery<br />

immediately afterward.<br />

I called my husband and the rest of the family. We<br />

prayed, and then we got Michael to the hospital where<br />

he could receive specialized care. As I got him settled<br />

in his room, the attending physician examined the CT<br />

scan and confirmed what the pediatrician and radiologist<br />

had seen.<br />

After Michael fell asleep, I attached a prayer cloth to<br />

him from your ministry. The room was dark, everyone<br />

was gone, and I felt very alone. I cried out to God<br />

and reminded Him of all the blessings He’s given me.<br />



By then, I was crying so hard that I couldn’t pray by<br />

myself anymore. I felt the Lord telling me to call the<br />

Abundant Life Prayer Group. When a prayer partner<br />

answered, I told her about my son’s need. She was so<br />

encouraging! We agreed together, I planted a seed of<br />

my faith, and I believed God for a miracle.<br />

The next morning, I realized that something had<br />

changed. Michael woke up, told me he felt fine, and<br />

wanted to go home. Then I heard a commotion outside<br />

our hospital room. The neurosurgeon came in,<br />

and he had unbelievable news.<br />

He told me he had just examined Michael’s CT scan.<br />

“I know what your pediatrician saw,” he said. “I know<br />

what the radiologist saw. I know what the attending<br />

physician saw last night when he checked you in. But<br />

when I looked at the CT scan, nothing was there. I’ve<br />

just consulted with several oncologists, radiologists, and<br />

other physicians. We can’t explain what has happened.”<br />

My husband said, “We can explain it.” We knew God<br />

had done a miracle! Since Michael felt fine and there<br />

was no longer a medical reason to do further tests, the<br />

doctors sent Michael home with a clean bill of health.<br />

He’s doing just fine now. Praise God!<br />

My family and I are so grateful for your ministry.<br />

Your prayer partners are so compassionate. They take<br />

time to listen to what you need before they pray with<br />

you. You have a wonderful ministry, and I believe that<br />

God uses you to answer people’s prayers.<br />

—Sandra from Florida<br />

All the Pain Is Gone!<br />

I recently attended a healing service that Richard <strong>Roberts</strong><br />

held in our area. At the time, I was experiencing<br />

pain in my side that made it hard to sleep at night. Richard<br />

laid hands on me and agreed in prayer with me for<br />

healing. Since then, all the pain is gone and I can sleep<br />

fine. Praise the Lord!<br />

Now We Have a Baby Boy<br />

—Janet from Pennsylvania<br />

My husband and I had been trying to have a child. One<br />

day, when we were watching The Place for Miracles, Richard<br />

<strong>Roberts</strong> gave a word of knowledge from God that He was<br />

healing someone’s reproductive organs. By faith, we believed<br />

that word was for us. Within a few days, I did conceive!<br />

Now we have a baby boy, Aaron, who is three weeks old.<br />

Glory to God!<br />

Our Money Arrived Just in Time<br />

—Emilia from Texas<br />

I called the Abundant Life Prayer Group to agree that a<br />

financial need I had would be met. Not long afterwards,<br />

a check unexpectedly came in the mail for the exact<br />

amount of money I needed. My wife and I were so thankful.<br />

We will definitely stick with this ministry, because it<br />

is good soil.<br />

I Was Hired for a New Job<br />

—Joseph from New York<br />

I lost my job on a Tuesday and called the Abundant Life<br />

Prayer Group that day to agree in prayer that I would find<br />

new employment. The very next day, I was hired for another<br />

job. Praise the Lord! I believe <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

is rich soil for planting seed!<br />

Swedish Partner's Life Transformed<br />

—Estella from Georgia<br />

Since I have been a partner of <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>,<br />

