Path Rating Catalog 2013 - Western Electricity Coordinating Council

Path Rating Catalog 2013 - Western Electricity Coordinating Council Path Rating Catalog 2013 - Western Electricity Coordinating Council


50. Cholla - Pinnacle Peak Revised January 2013 PART VI Item 1-140

50. Cholla - Pinnacle Peak Revised January 2013 Accepted Rating Existing Rating Other Location: Eastern Arizona Definition: Sum of the flows on the following transmission lines (see Fig. 1): Line Metered End Cholla-Preacher Canyon 345 kV Cholla Cholla-Pinnacle Peak 345 kV Cholla Transfer Limit: Critical Disturbance that limits the transfer capability: When: East to West: 1200 MW West to East: Undefined Due to rebuilding a 1.2 mile section north of the Mogollon rim in 2010, there is no critical disturbance that limits the path to its existing WECC rating. However, flows above 1200 MW are restricted due to the completion of the Morgan-Pinnacle Peak 500 kV line in 2010. The 1200 MW rating was established in the early 1980’s by the Four Corners Technical Studies Task Force and verified by 2004 System Operating Limit (SOL) studies. The task force is comprised of members from the following companies: • Arizona Public Service Company • El Paso Electric Company • Public Service Company of New Mexico • Salt River Project • Southern California Edison Company • Tucson Electric Power Company System Conditions: Study Criteria: Remedial Actions Required: Formal Operating Procedure: Allocation: Interaction w/Other Transfer Paths: Flows on this transfer path have historically been east to west due to the large amount of generation located in northwestern New Mexico and Eastern Arizona. Same as the WECC Reliability Criteria and NERC Planning Standards for Transmission System Planning. None None The transfer rating is wholly owned by Arizona Public Service. None PART VI Item 1-141

50. Cholla - Pinnacle Peak<br />

Revised January <strong>2013</strong><br />

PART VI Item 1-140

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