many good things have happened in my life. I’ve had answered<br />

prayers. I’ve received clarity about what the Bible<br />

says. I thank God for your ministry.<br />

—Magdalena from Sweden<br />

Help is just<br />

a phone<br />

call away.<br />

The Abundant Life Prayer<br />

Group is available to take your<br />

call 24 hours a day, 7 days a<br />

week. Call us today, and tell<br />

us what you’re facing. Let us<br />

agree with you for the miracle<br />

from God that you need!<br />

phone:<br />

918.495.7777<br />

website:<br />

www.orm.cc/prayer<br />

This is the place<br />

for miracles!<br />


This Christmas Season…<br />

It’s Time To Come Home<br />

than the beasts of the field and these pigs. He was a<br />

free moral agent. He could still choose. He could still<br />

dream and think of his father and home…where there<br />

was plenty and even the servants were well-cared for.<br />

Repentance and God’s goodness<br />

A C L A S S I C M E S S A G E B Y O R A L R O B E R T S<br />

And he [the prodigal son] arose, and came to his father. But when he was<br />

yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell<br />

on his neck, and kissed him (Luke 15:20 KJV).<br />

Many of the greatest surprises of life are in the spiritual<br />

realm, when man, in his finiteness and physical<br />

being, comes in contact with the infinite…with the<br />

spiritual…with the living realities of God.<br />

There are many surprises in this world, and I think<br />

the story of the Prodigal Son in Luke 15:11-32 gives<br />

us some of the great surprises of life that we should<br />

think a great deal about.<br />

To me, the story of the Prodigal Son is one of the most<br />

magnificent stories that Jesus ever told…for there’s<br />

some of the Prodigal Son in each and every one of<br />

us—as we, too, find surprises in this life just as he did.<br />

The Prodigal Son left his father’s home, went into the<br />

far country, and there met degradation, shame, and despair,<br />

and experienced several surprises in his life.<br />

The ease of sin<br />

First, I think the Prodigal Son was surprised at the<br />

ease with which he could leave his father’s house. He<br />

found he was not like the animals in his father’s fields.<br />

He had a choice. He was a free moral agent. The glory<br />

of a human being is that he can choose.<br />

Now, one day he came to his father and said, “Father,<br />

give me the portion of goods that falls to me. I want<br />

to do with it as I please” (v. 12). And his father simply<br />

gave it to him.<br />

He found that it was easy to ask of his father, to receive<br />

his portion of goods and go into a far country<br />

and live as he pleased. You would think the father<br />

would resist or reject his son’s request completely, but<br />

he didn’t, because the whole story of the Prodigal<br />

Son has a bigger meaning than the story itself tells,<br />

for it’s played upon a greater stage of action, where<br />

the father represents God, and the Prodigal Son represents<br />

humanity.<br />

The second surprise of the Prodigal Son was finding<br />

out how quickly and completely he wasted his<br />

substance.<br />

Romans 6:23 tells us the wages of sin is death. This<br />

doesn’t mean that when we sin, in that very moment<br />

God slaps us into hell. No. There is an inevitable<br />

turning of a person’s life away from the paths of life<br />

when he goes into sin. And the Prodigal Son was utterly<br />

surprised to wake up one morning and find that<br />

the life he was living had caused him to completely<br />

run through all his possessions.<br />

The Bible tells that he went to work for a pig farmer…<br />

and no man gave unto him (v. 16 kjv).<br />

Now in America, it’s an honorable profession to farm.<br />

But in that day, for a Jewish person to be reduced to<br />

the feeding of pigs was degradation and shame. He<br />

had “hit bottom” with no one to help him. His only<br />

hope to keep from starving was to feed pigs.<br />

I believe there is a place to which a human can sink<br />

when he turns his back on God where no man can<br />

reach him—a place out of which no mortal power can<br />

lift him, beyond human ability to rescue or rehabilitate.<br />

A person can become a drug addict or alcoholic.<br />

A person can become so infatuated with lust and immoral<br />

sex, until he finds himself in the grip of it and<br />

cannot extricate himself. At that point, no man can<br />

help him—only God.<br />

And the Bible says that it was in that miserable condition<br />

that the Prodigal came to himself. A little light<br />

came on…a door was opened inside…he began to<br />

think clearly.<br />

He remembered that in his youth, he had willfully<br />

walked away from his father’s house with his pockets<br />

loaded with money. But he knew he was different<br />

The Prodigal, standing in the middle of the pigpen,<br />

began to tremble. He said, “I’ve sinned. I will return to<br />

my father and I will say, ‘Father, I have sinned against<br />

heaven and before thee. I am no longer worthy to be<br />

called thy son. Make me as one of thy hired servants.’”<br />

Repentance is possibly the greatest gift God has ever<br />

given us. Down deep inside we realize that we’ve<br />

gone away from God, and the life we’ve been living is<br />

not right. And when we whisper His name, it is not in<br />

arrogance, but in the deepest humility.<br />

The Prodigal Son was, no doubt, surprised that he could<br />

repent and say “Father” again. But more than that, he<br />

was surprised at the welcome his father gave him, for he<br />

didn’t know what the reception would be. All he knew<br />

was that he wasn’t right, that he was unworthy, and that<br />

it was he who was responsible for the misery in his soul<br />

and the want that no man could supply.<br />

I started to pray for a man one day, but he stopped<br />

me. I said, “My brother, God is good.” And with a<br />

look on his face that I can’t describe, he said, “Don’t<br />

tell me God is good. You just look at me. This is<br />

what God did to me!”<br />

His body was horribly crooked and twisted. He actually<br />

believed God had done that to him. He was blaming<br />

God, and there was nothing God could do as long<br />

as he felt that way. Until mankind can think of God in<br />

terms of His goodness, we will never repent…we will<br />

never “come to ourselves” as the Prodigal did. It’s only<br />

when we start thinking in terms of God’s goodness<br />

and our own lack of goodness—our own need—that<br />

we become humble and contrite in spirit.<br />

Some years ago on Christmas Day, I was driving home<br />

to my family when I picked up a soldier along the road.<br />

While we were driving, I noticed that he kept putting<br />

his hand in his shirt pocket, holding it there a few<br />

moments, and then taking it out. He kept doing this.<br />

Finally I said, “Son, do you mind telling me what you<br />

have in your shirt pocket?”<br />

Proudly, he pulled out an honorable discharge from<br />

the United States Army and said, “I’ve been overseas<br />

for more than two years, and my parents don’t know<br />

“Repentance is possibly the<br />

greatest gift God has ever<br />

given us. Down deep inside<br />

we realize that we’ve gone<br />

away from God, and the life<br />

we’ve been living is not right.”<br />

that I’ve been discharged.” And then he said warmly,<br />

“I don’t know, but I just get a good feeling every time<br />

I put my hand in my pocket.”<br />

When we came to a certain rise in the road, he<br />

scooted up on the edge of the seat and pointed to a<br />

white house on the left, about a mile down the road.<br />

“That’s my home,” he said. And then as if talking to<br />

himself, he went on, “I bet Dad and Mother will be<br />

shocked to see me today.”<br />

As we got closer, I saw a big, raw-boned man carrying a<br />

feed bucket in each hand. The boy said, “That’s my dad.”<br />

You could tell the man hadn’t heard us approaching.<br />

When we got within about 50 or 75 yards of him and<br />

before I could stop the car, the boy opened the door,<br />

flung out his duffel bag, and away he ran. By the time<br />

his dad heard us, the boy had leaped over the fence—it<br />

looked to be six feet high—and I had stopped the car<br />

Oct/Nov / Dec 2009<br />

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“The world can’t understand why we rejoice as we do. But they<br />

haven’t had the homecoming that we’ve had!”<br />

and gotten out. In a flash his father dropped those feed<br />

buckets and I heard him yelling, “Welcome home,<br />

Son! Welcome home!” as the two of them grabbed<br />

each other and embraced.<br />

Oh, if we could just see what happens when a man or<br />

woman comes to God! When Jesus just reaches out<br />

and takes him in…when He blots out that old past and<br />

gives him a new course and washes him whiter than<br />

snow…when the glory of God bursts upon him and<br />

the light of God shines and the music of heaven begins<br />

to play and God comes into a man.<br />

The world can’t understand why we rejoice as we do.<br />

But they haven’t had the homecoming that we’ve had!<br />

The abundant life<br />

The Prodigal Son was surprised at the abundance of<br />

life bestowed upon him. The father said, “Bring forth<br />

a new robe and put it on him. Bring forth the ring and<br />

put it on his hand. Kill the fatted calf, and bring in<br />

our friends. Let’s have music and shouting and dancing”<br />

(vv. 22-23).<br />

The robe signified possession, the ring signified that<br />

he had found his rightful place again, the fatted calf<br />

signified abundant life. It coincides with Jesus’ statement<br />

in John 10:10 kjv: I am come that they might have<br />

life, and that they might have it more abundantly. The<br />

Prodigal was surprised at this abundance of life bestowed<br />

upon him.<br />

Isn’t God a good God? I don’t think we know how<br />

good God is. We don’t know how full God’s storehouse<br />

is. We don’t know the extent of His healing<br />

power, or the strength of His great healing hand. We<br />

don’t know the brightness of His glory. We don’t<br />

know the glory of His presence. We don’t know all<br />

there is in God, because we haven’t had the faith yet<br />

to know. We haven’t come close enough to Him. The<br />

closer we come, the more we see His beauty, and the<br />

greater is His power revealed to us.<br />

In 1947, God pulled open the curtain and let me see<br />

something that thousands of people had wanted to<br />

see—that God is a good God; that Christ came to give<br />

us life more abundantly; that God did not come with a<br />

life-shortening suggestion, but with a lifesaving power.<br />

He did not come to impoverish us, but to meet our<br />

needs. He didn’t come to afflict our bodies, but to heal<br />

us from our hair to our toenails. He didn’t come to<br />

drag us down, but He came to reach down His hand<br />

and pick us up. Hallelujah! Jesus Christ came to give<br />

us life, and to give it to us more abundantly!<br />

Living a new life<br />

In the greatest surprise of all, the Prodigal found<br />

that he could live a second time. The first life was<br />

not right; he had wasted it with riotous living. He<br />

had thrown it to the winds. And yet, when he repented<br />

and asked to be made just a hired servant, he<br />

found that his father’s love was boundless and without<br />

limit.<br />

I think the greatest thing in this world is to live a second<br />

time. In John 3:7 kjv, Ye must be born again. Why?<br />

Because the first life is not right. This physical life<br />

of ours which we receive from our mother’s womb<br />

is truly a gift from God, but mankind has exercised<br />

its capacity as a free moral agent and gone away from<br />

God. We’ve wasted many of our talents and gifts. But<br />

we can live a second time—we can be born again!<br />

It’s time to come home<br />

Isaiah 53:6 msg tells us that we’re all like sheep who’ve<br />

wandered off and gotten lost. We’ve all done our own thing,<br />

gone our own way. And God has piled all our sins, everything<br />

we’ve done wrong, on him [Jesus].<br />

If you’ve never “come to yourself” as the Prodigal Son<br />

did and, with a repentant heart, turned homeward to<br />

the heavenly Father who loves you and wants to give<br />

you all that He has, you can do that right now.<br />

This simple prayer, spoken from a humble heart, can<br />

open the door to a whole new life for you, and a wonderful<br />

relationship with the One who knows you best<br />

and loves you most.<br />

Let’s pray:<br />

Heavenly Father, I have turned from Your path to my own<br />

way. I’ve sinned, Lord, and I ask You to forgive me. I invite<br />

Jesus into my heart to be my personal Lord and Savior. Thank<br />

You for dying for me on the Cross, and for receiving me now<br />

and giving me a new life in You. In Jesus’ name. Amen.<br />

As you prayed that prayer, God opened all of heaven<br />

to you. And like the Prodigal Son of the Bible, I believe<br />

you are about to receive a royal welcome and an<br />

abundance of life far beyond anything you have even<br />

known before. Welcome home!<br />

Confident About Your Retirement Plan?<br />

Gift Annuity • Will Bequest • Revocable Living • Trust • Life Insurance Gift • Appreciated Property • Gifts of Stock • Life Income Plans<br />

Our Home <strong>Ministries</strong> Department would be happy to talk with you and make<br />

recommendations, including ways to provide for your retirement while supporting the<br />

outreaches of <strong>Oral</strong> <strong>Roberts</strong> <strong>Ministries</strong>.<br />

Bob Mills, Director of Home <strong>Ministries</strong><br />

918-591-2020 • home.ministries@orm.cc<br />

www.ormgift.org<br />


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right place at the right time that can help you enter into an atmosphere<br />

where nothing is impossible with God. You’ll see “living<br />

proof” of miracles from people who tell their own stories of supernatural<br />

intervention. Listen as Richard and Lindsay share God’s<br />

ALIVE Word, and then pray over the needs of those calling in!<br />

Get in the right place at the right time to receive the miracles you need!<br />

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